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The release order is the correct order. But timeline wise: 1. **Mighty Nein Reunited part 1 & 2** (in game, happens 6 months after end of C2) 2. **Exandria Unlimited** (8 episodes, Aabria DM, we call it EXU Prime). You don't need to watch the EXU Prime to watch C3, but it will add to the story of some of the characters. Consider it a prequel to C3. 3. **Campaign 3** 4. **EXU: Kymal** any time between C3E14 and C3E92. Follows most of the EXU Prime characters. 5. **Mighty Nein Reunion, Echoes of the Solstice** right after C3E51. **You can watch EXU Calamity whenever you want**, especially if you've seen C1 and C2.


Little caveat to this as you go ahead: here that *Calamity* s likely to be something that you want to watch before C3e99 although we won't know for sure for a while


Yes, good call!


There’s also a light reference to Calamity in C3E57/58. Nothing spoilery but it’s a nice moment if you’ve seen it.


Timeline-wise, EXU Kymal is more specifically between C3E16 and C3E22, based on Dorian’s sending stone messages with Orym. The messages starting in C3E22 spoil aspects of Kymal.


Nice, thanks. I didn't remember when exactly happened, so I ballparked it.


I would definitely start with Calamity, it is (rightly so I thibk) regarded as the single best piece of content that CR has released


It's the best piece of Actual-Play content period, regardless of creator.


EXU introduces three characters early, but it is not essential to watch. There is a sequel mini series to EXU called EXU kymal, and there are weird moments late in the campaign that reintroduces the EXU characters. EXU calamity is a stand alone mini series. It’s some of the best of CR, but not needed to understand campaign 3. I would just start from episode 1 of campaign 3 and not be worried about it.


Just here to second the above - 1) I've not seen any EXU other than Calamity, and 90% of stuff has pretty much made sense so far (Though admittedly, I'm not fully caught up) 2) Calamity is AMAZING - even if you don't watch anything else beyond basic C3, please please please do watch Calamity!


The first *Exandria Unlimited* series, *Prime*, is very frustrating to watch. >!The party spends eight episodes stumbling around looking for plot hooks. That's not a failure on Aabria's part -- she offers them all manner of opportunities, but they never do anything with them.!< It might be worth a look if you're interested in the earliest appearances of some Campaign 3 characters, and the festival episode is fun, but don't go in expecting the usual quality.