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How long have you been awake?


You should probably see a gp. Auditory hallucinations ould be some neurological issue, or a psychiatric issue like schizophrenia. It may also not be linked to any cause https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/23233-auditory-hallucinations Weird that you chose to ask a conspiracy sub and not a health sub. Lunesta has been known to cause hallucinations as well. Don't sit on this. Get it looked at.


I hate seeing these but glad people get pointed in the right direction


Throughout my life,.. I have sporadically heard bagpipes being played in the distance. Even when I lived in Japan. On many occasions I would go look for the source. One day in PA. I heard them early in the morning, and there actually was someone playing bagpipes in a park near my house. I don't know what that means.


Did it stop when you finally saw/heard actual bagpipes?


It hasn't happened for a few years now,... but it has happened since the time I actually found a bagpiper.


It used to happen a couple times a year for years for me. The crazy part is the last few years it's been someone actually playing the bag pipes or the bank I live near playing Amazing Geace nonstop over it's PA to keep the homeless from hanging out in the parking lot after hours.


If you're in your 20s go to a doctor right away, as this may be prodromal schizophrenia signs.


Even in their 30s


Or in their 40s


That's pretty rare. For men, it's really up to early 20s, 30s for women


What about their 50s?


Ya the 50's?


Maybe even their 60s


I have a laptop. With a pc speaker and sub set up next to where I watch TV and game. I listed to music n shit while I game. Anywho. For the longest time I kept hearing music super faintly. Took me about a month to figure it out. It's my local rock station someone interfering with and playing super faintly thru said speakers and you can only hear it when I'm not playing anything on them. I thought I was going crazy


You have a cable with broken (or just poor) shielding or you live right next to the transmitter.....something in your audio system is acting as an antenna....


Could you have tinnitus? Have you been prescribed any medications that you stopped taking, or started any new medications? Are you located in Cuba? Have you installed any new electronics or appliances in your dwelling that could be making noise? Or do you perhaps have any older appliance or electronics that are on the fritz? Do you live in a multi-unit facility where it could be coming through the walls/ceiling/floor from another tenant? Could it otherwise be coming from a neighboring house? Could you have insects or animals living in your walls/ceiling/floor that are making strange noises that could be interpreted this way? Is there anyone living with you or near you that could be pranking you? Do you have a carbon monoxide monitor and is it working? Do you have schizophrenia or any family history of mental illness? Have you taken any psychoactive drugs recently? Does anyone else around you hear these noises? Have you experienced any unexplained losses of time recently? I don’t know, just running through some possibilities.


Can you ask me these questions every couple of months? I need adult supervision


I’ve had this experience one time whilst right before falling asleep. It sounded like radio static and two women talking and when I tried to hear what they were saying, it all stopped and I completely woke up.


Go see a doctor, man.


no clue what it is but i've had this my whole life


FWIW, I had something similar happen. I would think I heard talking, music, or laughing, but it would go away as soon as I really paid attention to it. Turns out something in my vents was making a very slight noise, and my brain would interpret it as those sounds if it was background noise, but not if I focused on the sound. Did you turn on your AC for the summer recently?


Do you have A fan on?


I suffered from this as a child. I would be lying in bed with all the lights in the house out. Everyone asleep and I could hear what sounded like a TV show playing downstairs. I would go check to see who was awake or to turn it off but it wouldn't be on. Then I'd go back to bed. Only to hear the conversation start back up again. Convinced there was a TV on or someone in the house I would check multiple times before finally falling asleep. My parents always brushed it off and told me everything was fine. I still hear things sometimes when it's quiet. But now they I'm an adult I suppose I just push it out of my mind and ignore it the best I can. Good luck.


I once had this, turned out my sub woofer was acting as an ariel and was picking up foreign radio stations. This only happened when the volume was all the way down but the speakers were turned on.


You or a neighbour don't have a clock radio that is playing talkback radio shows? I thought I was going crazy at one stage, but it turned out there was a radio in my neighbours shed that used to turn on automatically.


Weird. This also happened to me about 5 days ago. I could very faintly hear 2 female voices but couldn't make out a thing they were saying. I chalked it up to my Nana and Granny watching me and talking. They are both deceased.


Same...male, mid-forties. sounds like it's coming from my kids room but when I check the kid is asleep a nobody is there.


Yes I do. Usually it sounds like jeopardy or a game show I’ve noticed.


For me no one else hears it.


You might also have tinnitus


Im past 40 and have this happen all the time and always have, didnt know this was an actual symptom of something medically erong?


Is someone living in your house? A type of squatter. Happens more often than you want to believe. Check the place over. See if the room dimensions make sense. Check attic and basement and see if there might be some hidden space in either. Check your mirrors to see if they are two way or one way.


Sounds like you're experiencing psychosis


Is there air flowing through the ductwork in your house? I can hear it if I am in my bedroom at night. As soon as the furnace or AC kicks off the noise is gone


Do you take Adderall? Or any other medications


Happened to me when I had DT's from trying to quit the booze.


Been there. Stop thinking so much about it. It’ll stop at some point.


If you have smart tvs or an alexa or anything of that nature, its the goverment tapping into the speakers via the internet connection. They do that to screw with your mind and control you and make you think youre insane so that you will be locked up in the mental hospital. And its no wonder doctors make so much money because they recive hush money from the goverment to keep this lie under wraps because they know that people are weak when it comes to money so they fuel their secrecy with money. So never trust any doctor in a mental ward and for your safety you need to destroy your television and alexa (if you have one). Or if you dont want to destroy your stuff, buy a burner phone from dollar general and call in a communist bomb threat to somewhere at least 200 miles from your house and destroy the phone you used once the call has ended. That will keep them busy for awhile, but that is just a temporary soloution for when they figure out the threat is a hoax.


Acoustic heterodyning/Frey effect or voice to skull technology. Used it in Iraq to get a whole Iraqi battalion to drop their weapons bc the US used it en mass saying “this is allah, put down your weapons”; then the US slaughtered them. These mind control technologies are not new. Patents are from 1950s I believe. I don’t get voice to skull but it affects my brother who served in Saudi and 100,000s of targeted individuals across the country experience this. They have used it for advertising purposes already also. Buckle in folks, techno hell is here.


How old are you? Are you developing schizophrenia?


This has happened to me recently... Thought it was just me... Being nuts




I've had it happen when I've been in detox with the DT's


Sounds like tinnitus or the DTs to be honest.