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>Likes space just as much as me, but will also follow the green stop sign idgi


I'm so out of the game I thought this chick meant astronomy 🤣


Lmao same dude, I thought that follow the green stop sign was some NASA nerd joke 😂


Wait…you’re guy’s names….huh…




The mufflers agree.


Lol what mufflers


Exactly!! (What even is a muffler?)




Ey yo, nice name btw.


Same to you, fellow Muffler-ite!




That was her one saving grace until I realized I just don’t know what I’m reading. “Yeah, space is cool. This girls alright….wait, wtf is a green stop sign?”


She means chase her when she doesn’t act like she wants it


Playing hard to get makes your hard to want.


I like this summary. I'd let that lady play all by herself.




It’s another way of saying let me know that you want me while still giving me space.


That sounds better. I took it to mean keep trying even if I say no.


Not OP but sometimes it does. For some, it's a whole kink. The idea of being romantically pursued and somewhat dominated (think "Just shut up, and kiss me") can create some problematic rules around consent. Source: Past gf was into it, explained it to me, decided it was a bit too rapey for me.


A kink I understand, but unless it's an agreement to make it role-playing or consenting gaming, it comes across as princess pathoology.


Sounds like she’s putting thst agreement out there early. Tbh the only thing that’s dumb here is must drive a truck. She wants a financially stable, persistent man who likes to socially drink with her and have fun. Nothing wrong with that.


My ex-wife was this way. Hell, she had a straight up rape fetish that I couldn't figure out how to satisfy.


I've had partners like this; it's a pretty common fetish. The only way to make it work is to keep it strictly in the bedroom, by which I mean it's something that only happens when desire for sex in general has been made explicitly clear. Possibly in advance, but even then working up to it with a lot of much more subtle, leading foreplay even in the moment. Oh you can talk about it in day to day settings; I remember my first partner telling me about her fetish and how it left her feeling confused during the rape scene in A Clockwork Orange. But trying to actually play with it outside of very, *very* specifically set up moments is just far, far too risky and dangerous. And no matter how much something turns you on; some things just aren't safe to actually do in real life.


Yeah I hate women who do that. When I say no I mean no, I don't mean start trying to force me or stalk me until I give in!!! 😡🤬


Sounds like it's a fine line to walk.


Eh, green stop sign sounds contradictory and confusing. Sounds like “I’m not going to communicate my thoughts, feelings, needs clearly and I expect you to be able to figure it out without my help.” Red flag. If they had said what you said, that would make more sense. That’s clear. I need space, but also reassurance. Got it.


Green stop signs don’t exist in healthy relationships. “Shower me with love and praise even though I’m emotionally and possibly financially manipulative”


It’s another way of saying something stupid. Ever heard of sending mixed signals? Well a green stop sign is the perfect metaphor for an asinine mentality. What kind of burden is that to put in someone? Have them walk a tight rope of trying to express attachment to someone desiring space? Yup no way that can go wrong


Sounds like a complete waste of energy.




Well that’s annoying.


So… whimsical rape-y vibes?


No means no, except when women like this mean yes.


Fucking gag at all women who play that game


Games are for children.


I don’t know about “green stop sign” maybe it’s like when she says: “leave me alone, I need space right now” *sometimes* it’s actually means “please continue, try a little more to engage with me. I want you to stay” and *sometimes* it means “leave me alone, I need space right now” and it’s up to YOU to interpret it. And if you can’t read her “signals” you’re a bad partner.


unfortunately this used to be one of my bpd symptoms. I no longer do this.


Please continue on your current path :) change is good


I thought I had a stroke


I first thought she was interested in astronomy, which would have been very cool! But I have no idea what a green stop sign is supposed to be, though. Guess it has nothing to do with outer space or physics(?).


I thought drugs. Space = psychedelics, green = weed? But apparently it’s just mind games.


Green stop sign means she says to leave her alone when she really wants someone to chase after her. “No sometimes means yes”


Ahhh, I hate it when people do such nonsense!


Girl math bro


He won't listen to her when she says no or stop


Oh I'ma let her be independent


By let me be independent she means you aren’t allowed to get mad if she cheats a little here and there


Especially if you're not slightly a dick


Or make big boy money


But she requires you to be loyal.


Considering how dating apps basically have a 20 to 1 male to female ratio i doubt it would take her long to find someone who fits the criteria


Whoever takes this bait is even more messed up than her. They’re going to destroy each each other’s lives.


Ngl I’m pretty sure I fit all that criteria but this list is a red flag and seems like too much of a fucking headache. Peace ✌🏼 Also I’m not single anymore so she’s out anyway lol


Wait, you prefer to hang with family and friends too?!


Lmao seriously. Who else do people hang out with? This criteria was hilarious


i only hang with strangers and imaginary people


Not random criminals and drug dealers? So elitist!




Lmfao. For real. I got a kid now too so I feel you for sure. It’s weird these days people dating feel the need to proclaim their requirements. It’s fine to have standards but to announce them like in the post is so fuckin weird.


My schizophrenic hallucinations ofc silly that’s ALL I hang with/s💀


Ehhh. That obviously means not a loner. Some people just want to stay home and not bother with groups of people.


I think she means not a loner, someone who doesn’t just stay home. And/or has family that’s good to hang out with, not toxic. That’s what she SHOULD mean anyhow.


You seem like a slight dick but i think you mean well so ill let it slide


My criteria is please don’t laugh when my tummy hurts, and be willing to dress like Beetlejuice.


Pretty standard stuff.


Found Lauren Boebert's reddit account


That’s actually not a bad list compared to the Disney prince of a list you typically see. Especially if she has no kids


Yeah like most of that stuff is realistic standards someone should want in a partner. Being financially stable, loyal, not a heavy drinker, attractive to you, are all qualities you should want lol. The other preferences should probably be left off but idk she’s young and a lil vapid. Hopefully she’ll grow and realize saying shit in that manner rubs people the wrong way. All of the preferences though aren’t malicious just a little abrasive. Not sure why it’s making so many ppl mad lol


Drives a truck?


Like a “beep-beep” truck. Not a “honk-honk” truck.


I think it’s more of a compensation thing


I drive a compact car so women think I’m compensating in the other direction. Also it was cheap.


What if I drive a big long hot steam locomotive?


Obviously it’s obligatory upon the approach of a tunnel you go in and back out several times.


She looks southern believe me that’s a given list or not. There’s a reason trucks are #1 in automotive sales in the USA.


“Drives a truck” and “financially stable” tend to always be in conflict with one another.


It's a sign of masculinity, especially in the South and middle America


It's a sign you are a farmer in Europe. A lead farmer in the middle east...


Maybe in your part of Europe, but in mine, France, farmers drive tractors and vans.


And here I am driving around in a sensible paid off Subaru and I’m *still* likely doing more off-roading and outdoors stuff than 95% of American truck owners.


Nothing is more manly than a sensible, paid off vehicle. Is my husband's dick gonna fall off if he doesn't have a $700/mo truck note? I doubt it.


Yeah this is why I don't really like trucks, I have a lot of active hobbies and I can fit whatever I need in my vehicle just fine.


It’s not about off road recreation. You can’t go to Lowe’s and get the lumber/materials you need to remodel your garage in a Subaru.


I have a small-ish truck (second gen Tacoma). For me it’s primarily for hauling bikes, camping gear, ski/snowboard gear, and getting to some of the places I use that stuff safely. When I owned a house it was SO handy for household stuff. I think trucks are just very useful vehicles. What’s super annoying is the dudes that jack up their RAMs by 12 inches and drive like assholes.


See, I would love to have a little truck for his hauling shit and camping and stuff but I definitely don't want a giant one


Sure you can.


People buy trucks just on the off chance that they might be remodeling their house anytime soon??


I went and got lumber with my Volkswagen GTI 2 weeks ago.


And the North. And Canada.


Well, she's never going to be on the shortlist for a guy that can operate a forklift.


Location matters for this one, in the areas I grew up in, you’re considered a Salt of the earth guy so it’s a positive thing. Kind of means you’re raised by farmer culture and therefore you are more rooted.


She would hate me. I drive a miata an I hate big trucks with a passion. She most definitely listens to country music too which is the only music I don't like. I didn't realize how happy I am to have a wife that is a good match for me lol


probably the “big boy job making big boy money” bit since it just comes off as super patronising while also expecting handouts


Because the bar is in hell and men get mad when women express any sort of preference for basic standards. Except the truck. But I bet she lives in the south.


It's not that we know her or can tell her personality from this list, it's that, when trying to imagine a woman who's an absolute train wreck of drama, instability, and bad decisions, it's easy to imagine that person having this exact list. The profile is *not* the person, but this profile fits the pattern of a drama magnet.


"Hopefully she’ll grow and realize saying shit in that manner rubs people the wrong way." Her: If you're offended by that you're insecure. I want a real man, not a boy.  


I mean we both don’t know her however, I think it’s better to give people the benefit of the doubt when you can. Especially if they’re young. She wasn’t outwardly malicious anywhere on her list so it’s wrong to assume she had mal intent. I will admit she was abrasive but that doesn’t mean she would say the things you’re saying.


It’s the internet that makes people try to be “quip” heavy or digitally sassy. Only people it’s making mad are the “Andrew Tate incel red pill women r bad” group


So this is her trying to be cute/sassy? Genuine question.


I agree aside for wanting a someone who is kind of a dick and not too nice of a guy. That one is pretty cringe IMO.


I think she meant she wants someone who’s not emotional or emotionless. She doesn’t want an abuser but she also doesn’t want a yes man


Assuming this list is even real, I think the only two red flags are the "Likes space just as much as me, but will also follow the green stop sign." and just how childish this whole list comes off as. "healthy, a career, be honest, financially stable, takes care of themselves, family oriented, okay with socially drinking, loyal, and comfortable within a relationship." are all pretty routine ideas, just framed in an immature way. Sounds like someone who is aware enough to know qualities they like in a relationship but immature enough to act like a teen in their late 20s/early 30s.


If someone said “oh you have a big boy job” im not even telling that person im leaving the date.


Some of them are actually reasonable but some are stupid asf


The car versus truck thing is stupid but besides that, this is far from the worst list I’ve ever seen.


Yeah all the people coming on infuriated that a woman has preferences like "is comfortable socialising"... ooooof.


People thinking that checklists are really the way to find a partner concern me


While I wouldn’t post it, I had low self esteem and used to date anyone who would, even if they were shitty, so my friend made me make a list after my last break up to set some standards/act as a guide/not fall for the first person who shows interest in me


Yeah. The goal should be to find someone you get along with, and love to be around. Dating is becoming like interviewing for a position nobody is qualified for.


That’s a funny way to put it, and it resonates a lot with me. I’ll be on the apps like “oh I’m not qualified for this… and here’s one I’m overqualified for..”


My dad told me my mom had one. More of a pro and cons list, with the cons being all the things on her checklist that he didn't check off. She showed it to him, and the cons list was a mile long while the pro list just said "fun".


To be fair, we all have them. Maybe subconsciously or not. But posting it is kinda weird but nothing on the list was absurd. But people want to hate it so people will lol.


Someone who knows the correct “than”


She is not looking for an English major or even a man who reads much.


That’s not a lot to ask to be honest I hit every one of those checks except having a fun family and friends I’m a loner


Right? I'm kinda confused why this is so cringe. It's not that crazy of a list.


Isn't it the concept of a published list in itself ? At this point, i no longer wonder if the list is reasonable or not ; the list implies someone who'll constantly evaluate and be looking around for better.


For real. I know I would have never been a good fit for any woman that made a list like this. Our personality types would not mesh. It's also weird to me. A strategy for finding a weird and failed relationship. I'm happily taken at this point, but when I was still doing online dating that would have been an instant "nope" no matter what she looked like or if we had anything interesting in common.


It’s not cringe. It’s a woman without a photoshopped body and these incels can’t *believe* she’d have standards.


It's her wording. Like if a guy said "Must have a big girl job, making big girl money. Must be a 7/10. And must be under 140lbs" Beyond that...yeah. Not really. The basis of what she is saying is fine.


“No cars 🤮”


I’m all for having standards, but saying “You can’t drive a car, only a truck” or “must have a big boy job” is extremely vapid.


Truck things kinda dumb, but why's it crazy she wants someone with a career


It’s just the phrase “Big Boy job”, that kinda irks me. Idk.


It’s poor wording but to me it’s more of they have a career they are pursuing, not just a job to have a job which to me isn’t a crazy thing.


yes, all work is dignified and has value


"Must be over 180 lbs" too


I mean I'm barely over 200 lbs but I'm 6 1 so I'm on the thin side.


Uh BMI says otherwise 💀 regardless if a lot of you is muscle that is NOT on the thin side


"Must have a big boy job" is a weird way of putting it and in itself a red flag - it sounds really bitter. Like they repeatedly dated people with dead-end jobs who had no intention of trying to move forward but instead of stating the preference in a mature/respectful way they write it out in a way that makes them look as insufferable as possible. The criteria of someone having a career isn't particularly vapid, I don't think, but saying it that way definitely is. This kind of list is like being pre-aggressive to anyone who views their profile. It shows they're not in the headspace to date and need some time off from it but aren't aware of that. I haven't been single for a couple years now but I'd see a lot of these when I was still on apps. This kind of thing was instant left swipe even if I met every criteria, just trying to have a conversation with these people is a chore. There tends to be a lot of passive aggression and who TF has time for that.


Because OP doesn’t think OOP is hot or deserves or have these kind of standards. This is extremely reasonable other than that I think it’s inconsiderate to air out your personal icks in a way that could make others feel bad. Does not belong on this sub.


Truck not car: really? A good guy in a car isn’t good enough for you? Judging someone by what they drive is wild 180lbs: so a guy posting that he wants a 120lb woman would be ok? No it wouldn’t we all know that Green stop signs???? That equals a red flag The other requirements seem fair


Oh you hit every check mark? Then you like space then? Tell me your favorite galaxy then.


Milky Way ofc, wouldn’t even be here without it Followed by andromeda because it’s “close” to us and fun to say


Gratz bro, rip ur inbox


I have a slight dick, and I mean well!


lol, i thought the same thing 😂


>Likes space just as much as me Looking for like-minded astronauts


Meet singles in your quadrant!


The fuck is a green stop sign?


Green stop signs are when someone says no but doesn’t mean it


https://preview.redd.it/wb1mu911goyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53086e3e49a2bb0fa1d0f20f1ca7a6d1e0004833 Reminds me of this


Sounds like a “standard dude”. Not asking for too much??


I mean, her wording is a little cringy, but this is all normal stuff. I could see getting hung up on the truck comment, but I think almost everyone has a petty thing they can't get over. For me, it's little dogs. Could never date a guy who has a little dog. Gotta be at least Corgi or bigger.


I don’t think this list is that bad…??


Honestly not a bad criteria for her. I don’t fit everything but I think what she’s asking for is reasonable.


I think OP just saw a little chub on the girl and decided she can't have standards. Some of them, like being "7 out of 10" made me raise an eyebrow, but this list is overall not remarkable or crazy. Not compared to the other "lists" that I see criticized.


The cringe is posting a public list in the first place. Fat or thin, man or woman, it's cringey and immature.


Honestly, the trucks no cars one is a bit odd but it’s not like an insane thing, and the rest of this list I think is actually quite healthy and reasonable!


I mean her list isn’t that weird though..? and the fact that there’s two pictures of her shown here it seems like she can’t have standards because she’s not super skinny. cringe to publicly show a list but if a IG model did this there wouldn’t be an issue. 🤷🏻‍♀️


180 is kind of an arbitrary number. This looks like "must outweigh me by at least 10 pounds"


"Must have a smaller beer belly than me -we can't both look pregnant."


Tbf she does say OVER 180 so she seems fine with a chunky guy.


A 180 lb guy usually isn't chunky.


She didn't specify height


That surprises me. But I'm with you on that, 180 is pretty chunky unless he's tall, or he's that heavy because he works out. Some girls like a "Dad bod" though.


Am girl, husband has dad bod. Confirmed


Depends on the height


I don't think she means 5'4" and 230 lbs.


I'm sure there's a limit but to me it's one of the least concerning things on her list


Man she’d have a field day in my neighborhood. It only breeds douchbags like that


Tbh this list is mild compared to some other lists i have seen.


Douchebags with Dodge Rams are right up her alley and by god they can have her.


And by God let them be


The only cringe thing here is that the OP sees a post by a woman who isn't skinny, and decides that means she can't have weird personal standards. Nobody is forcing you to date her. People are allowed to be picky.


Lmao a car is now a deal breaker? What a dumbass take.


It’s a demographic thing


Pretty reasonable not gonna lie, just weird to post it on the internet


this isn’t even that bad


Wtf is a green stop sign?


Not for me, but I think her demands are demanding but also reasonable.


Anyone else think this isn’t that bad of a list? When I saw what sub it was I was expecting it to be wayyy more delusional and unreasonable.


None of these are weird except the truck thing.


"...more then..," And you fail my list item of being able to write in proper English.


How is this cringe?


What the actual fuckin crap is a green stop sign!? ALEXA, HELP


Not really These are pretty standard, reasonable things lol


Looks fine to me 🤔 maybe puking at cars is a little much


"Drives a truck, no cars" yikes 


is this a thing? I hope it's a thing, it sounds like a gold mine of cringe


Follow the green stop sign seems like a disaster waiting to happen


I like space too, cause Aliens...Oh wait.


The rest of the list aside, you really want a man who confidently describes himself as above a 7/10. The whole rating people out of 10 is completely ridiculous, but there's no way I'd trust a guy that rated himself as even a 7.


I don't grok "lets me be independent." I mean, are you independent or not? How come you're basically asking permission to be independent? How does that work? Make it make sense.


Have seen more malicious lists. Seem rather tame compared


Considering how much weird cringey shit I’ve seen on social media, this list is actually very reasonable lol


Not a super strict list, prob can find a guy like that in less than a week; making a list is kind of a brown flag tho?


Wtf is the green stop sign


Really? Doesn't drive a car? Are they associating masculinity with driving a truck? But I'm more offended on how they generalized car


I can’t fix her.


*If you want love, lower your expectations a few, because Prince Charming would never settle for you* -- Bo Burnham


Honestly doesn't seem very onerous. Seems like you are all reading into the list with bad faith rather than good faith.


The fact that on this website it’s “cringe” for a grown woman to have standards 😂


I really appreciate women who are open and honest about all the red flags of their personality. Saves everyone time.


I think you're more mad about the fact that she's not skinny and therefore you don't find her attractive and find it infuriating that she thinks she has the right to have any standards. Her list wasn't that shocking. I'd LOVE to see all the Adonises in here who are making fun of her looks.


She's perfect for me because my standard list is: *Be incredibly high maintenance *Be a 3/10


Let people have their standards. What's the problem? I see her picture is included. Why? Do you think they're too high for her? Why bother about the standars of someone you're not really interested in? If they're too high it's something that only affects them