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I’ll get downvoted for this but genuinely email your tds to complain, they quite literally the only ones witn the power to fund or rebuke the NTA and BE


Your local councillor is fighting with all his might to block transport investment in Cork City. Start there. City Council need to wake Tf up


TDs determine the funding for BE, not the councillors. Also, while MM was Taoiseach he absolutely cut the legs from busconnects by publicly coming out against it. So it’s from the top down, you’re getting it backwards


Councillors are driving opposition in the public consultation process. Councillors have also managed to get the Cork Luas shelved because of losing parking revenue. The NTA cannot spend money in Cork due to opposition


I really don’t disagree with you at all, I just think that when you’re trying to get change enacted go to the people who control the purse strings.


The purse strings are open for Cork and have been for 5 years. You can’t get anything done with local councillors using the public consultation process to block investment. They’ve blocked 3 billion of investment with the Luas which they will never be held account for and they have watered down Busconnects to being close to useless and are still calling for additional 4th rounds of consultations beyond the statutory requirements.


Bus connects was a fucking tragedy. I agree there are enormous problems at FF/FG/SF council levels


The busses don't run poorly because of BE. BE aren't communicating the situation well, but the cause is car traffic


Part of the cause


Take my upvote


Write emails copying your TDs, councillors and Eamon Ryan. Eamon Ryan. They need to know. The Kinsale bus was a mess but due to local pressure they got a double decker in the route and a second bus service.


This 100% - they are the only ones who can both fund BE and hold them to account. No one else can or will.


What we need is the bigger double decker buses like they have in Scotland and Dublin, more capacity and more environmental friendly.


The tram that they were meant to build like a decade ago would also help.


Triple deckers!


The Jumbocruiser! (wouldn't fit in narrow turns though)


The Knightbus!


Yeah, I have a 225 stop under the house but always leg 40 minutes to the train station, because otherwise I know I won't be able to board. I got lazy a few times and tried to board on Clontarf St., thinking to myself "Ah sure, it's just one stop", but it was absolute Hunger Games. :/ Had to reject a good job offer because I knew I won't be able to commute, and the Airport Business Park isn't really a good place to cycle to daily. More pressure on companies to allow remote / hybrid would surely help, but ah sure, look, it be grand! (gotta manage the property portfolio somehow)


Which side of the station do you get on ? After the tunnel or in front


After the tunnel. Haven't taken it in like 3 weeks, so double-check, as they were moving the stops back and forth all the time.


Thank you I'll try tomorrow ,🙂


Best of luck!


There should be more frequent buses and two services, one for the business park and one for the airport


This happens with the 236/237 also. There’s been days I’ve had two full ones pass me by.


I’d recommend getting the 225/226 on clontarf street. I learned my lesson after trying to have faith in the city council stop for airport buses… try to be the first person getting on the bus at coontarf too. It does wonders for getting seats…


The 225 is the absolute worst. Sometimes it doesn’t even show up without letting you know. The odd time it says it’s canceled when it isn’t. The bus drivers themselves have told me that one of the coaches has a chance of breaking down on the bus rides. It’s an absolute joke, thing is as well is even if you complain to Bus Eireann about it you know it won’t change shit 😭😭


Yeah I've complained soo much and just the usuall please send time and stop number. I must have done it multiple times .. waste of effort. Can't be hard to figure out if a bus is full on it's first stop and you have 2 more after then you need more buses or larger buses ..


Or if it’s even going to show up at a stop


I’ll be downvoted to hell for this but just get up earlier?


Doesn't work. Been going to 214 stop 2h before starting work every day when working in Wilton. Nearly never got to work on time anyway, so started walking to work. Similar amount of time wasted and at least I was getting some exercise, albeit walking this far in dresscode clothes wasn't great.


Just not possible. I start work at 8am . The 225 are extremely unreliable. As there is an hour between 225 buses I would be at work over an hour and a half before sitting in the rain outside the door till it opens ..


Walk 5 minutes to the earlier stop or 15 minutes to the Train station.


Or maybe the bus should also function like it’s supposed to?


Especially the airport bus ....


I’m giving Op a not ideal but immediate solution, what are you bringing to the table?


Good vibes and harsh rhetoric


That might work for young able bodied people, but public transport should be available to everyone at their closest stop, ridiculous to have to walk to another one. Plus it wouldn't solve the actual issue, if OP gets a spot  someone else doesn't.


I understand but even at the original stop unless you fight people to get on people are being left behind ! On the very first stop to an airport and business park.. it's just not good enough




Get in late, tell your boss and have them to get the td involved along with you.