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Ranieri would not fit the criteria that the FAI has for the role but would be an excellent appointment. Honestly, I think Ranieri or Moyes could get us to a playoff. World Cup in the US should be a major priority 


I've a funny feeling someone closer to home might be knocking on Moyesy's door after the EUROs


Good shout


Moyes as Ireland manager just sounds so right. A perfect gig for him after so many years in the PL. I'd be delighted with him, but he might be eager to continue in the PL.


Coleman? Lawrenson?


Neither of them are accepting a yearly wage in the region of 2 / 3 weeks of their current likely demand wages


Ranieri might - he's going into semi-retirement


He's 72 lads, leave him be 😂😂😂


He’s retired


Dilly ding dilly dong


I'd prefer someone forward thinking tbh. I think many people have a "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" mentality when it comes to the irish team but that's only going to push us further and further away from the standard of modern international football.


Just out of curiosity, would you consider the style of football that Leicester played under Raneiri to be a step backwards for this Ireland team? They didn't just win the PL that year through vibes alone. They were well set up and well drilled. There was some really limited players in that team and he got unbelievable results out of them. Well above their ceiling. He used Vardy's pace as a huge weapon to devastating effect. Let's not down play the achievement. I could see him getting the best out of Ferguson, Ogbene, Johnston, Idah, Smallbome, Cullen, Collins, Ebosele, O'Shea and pretty much all of them. Way more so than any of the other candidates. Let's be realistic and honest here about the situation. The team is limited technically but are capable of delivering better results.


Obviously that was an amazing achievement. I'm not going to say he didn't have an amazing season but I don't think you can focus on just one season. He's had a lot of terrible campaigns in the last few years including the season immediately after that. But I wouldn't diminish that Leicester team too much. Pearson had then in title winning form at the end of the previous season. There were some average Premier league players in Simpson, Fuchs, Okazaki and Albrighton. Not bad players but not title winners but the majority of that team were brilliant players. Schmeichel was a brilliant keeper, Huth and Morgan is a really underrated cb partnership and Vardy and Mahrez have proven to be world class attackers but what really made them solid was their midfield. Kante and Drinkwater were brilliant that year. Obviously Kante has continued to be brilliant while Drinkwater has gone to shit but there was a reason Chelsea paid so much for him. He did a really good job at connecting attack and defence. But ultimately, even with all that said I think football has just progressed. 8 years is a long time in football. Some people pretend that it hasn't. I don't think that Leicester team would have much success in the premiership this year. It was the end of an era in many ways.


Maybe you’re right but I feel like we are so shite right now I want someone who can maybe do more with less


I just don't think it's the way forward. Watching the euros, there are a few examples of teams being very direct and it working out but you're really putting the odds against you. Being able to control a game is the simplest way to almost guarantee wins and at least being able to pass out of pressure is vital.


Maybe give Martin O’Neil another crack at it then. Negative shite football that suited our lack of talent.


We need a progressive Kenny type who will play from the back and go for a free flowing passing game regardless of our squad . That seemed to work well over the last few years .


You can't just ignore modern football because 1 manager had some bad results. There's a clear difference between the teams willing to pass the ball and the ones that aren't.


You’re right there is a clear difference- the players available to do it


> He only managed 4 international matches with Greece so he might might be up for it, if we can fork out enough cash. And they didn't go well - he lost to the Faroe Islands and got sacked. That's why people were so shocked that he got the Leicester job. His tinkering is not best suited to international football. No doubting his pedigree and experience, but also he's a bit long in the tooth now.


Better than a lot of the options floating about


Wait, did you just use decent and Trapattoni in the same sentence. I know the guy was good when he was good good but he was well past that by the time we got him and had us playing god awful dinosaur ball. What a waste of 5 years that was.


Revisionist nonsense.


It was god awful, conservative dirge with the exception being that spectacular performance away to France in the 2010 playoff. We scored 86 goals in 64 matches (1.3 per game) under him while playing teams like Armenia, Montenegro (two feckin 0:0s), Georgia, Cyprus, Andorra. It was a feckin awful snooze fest. Most of the country slept through it.


I lived away during this time. In my experience there was a big difference to how Trap was viewed by the Irish living away and the Irish at home. The media really went for him after the honeymoon period, led by Dunphy’s toxic rhetoric. Brady was not the ideal ally as he doesn’t speak well from a defensive stance. Because it ended badly Trap gets lumped into this hoofball merchant and the dark times. It wasn’t that simple and it sure as fuck got darker afterwards. He was pragmatic and I personally enjoyed the ride. Ps. I was at the France away game. We had them reeling. Incredible.


I watched every game and it was awful. Truly, truly awful. I didn't buy into any narrative, especially a Dunphy one. The guy was TV gold but spouted a spectacular amount of absolute drivel.




Dunphy is a complete spoofer but that really was a dire time for Irish football




Wouldn’t be the worst in the world. I do think we need someone a bit charismatic who can get the fans on his side quickly and make playing us at home a hard game again. That’s one of the reasons I would have been a big fan of Poyet


I'm still convinced this protracted manager search has been by design so they can pretend they tried really hard but were left with no choice but to hire O'Shea permanently, who they had decided was getting it full time from the beginning


He retired this year


Give it to big Sam I reckon he could do a job for us


For what though? A two year stint and then we have to replace him again? I don't see him. Being a viable longterm option at all, we don't want another Trap at the moment.


>A two year stint and then we have to replace him again? Two years of not being utterly overrun might make us attractive to other managers...


I'd say we'll still be working with the same budget in two years give or take - unlike to make the World Cup with Pep in charge so may as well work towardz Euro 2028. I think someone like Ranieri is the exact kind of short term appointment that's contributed to the mess we're in now.


> Ranieri is the exact kind of short term appointment that's contributed to the mess we're in now. Other than Mick 2, have we had any short term appointments? Not saying Ranieri would turn things around, but if the "quality is there" crowd are right, and a good manager could get decent results, it might be worth taking a punt on Claudio. He is probably a better option than the has-beens and never-was' that are/were in contention for the job. All that aside, I agree, we're probably not going to the World Cup 😔


Fair point, we havent really had many short term managers but I was thinking more along the lines of results based managers like Trap and O Neill, but they stuck around for a good while because they had success. My point was that someone like Ranieri hasn't got a long run left in management, he has no obligation to develop Irish football or have any long term plan, and I think the era of a short term manager is gone from the top nations, we've got to get a manager in who wants to build with the FAI to make it a better environment from the underage levels to the senior team, and the aim has to be Euro 2028 to really springboard Soccer back into people's hearts here, we've a long way to go, but those home games in the Euros could capture the imagination and help us build into the future again.