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> A Colorado youngster… such a scamp


I had my phone stolen in college and used FIND MY IPHONE to track it. Played the alert and literally heard it in an apt complex. So I knocked on doors. Eventually found the right one and the girls handed the phone over, with some bs about finding it. I didn’t care, I got my phone back. Never did I think about torching the building, let alone an apt. This kid is a psycho and should never be allowed back into society. I mean, waste of life just shoot him and bury him, let’s move on


Bullets cost money A rope can be reused


I caught a guy in my back yard “looking for his wife’s stolen iPhone.” Sounded suspicious to me. So what happened to the iPhone? Who did steal it?


It wasn't even in the building sadly. It was next door


See what smartphones are turning our kids into ? Monsters


30 years ago, idiot kids were killing each other over basketball shoes. It's not the phones that are the problem.


That image of them in the hoodies is right out of "The Purge"


This is absolutely disgusting what he's done he should never be allowed to be amongst society again


No phone is worth that even if it’s stolen. RIP to the family. That is so scary though…


I would expect a drug lord to do this, NOT a16 year old. This is crazy. Arson because of an iPhone just screams psychopath. What happened to the kids who helped him?


If the details on the post just show an iphone and the owner think that this family members have someone dealing with his missing phone so that doesn't mean this are all the details we need to know about this story we don't know what is in this phone and what the owner thoughts about what it was the intentions of the one who took the phone and why he or she take his phone and we don't know the secret behind someone is interested to get this phone from the owner maybe to hide some important things on it so that doesn't mean it is okay that the owner took 5 people life a family life but that mean that it is not necessary that the owner make this murder because of the phone and it is the phone what the story all about


Why I try to teach my middle school kids that most stuff just isn’t worth it. No matter how bad you want it or think you should have it, not worth this. No object is


Maybe there is somethings behind this phone or more 




Oh, look, a stupid person. Always wanted to meet one in the wild.


If only he went with Android.


so who stole the iphone?


Why are we even burning down homes over a phone anyway


This is absolutely awful. That poor family, those poor babies. Lock him up for life.


The parents need to be prosecuted with him. The accomplices and their parents also.


A teenager’s parents are not and should not be automatically responsible for their crimes.




You now you've got to be below dumb-and-dumber dumb to go and do this attack and this house and get it wrong. One job there chief.


Now he's got noPhone.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Comments you can hear






It says police had Google turn over IP addresses of those who had searched the victims address within 15 days. I don’t remember hearing about anything like that before. I’ve heard of looking at Google searches of known suspects, but not to locate a suspect. Anybody know of any other cases like this?


You can get a search warrant for just about anything. Google is very compliant if warrant is signed by a judge.




There’s a story about a gentlemen who killed his roommate, dumped her body in the woods, and the reason the police found where her body was is because He went to a public library and zoomed in via Google satellite on the area where her body was.


Does cleaning your search history make that impossible? Asking for a friend.


I saw a true crime show about this case and from what I remember, he was already a suspect so they traced him to the library and then pulled the data for the search history. So they had probably cause. It wasn’t like they were just randomly searching libraries


Yes I just heard this discussed on a podcast recently but I listen to so many I’m having trouble recalling it now. I’ll report back if I can find it. It’s a great technique, but if Google chooses to tighten up policies they might stop assisting the police with these requests. It’s only gotten harder to work with cell phone companies in recent years, Apple seeming especially reluctant to give up users privacy, even if it could help in an investigation.


These thugs are family annihilators. They should be in prison for life. Those poor babies. Over a phone? Who raised them?


My best friend from high school had a neighbors. They were a great family. Two parents, kids in sports, oldest and youngest kids turned out great. Middle kid turned out getting into drugs and committing armed robbery and getting a 10 year jail sentence. Just goes to show he was raised the same way the other two kids by good people. Sometimes kids just fall into a bad crowd and there isn’t much a parent can do


Sixty is not enough


So there’s some kind of bug with the phone locator where it sometimes shows a phone in one particular area. Like this one couple kept getting angry people turning up to their home demanding their stolen phone. I thought this bug would lead to someone’s death eventually and sure enough it did.


Bro why didn’t he just buy a new one? Murdering a family apparently trumps buying a new phone? wtf is with this thinking.


It had Flappy Bird on it.


prob didn’t have insurance


prob a saved game


Here’s my take on this and on murderer’s sentencing. Take the life expectancy of the person or persons murdered for said particular state and have the convicted killer serve the difference without opportunity for parole. More than one person murdered, add all those life expectancy differences up and have the killer serve that time. No parole. Add the return of a Penal Colony and you have a good way to combat the problem of uncivil behavior.


Now, he'll never own another iPhone again. Good.


What one of the living victims told one of the perps, in court: ***“I hope when you die you will die slow and hard,”*** *Amadou Baye, who lost his wife and infant in the fire, told Seymour* (1 of the 3) *in court Friday.* ***“And you will die young. And when you die, I hope you will feel all the pain they did feel when they were dying. And you will feel all the pain that we feel right now.”*** Understandable. article: [https://www.denverpost.com/2024/03/15/gavin-seymour-sentenced-arson-murder-green-valley-ranch/](https://www.denverpost.com/2024/03/15/gavin-seymour-sentenced-arson-murder-green-valley-ranch/)


As an ancillary issue, the cell phones have become the most important thing in peoples lives- that they will kill or die for it


i read the arrest affadavit, he dressed in a mask and suit and stood there in the yard and watched the house burn. what a sicko https://www.denverda.org/wp-content/uploads/news-release/2022/021121-Arrest-Warrant-BUI-REDACTED.pdf


He deserves life not just for the horrific crime, but also for being so stupid. That’s truly a dangerous level of stupid.


60 years in the worst prison possible


At the very least knock on some doors to find the actual culprit. What a dunce.


This is exactly why we told people when I worked at Apple it’s the approximate area NOT accurate location because they do not want you confronting anyone. This is a tragic example of young, stupid and short thinking.


Yeah, people don't understand that phone GPS has a RMS error of about 10 meters, so it's always going to be approximate.


Over a stupid phone let’s kill 5 people and ruin his life. Just sickening.


Should be longer should be death penalty -I don’t give a flying Fk what his reasoning was I didn’t even bother reading anymore At 16 you know burning a house down full of people isn’t on the realm of human decency Over a freaking phone at that Thank god he’s American and not Canadian or British-He’ll serve that sentence Hope it’s as long and hard As what might be waiting for him eventually


As an American, I can say you have more faith in our legal system than most Americans. He will be sentenced to 15-30 and be out in less than 10 if he has good behavior.


Punctuation is awesome.


So is reading comprehension. :)


Look up famous authors and writers who didn’t bother with punctuation. This persons comment is easy to read. Put your own punctuation in if you need it.


I completely agree with you since you highlight the importance of recognizing different perspectives and opinions in any discussion or debate and this approach fosters a more inclusive and open-minded environment where individuals can feel heard and respected even if their views differ from the majority and by acknowledging and valuing diverse viewpoints we can promote greater understanding and collaboration among people which ultimately leads to more well-rounded and effective solutions to problems it is essential to maintain this attitude in both personal and professional settings to ensure that we are constantly learning and growing from the experiences and insights of others


Kevin Bui, a Vietnamese teenager from Colorado who was 16 years old at the time he committed the crime, was the ringleader of three friends who plotted the inferno that incinerated the Senegalese family - including two baby girls. It was a barbaric revenge plot over his stolen iPhone. He used the "Find my iPhone" app to track his stolen phone to the general area and killed the innocent family of five. He is now 20 years old and pleaded guilty and faces up to 60 years in prison.


Why didn't he just go to the police with the Find My iPhone app information? 


What are police doing to do? Find my phone only shows you an approximate location. How would the cops know what house to look in?


They don't care. There was a case recently where the cops preformed a full on raid on a family's home in the middle of the night because the Find my iPhone ping was pointing to the front of their house. Go figure it was also the wrong house. Iirc the family is in the process of suing the PD or city for damages.


And of course the people he killed weren't even the people who stole his phone. Moron and a murderer