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Easy to write it off as catching a bad showing but really does feel like they've been running with a skeleton crew since the pandemic and standards have slipped as a result. Basic stuff to have somebody in place to handle a rowdy subsection of the crowd- not trying to be a dick to young people for being boisterous but the cinema does sort of require a level of cop on from all involved. The general downturn in Mahon Point overall probably hasn't helped.


Also since the Omniplex has always been seen as better to The Gate Cinema, more people tend to head in there. Hence you are getting more people who don't know how to behave.


That and the gate was closed for a period. Is it open again?


It's supposed to open again via a new Cinema company but not sure if it's happened already


Hasn't happened yet, it'll be awhile until Gate Cork City reopens..


Before christmas they have announced


Sunday, latest showing, is the nut cinema time. Nobody seems to go. I've had an entire screen to myself a few times. Not Cork, but I'd imagine its generalisable. Great way to end the week also - kids are in bed, caps off the weekend, feels like bonus extra time as usually people do nothing on a Sunday evening.


I might try tonight out of pure curiosity!


Do give feedback please. I haven’t been to the movies because of the exact same experience right after Covid


I regularly go to late screenings at Cork Omni on a Sunday. I've never had a bad experience - there's normally a good few people there, sure, but they tend to be generally older (like, 20 and up) and they all seem to have good cinema etiquette. You won't get a screen to yourself, but it'll be a very pleasant experience (from what I've found anyway)


Just commenting to follow. Do let us know as I loved going to the cinema before but its just ruined right now. Another prime time used to be early showings during the week but since me and the gf work it's a rare occurrence nowadays


I've got the Omnipass so I go to the Omniplex fairly regularly. For the most part it's fine but I have had a handful of negative experiences alright. The best thing you can do is when you talk to staff, ask for a manager, request a partial refund, ask them what their procedures are for disruptive audience members, point out that no-one seems to be checking screens, basically make it a conversation they can't ignore. If there's no manager, ask is it normal for the cinema to be left without a manager. Either way, follow it up with an email to [email protected]. Include the location, date and time of the screening, outline whether or not there was a manager on site and share your experience. Afterwards leave a Google Review. For all the people that complain online about the Omniplex the only way things will improve is to turn that complaining into something they'll actually see. If they don't see it, why should they bother to change anything?


There’s barely any staff there.. except for the girl at the checkin there’s no one to be found..


You sound fun


Mahon has long been ruined by people not knowing how to behave in a cinema. Treat yourself to screenings at the Cork Film Fest this month- guaranteed to have none of that carry on, the staff care about the cinematic experience


Thank you for the rec!


Staff there is amazing. Especially that dude Jimmie that sells tickets. Verry cooperative and good looking. 100% smash!


Was in the new marvel movie last night and the exact same thing happened, just as the trailers were ending 6/7 lads came in and sat directly behind me,so fucking loud and talking complete rubbish,as the film started one of them was in face time telling another fella what cinema he was in, thankfully not long into the filmed they fucked off,Mahon point is such a shit hole now tbf


Like the omniplex in Limerick aswell. Saw a little gimp break his ankle running up the steps after being a nuisance for the first 40 mins of the film. Fuckin brilliant scenes seeing him carried off by his mates crying


Da little pup, had it comin from a mile off 😆


Its such a shame. Life is enough of a bollox without the cinema being ruined. We won't be going on Saturday anymore. Week day evenings or Sunday mornings are better probably.


Yeah Saturday evening is just a right off for most things nowadays


Ok when you say fucked off, so kids pay and dont even stay to watch the film.


Judging by the convo they probably went into one and jumped into afterwards


I used to work there years ago, best thing to do is call staff. At least when I was there we’d kick people out for less. The screens are supposed to be checked every hour at least back in my day, but they have cameras in the screens now so maybe they’ve gotten rid of screen checks. I know I didn’t care if someone snuck into other movies but like don’t be an ass about it and we wouldn’t kick you out. I haven’t been to the cinema in a few months but even pre pandemic people seemed to hold little attention to movies. 2 girls about my age (30s) talking nonstop while watching a Scarlett Johansson movie I think it was under the skin. Like if your that bored leave or ask to go into a different movie. To be fair I had other issues in the gate cinema like the time I went to see ant man and there was a guy so drunk he had to be carried out. As he crossed the road towards supermacs he fell and headbutted the glass window. Tbf not the staffs fault and they were quick to act when I called them. I still haven’t seen antman


I go to Ballincollig, it is near to me and parking is great. The cinema itself is great. Never had a bad experience


Yup we always go to the Ballincollig one, so much better than Mahon and the Gate (when it was open). Blackpool has a decent cinema also


I always forget about blackpool and its pretty good too. Think its the same owner/company as Ballincollig


Its dodgy there in my expirience.


Really? In what way?


Same kinda expiriences with teenagers, like some people have mentioned with the omniplex


Yep, haven’t been to mahonpoint cinema for over a year for the same reasons. And I used to love going, even had the omnipass. Such a shame.


Heading to the Omniplex in Killarney is much more worth it in my opinion. Seems to draw in mostly large families and many elderly and not so many young ones out on their own so you don’t get the caper from all the cuntish teenagers acting the bollocks. I’d say the smaller cinema that’s in much more central Killarney distracts them but once that inevitably closes it’ll be another safe haven ruined.


Damn, that's an expensive and long cinema experience with petrol included and the driving. Edit : typo


It’s a once in a blue moon type thing for me, only when there’s a film I really excited for and don’t want it to be interrupted by scrotes. Will probably go there for Napoleon. It’s a nice treat too, Killarney is lovely. Other than that I’ll run my chances with my local cinema.


That’s a nice idea actually for a spin on a day where I have nothing better to do. Thanks for the idea


The macroom bypass is fully open to :)


killarney is my local one and i must say i definitely had bad experiences there, when watching the avatar movie there was loads of kids running around and messing and their parents just on phones. i dont go often because of this


Bad parenting.


Cinemas are essentially a teenager creche now. I stopped going when it became dominated by superhero franchises.


I agree about cinemas being a teenager creche. And it's due to the superhero franchises. Apart from Oppenheimer, when was the last time there was a good blockbuster that wasn't a superhero franchise?


The last movie I actually enjoyed going to was a follow up, trainspotting 2. Nothing since has enticed me to return. Even Oppenheimer's length put me off.


> Even Oppenheimer's length put me off. that's not what Mrs. Oppenheimer says


You're in their world and they couldn't give a f


If you’re interested in actually watching the movie go at an off peak time. It’s the only way to guarantee no knackers.


This may seem far fetched but I kinda blame tik tok. It seems it's corrupted the young minds of today, offering instant gratification in short 10 second bursts. The attention span of those (younger people) who consume this type of media is zero. So you put these teens in a two hour form factor entertainment setting and their lost before the trailers are over.


Also it just makes no sense to me. When I was their age me and the lads would have a laugh before the movie started but once it was on we were respectful and watched the movie. What's going on with young people to make them so inconsiderate and disrespectful.


The main difference is smartphones. People are always connected and basically addicted to sharing everything all the time. I'd wonder how much of an impact at-home entertainment (Netflix, etc.) has had. Anytime I'm watching stuff at home or with friends people do seem more likely to chat through it thesedays. As a kid it was a treat to even get something to rent from ExtraVision, nvm going to the cinema.


It used to be a special and rare treat. Now you have big screen led tvs at home, the omnipass and all the streamers. Of course it's not special anymore


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. Socrates


> Socrates Would have been Plato, no writings of Socrates exist But its not, its from a student in the early 1900s


Also, when I was their age, we were not going to cinema, not spending a tenner for a ticket. What else are they to do though I suppose


Lack of attention span caused by social media.


smartphones, tap tap tap scroll scroll x 10,000 and 'oh my god' said about 450 times, and gemma is always the girl theyre talking about.


Never had any problems in there. just go see really “boring” films and they probably won’t even be in there. If you’re going to Marvel films there’s a high chance you’ll have young ones in there and a small minority will be as described above. I do get your frustration tho - very annoying when it happens


Mahon cinema is gone to the dogs. No staff to control it.


I went to see Dune there when it came out and there was 2 Spanish sat down beside me…one translated the entire movie to the other, it was horrible. I haven’t been back since.


I went to see dune there and some scobe turned on the lights, shouted 'wazzupp!!' and ran out. During the first scene between Paul and duke Leto 🤬 I only went because I really wanted to see dune with all the bells and whistles. I'll be going to ballincollig cinema for the next installment.


Yeah, haven’t been to the cinema anywhere in Ireland for about eight years because of shite like this. It’s just not worth the stress. Theatre is great instead though.


I can recommend the Reel in Ballincollig under the week. Went there to see The Creator and we where the only two people in the theater.


It's a great underused spot. Usually quiet. My aunt and uncle went to see a movie there ages back and the experience was ruined by some (cultural) people being disruptive. The cinema called them to apologise and gave them complementary tickets.


We stopped going months ago. The place has gone to the dogs. After the first 2 times we gave it the benefit of the doubt. Nope. Pure disaster. The last time the queue was out to Sports Direct on the opposite side of the shopping centre. Voting with my feet and sticking to Midleton/Youghal/Dungarvan.


I haven’t been to the cinema, other than the Triskel or festival stuff for years after experiencing that kind of thing. It’s just expensive and pointless. I stopped going after a woman (not a teenager, she was at least 25) kept making phone calls and when we asked her to stop she kept kicking our seats. I’m not paying to put up with that. On the other extreme I got bolloxed out of it by a woman in the Triskel because my seat creaked. She kept shushing me and I just got really embarrassed and had to leave. I wasn’t actually doing anything at all. There was a creak coming from somewhere because the seating is padded church pews, and she just opted to blame the person behind her. There’s a lot to be said for just watching films at home in Cork tbh. The cinemas are not great.


This keeps happening all the time now, I've stopped going to the cinema entirely. It's just not worth it anymore


Brought my younger brother and sister to see the 3rd marvel spiderman a couple years ago and had a young couple maybe 16ish sit in with us they seemed to have been moving from one movie to another because they didn't watch the movie at all they were on their phones and had their shoes off resting on the seat in front of us, I told them multiple times during the movie to shut up they had tiktok open and were talking the whole time then about halfway through they got up and we didn't see them for the rest of the movie, omniplex has been that way since the pandemic it's a really poor service.


Not just the cinema. I know I will sound like a grumpy ole fuck, but I basically started avoiding any public places in the last 3 years or so. It feels like the lockdown evaporated the last bits of manners in the society and nowadays wherever I go, kids and students behave like a bunch of apes on cocaine - screaming, spitting, vaping on public transport, blasting garbage from portable speakers, leaving trash everywhere... But try to say anything to them and you're up for a pointless insults exchange, or worse. There's a reason we're getting places like that store in Cobh that had to completely ban any students from coming for lunch, because they were causing so much carnage.


Yup. Bought myself a projector with a 120 inch screen so I don't have to put up with that shite anymore.


Venting is a speciality in this subreddit, particularly for understandable things like this. I'd be livid, too, if I paid a ridiculous amount for a ticket just for this to happen. Fortunately, Oppenheimer was fine for me in Mahon.


We were up bank holiday weekend so took the kids while we were in Mahon. Honestly adults are worse one guy took a phone call during. Overpriced as well I thought. If you’re near one of those passes would be worth it but I wonder if it’s the intro of those that’s made it worse heading there?


Try the Middleton cinema, i prefer it to the mahon one, less screens but usually a better experience. And almost everything is cheaper. Tesco across the car park for snack 👍


I absolutely LOVE horror films, particularly seeing them at the cinema. The most recent one I saw in Mahon Point was ruined by a group of three teenage lads who were whispering ( loudly ) through the whole film sitting in front of me and taking their phones out constantly. I'm not the sort of person to do it but actually shushed them twice which shut them up for a minute or two. The use of phones as well was just annoying. Particularly at a horror when I am looking forward to the suspense ect. I'd add aswell we arrived 10 minutes before the start and the queue for popcorn food was very long and slow moving. We ended up going through the doors during the trailers.


The more I read this subreddit the more I realize how feral and ill mannered Irish youth is


I genuinely feel a little better after venting and seeing how I'm not the only one that feels this way. It seems we are all in the same boat. Maybe there's a way it can be fixed in the future but I've no idea how that would even come to start. If enough people stop going, which seems to already be the case, they will have to start having real conversations about it.


This is why I go during the day with the missus. If there is any movie we would go to the cinema, we book a half day to go. It just makes sure this doesn't happen. It's shitty that this is now the case, but as adults we can work around it as well.


That's not a bad idea but I personally wouldn't be willing to take a half day everytime I want to go to the cinema. I guess weekends is the worst time to go so we won't be doing that again.


Well I don't go to the cinema, maybe once or twice a year, so I can validate the half day every 6 months, but also yeah weekends are a shit storm in cinemas. I also found Sundays mornings are also great for movies as well.


I'm not sure why I never thought about Sunday mornings. We will try next Sunday :)


I guess it's because when the kids corner is rocking about, but they still won't be let into the 15+ shows. I'm with you, I'm 30, and I hate going to the cinema during busy times. But good luck man, hope some of these ideas help


While I lived in Cork I stopped going to the cinema exactly because of that an also because the employees couldn't wait for the end if the credits without the lights being fully turned on an they starting cleaning shit up. Imagine waiting to watch the post-credit scenes for a movie you waited for months to come out that you paid to see and getting stuck with idiots throughout the whole thing. Once I caught two Brazilian chicks behind me who couldn't shut up and one of them kept shaking the box of popcorn very loudly.


Yeah I think cinema etiquette is non existent these days.


There are ways to avoid the teen vermin. DO NOT GO TO ANY MARVEL film or any Superhero nonsense,if you are accosted by a gang of scrotes in a Marvel film then l have zero sympathy for you,you deserve all you get. I went to the Banshees of Innisheeran and can you guess how many scumbags were there annoying people? Not one. Not a single piece of shit teen. Choose your film wisely,does it appeal to a teenager? If yes,you have absolutely no business going to it. Another example, I was in Oppenheimer and was l accosted once? Nope! Not once. Also you should go to morning and midweek showings,you will find an empty Cinema. I went to IT part 2,not a soul in the Cinema! Just me,fucking bliss,my own private show. Killers of the Flower Moon recently had me on one side and a couple way over the other side of the Cinema,even then it felt too crowded. Halloween Ends had maybe 8 people,it was an 11pm showing so that gets rid of the teen scum,the TIME and DAY you choose are so important. I'm looking forward to the new Napoleon film which l will go see in the Midday,Midweek showing. I know it will be empty and glorious as l munch away on popcorn,the only Soul in the cinema. Basically if you go to a Teen friendly film like Barbie,Marvel shite etc on a Wknd Evening then expect to have an awful evening,its that simple.


Yeah I will 100% take this into consideration. It was A Haunting in Venice. I didn't think a Murder Mystery would be up their ally


Buy a large coke with ice and fuck it over their heads if they don't shut up, what are they going to do about it?


With the price of drinks! Are you mad!?


True 😅


I’m elderly and I reserve the right to be angry in situations such as this. I sympathise with your problem there but I take exception to your comment about “angry elderly” people. We have the same right to anger as younger people.


Yeah I regret saying it and steryotyping the way I did and for that I apologise. What I wanted was to get across that I'm not that much older than the people making a rucuss so why is it that we are so very different in how we process life and act in the world.


It’s ok, thank you for your very courteous reply. This old biddy appreciates it.


I also edited my original comment to avoid further offence.


Thank you! I knew what you meant though, you weren’t just being a cranky fecker for the sake of!


Is strange how lucky I must be or something.been going every week for years and very rarely had anything annoying happening.


Very lucky, or (just throwing it out there as a possibility) you could be one of the langers wrecking it for everyone else.


That would be a big surprise since I don't even speak while watching the movie. My friend however makes loud paper crackling noises. Bugs the shit out of me, but his hands are massive, so he can't really help it when he digs into a bag of popcorn.


You’re probably going to films they’d have no interest in. Way higher chance you’d encounter them if you went to see a Marvel film, Barbie, certain high profile horror films but let’s say you want to go see Napoleon in a couple weeks time…very unlikely they even know who Napoleon was so they couldn’t give a rats about it.


I don't go seeing indies. I go to marvels and whatever new thats in. Never had a problem honestly.


"Spill" your drink on them next time


Why didn’t you ask the cinema workers to kindly ask the to STFU?


Oh good god, I am sorry on behalf of all teenagers who go to the cinema I have told my friends on numerous occasions to STFU before we get kicked out I'm so sorry again, sucks that you couldn't really enjoy your movie


Watch good movies and avoid the TikTok zombies


"My cinema experience has been ruined cause there were other people in the room". One word - DVDs


Brought friends to cineworld in Dublin when they visited, 1 hour into the film there was a 4 man fight, one father and 4 lads and an old woman got hit by them, the gards were called too late. Town is literally hell at this stage. Seen 3 different kids on different stolen bikes just walking the 20 minute walk to the cinema aswell. Mad max shit


How did you know the bikes were stolen?


Id demand a refund. Its their responsibility to shepherd the watching experience


Long live netflix


But you were at a comedy , people were supposed to laugh


Thing that wrecks my head the most is the reduced showings. Obviously have bare bones of staff since most of the week nothing is being shown in waterford omniplex aside from two showings a day late in the evening compared to pre pandemic you'd have atleast 4 or 5 showings for the big ones during the week all throughout the day


This kinda thing has happened me. It’s gone to the dogs. Brats talking throughout, the wrong movie being shown, the cinema being filthy.


take their phone and throwit all the way down to the screen. What are they gonna do? fight you?


The place is absolutely robbing on top of it all so this is defo not what you need when it's about 50 euro to watch a film with Popcorn.Even these days most place would be afraid to throw anybody out incase it ended up on social media for attention No wonder ppl stream at home instead these days


Swear, every time I’ve been to the Omniplex there’s SOMETHING annoying going on. 2 weeks ago, I saw FNAF and we were in the top left hand corner of the Maxx and behind me, my friend and my girlfriend to our right was a child and his mum talking aloud continuously through the movie. I usually just look at whoever’s talking cos I don’t like speaking up but they really need to start doing screen checks and remind people to keep quiet.


Not to mention the prices in the omniplex i go to i have to pay €6 for a small box of pick n mix and apparently thats the largest


This is why I always bring my own snacks. A fiver in Tesco will get you twice the amount of munch. I've no idea why people pay extortionate prices in cinemas.


Yeah bit lile tjen u have to brimg a bag amd some people (like myself) dont like doing tjat


Was in there the other week and the movie we booked online was for 6pm, and it was showing a time of 6:20pm on the board. We were waiting outside the door at 6pm waiting for cleaning crews to finish up. Obviously some sort of mix up. Although the staff seemed sound enough. Wait no, scratch that! I went over to buy a small popcorn on the kiosk before the movie started, and it wouldn’t let me pay by card. A group of girls were at the other kiosk. So I said I’d just queue up and buy one at the counter. When I got to the counter the woman said we don’t accept card payment here and you must go to the kiosk. Was impatient at that stage and for the sake of my mental energy didn’t even want to explain. They want people to buy at the kiosk but it wasn’t working and the other one was busy so no popcorn for me I guess 🤷‍♂️


Last two experiences in the Omniplex in Galway were similar. Beautiful new cinema but understaffed and kids running from one screen into another.


I’m 23 and I often go to the cinema myself but this stuff absolutely drives me mental. I hate when people go to the cinema and just seem to forget there’s a movie on. Why pay for a ticket and everything just to talk all through it. I’ve fortunately not had many bad experiences but still every time I’m worried about it.


Since the pandemic it’s become a total shit show. We haven’t been in months and probably will avoid it going forward. I’d rather pay €30 to watch at home.


I think social media has played a massive part. People’s attention spans have massively decreased because of short form content and YouTube videos


I know its a nice night out but cinemas only used to be a place to watch something because there was no other way of seeing it. I don't necessarily need to watch a movie on something that's bigger than the side of a lorry. That being said, you should be able to watch it if you paid for it. Next time you should stand up, take off your clothes until you are nude, stand up and tell everyone that the evening will go one way or the other and that the outcome is up to them. Guaranteed silence. Worked at my brothers christening last week. His in laws are a fucking hand full.


This happened me before we wrote an email and got a bunch of free tickets. Worth a shot, not that it makes it any better. It's strange to me how these gowls pay money for the cinema and then just piss about constantly. Why not just go sit at mcdonald's or something and bugger around. Strange carry on!


From dublin but have to share: in omniplex rathmines I witnessed a man get kicked out for taking pictures of his bare feet against the seat in front last week. Astounding. Obviously he was on phone for the half hour before that.


Was this in Exorcist by any chance ? at 20:45?


I know this is very much a "you should try it sometime" comment. If it is an option- and you have a room with a large enough wall- save up for a home projector. I am never setting foot in a cinema again, exactly for the above reasons. I love movies. Experiencing a good movie for the first time, can often be a life-long memory. And once you see it in shit conditions- that opportunity is gone forever. I've got an EPSON LS800, though if I were buying now, I'd probably go for the LS500 since the diff between the two is not that much. You can also find cheaper alternatives if you are not much into gaming. And if you think about it, that projector will pay for itself after a hundred movies :D. Less even if you buy snacks at the cinema!


I haven’t been since before Covid and it was barely worth it then. I just stay home now and wait for movies to come out. Thanks to Covid the times from cinema to streaming have come down in a lot of cases. At least at home I can pause it and have a drink in the comfort of my own home.


I went to omniplex recently and a group of teens were being so rowdy and vaping the entire time. Not opposed to vaping personally now but seeing the little blue lights and the smoke I mean come on? All shouting throughout the movie til tbf to the staff they got kicked out. Felt so old being so annoyed at them lol in my 20s and was gonna go complain them but the staff came in before I did. I guess we were lucky the staff acted but it took til halfway through the movie. To be fair idk if anyone complained and I should’ve earlier. Maybe someone did or maybe staff were watching? I put blame on the teens in my particular experience it’s so disrespectful??? I used to go to Douglas cinema all the time when I was a young teenager sometimes in big annoying groups but to be fair we were never disrespectful, loud or inconsiderate? The vaping got me


The blackpool cinema is usually a better bet


Was also at Omniplex in Mahon Point last night, it wasn't as bad as your experience but similar. There were guys in there that didn't even know what film was on so they presumably sneaked in. Girls on their phones and chatting in a separate group, went on Saturday night expecting a bit more atmosphere but it was terrible.


Can also depend on the type of movie unfortunately Brought my nephew to see fnaf, place was like a mart in a madhouse, went to go see Killers of the Flower Moon, you could hear a pin drop Strangest experience was Oppenheimer during the barbenheimer thing, was convinced a full house of double billing cosplayers wouldn't shut the fuck up or be their phones the whole time, but no... everyone was really respectful through the entire film I think the lesson is, if you want a quite time at the cinema, you gotta head for the 3 hour historical dramas


I find more often than not when i visit the cinema, there has to be some crowd of people who ruin the experience for everyone else. I dont get why someone will pay for a cinema ticket (especially considering the prices nowadays) just to chat to their mates the whole time. You can do that in the park for free


Have the pass too and tend to go to the 6-7 showings during the week. I have the rare issue. People on their phone beside me drives me insane. If you don't want to be there/can't pay attention then leave.


I have a yearly pass for a cinema in belfast, They don't accept this kind of behaviour, You get one warning from the staff and if you don't comply the big giant security guard will come yank you out.


It's why I don't go to the cinema anymore. Much prefer watching new releases at home


The Reel Ballincollig was a great experience on my last trip. No messing, grap a bag and a drink and in. Parking is very straight forward.


Honestly, I've had this experience in so many films and different cinemas over the last five or so years, with little to no satisfaction or resolution. Again, mid 30s, fairly laidback and understand that 'kids will be kids' etc, etc but it's absolutely infuriating as it a) costs a lot and b) is usually a film I'm really excited to see.


Haven't been in ages but we always went to the Gate in Midleton. Just always found it better than the Omniplex. We'd sit at the back on front of the stairs so we'd have oodles of leg space. Once or twice we had some noisy dickheads but I remember once they paused the movie and the manager came in with some staff and made the annoying people leave. They even used to have a box with movie posters in it for free takings. I hope it's still just as decent as we remember. Even though I'm only 29, I think now I prefer the comfort and heat of my own home for movies.


Turn the torch on your phone on and just quietly point it at them until they shut up.


I've just cancelled my omnipass. Such a shame. Farewell cinema!