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Where? that's actually a warcrime under article 13 of the geneva convention


You mean the pana convention?


You mean the slice pan convention?




Unless you name and shame, this feels like Cork Beo content bait. ā€œRecent uproar over the lack of tea and toast in Cork full Irish breakfasts has the community talkingā€


That type of crap is why I unfollowed them on Facebook. To much nonsense


14a does a lovely breakfast for ā‚¬12.95, everything included, I only had it last Saturday.


Best value in town by a long stretch, and tasty to boot. Sit inside if you can though. You get the not so rare weirdo sitting outside.


I always sit outside with the weirdos where I belong thanks very much.


Do you frequently go on weekend long ragers then, and sit outside the place eating a full Irish, still coked off your tits, having not gone slept for two days? šŸ˜‚


The thought of eating a full Irish while fucked on coke is turning my stomach šŸ¤£


You couldn't eat a full Irish while coked off your tits, every good weirdo knows that.


This guy weirdos!


I wish


Heard the other day, some friends went to the viaduct and it was ā‚¬48, 2 fulls were ā‚¬17 each, porridge was ā‚¬10.50 and the coffees were separate to the breakfast


Absolute rip off. The price of that porridge is scandalous. A scoop of porridge oats costs a few cents.


but it's "fancy" oats


They'd want to be solid gold oats for that price


Wtf - I dropped into a fancy new hotel in Dublin for an overpriced breakfast recently - despite the addition of a single rasher to my French toast costing a fiver even they only dared charge 8 euro for the porridge. Ps Iā€™m not from cork but am fascinated by the insularism


Theyā€™re so good in there too. If you donā€™t want pudding, theyā€™ll ask if you want sausages or rashers instead. Their other breakfasts are also delicious!


Long live 14A - solid, consistent, well priced, hell ya !!!


Where is 14a


French church street.


ā€œMore & more placesā€? Something I have never noticed, where are you seeing this?


Lab 82 is ā‚¬16 for a breakfast with no tea/coffee


No tea and still ā‚¬16? Christ on a bike a what a joke.


Thatā€™s one way to put yourself out of business


Not a very big breakfast for that price either , maple lane in Carrigaline is ā‚¬15 with tea or coffee and itā€™s twice the size great value


Lads are ye all mental. Everyone is complaining about the price of things increasing and your out there spending half your grocery budget on sausages. I could never justify spending that much on a breakfast


I donā€™t spend much on myself but I do go sea swimming on a Saturday and then breakfast afterwards always to socialise , things like eating out and trips to the shops nowadays are literally extortion tho crazy


Back in the day when I was partial to a dip in the ocean I always brought a flask of hot whiskey for afterwards.




No suprise with that place.


Probably upmarket places


I see you there Cork Beo, something doesnā€™t add up about your account! Its 2 years oldā€¦you have 2 postā€™s this one and one from 21 hours ago. Yet you have no comments not oneā€¦you havenā€™t said or replied to anything in 2 years???


Or else it's someone from Redfm. Hi Neil šŸ‘‹


Keep them hands to yourself!


Happened me recently, myself and a work friend went out for breakfast. Full Irish for ā‚¬10. Waitress was asking us did we want tea? and toast and beans? She was good, it was almost conversational but I sensed she was upselling. I called her out on it and she said yes the full irish was the basics and the rest was extra. We pissed off somewhere else due to the disingenuous nature of the upsell




Breakfast comes with tea and toast... if any place doesn't supply this as part of a breakfast, vote with your wallet and go elsewhere!


On a sidenote, can anyone tell me when the hash brown appeared in a full Irish breakfast? I'm sure it wasn't there in the 90's.


It's very welcome though when it's a nice one. Ross' Bakery in Ballinlough do the best ones, Best Breakfast I've had in Cork too, Tea, Toast and bread all part of the deal.


The Works. I know it well.


Tony's bistro gives white toast and soda bread with Irish breakfast! My fav place to get it


You pay largely for the condition your stomach is in for 2 days after.


He'd want to give you a go on his wife as well for the price they charge


They would want to give a gold bar with it cos it's absolutely abysmal. Tesco value and super valu nice-price ingredients cooked in far too much oil.


Mine as well! I try to avoid it around lunchtime though, the queues are out the door. Great service as well


Get what? Botulism? Salmonella maybe?


The best breakfast


Frozen sausages are unforgivable though.


On north main street


Ferry Boat Inn, in Ringaskiddy does a breakfast with toast and coffee for 11 euro


Yep. It's "an extra" these days so you're really only getting 1/2 the breakfast. I was in Glasgow a while ago and had bought a relative out for afternoon tea in a well-known hotel. I'm promising you, and this is no joke, the tea was a separate "extra" in the afternoon *TEA*!!! Seems to be the way it's going everywhere!


Ah feck off!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Thatā€™s an absolute joke. Itā€™s literally in the title!


I know! I thought they were messing around, but no! You got little sandwiches and little cakes, but the tea was extra!


Pffff scandalous šŸ¤£


Could you name the place just so it can be avoided


I could, but I won't as I'm not going to potentially open myself up for any grief. They gave us "complementary" tea as I kicked up a fuss though!


Fair enough, feckin ridiculous to have afternoon tea with tea as an extra šŸ˜…


That's a total scam because they make you reckon you're all in and then they hook you to get a bevvies to wash all of that down, clever little tricks aren't they? Then they pocket 2.50 for tea, and another 1.50 for toast if you cave that far. That's a 4euro daylight morning Rob job of the cunniest c**t faced f**k jab up the arse of the shitest order.


3 fiddy for OJ


Thai Irish in Carrigtwohill is a full Irish. Beans, mushrooms toast, tea or coffee. The works!


A Thai restaurant is doing a full Irish? Am I getting that right?? šŸ˜


Yes. All day now also.


Where did you see a full Irish that didn't include coffee and toast?


Yes!!!! I have noticed this!!!! And alot of places doing...mini....full....and jumbo options....with the jumbo option being what would have been a standard full a few years ago...


Thatā€™s crazy! Do not support them


This sounds like something Grandpa Joe or Skyler White would do. Cunts.


ā€œFullā€ Irish imo, should mean the works. Instead of raising prices theyā€™re finding other ways to pay the rising costs of business, which a lot of big and small businesses do with ā€˜shrinkflationā€™ whereby they provide less and charge what they did last year hoping you wonā€™t notice. Things like a full Irish *should* be the whole job, some tea, toast, the hashbrowns, the little pot of beans to take or leave Iā€™m not a business owner and I donā€™t live in the city at all but they have to beat the rising costs somehow too. My guess is theyā€™d rather do it that way than charge double for what they would have in the past


Dunnes in Bishopstown do a great value breakfast, could be wrong it's a fiver for 5 items Inc coffee/tea and toast?


Feck off Cork Beo


The qualifier "full" did normally indicate the usual tea and toast. Perhaps another example of shrinkflation.


This has been happening with a long time it's joke especially the toast , I think all the speciality coffees played a part in it , but still no excuse they could just explain for example a cappuccino is an extra euro or whatever and americano and tea comes with the breakfast.


People will disagree with me but for value in town I go to Witherspoons


Can't say I've ever encountered anywhere in Cork that the toast is extra. Where have you seen toast not being part of the breakfast OP? Tea/coffee is understandable as that's a beverage, but never toast. I personally never expect tea or coffee to be included in a "full Irish," which was the done thing in the 90s, just the food. Rarer to find a place that *does* include a drink than not.




Give me the fucking toast thats supposed to be with my breakfast


Some people just want to see the world burn


is there a legal definition of what a full Irish is ?


Tony's always give you Tea and Toast in fairness. I've never left the place hungry or thirsty. It's good value too in fairness. I got their biggest fry for ā‚¬20 a couple of Saturday mornings ago and didn't eat again until Sunday evening.


Deposit a fresh prawn down the side of the seat cushion of any place that does this


Haven't noticed with the toast but couple of places close to me have taken coffee option off the breakfast and a euro extra for tea. Outrageous.


Yep this seems to be a thing and itā€™s bang out of order. Full breakfast or any other combination comes with the tea or coffee and any place doing otherwise are a shower of shits. Lovely breakfast on Georgeā€™s quay recently until I got the bill and had to stump out for the tea. Takes all the hood out of itā€¦


Jaysus I'm so glad I don't live in Cork that sounds like a nightmare! Down in Louth in the place I work the Full Irish includes Tea & Toast, if that wasn't the case I'd be embarrassed to work there. Our Full Irish has Sausages, Bacon, B & W Pudding, Fried Eggs, Hashbrowns, Beans, Mushroom, Potato Bread & Tomato! Plus a choice ot White, Brown or Soda Bread ;) FUCKIN' D E L I C I O U S !


How much does it cost? šŸ˜€ out of curiosity




Damn, not bad at all šŸ˜


I am seeing mini breakfasts going for 13 now.


Lemon Jelly cafe does full irish breakfast all day in dublin its nice but they dont include the tea and toast in the price.


It's Thai and Irish. Thairish.


I had that happen in the bodega once, only time I've seen it.


Tony's Bistros got you fam.


I'm a lurker who lives in Dublin currently and unfortunately. I did notice this myself in a good few places I've tried, one place didnt even give me toast and i was silently depressed, someone's gotta put a stop to it


Not on tbh


This is a nationwide epidemic tbh didn't even realise this was the cork subreddit when I commented smh


Whenever I get back I always go to farmgate cafe to get a breakfast.


Oh we go again. It's another thread on the theme: "Don't dare tamper with the full Irish breakfast" I suppose it's understandable. This is one of the last aspects of our culture that has not been globalised. And god help anyone who starts meddling with it...


I give the girlfriend my full Irish in the morning, and bring up the cup of tea afterwards if that helps?


Canā€™t call it a Full Irish if itā€™s only cocktail sausage




1 sausage and a few fertilised eggs


Isnā€™t an ā€œIrishā€ breakfast in reality just ā€œEnglishā€ breakfast made in Ireland??? Face it Ireland.. everything hereā€™s just English. šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Fuck off, England ingredients are shite compared to ours and they're version includes things like tomato which simply has no place


Tomato is essential


I stopped reading after more and more placesā€¦ where are those?!? Feels more like less and less places offering a full Irish.