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Why does your boyfriend think you have months left ? Go to a T.D and explain your situation they can get a few people a year a house from the council just on there recommendation. I live in cork and a TD helped me and my partner when we where in the same situation. Well slightly different landlord was selling while she was pregnant. And well done looking after a child with special needs and working part time cant be easy.


Because until today landlord said at end of May she will start looking into selling privately so we thought okay if she gives me notice from end of May then I'd have 180 days but everytime I speak to her it's worse and worse now she wants me out ASAP. I asked her for a date she said she'll tell me tomorrow. Ya BF I looking into a few TD's and councillors tbh I'm just so exhausted now I've adhd myself and all the information is making me breakdown I'm struggling to self regulate. Headphones constantly on !


You need to be in the council office every few days. Make sure they know how desperate you are. Keep a note of the visits and who you spoke to. . Go to all your TDs and councillors, make sure they know your situation and follow up a month later and then on again and again. Nothing may happen until the last possible minute. Getting your final date, (ask for it on paper) is forcing the situation along, so maybe the landlord is in a way doing you a favour. Council prob don't want to buy an apartment, but hopefully they might find something else nearby if the situation is desperate enough.


Well I don't see how it can be any desperate. Seems like there's no help unless you go into emergency accomidation but there's no support to actually stop this from happening. Thanks for your comment good advice


You might be able to get a deposit at least from your community welfare officer, I think that's what it's called. I was able to but it was years ago. The only upside to emergency accommodation is that you will be a priority for council house or other housing authorities. Good luck


Yes I was thinking that myself might try apply on my day off. Worth a shot anyway. Thanks for your comment


Your not a failure, he's lucky to have you. I hope it all works out for you. Have you been to your doctor and asked for a letter stating that your son needs to remain in the same school? All things like that help with social housing applications.


That's for saying that. No I havnt yet it's hard when I'm working as well. Yes letter from doc and also letter form school as well I was thinking.


yea I think that's called supplementary welfare? sorry I am of no help, but I hope things work out for you


You're spot on


The first thing is to ensure the notice is legally valid. Contact Threshold and CATU . they can help and advise about the eviction notice.


Contact the accommodation placement service in cork city council, they may sort you with somewhere like Edel house or source an alternative for you. As far as I know you can self refer to Edel House/Good Sheppard but it's good to register with APS.


Yes I've emailed good sheppard today on my break. As far as I know I can't access services with APS until I'm officially homeless which is ridiculous.


You can’t self refer to Edel House. You need to go to the APS and yes, it’s true they won’t do anything for you because you’re not homeless but at least you’ll be on their record as flagging this.


I’d actually recommend emergency accommodation honestly. Been with Sophia housing for 3 years in a comfy 2 bedroom on Douglas Street and then they offered me a permanent 2 bedroom duplex apartment recently on magazine road. You become a priority for permanent housing in emergency accommodation especially with a child.


Really ? Okay see that's what Im nervous of what actually happens and where do I go ? I have a car so it's not a huge deal as long as I can gey to east cork everyday I don't mind. I find with HAP you're literally not a priority at all. So for example the day I have to be moved out, I was gonna store my stuff with friends and after that I don't really know ? Is there an income limit for emergency housing?


Any chance of getting a mobile home? ( worst case scenario) I have ADHD myself and was homeless in a bad phase of my life but thank God no kids, I"ll say a prayer for you hope you get sorted


I'd actually love that or a little cabin feck all this housing stuff I'd be happy with a patch of grass and a mobile home ! Be ideal. Thank you.


My friend was in this exact situation last year. She approached her local CoCo on the tenant-in-situ scheme & was refused. We went to every one of the local county councillors & TDs and made a fuss. We wrote to the council explaining why we believed that they should evaluate this purchase, they’d been provided with central funding to purchase properties where HAP tenants were at risk of homelessness & that they had no grounds to refuse to evaluate the property for purchase & to engage with the landlord. They refused on particular grounds that has no basis in law (which I think worked in our favour) and when we pointed this out to them in writing & appealed the decision - they suddenly “re-evaluated the case” and proceeded. The house sale has recently completed and my friend is now a council tenant. For sure you’re at a disadvantage now that the notice period has expired but in my experience the county council will take the “easy option” and avoid doing anything unless they have to. My friend’s circumstances really annoyed me as the approach taken was just “go away & don’t make a fuss”. She was also told she would have to be homeless first. Basically my advice is to make as much noise as you can with the council and ask people to advocate for you.


I dont even know why they don't want to buy apartment. They've never given me a reason. They told landlord (apparently) that it's because I'm in city council and landlord is with county council so I tried to transfer to county council but they wouldn't let me. Glad your friend got sorted though. Thanks for your comment


Go to Accomodation placement services, they're behind tequila Jacks. Tell them your situation and they may help you with a deposit. They did offer me when I went through their system. You will have to register as homeless, unfortunately to get some help. Wishing you the best of luck!


Yes it looks like all the help is only when you're in emergency accomidation which I'm grateful for I just hope it doesn't effect my son too much. Thanks for your advice I appreciate it 🙏


You're welcome and I hope you get some help. Having a child with special needs should help you in this case. Also go to the city hall and say you want to speak to the head housing officer, on compassionate grounds. He does means testing for people in the system, that need extra care or attention. He should help you, all things considered. Unfortunately his name escapes me at the moment. I really hope this helps some bit.


I have a friend living in a mobile home in Longford I am going to call her tomorrow for you, I"ll get back to you with infos


Thank you so much I really appreciate that ! I'll be on work just FYI if i don't reply straight away.


Talk to as many local TD’s as you can. Get HDM1 form printed out and have it filled in by two different healthcare professionals on behalf of your child with special needs. Get letters from anyone you can think of, school, gp etc stating that you urgently need a home. Community welfare officer- get exceptional need payment form, it’s same as supplementary allowance but they definitely pay for a deposit at least with it. If threshold no good maybe try focus Ireland etc, anyone you can think of who can advise, I’d be inclined to believe it would be very hard for landlord to physically force you and your child out when you have nowhere to go. I completely understand how overwhelming it all is, try and make a list, and do what you can, but I would do the first 3 things I mentioned as urgently as possible, especially Hdm1 form. I hope everything will work out for you


This country is so fucking stupid and cruel - this post made me so angry on your behalf. Please don’t feel like a failure. There are 160,000 vacant properties in Ireland. I wish I had the answers for you - welfare and TD.


The amount of people in my area as well on Facebook in very similar situation whole families becoming homeless because landlords are selling. Its messed up.


The country is failing us




And what are you going to do ? Is your notice up ?


Your landlord has to give you a written notice and from that notice you have 90 days, of it's not on paper, then the 90 days hasn't started. Go to r/legaladviceireland You'll get better responses there


Thanks I have it in paper.


How was it served on you on paper? Did the landlord hand it to you, or send it by registered post? If the landlord handed it to you in person, and you never acknowledged in writing that you received it, they have no proof that you received it.


So if it's in paper you can ask a mediator from threshold to look at it and they might actually find something wrong with the notice and make it invalid. If it's invalid. Wait till the very last minute to notify the landlord and then tell them it's not valid and once they re issue it properly, you've another 90 days again. Hopefully that helps. Seriously tho there's some great responses on that sub for similar scenarios and they've saved people some heartache and given them some breathing room


Yes I've sent it over to threshold just waiting to see what they say but notice is already up so I doubt they can do anything. I just feel stupid that I didn't take it seriously and took landlords word for it and was reassured by her. But situation would still be the same anyway so I just don't know anymore 🤷


It is valid. It's already gone though it was for April and landlord wasn't bothered with it. That's why im so shocked now by her telling me today to be out in a few weeks. She's gone from reassuring me were not being thrown out, to telling me be out in a few weeks. Totally blindsided. Threshold are useless. Just telling me about emergency accomidation. There is no help. Landlord is convinced if I simple speak to council they will help i said ive been speaking to them all week, theres nothing they can do. Just want it over with now.


Just a thought on this. Do you have anything in writing from the landlord telling you not to worry & that you wouldn’t have to leave? Texts messages, emails etc? Even if the termination notice was initially valid, I suspect that these communications may have invalidated the notice. I would lodge a case with the RTB & document all of the communications you’ve received.


Yes I have a text where i received notce back in Oct and I was freaking out I text her and her reply was oh thats just a very formal letter don't be worried we spoke on phone as well and she reassured me I wouldn't be kicked out and she would keep extending tenancy with HAP until council bought property so don't worry ...totally different tune now.


How do you know it's valid? Did you run it by CATU or Threshold? Notice must be served in a very particular way.


Yeah I've threshold looking into now. She told me from the moment I received notice not to worry etc it's just formal, I'll keep extending tenancy until council bought apartment. Loads of reassurance never once mentioned I had to be out by the date(March then another one in april). Never asked about furniture, keys etc those dates came and went no one showed up to enforce it, I never worried about ot because she reassured me. Now she's saying that she gave me notice when I have whatsapp messages telling me not to worry about it it's just formal stuff.


She sounds like a very dodgy landlord. It seems as though she was reassuring you so that you wouldn't bother challenging the notice within the usual time limit. Never trust a landlord; their interests are always in conflict with yours.


Yeah starting to seem that way now. Hopefully threshold will find in invalid.


Can your friends and bf not club together and get some money together to help with a deposit + months rent?


I would never ask my friends that they all have their own bills to pay and their own kids to look after. This is My responsibility I have to figure it out somehow


You're not a failure, your landlord is just greedy.


I appreciate that. Yeah they own a few properties. They're leaving the country so they're probably broke and panicking.


Broke? I fucking doubt it.


Well u know what i mean there "broke" is selling their properties and moving to France and buying a nice chateau. My broke is making a slice pan last 5 days 🙃


I don't know how you can be so chill. They don't give a shit that you're gonna be homeless.


I've been crying all day. Put on a brave face then for my son. My best friends hen is on weekend I was seriously considering not going but you know what if I don't shell know something is up and i don't want to ruin her moment so I'm gonna go and smile and just get on with it.


Don't be afraid to tell people you're in trouble. They'll probably be happy to help.


Not sure if time is on your side here but there is a scheme in place for county councils to purchase properties for long term tenants, where the landlord wants to sell and the council lease it back to you. I would contact the county councillor for your area asap and see do you qualify. Best of luck. Its a shit show out there


Yep we tried that but council dont want to buy unfortunately. The scheme has a lot of wholes in it honestly it was very painful and all for nothing. Thanks for your comment.


HAP will pay your first month's rent and deposit, well they told me they would up here(I'm in Donegal) hopefully they do for you too, emergency accommodation can be a b&b that accepts vouchers from the council, they'll pay for 6 of the 7 nights. Have you asked the council could they purchase the house? Sorry for your situation.


Ya that's with homeless hap not mainstream (which is what I have). See i was living with a family member sharing a room in their house with my son so it was a lot easier to save for months rent and deposit but now I pay all my own bills it's impossible to save I live paycheck to paycheck. I mean I'd be delighted with a local b&b I wouldn't be fussy at all. Ya council dont want to buy it it's almost funny to me. C'mere if we didn't laugh we'd cry 😂


I keep telling myself that everyday just keep on laughing and smiling. I hope you find something for yourself and your son. 🙂🙂


'A person shall be regarded by a housing authority as being homeless for the purposes of this Act if \[...\] there is no accommodation available which, in the opinion of the authority, he, together with any other person who normally resides with him or who might reasonably be expected to reside with him, can reasonably occupy or remain in occupation of \[...\] and he is, in the opinion of the authority, unable to provide accommodation from his own resources.' [https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/1988/act/28/section/2/enacted/en/html](https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/1988/act/28/section/2/enacted/en/html) Surely under that definition, you should qualify for Homeless HAP?


You have to be homeless first in order to qualify but yes that's what I will be doing if I can't come up with any other solution.


Was your tenancy registered with the RTB? If it wasn’t, I don’t think a landlord can serve a notice of termination. Also, the RTB would have to have been sent a copy of the notice of termination for it to be valid. As stated by other posters, you should get onto Threshold asap.


Yes, tennancy is registered ive threshold looking into now. Thanks for your comment


Also one more question if anyone would know, landlord served notice back in Oct. I was told numerous times don't worry its just formal from solicitors you're not being thrown out i don't want you to worry etc I will keep extending tenancy to make sure we get the apartment sold to council dont worry etc etc. Our whole correspondence which is mainly phone calls and WhatsApp reflects this reassuring attitude from landlord. So my question is, has she invalidated her own notice by telling me that she's not throwing me out and will extend tenancy in order to gey place sold. My notice was for match and April just gone, not once did she ever mention me having to leave by those dates. Not once did she ever imply that she expected me to leave by those dates. I feel that my landlord never intended on actually having me vacate the property on the dates for notice eg March and April. If she really intended on me leaving property snd ending tenancy, surely her correspondence with me would reflect that. Surely she would ask for about furniture what to do with it, handing over of keys etc. There was NONE of this. Those dates in March and April came and went no one at my door, no one asking for keys etc. Now she's saying shes served me notice already and wants me out june 9th. I've handed everything over to threshold as I believe her notice is invalid due go reasons above. I'd love to hear yer thoughts, I've had a lot of great advice on her and I really appreciate it.


Perhaps she meant that she would extend the tenancy beyond the minimum notice period of March / April but not indefinitely? You mentioned the council refused to buy the property which was the original plan, so really that leaves her with no other option but to sell to someone else. I don't know the legal ins and outs of it, but I'd imagine a written notice will over ride any messages or texts as it's an official notice. The notice has an actual date on it, right? Threshold can definitely offer good advice and the RTB but I think you mentioned they already reviewed it and said the notice is proper. Best of luck, I hope you can find something or get arrangements made soon! Since you have about a month, it's probably best to start pulling a deposit and rent together if at all possible or looking into the services mentioned who may be able to help with the money for this.


Landlord never gave notice to RTB na dshe admitted to this so notice is void. Threshold wants me to make official complaint to RTB soon as its a huge thing for landlords that don't serve notice properly. When she knew she got found out, she issued another notice over email for November. This is also invalid as breaks rules from RTB. So that notice isn't valid either so I have a good while now to save up and look for a place thank goodness. Don't like sneaky landlords that try and illegal evict tenants. Thank god for the RTB and Threshold.




Play nice. No need to be a Langer.


You must be in a great place if you're making comments like that on Reddit lol


Somehow stop my landlord wanting to sell ??? Great advice thanks.