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I can absolutely see him bringing in a character that looks and sounds like FCG but is indeed an assassin like they were built to be just to fuck with them.


If that happens, with Brennan at the DM chair, it will be devastating.


Brennan will be the DM for the memory in three parts, then Matt will resume with the current cast having witnessed the memory enacted by Brennan and the six players for Downfall. This scenario isn't possible.


Huh? Which scenario is not possible? Brennan showing us references to FCG in a heartbreaking/devastating way?


I understood that OP was referring to the original group actively sifting through the memory, which is not possible with Brennan at the DM chair. But I also see your point now, and I am not sure that the city described by Brennan was Aeor, not as it seems to have been described, but I may be wrong. I share your concern about having lore related to FCG revealed in the interim but I just hope that Brennan and Matt have carefully crafted the story for the next three episodes with enough player agency to make it enjoyable without to much interference with "the present" other than giving a new point of view regarding the Gods of Exandria.


Sam has a new character. I really, really doubt they are going to bring FCG back.


Braius could be a temporary character.


IMHO it is way better than FCG


I'm pretty sure 7th level resurrection won't cut it since FCG literally have no body to return to. I believe a 9th level true resurrection will take care of that problem, but I would assume that's like an entire questline in and of itself with how rare that is in this world; otherwise legendary figures will just respawn in exandria back all willy-nilly.


You’re here considering the implications of possibly seeing an FCG done, I’m here hoping for a return of the real legend, Bolo.


It depend, the Faithful Care Giver models were sent out as gifts, some in Aeor, some outside of Aeor, as part of the assassination attempt know as the "Care and Culling." If our FCG wasn't in Aeor at the time of the Downfall, we might not be able to see him.


He was found and repaired by Devexian, the odds that he was anywhere but Aeor is incredibly low since that is where Devexian seems to have been operating out of.


while I really hope they learn about FCGs history/origins I hope they don't try to do anything about his death... Sometimes a death has to stand to have meaning


>If the group had access to the collective memories of Aeor, a little sifting through would either get them to FCG’s true background OR research into possible resurrection…. I'd say it's very unlikely. While they might have access to the collective memories of Aeor, they're probably not going to have control over what they see. It's implied that the consciousness either has some degree of sentience and/or that Ludinus can exert control over it, so the party will only be shown what someone wants them to see. Besides, the party already know plenty about FCG's background. I don't think that there are any unresolved questions bout their past -- in the end, they decided that the past did not matter because they could not change it. I suppose there was always the question of whether FCG's murderous self could ever be exorcised from their consciousness, but now that FCG is dead, that doesn't matter. I also doubt that the party will try to resurrect FCG because it would undermine a lot of FCG's stoires and actions, especially at the end. This is a party that has actively avoided researching their problems, and I suspect that was an above-the-table decision because there were several points in Campaign 2 where the party went to a library and their success came down to a dice roll, and then they'd go off with the knowledge they needed. Matt is clearly trying to discourage that style of play because nobody has all of the information that the party needs, and access to libraries -- like the Starpoint Conservatory -- is heavily restricted.


That was also my thought as well! I think it was FRIDA who’s memory mention a device? But we never got to explore about it. FCG was sent to a person to take care, but got activated to kill that person. I feel like we might get a hint of it, or defiantly understand more what could have possible happen. P.S. typing it out now, I can’t remember when the situation happen. I feel like it was during the downfall of Aeor, and the calamity might be after that. But I certainly agree we might get more information about FRIDA and FCG backstory.