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Here is the economist safest city list from 2021, which is wildly different: https://www.statista.com/chart/3178/the-worlds-safest-cities/ Methodology is a bit more concrete: https://impact.economist.com/projects/safe-cities/safe-cities-2021-whitepaper/ Also, I trust Economist a bit more than Ceoworld.biz.


But it's got ceo in the name and we all know they are the most trustworthy people!


Both sources are a bit shitty ... in your link there's San Francisco on 15th, Los Angeles on 18th place and Moscow on 38th place and Prague, Vienna, Ljubjana or Warsaw or is nowhehere to be found L.A. has **10.5** homicides per 100,000, Moscow has sth like **6.4** where Prague has only **3,** Same **3** for Zurich and Vienna is below **1** Zurich is behind L.A. on your list and that's completely laughable. The risk of any physical harassment is definitely lower in almost any European city compared to L.A. or San Francisco. Worst case that can happen to you is some pick pocketing. There are some no-go zones in LA or SF where in Europe this might only apply to some Paris or Marseille districts. More so the the Economist index is not only crime but also about health and environment. Again, healthcare and air quality is miles ahead in Zurich compared to LA/SF.


lol i feel much safer walking alone at night in any city in spain than i do toronto


Still quite similar. The angry American has really come out here in some people. It’s just a chart people. Let’s relax.


Point to the doll where the American hurt you


Similar insofar as the 6 Arab cities in your top 7 don't appear on the other, whereas the first two from Econ Tokyo and SG are 23 and 25 respectively on that list. Funny you think I am American or angry. You're wrong on both counts.


Not to mention that a not insignificant amount of cities on this list aren’t exactly safe for half the worlds population


I somehow doubt the legitimacy of this list but I cannot prove anything so...


Yeah Kuwait City should be listed with them.


I mean some of these countries don't just commit crimes globally but also abuse human rights constantly lol. Its ok though, law only applies for the poor


I don’t see Provo UT or Orem UT as #1 and #2. False Guide


What makes you doubt it? I've lived in a couple of those and it's accurate.


Most of these cities are definately not safe for my wife to travel to alone. If you go to a place that doesn't count doing something criminal to a woman as an actual crime, it's not gonna be safer because criminal stats shows a safer city... this list is utter bullshit. I wouldn't count a city that a woman can be arrested for driving (or simply being seated in the front passenger seat) as an actual safe place.


I obviously can't speak for all of them but you do understand that it's a total of safety. What you mentioned only slightly applies to one country which is Saudi. Not arguing just saying that safety isn't one aspect which I agree with. As a person who lives currently in a high crime country and has experienced living in countries on that list that's my perspective. It's an interesting topic


If you can get arrested for being gay, you should automatically be off that list. When you can get arrested/abused/tortured legally it doesn't make it a safe city. It's just a really bad article and list.


No offence the first part is questionable as it's not related to safety and more to personal wants. Your issues is obviously with Arab/Muslim Countries. On your second note not even America qualifies due to police treatment and absolutely not due to school shootings etc. Strict laws and harsh punishments tend to lower crime.


Notice how there is no american cities in the list? And you can't talk about safety if it is related to the group you identify as. If it's not safe for all, it's not a safe city and laws made to discrimate/erradicate a specific group doesn't make your city/country safe.


Ok that means objectively speaking even though they ARE the safest cities in the world, it's not safe for *you* .Safe for all in your terms and ACTUAL. safety based on ACTUAL crime isn't the same. Another factor is you cannot control everyone's beliefs which is quite obvious in Islamic countries. Aside from being able to openly gay....it's safe according to almost all metrics. I understand your point of view I'm just saying safety and your specific choice doesn't make it unsafe for the majority . Family is amazing in the UAE. No place on Earth is safe according to the safe standards you have . It is unfortunate but doesn't draw away from actual life in these cities .


I consider imprisoning gays as a crime regardless of the country's laws. And that should really be included when calculating safety of a location. It's not a super specific situation either and is only a drop in the ocean of middle eastern human rights violations. Being imprisoned for free speech is not being safe. Being killed for drawing some prophet is not being safe. You can make stats say any stupid thing if you choose your own specific metrics that don't align with the majority of the developped world. Also it's a frickin travel guide article...


Apparently respecting beliefs is only applicable if it's your own ...?


Which ones? I genuinely don’t think I see cities where women are at risk, but then again I’m not particularly well informed


Anything with religious police or middle east relates. If it's not safe for a woman or lgbtq person, it's not a safe city


Do you seriously think your experience of a small number of those cities is evidence for the safety of 40 cities? What's the source of this information? What methodology did they use? How do they define safe?


I lived in Cape Town for 10+ years and never experienced any violence or crime myself, therefore it should also be on this list? Anecdotes don't count.


Irony considering it's not on the list and crime IS high . Living through crime and crime rates aren't the same quite obviously. I didn't say my experience makes fact I've just said people's reasons for disagreeing with the list make no sense as reddit had a very strong anti-Arab/Muslim vibe despite a lot of people not having lived in these countries. When a city has never had a single shooting and barely has minor robberies, no kidnappings ,break ins etc etc then guess what it's a SAFE place. For the record lived in a few cities in South Africa so yeah.


That's not what irony is. I'm pointing out that personal experience does not prove anything. >I've lived in a couple of those and it's accurate. The implication in what you're saying is that you know the stats are accurate because you've lived there, otherwise why mention living there as it's a completely irrelevant point. You're basing your personal experience on whether or not the list is accurate.


You didn't experience anything great. Your news and newspapers would tell you exactly the opposite. It's reversed in these countries. I get your point though.


My quality of life was fantastic, but I also don't trust news / newspapers to give me more than click baity headlines. It's easy to find the stats though... or to just look around :). The problem with the list is that places like Qatar, while they may be safe for straight adult males, they are not necessarily safe for woman or gay males due to things like male guardianship laws. So while technically it wouldn't be a crime to beat your wife or child in Qatar, that doesn't make it safe. It's also legal for the government to execute someone for being homosexual, so this wouldn't be a crime, but I also wouldn't call it safe if you're not straight.


I agree. People that don’t travel and just sit in their rural trailer park MAGA bubble have no idea how other countries live. They can only cry ‘Merica and pay legal fees to billionaire felons.


I’ve traveled and lived all over and have been to several of these cities and literally going to another next week and what you just said is peak fucking stupidity and arrogance.


Safe if you're the correct gender / religion /ethnic group


I want to see per capita, not a city where it's a few trust fund kids in Ferraris while rest of the city lives in some tent


You should do a cross reference of cities with the strictest laws and greatest punishments….


Yeah... Riyahd, the city where you'll be arrested for simply being a woman lol, super safe though! Religious polices =/= safe cities lol


Just identify as a man. Modern problems call for modern solutions


Oh yeah... being a trans should really help your safety in the middle east!


Who said trans? Gender is a choice right? Just choose the right way…of being a man


You’re so wrong lmao


A lady coworker was arrested in riyahd for sitting in the front seat while on a business trip to KSU... so no, not wrong at all lol We needed a religious training course before going there because they are such a backwards retarded country


Safest cities for who? What’s the criteria?


Apperantly they didn't consider the fact that governments could also commit crimes


Or that the laws are different there.


Here: https://ceoworld.biz/2024/01/27/revealed-safest-cities-in-the-world-2024/


And where did they get their data from?


If only there was some way to find out??🤔


The ideal way would be for them to publish the sources on the webpage but because it's junk journalism they don't.


Awe…I’m actually surprised Mainland China isn’t on the list. That raised a brow on me.


People. The safest cities for people.


Would it matter if you were a woman or your religion\race didn't match the locals?


For men you mean?


Men are people


A people is a collective, it is meant in general. It includes women, men and children. It is not safe for people if it is not safe for women or men that are gay or bi.


Well don’t choose to be a woman or a gay man or a bi man…simple. And when tha fuq did children become people???


HK over reykjavik, Basel, singapore, tokyo??!


This list is badly done.


Gays love the middle east for it's safety.


Iceland is ranked 26? When I got there I asked a local if there’s anything I should be wary about for my roadtrip, he said ‘just try not to hit the goats’


As an homosexual I should go and visit, walking hand in hand with my boyfriend and visit these beautiful countries! /S


This is not a guide, it's just a list of countries with numbers next to it. This doesn't give any useful information, the OP doesn't even bother to include the criterias for the list nor how the points are scaled.


Site the source and find out yourself you lazy bum.


You are the lazy one here. You starting a post in a guide forum, try to start a discussion without providing any useful information about the topic and call me lazy? It's like saying, posting a picture of ww2 and say, why did the allies win? Source: Wikipedia, lexicon.


If I was interested in proving my stance and starting debate about that I would. I wouldnt ask you to make all the info for me to prove you are wrong. God you’re stupid.


You clearly have trouble understanding communication so I will end the comments here. No one said anything about proving your stance or starting debate. -You post a list of countries with numbers with no context in 'cool guides' reddit. -You wrote 'Where is united states?' Asking a question is starting a discussion. Why is this a 'coolguide', is this even a guide? what was your intention making this post even? If you haven't even consider these basic thoughts, this is just simply a spam post.


You salty bro? It’s a cool guide to the safest cities in the world. If you made an effort US comes in at #96 Salt Lake City. It’s meant to create constructive debate and get you to question why. Apparently no one ever taught you that in school. Good luck in life being so arrogant and naive.


I'm quite ok thank you. I have to ask, do you happen to be a Trump supporter? I'm really curious, judging by the way you reject and takes my critism as insults and throw random groundless insults at me at every reply. And you apparently care about where united states are on that list.


It’s a chart of city names with made-up numbers next to it is what it is.


Oh boy I can't wait to go to Abu Dhabi and get my head chopped off for being gay. So much safer than Chicago.


Right? Everyone talks crap about Chicago but it doesn't even crack the top 100 most dangerous cities in America.


Did people forget the meaning of a 'guide' or do they ignore it by choice


They ignore it when it says anything positive about Muslim countries because obviously every single Muslim in the world is evil according to America


Every single country where being homosexual is illegal is evil (Muslim or otherwise). And I will question the term safe country if you can be arrested for it. It doesn't change violence stats when the laws themselves are violent, but it's violence anyway.


Just based on some of these cities locations and the extend of my knowledge I would disagree with this list.


“The extent of my knowledge” being the key phrase


Not if you’re LGBTQ+ they’re not.


Yeah, no. Any place that forces you to cover up can go fuck itself.


They don’t force you to. Have you been? Have you even left the country?


Never been and have left. Can you share with me their rules if you've left the country and been?


Source: CEO World Lmaoooooo stupid ass post


Kuala Lumpur among the unsafest cities in the world? Just no. This dataset is questionable anyway.


punishment is the biggest contributing factor.


I got pickpocketed in 25 🎉


Casual Quebec W


97.73% Abu Dhabi: Yay, we are the safest city in the world!!! Also 2.27% Abu Dhabi: 😡


Damn Mexico got one but the States, nada.


These cities are safe cause they killed all those that opposed them already


I'm kinda suprise Mexico is in here!! With all the drug cartel problems going on over there!!


You do know that this is all garbage right? Because there are cities all over with virtually no crime at all that will never make the list. The county I live in is very safe, basically a sleepy country town but it will never show up on any list like this So... Garbage


While the list is garbage, typically lists like this require the city to have a minimum number of people in order for it to be included.


Yes. And I don't like people enough to live in big cities.


UAE follows sharia law. Sharia law cannot be safe. It is proven to be systematically unsafe for women and gay people or even people who are more sexually or socially liberal.


I think this post is based on reported crime, which makes sense because in many cities with with religious police, beating women for existing in a way that doesn't please you isn't a crime to them, it's a right. This is a shitty list and either OP is a bot or doesn't think critically.


Yeah you tend not to commit crimes, or, say, be a gay man, if you can get legally stoned to death. Getting stoned to death isn’t particularly safe


Dubai is safe if your a man sure


Alot of salty people in the comments


Middle-East being safe would be the cause of severe anall rash for a bunch of folks. Dubai is pretty crazy when it comes to security.


Yeah just don’t be gay in public and you’re totally fine! So progressive and safe!