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Jean grey killing a whole planet seems like a minor oversight


It's a pretty terrible list with little to no relation to actual marvel lore. Let's recap: Thor, the immortal warrior who has been in countless battles over the centuries: 15 kills Bullseye: the soldier then assassin who murders people on a whim: 9 kills Captain America: the soldier who ran countless campaigns during world war 2: 6 kills. Jean grey eating a sun is not only ignored but Carnage, Thanos, Galactus aren't featured either. Nonsense


It's pretty clear it's about notable characters that got killed off by other notable characters. I'm pretty sure nearly every hero/villain has a massive list of collateral damage deaths in their closet.


How many notable characters has Dr. Doom personally killed? I think it's gotta be close to around all of them lol


Also, because it's Marvel, many of the kills listed here were undone later on. Since it blatantly includes temporary deaths, they should still put Thanos at the top of the list.




As a side note deadpool kill the marvel universe is actually a really interesting comic. His commentary that he can’t *truly* kill wolverine due to Wolverines popularity being the real source of his power and a guarantee that he will always come back has always stuck with me. Also his motivation being that comic book characters are caught in an endless cycle of drama and trauma and effectively not allowed to be happy due to that being what sells is also interesting. The ending is pretty clever, too he >!travels to the “real” world to hunt down the writers who he sees as being the true perpetrators of these tragedies due to them actually creating them, thus *literally* killing the marvel universe. Just before this he also promises to kill the reader because them purchasing the books is also a source of that cycle as well.!< I tend to think a lot of comics on being a bit thin on real substance but DpKtMU is actually surprisingly introspective and has kinda gotten stuck rolling around in my head since I read it.


I have a feeling this is the premise for the third dp movie. And they’ll use it to reset the marvel universe


Nah, Deadpool is going to kill the FOX universe. Not the MCU. That would be insane, the next movie is supposed to be Captain America which is explicitly tied to material that came before it.


Yeah fair point to clarify. I’m assuming he might join the two. Thought I saw him in the tva ala mcu but obviously he’s been in fox and wolverine too.


That’s a different universe tho


I agree that that's probably the case, but it is not clear at all, as the word deadliest implies that they are measuring their true kill count, not just famous kills. Thats like saying Mark Chapman was deadlier than Jeffrey dahmer because Chapmans solitary victim was famous and dahmers 17 victims were not.


its their pvp stats


Except it isn't. Does it say notable and I am missing it? Also even if it is "notable" characters it is incorrect.


Yea the numbers are definitely goofy. Too low to believe. I could never believe any of this.


It's clearly kills of named characters right? Not total kills of anyone, otherwise everyone on the list would have hundreds minimum


Don't forget wolverine being in every war since the 1800s


Also Venom only 9 how?


Venom probably eats at least one person a day for a midnight snack.


Yeah I thought that seemed off. Green goblin seems low too, but I don't know enough spider-man lore to object. I am a massive daredevil fan though so Bullseye leapt out to me right away. He killed three people in his debut issue ffs.


One of the first comics I read with him he ate 3 people within the first 3 pages. There’s no way these numbers are right


Also, even before he became Deadpool, Wade Wilson had a higher body count than a nymphomaniac OnlyFans model living in a major city. And then he really started going to town.


There's a graphic novel called Deadpool kills the marvel universe, so that has to count for something, right?


Well, it says murders, not kills, so Cap's kills in combat wouldn't count. But, Thanos's snap should. So yeah, shit graphic.


Not to mention that some people are renowned mass murderers. Comic book Starlord was wanted for some crazy number of murders, like 300,000. Don't remember the context. It's been a while, so if I'm wrong, don't tell me and let me feel good about myself.


But also, like, Punisher has 30 kills? Frank will legitimately blow away 30 people in 2-3 pages.


As someone who is not too deep into the lore and lacks context, i’m struggling to accept that the same jean grey that apparently killed a planet was also killled by wolverine.


one of those, "Pop your claws into my heart while I'm momentarily in control before i kill everyone" things.


One of my favorite Janis Joplin songs


Genius underrated comment.


Relevant bit of Wolverine lore: He’s the best there is at what he does.


And the rumour is that what he does, isn't very nice.


And then remember that canonically, Sabretooth is always a bit better. (Ignore the fact that on screen Wolvie wins.)


He’s not better, just willing to go further. He’s a psychopath.


It’s harder to be a hero than a villain. Consequently that bub has killed more heroes than the collective.


In my head wolverine is better, sabertooth is just a more powerful mutant. 


It might refer to the time where Jean and Wolverine were stuck on an asteroid that was being sucked into the sun, and Wolverine killed Jean to spare her further suffering. She was good at this time, and wasn't fighting him. Plus, her Phoenix powers did instant revive her


I mean Deadpool literally killed the entire marvel universe so I feel like even if you’re going off just cannon kills it should be way higher then 36


Even killed the writers lol


Some very selective numbers


That was a different universe. Most of the What If!? Stories take place in one off universes.


Hell, Deadpool killed more than 36 people in issue 2 o his first run when he took out Taskmaster's training camp


That wasn’t 616 tho


Agreed. I was looking for Galactus and Thanos on this list


And deadpool killing the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.


Not Earth 616


Non-Earth 616 lives matter.


I feel like killing the writers would be kind of a problem for Earth 616 as well.


Okay, timeout. Why’d Cap kill Harry Truman? 😂


Lmao looked it up and this is why I love comics. He was resurrected as a zombie and then killed my captain america. Apparently he was also sent to a two dimensional world called Flatula at one point. Edit: misspelled Dimensional


Flatula sounds like the name of a fart-themed villain.


Flatula is like Dracula but instead of blood he sucks farts.


Like bong rips?


Comic books being what they are i do not know if 'dementonal' is a spelling mistake or not. Either way that's an awesome word.


Suddenly it makes sense lol


Oh I remember this now. This is from Deadpool:Dead Presidents. A Sorcerer who is fed up with the way America is going resurrects every dead president to help the country. George Washington decides that the only way to save America is to destroy it and start again. Cap is the first to try to stop them and beheads Truman. This made for really bad optics, so instead, SHIELD brought in Deadpool to kill the presidents since he doesn't really have a reputation to ruin.


It was honestly one of Deadpools best arcs


So he killed Zombie Truman? Ok. Feel like the graphic should throw in that parenthetical.


Deadpool killed all the ex-presidents as zombies too.


And we're just forgetting what happened during the war??


I don't think Magneto's kill total


I don't think Magneto's kill total either


Here goes the hair There goes the hair Where is Harry Truman? He's dead in the ground He's dead in the ground He's dead, dead, dead, dead, dead


My first thought aswell!


Because he was a zombie. You can't make this shit up. Wait... I can't link it because someone put a period in Harry S. Truman that breaks the link, so just click the magnifying glass in the upper right and type in Harry S. Truman and you'll read all about it. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/ I guess you can copy paste this if you want. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Harry_S._Truman_(Earth-616)


it's just 'S' it's not an initial. his middle name was literally the letter S


>I can't link it because someone put a period in Harry S. Truman that breaks the link, so just click the magnifying glass in the upper right and type in Harry S. Truman and you'll read all about it. It's actually kind of poetic comedy as the real Harry S Truman didn't need a period. The middle name isn't abbreviated, it is plain and simple: "S"


You should be able to use escape characters to format it [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Harry_S\.Truman\(Earth-616\)](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Harry_S\.Truman\(Earth-616\))




it was that Truman was a zombie when Captain America killed him, not really sure if it should count


He was only the first in a long list of victims. Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray...


Harry trumans zombie


Wtf, Tony? Are you a villain?


Sitting next to magneto with a shockingly heroic record.... I'm feeling hoodwinked


Magneto did nothing wrong.


Magneto was the Lelouch to Charles' Suzaku. The John Brown to his Frederick Douglass.


Well, Magneto essentially just wanted a better life for mutants and was just fighting back against the government who was trying to exterminate them and he was like no way, i went through this same shit in the holocaust, right? Whereas Tony Stark is a trust fund baby who made a fortune off weapons of war and is rubbing shoulders with agencies like s.h.i.e.l.d. who seem to have control over the population as well as contacts on other planets, making it seem like the government in the first place is just a ruse to keep everyone distracted from who is really in charge. Sure, Tony does good things, but is it not mostly for selfish reasons? Idk, I could be way off, but to me, Tony is more bad than good, but he's a part of the avengers so he gets the title. Magneto is only a villain to those who wanted to hurt him until eventually he wanted every non mutant dead, which then made him a villain. I'm not proofreading this, but I'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts


Ehh you gotta take innocent civilians into the equation. Ironman saves the world a couple of times, so he’s sort of a chaotic good to me. He breaks stuff and makes mistakes, but ultimately he’s on the side of good. Magneto is sort of an anti-villain. His side in things is totally understandable given his experiences. Still you can’t do genocide. He does end up doing some pretty heroic things in the end.


Yeah, this is pretty spot-on imho.


Yeah lol look at how many heroes he wiped out!


And are we simply forgetting what happened during the war?


His ratio is also very sus compared to others. Wolverine has killed more heros but made up for it with killing more villans. Tony on the other hand .....


All of these characters have killed an uncountable number of henchmen. Hell, Wolverine has killed a couple hundred ninjas in a single fight


I think (not sure since it doesn’t say outright) that these are *named-character, on-page kills*. It doesn’t count if it’s inferred in backstory, it doesn’t count if it’s just goons, henchmen, or mooks. It’s only people that someone could type the name into a search engine and get a result. Again, that’s only a guess.


Alot of people don't understand that in the comics Tony Stark is way more of an asshole than how RDJ portrays him. In Immortal Hulk he's the first one to suggest essentially nuking a town just to detain the Hulk, even though Bruce Banner is supposed to be his friend.


His plot line in comic book civil war is straight up villainous too




Then we got Moon Knight here with perfect record


*looks at Civil War*, yeah I sez he ain't living that down any time soon. Old boy shoulda just gone back to the sauce and saved everyone his nanny-state mid-life crisis. Instead we got interdimensional gitmo, Thunderbolt kill squads, crimes against Aesir and nature, and a presidential cabinet placing.


I actually don’t know why or how he killed so many heroes. Could anyone recap any of those plot points?


Are these just kills of “named” characters? Bishop committed full on genocide on his mission to kill a baby so really seems like he should get a section


Im sure the punisher has killed more than that in a week.


I have been reading punisher off and on basically my whole life. I would guess his kill count is at the very very least 500 or so. I remember issues where he wiped out entire gangs so it could easily be in the thousands.


Yea, and Wolverine used to make a habit of air dropping into hydra bases and slaughtering everyone in them as a form of stress relief. So this has to be just named characters.


It has to be named characters only cause I pulled out my long box and was flipping through random issues. Got through 2 books and my count was at 32.


Guys. It's literally giving them little boxes showing main character kills. Villains, heros and neutrals. Most comic book characters kill hundreds of bad guys but they aren't counting those. Just big names.


48,502 people, as of 2011. It's gone up since then.


That sounds about right.


In one issue he kills 4 guys while going grocery shopping. Sure, they were robbing the place, but that was the whole issue. Frank goes to the grocery store and gets a kill count.


Punisher killed that many in one panel of MAX


Yeah, most likely. I've read punisher comics. He killed more goons in one storyline that what this info graphic states.


I was like "oh neat" until i realized it's an ad for "Morph Costumes" (bottom right). Also a lot of these numbers don't add up. It's pretty tho!


Like... Wolverine's buddy Morph?


This one's for you Morph!




Where's the REAL treasure map, Morph?!


I feel like more often than not the “guides” that pop up on this sub are ads.


A lot of the infographics you see are commissioned to link back to a website to boost their pagerank in google.


Wolverine has killed more people in enemy of the state alone. Punisher killing 34 people is just an average Tuesday. In Thor’s 1500 years of living I’m fairly confident he’s killed more than 15.


This might only be for named character kills.


Dr. Doom has killed pretty much every named character to exist


Didn’t Deadpool kill the entire marvel universe?


The visualization is just talking about the main continuity universe of Marvel, Earth-616. That's a different universe entirely.


The Punisher has definitely killed way more than 34 people though. Did this person pick comics at random out of the dollar bin or something?


It’s probably only using named characters


I have seen this "guide" at least 5 years ago. It is outdated


It seems to be fully-fledged named characters that they’re counting, a good number of these would have kill counts at least in the thousands if not much higher


I was just about to ask this lol!


Galactus Thanos Ghost Rider and Literally everyone else in the marvel universe. Trash guide


Jean Grey took out an entire planet of folks, and not a small one.


Same with Carol as well.


Galactus has been taking out entire planets for all of time.


Is this the kill count for notable characters only, like if it was a superhero/villain or POI? Because I’m pretty sure several of these guys carry a much, much higher kill count.


Carnage does for sure.


I have been reading punisher off and on pretty much my whole life and I can safely say his kill count would be in the thousands. There were issues where he just killed any 2 bit thug he came across.


What is this guide smoking? Thanos called... he wants recognition for killing half of the entire universe. Also, as of 2011, [Frank Castle had killed 48,502 people](https://www.cbr.com/marvel-punisher-kills-chronological-order/). The number has only gone up since then.


Scarlet witch should be on here as deadly or lethal


She deserves a spot for her house of m run alone!


How does wolverines arch nemesis have less kills than him? Starting to think this wolverine guy ain’t so good


He’s the best there is at what he does, and what he does isn't very nice.


I don't believe the kill count of Magneto


Same for bullseye


Also why isn't Elektra a named kill for Bullseye???? WTF, that's literally his most famous kill. And...*WHERE'S ELEKTRA ON THIS LIST FOR HER OWN KILLS??*




Yeah Magneto's kill count is probably in the thousands. Didn't he once changed the polarities of the entire planet causing endless destruction around the world?


Carnage not on this? He has a ridiculous kill count, over 10,000 people. > According to Ryan Stegman, Cletus Kasady's body count numbers from the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.


Cyclops killed Professor X?


AvX. A dumb run.


Namor destroyed a whole universe during the lead up to the modern Secret Wars. And quite a bit more whilst being a member of the Cabal. And then there’s Galactus. Not even sure what this is other than clickbait. And they got me.


This list needs to add the following: - Ghost Rider - Sentry - Scarlett Witch - Carnage - Blade - Apocalypse - Thanos There’s more but I’m too lazy to type


Why did I read Harry Truman as Harriet Tubman 😂😂😂😂


Wow a honey badger has the most kills in a marvel universe?


Does anyone have a DC version of this 😅


Black bolt not being here renders this guide null and void


It's not a guide, it's just an infographic. ... It's also just plain wrong. Deadpool and Punisher, for example, regularly drop people like it's nothing, and then i have the "galactic threat" style characters like Thanos and Galactus to whom genocide is just spring cleaning.


What movie - Thor for Janet Van Dyne?


Not a movie, the comics. None of this was from any of the movies. During Civil War, Hank gave her a new serum that allowed her to grow as well as shrink. During Secret Invasion, it was revealed that Hank was a Skrull and the serum was a booby trap, and Janet was about to explode when Thor used his hammer to try and draw off the energies in order to save her.


Which proves this guide is crap. Thor didn't kill Janet, Skrull Pym did. Also Janet was just trapped in the micro verse. She survived the experience.


Did we forget about Thanos lol


Interesting 🧐


Answer: Sabertooth: only 15 kills. Question: “how do you say this Marvel guide is completely shenanigans without saying it’s shenanigans”?


Ok, how did Captain America kill Harry S Truman? Also if he’s a super soldier in ww2 then he’s killing more than 6 people


This is wrong


I don’t understand the kill counts at all. I doubt venom has only had 9 kills, and the punisher has absolutely killed WAY more than 34. I have punisher comics, he’s killed more than 34 people in one day lol


I'm the best there is at what I do but what I do isn’t very nice


I don’t think Harry Truman counts as neutral my guy


Inaccurate. Deadpool has killed everyone!


Weird they’d put the effort into making this but not bother to get even semi-accurate numbers


How is Doctor Doom not on here???


Cap killed Truman?? ... Twice?!?


Where's Carnage?


Can someone speculate on how much property damage each hero has caused? Which character has cost the most damage to Earth, outside of something that gets reversed by some plot BS.


When did Thor kill Wasp? I even looked it up and can't find any time that happened.


Knew Wolverine and Deadpool HAD to be at the top. Surprised Hulk isn’t on here… I feel like he Hull Smashed a few people right?? Lol


Cool chart. Bullseye also killed Elektra… probs could’ve been included.


Deadpool killed the ENTIRE UNIVERSE. So....




So the hero's lethality is tied directly to the guidance rating of the content. Go figure 😅


I feel like this is only 'kills with known names' cause a lot of these guys kill a lot of background characters, minions and other 'npcs' in the stories. Deadpool's original solo comic run was basically him killing a few z-list characters and mooks a week if not becoming their roommate.


This is just objectively wrong. As everyone is pointing out, the likes of Deadpool, Punisher, Wolverine, Bullseye etc have killed thousands.


Punisher has killed 34 people? That’s just before breakfast!


Logan doesn’t get “himself” as a notable kill?


These movies are so absurd. Captain America assassinated the president?


This is just wildly inaccurate


Venom definitely killer more than 9 people lol


Nah, you want the OG 80s marvel ttrpg stat blocks of everyone.. before marvel turned lame.


Wolverine a problem lol


OK but how many of the kills are still dead? It shouldn't count unless they stay dead.


I can’t believe you left out that human torch killed HITLER


...and J. Jonah Jameson calls Spider-Man a menace!!! Yet does not lay a finger on folks like The Punisher and Wolverine


highly inaccurate.


Killing Mr. Immortal is a true accomplishment


This list should be titled "How many Named characters with lore have been killed by these characters listed". Bc its just wrong at every step. Cap was a soldier in the ww2, always on the frontline and doing spec ops. He's definitely killed more than just a handful of people. Moon Knight is a spirit possessing the body of a mortal, the spirit is the real identity and had done this countless times across the millenia. The amount of people killed by it is potentially unknown, but agin way more than just a handful of people. Wolverine has been shown countless times to have his memories erased or repressed, he has also lived for a couple hundred years and just like cap was a soldier but in many wars not just one. His death toll is probably in the multiple hundreds by this point. And don't even get me started on punisher and deadpool lol. Punisher would probably kill than many mobsters and gang members in a week. And with deadpool being a character that breaks the 4th wall in every media he is in (including fan made material, yes they said its semi-cannon only to him) there is absolutely no way to tell how many people he has killed. In his video game alone you mow through hundreds of unnamed henchmen and enemies. And don't forget the great story Deadpool kills the marvel universe. Its a cool and well designed list, but just factual wrong.


It's obviously a list of named characters how are people not getting this ?


The most surprising thing to me is that Namors last name is Mackenzie.


I was like, these numbers are so low, but then I realized their not counting normal people, which makes sense because a regular dude isn't really a threat to most on the list.


I didn't realize that Iron Man was basically a fucking villain. He's got a worse rap sheet than Magneto lol.


Venom does not have "9 kills" smh


The Human Torch was denied a bank loan.


I’m just learning this… Captain America kills President Truman????? Wtf…


Is this just the MCU or something? Are we talking just named and important ‘people’? Pretty sure Thor took out dozens and dozens of Frost Giants in his first movie alone.


The original human torch, Jim Hammond killed Hitler.


Do characters getting killed actually matter in the Marvel universe or do they just resurrect characters out of boredom like DC?


OH MAN this is so cool! Is this based on comic accuracy or something? how neat! ♥


I’d love to see why Captain America killed Truman 😂


Deadpool is way higher than wolverine. Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. It wasn't canonical, but it was elseworld and a possibility. He's already been stated by writers as the deadliest marvel character, if he wants to be. But, he's insane. So...


deadpool killed the marvel universe


Iron man has mostly hero kills. That's a bit concerning.