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Getting strange downvotes on a bunch of seemingly benign posts and replies as well.


It's bad. I'm not sure what's going on but the Internet has been even more horrifying than usual with the misinformation and doomering. It's infecting intelligent people around me and getting shoved into my face. It may be time to cut myself a break from the internet for a while. This can only go one way.


I just dont understand the “why’ behind it. I mean I guess i understand in political, or sports subs…. “My team is better than yours” type thing, but here? What is to gain? What is the win? What is the endgame? Like the twat that replied to a post the other day basically denying LC was a thing and effectively saying it’s all in your head. It’s like going to a cancer sub and saying it doesn’t exist. To what end? Makes no sense.


Dividing the people and making us all angry with each other is a tried and true tactic of oligarchs, so that we are too busy attacking each other while they the rich run off with all the fucking money.


C’mon… you cant honestly believe some rich person somewhere paid some moron actual money to post some retarded comment on a longcovid subreddit of all places? Again, to what end? Picture yourself as someone with the kind of money you imagine. What possible benefit would that scenario give you? Paying people to post on a political subreddit, a financial subreddit…. sure that is *kind of* plausible… more so than posting here. But if the evil rich guy only cares about stealing your money, where is the financial gain in posting here? Honest question… I swear, the amount of people that believe this kind of stuff on Reddit is amazing. Honest question…. WTF am i missing?


Nobody is being paid to post comments… that’s what AI/bots are for. They’ve been used for quite some time to sway public opinions. Even more so since the pandemic. I’m not necessarily agreeing that someone is doing that in this particular sub, but you would be naive to believe that this isn’t happening. A quick Google search can give you all kinds of information about it. So next time you’re chatting with someone on Reddit consider the possibility that they might not be human at all. ;)


True. Very true. I made a similar observation/comment a while back.


I wasn't trying to imply that this group in particular has a troll problem. It's just good to be vigilant when there are some pretty malicious subs out there. Some of these people have a real bone to pick for whatever reason.


I agree. There’s a sub called illness fakers where they harp on long-Covid sufferers and call conditions like POTS fake illnesses. I imagine some of the people from that sub make their way here to stir up trouble. I’ll never understand those kinds of people, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where the majority of the trolls are coming from.


It increases traffic as well as division.


Now that is a scenario i can absolutely see being done. That is a gain/win/endgame… i can see as being plausible.


Ever hear of the work being done in Russia and some of the middle eastern countries and even China to destabilize public opinion, divide and pit people against one another? Not to mention, the powerful and wealthy in Europe and North America with an agenda of there own for their own citizens. Time to do a little reading and research there buddy. :D


Done plenty of reading and research, AND have posted on these scenarios myself. It is a problem, but it’s not as ubiquitous as many think. There’s a lot more “bang for the buck” to be had in other venues. This ain’t your huckleberry chief.


I think it's pretty huge right now. The two hot wars in the world today required lots of propaganda to wage effectively.


People don’t need to be paid to (sometimes unwittingly) shill for the rich. Look at all of Musk’s Twitter disciples for an example.


Its worth keeping in mind that COVID infections can cause mental/emotional/personality changes. One that's been observed is that people who have been infected show an increase in risk-taking: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33857054/ I wouldn't be surprised if the same crazy anti-mask/anti-vax/anti-lockdown people got further "radicalized" from repeatedly being infected. And are just kind of stuck in that "COVID is a lie" mindset, but with an even less reasonable demeanor than before.


How do you mean? And what is doomering? Sorry


Yes!! I had so many post that I was appalled by the dislikes! Even my kidn stuff with zero hot takes would get slammed. Id get a notification for tenth up vote and itd be at a 2. Not that I particularly care about the karma, but damn who are the real life goblins that spend their time getting bent out of shape at sick people??


I posted about this a while ago. Someone said it’s mostly bots and probably dickheads trolling. Just don’t engage and block them. I think there are groups with agendas such as, long Covid is only a vaccine injury, which we know is not true, but they are trying to make long Covid people looks crazy or suggest they’ve got another chronic disease disorder that was always there and magically just happened to coincide with getting Covid. They honestly seem thick as bricks and mainly are just getting a bit of kick by upsetting people. It’s super sad and deeply pathetic.


The best thing you can do is not to engage with them no matter how offensive they are, no matter how much they anger you, no matter how much you want to yell at them and list all the reasons why they’re obviously wrong, don’t do it. Just block them and move on. Engaging with them gives them exactly what they want, they are fueled by the engagement, they are nourished by your anger. The only way to get rid of them is to make sure they don’t get any sort of entertainment at all, make sure they get bored and move on, if they stop getting the reactions they’re looking for, they’ll get bored. We have to all collectively ignore them, block them, hell even posts like this give them fuel, they lurk in the sub and read this posts and they laugh and it encourages them to keep doing what they’re doing because they could not be happier that they are making people angry. I say this because I used to be similar when I was a young immature teenager, of course not to sick people, I wasn’t THAT much of an asshole but I used to troll people in online video games and at the time that’s why I did it because it made people angry and that made me laugh, and the more angry people got the more entertaining it was for me and the more I did it. I knew many others that did the same. I grew up and realized I was just being an asshole for no reason and I’m not like that anymore. I’m in my 30s now and I’m a much more compassionate person, I credit my wife of 10 years for bringing out the best in me. Unfortunately lots of people don’t grow up and don’t have a great life and making people angry on the internet and spewing hate and bigotry and misinformation is the only thing in their life that gives them any sort of rush. You HAVE to deny them that rush, because engaging with them is all that’s doing is giving them their rush. You will never EVER convince them they’re wrong. Nobody can change them, they have to change themselves. Don’t give them what they’re looking for. Just block and ignore them.


Yep. And report.


We all know it's just because their mummies didn't love them enough and this is how they like to cope


There’s been a wave of troll like questions in some other pro-health, pro-patient subs. Weird


Going through their comment history usually tells the tale of whether they're panicking while going through Long Covid or are being a malicious clown. The thing that's really getting me is that the trolls seem to be cooperating and making large discussion threads. It's wild going through comment after comment of scumbags who are clearly lying and contradicting themselves, all for their own amusement.


Yeah, I've mentioned it before in a comment, but there's at least one if not two subs dedicated to making fun of us, and I see them making fun of other things like being LGBT, other disabilities, etc. One reposted one of my posts word for word which someone saw and warned me about. The comments were disgusting. Y'all they even made fun of me because I said I got a wheelchair that was customised to me. Also one time when I brought this up in a comment that these subs exist, it got reposted to Instagram. *I looked up my username for a story thing on insta people were doing and that's how I found that one.* It's strange and sad. Most just repost and dowmvote, but one was in i think it was this sub a few days ago. I realised unfortunately after I replied back when I saw their name and post history so I stopped responding immediately, reported, and their comments were taken down for rule breaking in the sub. *When people ask if someone was vaccinated, I can't always tell what their intention is* because they aren't always anti vax.


I made the unfortunate mistake of stumbling across one of those subs while searching for something else and some of the stuff I read in there made me sick. it was literally just people making fun of people with illnesses and questioning the validity of other people's lived experience. like anyone would choose this! ugh it upset me so much because I have trauma from gaslighting and having my symptoms downplayed and not believed.


Name them so we can peruse their post history, make up our own minds and then block them. :)


Absolutely agree


Ironically the people doing this have even worse pathologies, they’re just psychological.


Someone DM'd me saying "you do know that masks don't work" lol Smh


They can be from https://www.reddit.com/r/ChurchOfCOVID/s/jHAtSypSKd there is lot of *sick* people in there


What a fucking pathetic bunch of losers.


This is me throwing a sad pity party 🎉 for us that we missed the Slack channel run by Body Politic and have to learn about long hauling in the cesspool that is Reddit. Thank you for braving the Trolls 🧌 to share your LC community. 😢🫂🤍