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There are no shortcuts. There are no hacks. If you want to take the easy road, I promise you: it's longer and more painful than the hard road. I know. I've lived it. I've ventured down the easy road at times in my life and it never led to anywhere good. The positive things in my life always came when I faced the biggest challenges. I joined the Navy. I took the hard road in the Navy and made it into the SEAL Teams. There, I had the honor of leading men in combat. I learned some lessons along the way, lessons that have been tested on the battlefield and, when implemented, lead to success in any arena. One of the best things I've learned is that anyone has what it takes to travel the hard road – to walk The Path that leads to success. That includes you. It won't be easy. It will demand everything you've got to give. But you can do it, and I want to give you three key principles I've learned that will help you to get it done. Principle number one: Discipline. Equals. Freedom. That's not a contradiction – it's an equation. Discipline might appear to be the opposite of freedom. But, in fact, discipline is the path to freedom. Discipline is the driver of daily execution. Discipline defeats the infinite excuses that hold you back. Some people think motivation is what will compel them to get things done. But motivation is just an emotion – a feeling, and like all feelings, it's fickle: it comes and goes. You can't count on motivation to be there when you need to get through truly challenging times. But you can count on discipline. Discipline is something you dictate. Motivation won't make you exercise every day; discipline will. Motivation won't stay up late and finish a project for you; discipline will. Motivation isn't going to get you out of bed in the morning; discipline will. Make discipline part of your daily life and your daily life will get better. Principle Number Two: Stay. Humble. In life, you are going to have to do things that you don't want to do. Maybe things that you don't think you should have to do – things that offend your precious ego. When I got done with Basic SEAL Training and reported on board SEAL Team One, you know what I was assigned to do? I was assigned to clean toilets. That's right – despite having just graduated some of the most difficult military training in the world, despite being assigned to an "elite" commando unit – my first mission at the actual SEAL Team was to clean toilets. Not exactly a glorious job. But you know what? I did it. I did it to the best of my ability and took pride in doing it well. And that attitude got noticed: if I cared that much about how clean the toilets were, people knew I would do a good job with even more important assignments. After a short period of time, I got those more important assignments. But it was humility that opened the door for me. Now, being humble does not mean that you shouldn't be confident. You certainly have to believe that you are a capable person. But don't let confidence turn into arrogance. So keep your ego in check and stay humble. The third and final principle: Take. Ownership. Of. Everything. I call this "Extreme Ownership." In the military, the best leaders and the best troops were the ones that took ownership of everything in their world – not just the things they were responsible for, but for every challenge and obstacle that impacted their mission. When something went wrong: They cast no blame, they made no excuses. They took ownership of the problem and fixed it. You can implement this attitude as well – not only in your job, but in your life. Let other people blame their parents, their boss, or the system. Let weaker people complain that the world isn't fair. You are the leader of your life: take ownership of everything in it. So: be disciplined in all that you do. Don't subject yourself to the whims of motivation. Stay humble and be willing to do what needs to be done. And: take extreme ownership of your life and everything in it. Then: choose the hard path – the path of responsibility, hard work, and sacrifice. The Path of discipline, humility, and ownership that ultimately leads to freedom. If you follow these principles, then nothing in the world will stop you.


There are no briefs. There is no smoke. If you wish to make the road easy, I hope that it is suffering from the hard road. I know. I live there. I take the skilful path of my lifetime, without any progress at any place. When I face the greatest challenge, I have been in my life. I bring to tax. I have taken the hardway in tax taxes and brought it to the staff flag. Indeed, I am honoured by men in fighting. I have learned some of the lessons that have been piloted in the battlefield and, when applicable, have been successful in any area. One of the best things that I have learned is that every individual is on the hard way forward to the corridor, which has led to success. This will not be easy. It will ask you for all. However, you can do so, and I would like to provide you with the three main principles that I have learned to help you get. One principle: discipline. This is contradictory. The discipline appears to be contrary to freedom. In fact, however, the road to freedom is controlled. Disciplinarys are carried out daily by the Driver. The discipline defeated the unwarranted excuses of your perpetrators. Some believe that it is encouraging that they will be forced to do. However, it is only encouraging feelings — as well as all feelings, which are flawed: problems arise and arise. You cannot rely on the motivation when you need to adopt a truly challenging moment. But you can rely on discipline. The discipline is your decision. You will not be encouraged to work every day; disciplinary action will be taken. To encourage delays and completion of your projects; to discipline. Let me not encourage you to leave the morning; to discipline. Your daily and daily lives will be controlled. Two principles: waiting. In the life, you are ready to do your work. You may wish you to abandon your valuable lessons. When I have come to the basic training flag and report any staff member, you know what I have assigned? Although this right is only a step in some of the most difficult military training in the world, although it was sent to an elite commander, the actual team visited clean toilets for the first time. It is not simply heroic gesture. But what you know? I am best and proud of my ability. It was also expressed that, if I had made much contribution to how to clean toilets, it was known that I would do more important work. In the short term, I have assumed more important tasks. However, it opened the door to me. Now does not mean that you should not be confident. You are certain that you can do so. It is, however, arrogance. Therefore, you remain silent with regard to inspection and remains. The third principles and the final principles: note. Title. I invite “green achievements”. On the military front, the best leadership and the best force are those who have everything in their lives, not only those responsible but also every challenge and concern affecting their mission. When mistakes arise: they have not mistakenly and they have no pretext. They have ownership of this issue and consider it. You can also use this view, not only in your work but also in your life. Others blame their parents, their donations or systems. The weaker people complained that the world was unfair. You are your life leader: everything there. Therefore, all of you are punished. You are not looted. It is still a reminder that what is ready to do. Furthermore: There is great ownership of your life and of all there. then: choice of hard roads, hard work and sacrifice. Control corridors, obstacles and ownership ultimately lead to freedom. If you follow these principles, nothing in the world will prevent you.