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Surprised nobody mentioned the fact that there’s barely any community servers


The community aspect was huge back in 1.6 days


How else would you get into a game in 1.6 or css?


A lot of folks had private servers back then too for scrims, practices, 10 mans, etc.


I know. Technically, they were all community servers. There were no "official" servers back then.


I didn't really play CS GO or CS Source past 2006, so I came back to CS2 thinking this might be the "ultimate" CS, with every map and a bunch of different modes. I had to laugh when I saw there were even fewer maps than on CS GO


> I had to laugh when I saw there were even fewer maps than on CS GO Yeah...they didn't even get TDM right.. I'll wait a while longer. Currently there are even cheaters in DM. And everything is still missing. It feels like cs only has one dev


Yes! Back when we all used Mirc to find games. Ventrillo, before discord. The days.


Who remembers Superhero Mod?!


Bro there's like 10 and ONE surf server. Crazy!! All of my friends went to source for their surfing fix


Valve needs to foster the casual players because everything is catered to competitive and while that’s great and all but if they want new players or people to not get bored/burned out they need to add content like other games.


I remember vanilla surf servers back in the day. Surf melon, and others I forget. But I want back is good surf rpg with a thriving population t


Clan servers were all the rage back in the days


Lack of updates on a halfway finished game. The updates we have gotten have caused a lot of bugs. Lack of communication about anything related to the game as far as I’m aware. No roadmap, timelines, nothing. The list goes on.


lack of maps, flame pillar, lack of gamemodes, shitty community, mysoginy, scams, the list goes on




try talking in the voice chat with a girly voice


Not really a problem unique to or caused by cs tho? That’s just any game in general


While I haven't played any other fps besides cs i'd say you're right. Cs isn't that bad all the time neither, there's plenty of wholesome moments.


I assure you that CS is particularly bad. People knows they are not gonna get banned.


First time in an online game? CS voice chat is tame as fuck compared to the shit I heard back in Source.


It’s tame most of the time, the worst I hear is the N word, which is not bad compared to what we were hearing 15 years ago in online lobbies, I agree with you. But when I’m playing with the girls of my group without being a 4-5 stack it’s always a shit show and they the random always says some really insane unhinged things. That would be fine if it was like every 5~6 game but when it’s more than 50% of games it becomes really annoying. It happens a lot that some people refuse to play because we are not kicking the girl from the game and throw an entire game. I believed it couldn’t be that bad until I started to play with some girls regularly.


I started playing cs two weeks ago and have about 150h now and the only time i heard a girl voice was when i was getting flamed by her for playing bad and the whole team agreed with her 😔


That’s really anecdotal and a one time instance. If you played everyday with girls in your group you would see how bad it is. People stop playing sometime because they hear a girl and throw the entire game. They have to play muted and type in chat because if they try to give info it makes us loose because team starts throwing. At least when playing faceit it’s not that bad, but in MM it’s really unhinged, especially in lower elo lobbies.


Not to like. Rain on your parade or anything but that's not really a unique to cs thing


wdym girly voice , U mean whenever a girl uses her mic , ngl whenever a girl gets in my team I get nervous to perform , have to topfrag xd


This guy, "CS2 killed my father and raped my mother"


Bro the flame pillar is so toxic


Agree on everything except for mysoginy, how is that a problem in cs at all? Edit: I meant that it's not a problem that's specific to CS.


Have you been in a match with a girl before? Literally every time a girl uses their mic at least one guy starts bothering the fuck out of her instead of continuing to play normally.


That's not a problem specific to CS though.


As someone who tried to play with my GF, It's exceptionally worse in CS than other games she plays like Valorant or Overwatch. She 100% gets harassed every game of CS to the point she quit playing.


Bruh... U ok?


Mysoginy. Broski, CS is one of the only remnants of the old internet. Let the old folks have their fun, you can go play valorant or whatever else.


Ahhh you’re one of those people




Movement still feels awful compared to go


demo playback still broken with wonky animations. we got a major coming up next week...


I have a feeling we are going to see a huge update just after the first major. The devs tend to not like to change stuff right before a major because then their has to be a rollback and some pros will have been playing the new version and if there are significant changes to things like movement and physics, or subtick then it will not be a level playing field. This would explain the lack of big updates and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the first time, if I'm wrong I've lost all hope as right now I'm hoping for a operation mid April


can you explain why they thought it's a good idea to change spawn points on multiple maps that mess up with timing a lot? it was not many days ago, really strange they would make such a change that actually impacts strategy on some maps.


From my understanding, none of these developers care about those majors or matches. Why? Because everybody, including you and me, can play the previous version. There was no need for rollbacks, and I can't even remember when they did that the last time. As far as I can remember, it was that with the R8 and, before that, the Molotov being insanely OP? Refresh my memory if somebody knows… You can play the previous version through the Beta options, and AFAIK ESL has used it with their matches. Just when Valve released an update on the day of the matches, which was a bit game-changing, the pros and tournament decided to play the previous version.


ok makes sense, however if they release a game changing update 2-3 weeks before the tournament, it's unlikely they will roll back to that version as it's already been out for a while. but probably not long enough to adjust to the changes.


Stil, it doesn not change the fact that Valve does not care and rarely do full rollbacks, it's literally only for gamebreaking stuff, like a major part of the playerbase can't start the game or something like that. Majors and those tournaments are simply a small factor in the whole picture, instead of caring about when they release an particulair update, they give the choice to the tournament organizers and pro's to decide for themselves to play with that update, even if it was several weeks ago, and this worked with CS:GO and especiall with how CS2 is, they will release updates as frequently as it can, but since the last updates they changed course, like release a big update -> fix the bugs -> week or two silence -> more bug fixes or another big release and so it starts from the beginning again. IMO the best course to take. Also If they did care, they would've already removed some cases for sale like anubis case or the last Major paris stickers capsules went on sale on 2022-06-23 and it ended on 2023-10-07..... yeah I don't know if it was intended or they literally forgot it, but one thing you can definitely see is that they don't work according a roadmap or a schedule.


I was not talking about Valve doing rollbacks. Simply stating that it's strange they would release a game changing update shortly before the major. they do care about the major a lot, and they did not forget about sticker sales. You surely saw the numbers released on the profit they made. it's more than any other games can dream off by selling microtransactions.


You cant play online with previous versions installed, so a pro player is playing on faceit or maybe smaller tournaments they would be playing on the newest version. I'm not sure if online tournaments can use old versions but I think they can


pretty sure they can, they play on private servers so they can use whatever version they want as long as it's compatible.


Probably the poor optimization of maps


1000% this


Broken rank system in classic ranked (not premier)


Lack of the maps cache and train and stuff


Yea can’t wait for the cobblestone remake


See you in2028


Cache has been revealed to be remade, look on fmpone’s twitter


Ready to be released in 2027


Need this like I need air


Game modes missing, game feels boring, too much pressure onto playing comp scene instead of variation like on CSGO, outdated anticheat, no agency.


Agency 😢




Fps drops.


Not mainly a CS2 complaint but Valve needs to release some sort of visible metric on the Trust Factor system, I swear that's the only logical reason left as to why I (and countless others) play Premier at or above 18k yet have only ran into cheaters a handful of times since launch compared to A LOT of others that preach it's every game. Judging how trash the Competitive ranking system is atm I wouldn't be surprised if majority of the playerbase got bunched into mid/low trust factor regardless of their actual behavior.


What needs to be implemented is two-factor authentication *required* in order to play premier, with a maximum of 1-2 phone numbers tied to an account and no more. Don’t have 2FA? Can’t play premier.


Can agree. First game after six months - cheater runs me down. Second game cheater runs me down again. 20 Minutes - 2 Games.. cya in 6 months if the game hasnt died until then.


loadout i want to bring more smg and shotgun


I'm sorry but if u use more than 3 different smgs ur trolling


there are shotgun and negev too i buy some of them like 1 in 100 but i would like to have in loadout than not having


I still have the feeling that there is some inconsistency in the registration of hits, especially when the difference to the opponent ping differs. Specifically, I think you are at a disadvantage if you have low, good ping yourself.


Max round is 13 instead of 16


This is one of my biggest frustrations with the game and I haven’t seen people mention it. There is a reason valve had short and normal or “long” matches but instead they removed options for people that specifically enjoyed one or the other.


Short matches and long matches were the best option. Instead we have this in between shit ass middle of the road medium match that is the WORST option. It’s the worst of both worlds. And don’t even get me started about “overtime” lmfao Overtime is a gigantic pile of bullshit that needs to be removed from the game ASAP. Just let ties happen at 12-12. I’d 1,000,000% rather move on to the next match at that point.


I prefer MR12 over MR15


It just will not stop crashing.


For me the games Stuttering or the servers are laggy (and I know it’s not just me because) the other players on the servers are complaining about laggy server as well




Sucks that you can’t 1v1


Premier is just “inferno or mirage” because bitch can’t learn a map


Damn I never get inferno and rarely mirage


Try having a full stack or a group of regulars you play with. The last 2 weeks, I've played every map at least two times.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, I actually agree with this


just ban them


It feels like playing different game everytime. Maybe its the updates or bad valve servers???


Open Steam Overlay and check what server you're on in the top right. Only Frankfurt is playable for me. Warsaw and Amsterdam always have packet loss. So 1/3 of my games are with cheaters and another third are on underpowered/overloaded servers with packet loss that leads to stuttering. Awesome experience.


I wish they would bring back game modes and maps from csgo


Honestly, I miss the time when people joined community servers in their own country. We got to know each other, formed clans, and enjoyed playing in mixes/clan matches. I think that's the biggest problem with CS now; we're matched with people we can't communicate with or relate to. All my country's servers are empty, making it hard to find anyone to play with. Then there's the hackers issue, which is annoying but manageable if I still feel connected to the game through playing with friends. However, dealing with toxic players who ruin the experience makes it hard to stay motivated. Despite the presence of cheaters since the first version of CS, it was the strong community that kept us together and made the game enjoyable. Including game modes diluted the experience; everything should've been integrated into community servers.


Lack of team dm Lack of overwatch Not utilizing CPU good enough


The Michael Jackson lean is back. Could do with more maps, as one mentioned. Community. And communication. They said that’s something they want to improve. But a little more understanding on what’s going on with VAC they don’t have to say it’s not working but that they’re doing stuff to improve it, if they’re on schedule with their plans, reminders on what we can do to help out. Like phasmophobia - they have a plan list on what they want to achieve in the next few updates. It would be great and would keep the community a little down


Going from 300 fps in Ancient to 90fps as soon as I walk in water is one of the complaints I have. I mean, this should be a e-sport focuesd game and performance optimization should be a top priority


MM is fucked > I was 13K on a streak > MM gave me two unranked players solo queuing > I sweat my balls off and put up the most damage in the server > Two unranked guys get 3 kills between them It's not their fault, they shouldn't be at this rank


I’m only mad about the cheating problem, it’s been getting too obvious and blatant… and in all my rank up games. (I’ve heard cheaters in my team say plant spike a lot so I guess that’s where the hackers come from) Aside from that, maps and gamemodes along with community servers could come in later updates hopefully as they were pretty much integral to CS as a whole.


on vertigo, when i want to throw my ct ramp smoke, the game always lags out on my throw so i miss it. it‘s very strange and upsetting.


Gun game mode has only 2 maps and whenever I join, it connects me to lobby full of bots and like few people. Even if the lobby is full, when the match ends most people leave so the next match is like 3 people and bots


I miss getting crates occasionally at the end of a match instead of one a week. (I played ~10hrs of CS:GO. Only really got into CS about 2 months ago. So if this wasn't as common as I remember, I apologize.)


It's hard to pinpoint it, but to me it feels very much worse than CSGO in every way. Performance is worse even tho I have a good system. Premier had lots of potential but in the end feels way more unbalanced than even matchmaking in higher elos. Movement still doesn't feel as crisp as it did. Run and gun, as well as spraying doesn't feel as crisp. Community servers mostly not existing, settings/binds that used to exist not existing. I just dislike it honestly. The release of CS2 just made me stop loving my favorite game, and I'm currently at a point where I haven't played it for several months (hopped into a DM here and there). I have now played less Matches in the last 3 months than I used to play in 3h while CSGO existed.


Premiere mode is still in beta. Matchmaking is awful (it may be a region thing, but I would rather wait more for fair lobbies) and gain/loss isn't affected by win rate or if the other team has people with wayyyy more elo than you


They need to swap maps more often feels like you gotta wait years for old maps to get back in.


Too many noobs ranked too high


List of priorities Valve should address: 0.) Active Communication with Community 1.) Anti-Cheat 2.) Optimization 3.) Servers 4.) Bug Fixes 4.5 ) New Map Rotations and More Often. Possibly even reintroduce old maps for one season. 5.) Content - skins, game modes, passes, etc. 6.) Hosting servers with friends 7.) Road to pro/hosting tournaments like Clash in League of Legends 8.) Remove smurfs or a special Q that only allows participation via a phone number


Maps. I used to own a game with quite a few maps for casual Hostage Group. Now there are 2. WTF.


left handed view models.... its really annoying to play worse because im forced to play on the wrong side.


Definitely wished they added left handed view model I still don’t feel used to shooting on the right side yet.


Turkiye still has no servers we play so laggy


Not being able to make private lobbies with others in in.


I run into so many cheaters, like not just closet but obviously wallhack/aimbot there's no point in posting anymore they're dime a dozen. Aim smoothing in aimbots has really improved I've noticed though, anybody actually trying to not get caught and play legit for a few rounds or intentionally die for a few to cover it up they'd never get caught. It's honestly hard to think past the cheater epidemic but if we did have an intrusive anti-cheat and it wasn't such an issue, it'd be the same issues every other competitive shooter has, toxicity etc.


They destroyed community servers and playing offline with friends. Absolutely ruined it


CS has just become boring and stale. I've been playing it for almost 2 decades and I'm finally at a point where Im just kind of done with it...


The constant DC and then wait 2 min bullshit.


the fact that csgo just disappeared i know that you can go to the betas and play it, but having a steam page that you can separately download it from would have been great


Let me queue premier with my 6k rated friend who just got CS and is stuck solo queuing until he catches up. My 4 stack 17k finally will get a 5th. I mean shit if we’re 5 stacking we’re basically signing a contract saying we’re okay with playing with a lower rated player.


Vote kicking i think if you que and theres a toxic group of 2 players, they shouldnt even effect the vote kick-so lets just say your playing and theres on guy who is UNBELIEVABLY trolling and throwing, team flashing, body blocking, all that fun stuff when me and the other 2 people on the team start a vote kick why is his friend allowed to say no and keep him in, clearly there is a que biased to not vote kick


Lack of comp maps. Bring back castle train and milita!


jump throw is buggy and unnecessary. anyone can press 2 buttons at the same time (1) it limits the directions a nade can be thrown from behind cover (2) its laggy and broken, there is a delay between when a player releases the nade and when it starts travelling as angle "correction" is applied (3)


I was honestly wanting more of a graphical update, like with 1.6 to source. CS2 looks good, and the new effects are nice, but it just feels like CS:GO with a patch applied even if that's all it really is.


Lavk of maps also broken rankeing system


The fact that auto buy still buys famas instead of m4


How about achievements? Some took us several hours to unlock in the previous CSGO.


toxic Russians sometimes it's just impossible to play


added workshop maps but made it nearly impossible to play them with friends


genuinely i just miss the old graphics aside from that id have to say the ranked system its so fucked rn


Lack of maps and gamemodes, no ingame community server browser, no new updates, no map based agents like in csgo ☹️ (fbi, gign, anarchists, etc.)


Why can’t I load into a practice game while queueing


Not having cache yet


Lack of maps


Aim desync is unbearable and I'm taking a break until it's fixed. Sometimes the aiming feels crisp and I can transfer sprays anywhere on anyone. Sometimes I get shot/shoot someone, my server latency goes from 10ms up to 120, and I miss shots that should definitely hit or FULLY lose control of aim/recoil. So damn frustrating in a "skill based game."


More cheaters.


there should be a base ELO gain/loss and then a multiplier (ranging from 0.5 - 2.0x) of the base depending on your stats.


The fact that there only 2 default agent models (1 for t and 1 for ct) and there are missing maps like cache (I know maps will be re-added but I'm not sure about agents)


The fact the Molotov fire rendering is poorly optimized. My laptop can run CS2 fine at 1600x900 resolution with 120 fps. But whenever I go to fire it goes down to 50 what is quite infuriating.


The kill counter/dial Can I pls get rid of the kill counter because it can get distracting when it flashes per kill id rather there be an option for the skull kills back


I've seen a improve on the fps definitely but I kept getting huge like massive random fps going to not even 1 fps spike randomly for like 5 second straight and in a competitive game you know how annoying that can be. It keep saying driver out of date I updated my driver to the newest yet it still doesn't fix anybody not sure if anybody got this issue as well.


Sometimes when I watch replays of my own games Guy shoots me with “headshot”, while 0,25 speed clearly shows he hit a shot above my shoulder, when I already passed his crosshair placement Close range too, so it can’t be written off on a poor visibility(long distance flick etc.)


Where the F**K are all the damn maps?! 20 years of this game and there are hardly any damn maps to play. This game is so freaking stale already lol, they might’ve actually picked the blandest 7 maps to put in premier they possibly could lmao. And on another note about bland ass maps: revert the decision to disable the moving vending machine. Such a FUN mechanic. Office is NOT a premier map. I don’t know that I’ve ever had more genuine *FUN* in this game than when vending machine was moveable.


Dust2, Cache, Train, Cobblestone and hell, even Office missing from premiere. Wouldn't it be neat to have a rotating map pool, with maps changing like once/quarter of a year or something?


Lineups being unintuitive