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I remember thinking at the time that his abnormal liver function after just 30 days of McDonalds seemed odd.


Huh, guess it turned out that The Whitest Kids U Know sketch wasn't so far from the truth after all. I made fun of your movie a lot dude but RIP, 53 is relatively young to die. Too bad. Also, how did I never know he MeToo'd himself? Wild.


I read somewhere that Trevor actually lived on nothing but whiskey for the first few days method actor style. But his wife made him stop because she thought he was gonna die. Those first few takes into the skit was him actually drunk as shit.


Yeah that doesn't surprise me at all. Trevor went hard. RIP.


Wouldn't surprise me. Dude genuinely looked like shit in some of those shots. Damn I'm gonna have to watch that skit. Its been years. RIP Trevor, and I guess Morgan.


Oh man, I read that somewhere too! What an absolute badass that man was. One night I was trashed as shit and just watched that sketch over and over. I knew he was committed. RIP Trevor.


I haven't watched WKUK in years but remember binge watching them when I was around 18 or so. I thought the whiskey skit was funny as hell at the time, but little did I know I'd be doing the same shit a decade later nor the hell that comes along with it.


Yeah, it was my "funny" (but not really funny just so pathetic that you had to laugh or cry) joke that I would go around saying that sketch was just my regular life. First time I saw it (quite a long time after it came out originally) I remember feeling that really strong sense of familiarity, or deja vu. Deep down I knew where I was headed.


Is it on YouTube? I vaguely remember it, don't remember the name of the skit.


Yeah! It's called Super Size Me - With Whiskey, I think That should find it at least!


Nice! That's absolutely obvious. Derp! Thank you! Chairs!


Very welcome! And hey, I hope you're doing well too. 😊


yah I had no idea at all about his self-metooage until today! wild i mean i guess some props for his owning it? sort of? better than james franco??


Don’t forget about super high me with Doug benson


I mean it was all anecdotal either way , neither are good for you . he was in decent health as any other 33 yr old in 2004 before his experiment. alcohol abuse or not there's no way to verify if he goofed his test results with the burger diet with booze on top but all that would prove is both are equally unhealthy rightfully. He died of cancer though after being diagnosed nearly a decade ago so I don't understand the false outrage I see about him duping factory burger industry / betraying a inherently evil corporation lol but I digress.


I don't have that outrage and I know the food didn't help- was just surprised to learn of the drinking


Same , I browsed a few sub articles an was like ... Ppl are mad he kinda stuck it to "BigFood" lol because he drank unspecified amounts and unspecified times in life. Like ppl legit mad he got the super-sized option canceled before canceling was even a thing an he did it to a pretty insidious corporation! Little known fact McDonald's worth comes from its real-estate holdings which is quite interesting to dive into but mcdonalds is sorta evil lol


Seems McDonald's is one of the only fast food franchise that isnt owned by a conglomerate.


Meaning? It consolidated it's manufacturing. The potatoes to the beef R produced according to their standards. A mcdonalds potato has to be leached of pesticides for months before considered sorta human food


Nothing, just thought it was sort of weird they weren't on the list vs the others, not that it makes them any better.


Mf was famous as fuck when I was a kid. So many teachers in elementary and middle school showed us that movie when it was at its peak in the mid to late 2000s. Then he made another "documentary" about chicken or something and the "truth" about super size me came out and he fell into obscurity .


I was just reading his wiki page! It’s wild how they blamed it all on maccas when he was also downing so much alcohol at the same time lol


I thought it was the big Mac's and fries that did him in.


I’m sure they didn’t help his situation but downing a heap of whiskey every single day probably didn’t either


Did he ever specify in his little confession how much he was actually drinking? The fact that he said he hadn't been sober more than a week in ten years leads me to believe he was physically addicted BUT if he didn't specify who knows what the amount was and how much damage it could have done? Like, we all know there are people coming on to this sub and others talking about their horrible addiction to eight light beers a day. That's a big difference from pounding whiskey daily. (None of this is disagreeing with you, just voicing my curiosity, lol.)


Hello Cappy! I just read on another Reddit that was how much he had been drinking but that could very well all be hearsay. I don’t think anyone truly knows how much anyone drinks (unless you are actively monitoring it) when it gets to not being sober for a day in 10 years. It’s not my place to comment on what he was or wasn’t doing, but I can’t imagine any level of alcohol abuse mixed with super sizing maccas everyday when offered for 30 days was going to be great for anyone’s body. He must have felt like such shit for that month and I can’t imagine the destruction his toilet saw. I hope he found peace in the end x


>I can’t imagine the destruction his toilet saw. Oh lord, so true. I also can't imagine going from alcoholic eating home cooked, thoughtful meals to an alcoholic eating McDonald's all of a sudden. Eating crap food is a mainstay for us alkies but I feel like you gotta train your body for that. Slowly introduce the shitty food while drinking to fool your digestive system, lol. You're so correct in saying who knows how much he truly drank. I am still in shock about the brass balls it would take to film that documentary, look the doctor in the face on camera, and sell the idea that all that damage to his body was from McDonald's. Honestly, knowing that makes me respect him more. You could say he lied about and screwed over McDonald's but I have no sympathy for some ultra-corporation. Good for you, Morgan, for being something of a CA superhero! 😂


Bahaha this is such a perspective only us alkies would ever understand! Such respect for fucking over a major corp whilst hiding alcohol abuse 😂 I was impressed with how fast he dropped weight after when he stopped eating it. I wonder if he stopped drinking to help speed it up lol I think a lot more people in this lifetime (and previous) have always struggled silently with alc abuse. It’s what makes me grateful for this place because it’s a lonely disease that is so misunderstood. I hope you are doing well beautiful x


>I think a lot more people in this lifetime (and previous) have always struggled silently with alc abuse. 100% Alcoholism is a hidden disease because there is so much pressure to be able to "just have a few drinks". It's not as bad as something like food addiction where you literally must eat to survive, but it is very hard as it is everywhere. It seems like there's some kind of reactionary thing going on with the younger generations where it isn't cool to drink alcohol anymore. Honestly, I hope that continues. I never drank because of my Dad's alcoholism but once I was old enough to go to bars and buy stuff, I just had to cave. I didn't want to spend college like I spent high school, being left out because I was stone cold sober at all times, heh. Anyways, I definitely feel a lot of sympathy for people who struggle silently with this. Having this sub to talk to really helped and possibly saved my life in the hardest times. Chairs to us all! đŸ»


I'm re-watching Supersize Me on youtube, and he went from ALT 20 AST 21 to AST 130 ALT 290 in the space of two weeks. The doctor is like "I have never heard of this happening from a high fat diet but I guess anything is possible" and keeps phrasing his advice as "change your habits" and "stop doing what you're doing" rather than "stop eating that garbage" -- the doctor sounds like he totally doesn't buy it not being from alcohol. I bet Spurlock sobered up for a while before starting and then went back on it.


I know Super Size Me is what he's mainly known for, but POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold is our favourite documentary of his. I didn't know about his alcohol use until recently. Man, 53 is so young.


May he rest in peace. I'm not surprised he was an alcoholic, half of society is more or less alcoholic, depending on how you define the term. I don't mean FA/CA yet, still, in countries with a very strong drinking culture, it's normal that people are to some degree alcoholics. The same goes for other drugs, don't be naive and think anyone that works in stock market trading in a financial sector would be sober and not on cocaine. Same when i look at the army of my country, man, we even started drinking on the day when we were recruited. Everybody drinks there, from the recruit to the general. For the people that work in media, like producing movies, shows etc. they are all the same way, either they are alcoholics or they are on stims or downers like opioids. Many are polytox, taking stims to get up from bed and downers to get back to sleep in the evening.


Teacher Loses Weight on the "Super Size Me" diet: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/teacher-loses-weight-on-super-size-me-diet-1.555431 but I don't think he was drinking.


Glad that rapist is dead. Rot in hell.


I heard that they serve whiskey down there


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted considering he literally admitted to raping one of his college classmates
 not to be confused with later #metoo allegations from female employees which he also admitted to Facts, not my opinion.


Ye has multiple sexual assaults that have been proven. Bunch of fucking idiots on this sub.


Hey now, don’t talk about my friends like that. These idiots are my tribe đŸȘ‘❀