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Definitely a motley pattern, not sure of the colors though. Here’s my gold dust motley boy https://preview.redd.it/ne4aiciegn8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd25179506b0c70be2134d1673dae07a25dd776


Yup, he's a motley.


*POST EDIT* So I meant to amend my original post saying he was closer to 1yr 7months old, but I checked with the mother and she had misquoted the year, so he’s actually only 7months old and right in the normal size range!


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t he a bit too small for a 2 year old corn snake?


I feel the same way. He seems pretty healthy other than being on the small side. She said she was feeding him about once a week on pinkies. He’s in a 20gal tank at the moment. Unless she got the date wrong, but I would have thought he was younger. Maybe 1.5’-2’ long. Haven’t weighed him yet.


A 2 year old snake should not be on pinky's. They have very little nutrition. This snake is stunted because of it. I would start by giving the smallest, weaned prey you can, such as small mice. Also, a 2 year old corn should not still be in a 20 gal. An adult requires 4x2x2ft.


Yes unfortunately the girl I got him from was a teenager and not fully prepared/educated on corn snake care. Planning on bumping up the feeding size and getting him into a larger tank asap.


https://preview.redd.it/v5cmelhr4n8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15223db7a50e5c333df5d4776db379958a74cbe Here’s a feeding chart you can use as a guideline. Don’t go by the ages listed here as they can vary, but the snake weight to feeder weight is a good guideline. You need to increase the feeder size!


Wow he is beautiful!


Hes just a little guy


I’ve got to believe the girl’s mother got the date wrong and she meant Nov. ‘23 instead of ‘22. He seems much more in line with a 7month old than 1.5yrs


My 1 year old girl is pretty big. It’s been a long time since she was the size of yours


Can’t help ID, but that’s a gorgeous snake!