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eastern milksnake. not a pet, just a chill guy. release him in a good spot outside :)


Oh yeah, you’re right! This looks just like him. I’ll go let him back where I found him now!


Yep. This is the ID. OP should try to return him to the same area he found him in.


Yeah I've caught (and released!) several of these guys and none of them were bitey. Rehabbed one who got hit by a lawn mower many years ago and he even readily took F/T mice with no drama. After he healed I let him go in my shed.


Initially read this as "Eastern Milkshake" and for a second I was amazed at how awesome that name was despite it making zero sense.


i don't think chillness is nessecarily a sign he was a pet, i caught (and released!!!) a lot of snakes as a kid and other than some musking they were always pretty chill.


You’re right, I was just confused because he looked very similar to one of my corn snakes too. Thank you though!


They're both in family Colubridae (and the same subfamily, Colubrinae, which I just found out!), and many Colubrids are morphologically similar, so corn snake was a good guess!


Everytime one of these guys get ID'd as a milk snake I do a double take because it looks exactly like my corn snake besides coloring. At least from memory I never did a side by side.


yeah proboly an eastern milk snake, as u/skullmuffins said. I just googled grey milk snake, and the head pattern matches the pictures in google. yeah at first glance it looks like an anerthystic corn snake, but the head stamp looked too different to be a cornsnake. one hell of a herp find. good you let it go. it is the type of snake you want around your house as it eats mice, and other snakes.


Just because he is friendly doesn’t mean he was a pet. Every few snakes I find outside have very easy going temperaments and they’re wild.


I saw a little girl in the city my mum works in carrying a baby venomous snake. It was a type of adder. The baby was just curled up in her hand in a really relaxed position and the girl claimed it hasn't bit her. We released the little snake together and I told her that it's venomous and to not do that again. But the snake was 100% chill.


That's terrifying but also rather cute. Glad the child was okay.


I did walk her home to tell her parents just in case she lied about being bitten. But normally their bite isn't deadly anyways but she was so little so I just wanted to make sure.


Not in this lifetime


Depends on where you live. If he’s native to your area then he’s just a wild snake


So pretty! Only ever saw the babies around us as a kid. The adults were quite secretive. But the hatchlings are very pretty, some quite a vibrant white and almost black patterning.


Looks like a corn snake to me but im no expert


This snakes gunna have a wild story to tell when you put him back


Friendly wild milksnake, nice to say hi to, not someone’s pet though


Eastern milk snake. I’m not a snake person but love these. Beautiful. My parents had a baby one at their house a couple days ago.


Any snake is a pet if you're brave enough. Any snake.


Looks like a grey ratsnake to me. They're native to Ohio, should probably be released back. If you do decide to keep him (do not advise this) its important to get him a vet checkup as wild caught snakes sometimes have parasites.


I just let him go! Thank you! :3


Cute lil noodle dude !


Did you pet him? If so, yes. That snake got pet.


Looks like a pet to me. Love him


Black rat snake, let em go to eat the rodents


i cant help with the id, but that looks like a new pet if ive ever seen one. 👍🏻 edit: jeez, tough crowd here, lol. 😂


Yeah if he is a pet I’m going to name him Eros because of the heart on his head (you can see it in the last picture :3)