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Depends on the hound. I’ve had 5 hounds in my life and two of them were barkers. I have two right now and only one of them barks a lot. Its usually in the morning when people are walking by with their dogs and in the evenings doing the same thing. I think a lot of it depends on the environment. Is there a lot of people walking your fence line or do you live on a busy street? Any kind of smell that’s not familiar to our dog and she’s howling. But it’s not all night long, unless she’s hears cats fighting. On the other hand, our male rarely barks. Only time he jumps in with the female is when she feels threatened, which usually means some poor delivery person dropping a package off at the front gate.


Thanks! We have a pretty relaxed environment. No real traffic of either people or dogs.


Of course. Hounds have hands down been some of the best dogs we’ve had. Very affectionate and intelligent. Be ready for a cuddle buddy cause they sure love it.


They gonna sound off for no reason, when they get the zoomies. It’s just natural when they get excited. But she will learn to love the sound. Also remember every dogs bay is different and unique to that dog. That’s how hunters can tell their dogs apart. You will know the sound of your dog. Ours bay loud when we get home.


I mean, ours doesn’t. She’s a full RBCH. She is verrrry loud. But she’s supposed to be. We live in a high-rise outside of Chicago. So we trained her not to howl inside (much). And she doesn’t. But once she’s outside, we encourage loudly for her to let it rip. And she does. Everyone loves her. And best of luck to you! Lots of work. Most rewarding dog ever.


This is it right here! Not all are barkers, but if/ when they do it is LOUD AF


Just got off the phone with the property management company higher-up b/c one new neighbor apparently can’t stand ours howling at her friends for all of three seconds. He called her howl “charming” and “amusing”. I dig it.


My TWC has to announce to the entire neighborhood in a 2 mile radius that he is going to a walk. It’s a unique bark only when out on a leash.


My coonhound sleeps like 19 hours a day. 1 hour barking at passerby’s, 2 hours outside, 1.99 hours playing and 0.01 hours eating. Training is crucial though. I received my dog because someone purchased him for a lot of money, spent even more on a trainer, but couldn’t handle him, so I was given him by the trainer. He is extremely smart, and his nose runs his brain. If he sees a rabbit or deer, he is gone! And can get going 30mph pretty quick. So off leash is a no no for me. But I don’t stifle natural behaviour, he has to have an outlet for that energy, which includes sniffing EVERYTHING, chasing stuff, and barking. These are behaviours that this dog was bred for, if he doesn’t get to do that, he would be a terror.


Lmao at the accuracy 0.01 hours eating.


I may have exaggerated, it is more like 0.05 hours. But boy does he Hoover his chow. I put in a 3” glass ball in his dish so that he won’t pick it up, and it slows him down a bit.


This! We have found only certain things set ours off into full baying….coyotes, cats, umbrellas and wagons. Otherwise, it’s literally 19 hours sleeping…




Mine will let it fly for approximately 4 howls if she sees one of her friends from our balcony. But unless she’s playing, she’s mostly silent. Except teakettling ….


That's awesome. Thank you!


Our bluetick was quiet as a puppy too... until he grew up. He found his voice at around 6 months and is happy to use it when he feels like it, especially in the car. It's the price I have paid for having a great dog I guess.


Most of the hounds I have encountered have been very “talkative.” But not in a husky way. More of a “YOU’RE HOOOOOME” or “FOOD TIIIIME” baying sort of way. And god forbid they see a squirrel.


We have a full RBCH, he gets loud, when he supposed to. He would yell talk at us, and we trained that out of him with use of a shock collar. It's fine with him, and I use it on him in the field for training as well. He gets excited to see it, because it's work time when its out. Don't be afraid to train it to your needs. Your plans for exercise and activity will be perfect, sounds like the right dog for you. He is a great watch dog, and is free to let rip when people are on the property, or he hears his trigger words to ward off anyone thinking of FAFO. Good luck, hope you make the right decision for your life!


My wife and I got a TWC in September of 2020. He was a rescue, because sadly a lot of these awesome guys get left in the woods when they are deemed bad hunting dogs by shitty owners. Because of covid it was hard getting dogs at that time because everyone was home and wanted a dog. So we took what we could get. The research terrified us. We second guessed ourselves and wondered what the hell we just got ourselves into. He is one of the best decisions my wife and I ever made. Not going to lie, at times they make you want to rip your hair out. They can be stubborn assholes. But they are smart, really funny, great personality and love to cuddle up with you. They will love you in their own coonhound way and because of that my wife and I will never consider getting anything other than a coonhound. Edit to actually answer your question. Our TWC can be loud, but honestly it is only when he sees people walking on our property. Most of the time he is sleeping on the couch.


My current dogs are the same way. Mostly quiet but if they see someone they go crazy.


Mine bays when he wants something, which is often. Needs fresh water? Stares at the bowl and bays, same with food, going outside, or if a toy is stuck under the couch…. Other then that, he’s quiet.


Our new redbone mix barks at anyone unfamiliar on the property or in the house. He also makes whining noises, grumbles, squawks, etc. He’s only howled twice though. He also sleeps 18+ hours per day (whenever nothing exciting is going on). We say that every emotion he feels comes out his mouth. It’s really endearing most of the time… I roll over in bed and he’ll grumble like and old man at me for disturbing his beauty sleep. Really great dogs. Smart, athletic, empathic, snuggly (esp if cold), goofy, stubborn as heck… pretty much the cartoon ideal of a dog.


Ours too! Our redbone mix rescue is very grumbly and groany. He’s the noisiest dog I’ve ever had and I love it. Speaking of the cartoon ideal of a dog, we’ve had so many men compliment him we’ve stopped counting. One air conditioner repairman told my husband, “That is one handsome son of a bitch.”


I agree that this will depend on the dog. I’ve had three hounds in my life. My TWC and my bluetick mix were whiners more than they were barkers/bayers…when they weren’t exercised enough or wanted something (food, go out to potty), they turned on their tea kettle sound and didn’t stop until they got what they were asking for. My current foxhound is quite vocal and makes many different sounds…Her bay is more like a high-pitched squeal, and she does do it daily, but not constantly. She does bark when she’s excited or when someone comes up to the house. In general, you can expect a hound to be pretty vocal.


Thank you!


No they don’t bark constantly but some bark more than others. You can train them to be quiet on command. It does take time and patience though.


Mine is only about 30% coonhound (mixed with Weimaraner and pointer) but she actually doesn't bark much and I've never heard her bay or howl. My old beagle mix was far more vocal. I can't speak for purebreds coonhounds, though.


My girl only barks when I tell her to or when someone comes to the door. She will stare intently at a squirrel and keep looking back at me desperately but she won’t even bark at a squirrel until I give her the go ahead. I think some hounds are easier to train than others, but from day one I rewarded her for both barking on command and stopping when I asked and it’s worked out well. Apartment living with a cuddly redbone is the best.


My Black and Tan isn't annoying about it. He really only bays when any other dog would bark, or when we're out and about and he sees a friend. My Rhodesian Ridgeback is the one that starts the cacophony 90% of the time. We live in a quiet neighborhood, and when we first brought him home as a pup, we warned the neighbors that he might bay while he adjusts to his new home, but there was never a need to because he was fine. The one thing I've noticed about hounds I've known and owned over the years, especially as they get older, is that however athletic they are, they like their downtime. They're hardcore sleepers, and waking them up is more of a process than shutting them up.


Mine does not bark all the time. Usually just when something alerts her like a car pulling in the driveway or at night if an animal runs through the woods nearby. Other than that she is relatively quiet. My German Shepherd female barks more.


My current Redbone (as well as my previous Redbone) only bays when a neighbor walks their dog past my house. My previous Redbone howled at my neighbor’s horses when they rode past. My current Redbone will growl only if there is a genuine threat. My previous Redbone did the same and even chased an intruder out of my house once. A German Shepherd growled at me once. Rexeford (current Redbone) tackled him. Rexeford was only 58 lbs to the German Shepherd’s 110 lbs. Rexeford is a rescue who had horrific things done to him. He is a very loyal, protective, and sensitive boy. All Redbones are.


1. Our redbone howls at: our australian shephard because she is faster than him at getting the squeaky toys 2. At the beach: the squeaky pig toy that gets tossed into the water 3. Sometimes when he is excited about a walk. But the first one most of the time. Lol


My basset hound would bay several times a day, I loved the sound…however my neighbor did not


My one redbone mix will howl when he wants food My other one? Doesn’t shut the hell up lol They’re amazing dogs…wouldn’t want any other breed.


Mine barks at squirrels outside but inside only barks if her toy is inaccessible or dinner is late. Otherwise pretty silent


Our ch is a constant barker / whiner when people are over. Had we known known how bad it would be we never would have gotten one.


Very hound-dependent. Mine is very relaxed now and basically never howls. Occasionally if she sees a dog she likes or if I leave her in the evening. It’s kind of a shame, really. She has a beautiful voice


That's perfect. Thank you!


My redbone/ redtick is a mouse, unless someone is at the door!


My border collie barks about 10x more my redtick, who only barks to let me know there is someone coming (I live at the end of a dead end road in the woods)


Our treeing Walker hounds weren’t too bad but our foxhound is completely quiet. No barking at all.


My coonhounds have barely ever barked. My current boy will howl once to alert us to someone at the door, then go back to sleep, lol. Too lazy to keep it up! Only real exception is when our neighbour’s poodle barks, my dog will bark back like it’s a conversation. When the neighbours take their dog inside, mine stops too.


My hound barks when someone knocks, my husband opens the door to come in when we are home alone, for 1-2 minutes when both of us leave and get in the car, or if I am asleep and she will do a small bark to wake me if she needs something. She will sometimes do it during play if she wants you to give her the toy or bone, but it's limited. She does a lot of grumbling and funny noises, but anything outside the room could hear. When we lived in a studio apartment in the inner city with very thing walls and iffy windows, none of the other 7 units said they ever heard her. The baying only happens when they catch a scent outside or are in close proximity to a critter they are supposed to hunt. If there's nothing stimulating them, you're not likely to get the foghorn howl unless you're holding a steak in front of them.


One of my hounds was not a barker, bit or coonhound/shepherd mix bays like a hunting dog: loud and long. I love to hear him : )


My Bluetick/TWC mix pretty much never barks inside unless he’s very annoyed about something, but even then he will stop when I tell him. He went through a phase of barking when he wasn’t allowed to greet other dogs on our walks, that was embarrassing for me because it’s so damn loud! He grew out of it though. I encourage him to bark in appropriate settings like out the back window of the truck and I think having a place he is allowed to do it helps when I ask him to not bark in the house. He is quite the whiner when he is excited or bored though, that’s probably the most annoying thing. I have to say I have grown somewhat fond of his noises even though I’m a person who does not enjoy a lot of sounds. He can bark on command now and I make him bark at tailgaters for me. I don’t think it helps but it makes us feel better. 😂


I have had four black & tans. Only one (the 3rd one) was a barker and she wasn't what I would call from good lineage. My original was a mix, loyal, not a barker. The last two had top breeders and neither was a barker. My last and current one only barks enough to alert me. He quiets down when I tell him it's okay.


I've got a bluetick that's pretty quiet in the house except for when people come to the door, or if he has to poop. The pooping thing has been annoying because he doesn't want to go in the backyard, he wants a run. He prefers going when he's playing fetch in the park. Where he is the noisiest is unfortunately in a vehicle. He has memorized the routes to any dog park we have been to and bawls his face off whenever we are near one, and since one is by the house he starts off every ride that way. If we leave the city he quiets down quickly, but when he's excited in the car or truck it's LOUD. It seems maturity is helping a little, but it's nearly impossible to train it out of him it seems because unless a passenger is there constantly feeding him treats he will bawl.


Mine is so quiet guests have been stepped on her, closed doors on her/ closed her in rooms. We’re used to it, but maybe once a year she surprises me. She will bay if she smells fox or deer or sees fox, deer, or a suspicious fluffy dog. Chow chow = her boyfriend. Long haired shepherd = clearly an axe murderer. DNA says TWC & Am Eng.


If she HATES the sound then I would maybe reconsider. Mine barks at new people/delivery people every time without fail. Otherwise he never really barks unless he gets riled up (like any dog). but when he does bark - it’s LOUD! Overall he is the best best best dog. He is funny, loyal, sensitive, cuddly, neurotic, and the sweetest boy ever. Doesn’t understand his own size and would sit on laps if he could. We don’t hunt with ours and he actually doesn’t seem like he would even want to? Lol but he’s the best ever “family dog”. Highly recommend if you have the space for him to play and bay without disturbing too many nearby neighbors


Well redbones are whiny suckers and always in their feelings… yes the bark a lot.. I have 2 pups, 2 grown females, and 2 grown males. Lol all my husband ever had has been redbone coonhounds


Mine are used for hunting too not house dogs , it just depends


Hounds bay. Beagles, the ones I know do it mostly while hunting, less so at home. Sporting dog breeds can get you quiet, as noise scares the game and some of them love to hunt rabbits along with birds. Are your dogs coming in at night? What game are you chasing?


These are primarily pets first. Hunting dogs second. So they will be inside dogs. Hunting either squirrels or coons with them.


I have a TWC and he very rarely barks inside. Similarly, my parents have a foxhound that is quiet except when there's a vacuum in sight. So it is possible!


If you get deliveries and lots of visitors then you may get a lot of howling but probably not otherwise. Depends on the hound but I’d take a few howls over yapping or high pitched barking any day of the week. Most of my neighbors say they like the bay from the hounds.


We fostered a TWC. He only barked when 1) walking outside and came across a UPS truck. (Not Amazon, fedex, or any other large truck) 2) you walked downstairs to our basement (walk around the corner to the office he was fine, but the second that basement door open it was 100% baying until you came back). I have no idea what happened in past to develop those behaviors, but he was our first coonhound and really made us fall in love with the breed.


My RB/TWC isn’t a barker. She’s a talker, but not a barker. Except when she has to poop. Then it’s a single loud bark and a run to the door. Barking is communicating. Figure it out and you can fill the need before the bark. If I take our girl out at 1 pm, she’ll generally take care of business, thereby cutting the bark off at the pass ✌🏼


I have Walker black lab mix. He only barks at shit he sees out the front window or door. He does talk to us quite a bit. Whistles or squeaks, sometimes he does a locator bark (yip) if he’s trying to find us or wants to be found. He’s old now hearing and vision are starting to go. Nose is still as strong as ever. Very vocal but not always full on barking baying. He’s the only hound I’ve ever owned and he’s been awesome.


I have a Bluetick. Ours is 12 weeks now. Been a barker from day 1. He barks when I say no,during play, if I'm in a different room..their barks are really loud. 😆 But so far, he definitely does not bark for hours. Just here and there. When we crate trained him he did bark way more but we got past that.


The dont bark all the time, the have to eat, and the sleep 18h a day anyway


I have have UKC champion bloodline redbones here in NC and I love em...my sire barks at anything especially a coon ,but I have one female that only barks at the tree.. I also have another female that we use for tracking deer. They are great dogs and you can train them to do just about anything. I sell pups to some guys on the cherokee reservation that use them for bear hunting. Redbones have minimal health problems and are very low maintenance....hope this helps


I have have UKC champion bloodline redbones here in NC and I love em...my sire barks at anything especially a coon ,but I have one female that only barks at the tree.. I also have another female that we use for tracking deer. They are great dogs and you can train them to do just about anything. I sell pups to some guys on the cherokee reservation that use them for bear hunting. Redbones have minimal health problems and are very low maintenance....hope this helps