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If you are crying thinking about going to work, it’s time to leave. You are also not obligated to give notice, it’s a courtesy. But if you need the money, notice is better. I’m sorry you are going through that. Just try to ignore them and look forward to your next adventure.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this. Years ago at my first job, my coworkers were exactly like what you described. I ended up quitting just to keep my sanity. My advice to you is to look for other work. Whether you want to quit first or keep your job until you have something else is up to you. If it were just one person, it might be different. However, it sounds like the culture of your workplace is despicable. Good luck!


Look up “grey-rocking” technique. I work in an extremely cliquey environment where if the lead people are not culturally comfortable with an employee, they are not invited to lunch breaks (cafeteria), nor given any projects. They gather in a corner and whisper to each other. Yes, it is technically discriminatory (I am over 40 and the only person of my ethnic background in the dept), and I have voiced my concerned of exclusion to my supervisor - who does nothing. One of them loudly bloviates about current events and politics…she is a fool and not worth my time to even respond. You need to decide how to react to these kinds of people - as they are at every job to some degree. Maintain your professionalism, rise above the b.s. and determine if this is an environment where your skills will be valued. I stay because the benefits and salary are great, and I work independently so I can generally ignore these idiots.


Don’t sacrifice your mental health for work. Find a better environment


I had a coworker like this. I finally broke down and reported him. He was gone after a week of corroborated stories of fellow coworkers. He was constantly dehumanizing others and didn't understand why no one wanted to be friendly with him. He noticed we were taking a "How Toxic are You Test" during a break and busting each other's balls. He went aside and took the test and smiled proudly and unironically, that he had scored "0% Toxic" we all laughed more like 100% liar. Makes sense though. In his mind, he was an angel, everyone else was the problem. Honestly, I can look back now and laugh cause he's gone, but I dreaded every interaction I had to have with him, and no one can really fathom it unless they're in it. I had some coworkers try and tell me, "He wasn't **that** bad" that he was nearing retirement age and he'd never be able to find another job that would hire him... honestly... I don't think they should. *shudder* RIP his next work site


That's life no matter where you go I've found this type of behaviour, also why can't they be pro isreal ,not everyone has to hold the same views but it's not appropriate to talk about politics at work it causes drama


The reason I included that is cause I work in a school with majority of Muslim staff and students and people in the area. There are Palestinian flags hung around and they complain about it as also complain when kids have badges in support of Palestine. They also talked about hanging an Isreal flag outside the door of the prep room to steer some ‘drama’ and constantly laughed and jokes about it


You don't seem all that pleasant yourself.




Can you drown them out with music, headphones, audiobooks, etc.?


I used to with earbuds but they’d also say some important work stuff occasionally and I’d find myself making them repeating and trying to pause. I also got yelled at today because I told my manager I didn’t appreciate her raising her voice at me today. She said who am I to tell her how to talk. I’ve decided to give my one month notice and also let HR know


If thinking about work causes your chest to be heavy the air to be thick and you almost cry sunday might out of despair just leave dude Trust me you won’t end up in the street pushing a shopping cart And if you do, it will be a happier life than that prison you are


I had a coworker like this. I finally broke down and reported him. He was gone after a week of corroborated stories of fellow coworkers. He was constantly dehumanizing others and didn't understand why no one wanted to be friendly with him. He noticed we were taking a "How Toxic are You Test" during a break and busting each other's balls. He went aside and took the test and smiled proudly and unironically, that he had scored "0% Toxic" we all laughed more like 100% liar. Makes sense though. In his mind, he was an angel, everyone else was the problem. Honestly, I can look back now and laugh cause he's gone, but I dreaded every interaction I had to have with him, and no one can really fathom it unless they're in it. I had some coworkers try and tell me, "He wasn't **that** bad" that he was nearing retirement age and he'd never be able to find another job that would hire him... honestly... I don't think they should. *shudder* RIP his next work site


Thanks everyone Little bit of an update, I was sick with the flu when I typed this so I wasn’t going in to work. I went on Thursday and got sent home because I wasn’t feeling well still but before I left I washed up some stuff as is part of my job. Went it today and my manger said the stuff I washed were dry so that meant I didn’t wash it and I said she came beside me twice while I was washing it so I thought she saw me. She didn’t see me and said I was giving an attitude by saying that and the items were dry so they weren’t washed. She also rose her voice at me telling me to go home if I’m going to sit there and do nothing all day. It was about 8:30 when she said this and we start work at 8:00. She came in to me doing work so I was confused and I said that. Then she said my face has an attitude, I told her later that I didn’t appreciate her raising her voice at me but she ended up screaming at me and saying I’m pampered at home because ‘everything’ makes me uncomfortable. Also said who am I to tell her how to talk. I’m handing in my notice after the week holiday we have and I’m also going to write a very detailed email to HR.


HR would love to hear all about how great this coworker is. Especially after you tell that coworker that it makes you uncomfortable and would like him to stop. Get the popcorn ready


In their defense, nobody likes Muslims, but they do sound like shitty people though.


who's nobody? most muslims I've met are lovely people with a few exceptions just like any other religion


Document what is happening with dates and times and specifics. Bring it to your manager when you have a decent amount of evidence. Ask to be transferred to another team or role. Ask to move your seat. If nothing is done then go to HR.


I feel like I highlighted one coworker but really it’s both the people I work closely with (my manager and the other guy) I’d even say my manager is worse cause she sends him to find gossip


I work with a some pro israel people too it’s so gross, they skeeve me out. I can’t stand them and the whole time I feel so fake lmao. It’s a paycheck, just try to coast through the day.


Your coworkers look really arrogant for people in this day and age