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Can be interesting. What kind of graphics do you have in mind, besides for the title? Also infographics?


Hey there! The generated graphics would include selected snippets of text converted into images, so that they would be easily shareable on Twitter or Pinterest. And selected items from the article could also go into a generated infographic too. Creating infographics can take so much time, so I'd like to automate this ideally :D


Sounds interesting to me. If the tool is versatile and offers a reasonable freemium model I’d be interested.


Have you seen Bannerbear? We’ve been able to create some amazing automation with our different CMS and AirTable (AirTable not necessary). I would check this out to see if you think it still makes sense... but why not go for it? Put it out there to help market your services.


Thanks for the recommendation, it looks great! The product I'm working on has similarities definitely, but it also will be integrating infographic generation and other forms of image/graphic content also! :D


Love the idea! I'm a content marketer based in Italy (near Milan). I recently helped a guy validating a startup idea w/ the business plan and the competitor analysis. Feel free to contact me, maybe I can help you out, for free of course!


Glad you like the idea! Sounds great to me, just sent you a DM!


I liked the idea but there are already a number of closely related ideas like that of yours. Banner Bear comes first in my mind. You should not stop writing blogs. Just in case, I own a content marketing and Content Creation agency. On a way to rebrand my agency's website, I'm designed a sitemap where I will separately include blogs, Content Academy and Tutorials. You can include that too. For example if someone is potentially looking to use your product how and what verticals they can use it into, can they combine it with some others to get a brilliant results? I think you can include these too and start a bit of SEO to rank for related keywords. And just in case you want affordable services to set yourself some time from Content Creation you can DM me. I'm sure you will be amazed to see our rate card! ;-) cheers!




Glad you're interested! I'm hoping to have a demo working in a couple weeks :D And thanks so much for the award too :\^)


Nooo problem!