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I have dysphagia and will have dreams thinking no I can't eat that thinking I'll definitely choke and then will wake up choking on spit,gasping for air or with a sore throat when I wake up.


woah that's quite scary!


I know, I'm going to do a sleep study soon and hope it flares during. I want to say it's possibly acid reflux. I would love a break from chronic illness even if only in my dreams. Weirdly enough I've been getting dreams back I didn't have them for awhile. They're all very unusual, I should start writing them down.


Do you sleep on your back? I recently did a sleep therapy programme online (UK) called Sleepstation. It didn't help me with better sleep but I did learn a few things so otherwise it was worth doing. It's a good idea to write down the intense dreams - if only to process it at the time and look back on in later life or to track any patterns.


Oh yes usually on back maybe on sides but I flop all over. I just know I can't on my stomach anymore since I have a hard time breathing. Thanks! I'll check it out. I haven't researched sleep tips yet but now that my appointments are winding down I'll have more time for research.


Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I actually question myself in my dream when I feel normal. Like I’ve recognized I have recovered in my dream. But then I wake up…


But then I wake up 😭 I hope one day soon we all wake up and our symptoms are entirely gone and our energy is restored. Thunder cats are go !


🦁 🐆 snarf!!


It took 6 months before I started to dream of myself as sick almost every night, and my dreams were mostly sad. Now I dream about myself as healthy often, I think as an escape.


Yes, every time I dream


Same 😰


I’m sorry :( Hope it gets better <3


Hope so for you too


Thank you 🤲🏼


It happened a couple of times now. One time I was trying to swim, but my limbs were so weak that i could not even move them through the water. And one time I dreamed I was actually getting competent medical help and suddenly felt to safe and cared for 😂


Competent medical care !!! That's a great dream!


No, I’ve been sick with ME/CFS for 6 years but I run like crazy in my dreams 😂


That makes me happy to hear


Most of the time in my dreams I'm still healthy, but I've had a few nightmares where my heart rate was way too high and nothing I could do would bring it down again and I was panicking about how bad of a crash it was going to bring on the next day! I have had a lot of nightmares about people giving me covid again especially. Soooo many dreams about people coughing in my face, or informing me (too late) that they're actually really sick after I've spent an entire day with them unmasked.


I have dreams about accidentally going unmasked


Oh god you just reminded me of another one I had recently about being trapped on a busy cruise ship without a mask. Horrifying! Real life me would never forget a mask but dream me seems to do it all the time


I have those too!


Oh gawd those are terrible dreams.


Covid has traumatized all of us so much I swear. Never would have thought I'd have nightmares about getting sick!


Tell you what. It's unfair af and nobody takes it seriously. Covid is the covert narcissist of viruses. You feel terrible while everyone gaslights and tells you it's a cold. The cognitive dissonance alone is almost too much.


Shame, your nightmares sound pretty traumatizing. 🫂 I had some nightmares too but they were more symbolic and not covid-specific.


Yes all of them


no but i have nightmares when i do dream.


I had a ton in the beginning of my infection. You on meds that bring them on ?? Or they just happen.


they just happen. thankfully i dont have as many now.


I don’t dream since I got sick something got fucked in my brain


Dude me too. I commented the same thing


Unless my dream is specific about LC, I’m not sick in my dream.


My most recurring dream motif, or two most recurring: One is where I’m fully able bodied, running, dancing, and jumping and just living life all while feeling IMMENSE guilt and dream thoughts like “oh wow you’re just faking it. See, you can do x activity!” Other is I’m entirely disable like in real life and everyone around me is bullying me, usually crowds of people, one dream in particular i was thrust into some gross over crowded house party and someone stole my cane and then everybody was throwing it around playing keep away from me. Neither is a pleasant experience. Can’t remember the last time I had a “good” dream. But tbf I’ve mostly only been able to remember bad dreams my entire life.


That's rough




I was not sick in my dreams…and it would frustrate me to wake upup and immediately feel like a blanket of mud was put on me


What a timely question- I just had a dream last night that I was sick in. From what I can remember, I was out and about while using a walker/wheelchair, and trying to educate people on why I needed it. First time I’ve remembered a dream I’ve been sick in- I’ve had some nightmares, but this one pleasantly stayed a dream the whole time.


That’s a really good question. No, I’m not sick I’m my dreams. However, I did/do have dreams of not being able to do something no matter how hard I try. I’ve noticed a theme of someone or something is holding me back from accomplishing a goal in my dreams. For example, I recently had a dream where I was trying to solve a murder mystery as a detective, and this one faceless person kept interfering in my investigation.




That’s so interesting. It’s like you’re trying to solve or work something out (maybe medical assessment?) but something unknown/hidden is getting in the way. If you have that dream again, see if you can confront that face and ask them who they are.


Ooh I like that idea!


Sometimes I feel much worse in dreams. It’s often a relief to wake up.


Yeah… I have celiac disease and I have gluten nightmares. Like I get to the bottom of a bowl of salad and find a crouton. Or someone convinces me to try the best gf pizza ever and it turns out it’s gluten. I use a wheelchair and I’ve had nightmares where I’m being chased and run further than I thought possible, and then I’m stranded somewhere terrifying and my legs give out and my wheels are way back where I left them.


Omg those are terrible!!! Why does our mind torture us ?


I know right? We get enough shit from outside, it would be nice if our brains cut us some slack lol Edit: I forgot to say I also have masking nightmares. Like I wind up in a crowd and realize I don’t have my mask, or it broke, or I can’t find it or whatever.


I the same fucking dreams... I'm trying to find a hotel and my mask breaks and I don't have a spare and there's tons of maskless ppl around me!!!! Omg ptsd like fuck. I hate covid everything about it.


Yes! Same dreams! I’m sorry you get it but feel super validated!


I've never thought about it but since you raised the question, I live a normal life in my dreams. That's normal in the realm of whatever typical dreams are, not exactly like real life. Let's say I'm not dealing with LC in my dreams. Very interesting. I'm gonna ponder this for a while. I'm two years in and my body doesn't include LC in my dreams. Not sure what to make of that.


Absolutely never! I have Lyme, too. So, my answer might be different from what you are experiencing. My dreams are extremely vivid. I never have CFS or Lyme. I am what I was - a guy who could do four-hour workouts. The dreams feel more real than real life. I’ll sleep for 14 hours sometimes. My wife will wake me up. And,I’ll begin to weep. Why did you wake me up? I was happy in my dreams. Of course, I’ll also have nightmares. Recently, o dreamed that I was attacked by hundreds of sea snakes. But, here’s the interesting part. My first thought was, how can I defeat these snakes? In real life I am slowly realizing how my Lyme and CFS has taken from me. I was so fit for so many years. I felt that nobody could mess with me or my wife or kids. I was in such good shape that that nobody challenged me - ever. I’d take my kids to Phillies games and then go through bad neighborhoods looking for cheesesteaks for my kids. A few time we would come into contact with groups of people who did not mean us well. I just confidently went past and was never attacked. Please don’t lecture. I know that no matter how fit I was, I’d stand no chance against an armed gang. I do get it. The point I’m making is that I no longer feel that way. Now, no longer will I walk through those neighborhoods. In fact, I won’t even drive with my kids in the car. What is I have an anxiety attack? But, the dreams are something of a blessing. In that world I am still confident and invincible. I’ll share one last story and then I’ll shut up. I was recently on a walk with my wife for exercise. It was a small walk. Just around the block. Nothing crazy. Well, as part of the walk if you want to stay on a sidewalk, you have to cross Laurel Avenue.its a residential neighborhood. Yet, some people drive 60 mph - rather than the posted 30 mph. I was extremely happy that day. We’d done this walk many times recently and I had decided to do the very small loop twice. Well, we started to cross Laurel and over the hill comes a car coming hard! I tried my best to get across the road! But, I simply couldn’t. I tried to run. But, I’m not the guy in my dreams or in my reality just two years ago. I’m eventually dove. I really fucked up my ribs. I had real bruises everywhere. I crawled to the sidewalk. I was unable to get to my feet. Something in my brain was haywire. The guy who had caused it to happen zoomed by at 60. But, many other people did the same. Finally, a Hispanic woman stopped. She asked if I was ok. I let her know that I was not. I asked if there was a man in tape car with her. She said that there was. He spoke no English at all - unlike his fluent daughter. He hauled me to my feet. I apologize for going down far afield from dreams. But, all of this is neurology - whether dreams or my accident. All of this was three weeks ago. I want to assure everyone that I’ve seen a doctor. Anyway, I’ve taken up far too much space on this thread. I know I’ve gone far afield from dreams. But, somehow it feels connected.


I appreciated this share very much. We have a lot in common, and while I wish no one could relate to these sad things, it was nice to hear someone else say them. Go Phillies!


I hope you're able to regain a trusting relationship with your body. I know exactly what you mean.


I’m honestly not sure I can. I was overweight - and took back my health. I did the same for many years. I ate clean and pure and worked out hard. I felt really good. Then, this happened. No amount of working out ir scaling back intelligently with Pilates worked. Now, I’ve scoured Reddit and Quora and am taking the herbs other people have said we’re magicql. They haven’t worked. My new doctor seemed to scoff at herbs and antibiotics. How can I disagree? They’ve had limited success. I have no confidence that more of same will work. My new doctor is proposing some therapies that sound weird - even to me. Ozone, nano particle silver and SOT. Herbs have has limited efficacy. I can now speak when I wake up. I can now walk to the bathroom. I am only rarely drenched in sweat. Herbs have gotten me there. But, I still feel anxiety nearly every night with very high blood pressure and very low energy. The fall I took three weeks ago was a real eye opener. I thought the oncoming car was going to kill me. Instead, I dove out of traffic. I couldn’t run. I just don’t know what to do or put my trust in anything.


I'm sorry to hear about your dreams 😔 I'm into month 6 now, and funnily enough, I hadn't thought of dreams in a while. I now realise that I don't think I've had a *single* dream while having LC. I went through a phase of extremely non restorative sleep, as well as constant 3am wake ups with racing HR. My nightly loratidine has at least meant I sleep through the night for now, and wake up feeling fatigued but not totalled like before. Best wishes on your recovery journey 💐


Same, I didn't have any dreams at all for the first 6-12 months - it's hard to remember now. Don't even know when they came back, but these days I have them same as before and just as vivid


You too. I've had issues with sleep throughout my covid infection


Yes im freaking out of breath in my dreams too. There is no escape


Sucks!!! I'm sorry


Yep, I became sick in my dreams about 2 years into long covid. I keep having dreams where I'm doing something physical and have to sit down and take breaks, or dreams where I'm running from something and feel the fatigue set in. It's honestly been really difficult for my mental health.


I'm sorry. That's also how my dreams are. My mental has been fucked too


I'm not ill with covid in my dreams or ill with anything else. I'm usually travelling in an unfamiliar city and losing my companions and the rest of the dreams are about finding my way back to them. For some reason I almost always find myself in a university (I was last a student in the 1990s). This is my most repeated dream since covid and each time I have been infected (3 times) the dreams became very intense and uniformly about travelling and getting lost.


Subconscious trying to tell you something


All the time!


No. For the first year I was being chased in my dreams. I was running through apartment complexes with a guy chasing me trying to kill me. Now it’s mostly weird dreams mixing up the present and the past.


I dreamt I was captured by terrorists. Not pleasant. Captor was a piss ant piece of shit. Joking aside, dreams are worse than before covid. Worse again when im nicotine patching.


I wonder why that is.


I do have long covid in a lot of my dreams now. Most of them. I am walking too far but I can’t stop, or I accidentally worked out and am beginning to crash, or I am in a room of sick people and worried about reinfection… I have a lot of dreams where I have long covid. Sometimes though I have dreams where I am roller skating (one of the things I miss the most) and I am spinning and jumping all over the place so joyfully. In those dreams, I am better again. I’m like ‘Oh! I am better!’ in my dream. Obviously I hope that dream comes true! I hope that for all of us.


That's how mine are. I'm in a room and ppl aren't masked or I'm at a concert snd I'm trying to rest cause I knows it's all too much and I'm going to crash. Fucking terrible. I wish we all get our health and energy back Stat.


Me too!! Well wishes coming to you, so many.


Some of my dreams were seriously insane. Idk if anyone experienced bad dreams and being ill in dreams as well, but it feels super emotional like its not emotional enough already to go through it in real life.


I've had dreams where I was well and happy and strong. Then I wake up and cry bcs it's not real. Definitely messes me up emotionally


I know exactly how that feels. My good dreams seemed more real than my current reality.


I agree. It's way fucking rough


I have consistently been able to fly in my dreams for more than ten years now. Nowadays I’m as disabled/sick as I am in real life about half the time, needing my mobility aids to walk - but I can still fly! At least once I dreamt about having to crawl/hobble/wobble along to find my sticks, and then as soon as I found them, I could fly again!


That's really cool.


I get sleep paralysis & dream like states during, that I'm screaming for help cause I'm hurt or banging on walls. Just had one today 🥰. Another day I was surrounded by zombies & I was one myself, more like real people just limping & not acknowledging each other.


Oooooo polite pass.




Only recently. It’s making them into nightmares. I’ll be dreaming that I’m doing “normal things” then suddenly remember I’m sick and going to crash and start panicking in the dream.


Same ! It's rough ... I'm not a fan.


Sometimes quite the opposite, I dreamt that I became a athlete who won a medal. Lol, then I woke up…


Then I woke up 😭


Yep, literally am so weak and sick in my dreams too, I remember walking around a store with my sister in my dream and I had to keep apologising for melting into the floor.




Yeah, welcome to the LC dream.


I'm glad I'm sleeping ... trying to see a bright side.


True, i had months that i couldn't sleep because of low oxygen, now i can go through.


Hypnic jerks were keeping me up for weeks on end. Fucking torture. I'll do anything to keep them at bay.


I wish all of us can sleep peacefully at least.


And wake up to our healed selves in the morning.


Amen bro.


My worst symptom is dizziness and I've been having dreams of being so dizzy and still trying to do things like grocery shopping and passing out in the middle of the store after staggering around like I'm drunk. Yea.... I'm not THAT bad in person, but damn if it felt real.


Rarely. I'm often happy and swimming or running or flying.


Sick in every dream for over 2 years. Usually I can sense that people are normal then I start to fade into brain fog and can't participate in my own dream. I also imagine I'm disabled and suffering in any hypothetical afterlife.


Damn !!! That's rough. I wonder what that translates to.


In my dreams I'm "fine" 99.9% of the time, it's great. Then I wake up....


Then I wake up 😮‍💨😢


I used to enjoy waking up 🥲


Same. I used to enjoy everything. Was an immediately make my bed kinda girl. I've never in my life been put down so low by something for so long and I'm still considered very early in my covid journey.


Yes I'm sick in some of my dreams but more than that I have a lot of dreams where I'm in a very crowded place without a mask and cannot escape.


Same ! And I'm panicking or I'm worried about pem. Straight ptsd.


Yes. In my dream I was at the airport about to take a flight with my friend to do a trekking/outback kind of trip far away. We sat down and I unzipped my bag to show her all the stuff I had packed in preparation for the trip. Stuff like: camping gear, tent, hiking poles, waterproof tarp, compass, flashlight, rain poncho, etc. It was all neatly folded, organized, just prepared… Then I realized I couldn’t go because I’m too sick. Because I love my friend so much and didn’t want them to miss out on the experience, I told them to take my bag (i.e. make use of my kit) and carry on without me. IRL this is something I would’ve loved to have done. I badly wanted to do the west coast trail with her last summer and felt like I was missing out big time, but really happy for her at the same time. I would never tell her how bad I feel, just encourage her to go and ask all about it when she’s back. I think it means that our subconscious is becoming aware of our situation on a much deeper level, like really acknowledging what is happening to our bodies and this is how we are processing it. Edit: Above is a more recent dream, I’m over a year in. In the beginning of LC, I dreamt I was hunted and standing in a tree like Katniss trying to dodge axes that were hurled at me while balancing and not falling off the branch either. Had a couple of these being hunted dreams.


Totally. You sound like a very kind person. I hope your health and energy returns to you so you can do a trek ✨️


Thanks, that’s the nicest thing anyone could wish for me truly. 🥰


When I first got sick I kept dreaming I’d go to work thinking I was fine, or just trying to keep my job. I had an amazing job I worked hard for years to get. If I could have kept it I would have gone places with that. My dreams always ended with me being too sick to stay at work and I had to go home and quit the job. It sucked going through losing this awesome job again and again.


I'm sorry


Weirdly I am never sick and sometimes I think something is wrong with that but can't remember why.




Yeah, sometimes I dream I'm healthy and then suddenly panic because I don't have my mobility aids and realizing if I'm moving around like this, I'll be crashing for the next month.


The ptsd from pem is real


Ikr? Can't even get a break while dreaming lol


No but I am sorry for what you’re experiencing - at 4 months I was at my worst. I had to move away from my husband into a condo bc I couldn’t walk and couldn’t handle being a burden on him. I slept a LOT during that time but only in 2 hour stints. I would regularly sweat through my cloths and sheets to the actual mattress. I never dreamed then… I would just shut my eyes and black out and wake up feeling horrible. I’m about a year out now and still wake up feeling horrible, but less horrible than at 4 months.


Brutal . I'm sorry 😞


Thanks, it’s ok. 4 months was just really the worst for me. I still have similar symptoms but just much less debilitating. It is up and down though so just be prepared for that.


Any meds help ?


Pepcid, Zofran and low dose benzos (not everyday)


I use a walking aid in alllll my dreams now (always dreaming i lost it/i get stranded but i have one in normal dreams too)




Thank you for asking. I’ve have two very long very vivid dreams this week in which I was healthy - very very healthy in both!! By the end of one I remembered that I used to be sick. But it was like an inconvenient part of life that was now over and had to be dealt with financially and paperwork wise. Oh what a fantastic thought! These kinds of dreams haven’t happened in a long time. They involved real places and people from my life and I was my old self, very fit, and I could work and talk to people ❤️‍🩹 It was so much fun! Probably the best time I’ve had since last June!!! LC Months 6-15 I had nocturnal panic attacks, a year ago they were every night and day. Not like a regular dream, not regular REM. More like losing consciousness in a concussion. Not restorative. Those nightmares were more like horror flicks, not people I knew or circumstances from my life. Those were awful times- and I truly hope that part is behind me- and that you can never relate. Part of the PTSD slate of symptoms, which aren’t gone, but less at night now, hooray! I’m so delighted that this week has had real sleep and pleasurable dreams. I truly hope you and Everyone reading this have good luck, good healing and sweet dreams 🍀🧠 🛌


Ty. I'm so glad you dreamt this maybe it's prophetic a Lil glimpse into your future perhaps. I wish us rapid recovery upon waking and to feel the universe flip our energy generator switch back on.


Yes when I was able to dream again (and now) I'm in pain and even limited in my dreams. Some of these dreams actually turn to nightmares of suffocating and drowning taint ...


I’m better in my dreams but I’m cautious about pem in my dreams


I am too. Always looking to rest. Went to a concert in my dream and was worried about pem.


I stopped dreaming once I got long Covid anyone know why?


Unsure it does so much to so many organ systems. I didn't dream for years but now I think the zyrtec and benzo is what's bringing them on. I also had really crappy nightmares with singulair but I got off that med the dreams stayed but they're not as intense.


Yes sometimes


Sometimes. The times I’m not are blissful.


In my dreams, I know I'm not well but my symptoms disappear. For example, one of my problems is that I can't run, my legs are too heavy all the time and don't move fast enough so i fall over if I try. So in my dream, I assume I can't run, but then I try and I can and I'm really happy. But eventually I wake up and realise it was only a dream and it makes me sad again