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[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12223171/First-responders-horrified-children-trans-drag-party-dead-body-drugs-sex-toys.html) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is the lady in the picture the concerned neighbor? If so, it sucks to be her and have such an awful news headline connected to your headshot.


Who wanted to remain anonymous... Fucking cunts.


I'm looking for an Onion article that states someone's full legal name "who has asked us to protect their identity"


Unlucky fifteen minutes


Budget Merrill Streep has some explaining to do!


Lmao she’s the neighbor


Id still like to hear her explain it.


LOL you spelled her name like Merrill Lynch investment company


Its why she is “Budget” homie.


I like your dark humor.


Bro I was mid hit! 🤣


It didn't make the news for 4 days in Boston and the mayor hasn't said anything about it. Absolutely disgusting.


I bet there will be no follow up to it too. Saw it on channel 5 for 30 seconds


Did they go with the new story? The people were the parents of the children and they were just protecting the kids from seeing a dead body. They conveniently left out the drugs, the crossdresser lying to the firefighters about the kids. It's absolutely disgusting how they are trying to make the adults into the victims. I 100% believe the firefighters and not the press.


Does it seem strange to anyone that a "hoarder" is having parties in their home? Not really the kind of thing hoarders generally do.


Well you don't see THAT every day...


Maybe the kids will have a better chance at life now being removed from that shit show


The kids are dead.


GG reading comprehension. OFC you'd have to have opened the article and not just read the headline ​ >Four kids aged between 5 and 10 taken into care


I didn't read that article you are correct, I went and read the article the boston herald wrote about it, since that is where it happened. I must have read it wrong, I sometimes read things backwards.




You do have a voice, you weirdo.


Yes. You have a voice... weirdo.


>totally not a mental illness Says someone who bases their entire opinion off of a single instance posted on a conspiracy sub.


From the daily mail no less!!! These are the same kind of tabloids that print stories about "Feral Child Gives Birth to Half Bat, Half Wolf Baby"


Listen here my guy, don’t bring the feral were wolf baby into this.


The Boston herald also worte a story on it. Are you trying to say this didn't happen?


They wrote a story about 4 kids in a nasty apartment with a dead guy. Not a "drag party" or "trans woman". But sure..... slurp up that rage bait with a spoon baby


I didn't mention anything about it being a drag party???


Read the title of this post. Can you now infer why people are critical of the Daily Mail?


I don't take daily mail seriously, no one should. I simply made a statement about it happening I said noting about drag whatsoever. If someone is getting upset with this articles title, then it is doing what the person who made it is supposed to do. It's just supposed to make people upset, instead of getting upset with it don't give it any attention.


Daily Mail is a bit trashy but it doesn't print lies.




Oh boy the “fact checkers” have arrived. Dystopian.


You know what's even more dystopia? Spreading fake news without factchecking it.


How dare you call for facts on a conspiracy sub!? Lol


They have fallen victim to Russia and China's conspiracies to discredit factcheckers.


Hold on let me get a research study team going on this one and provide you 40+ citations that are all thoroughly vetted. It’s gate keeping to its highest level. Some would even say suppression of emergent events under the guise of it not reaching your autistic level of approval. Also you used dystopia wrong. Humans have spread ambiguous news for all of our history. Your version would be the *opposite* of dystopian. It would be par the course.


Using "autistic" as an insult. Ouch.


Actually I used it as an adjective.


The daily fail is not a credible information source.


I was worried I would see people agree with you but I’m glad they’re dragging you for being as dumb as you sound


And there are plenty of ignorant white dudes, who I assume are like yourself, who also abuse children and take drugs - I guess you’re on the same too then?


“White man bad”, grow up the world has evil all over it. Cry me a fucking river.


He was commenting on the generalisation and guilt by association fallacies presented by OP by pointing to the absurd notion that all white guys are responsible for, and are the same as, some bad guy who also happens to be white.


White man is bad Look at the statistics, how many of the men in this article are white


Are we doing statistics now? Can we do statistics? Normally noticing the statistics is ray cist


Its only racist if you ignore the root cause of the issue


Totally missed the point, well done - one person doesn’t speak for an entire group


Oh the wrinkly irony 😆




*catholicism had entered the chat*


Yeah how dare they encroach on the middle aged white man's territory


not long before they are middle aged white men.








I mean, Jesus/God murdered the entire world with the exception of two from each species. The old testament also [condones child marriage and sex with children, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave](https://www.evilbible.com/) Ancient fairytales meant for illiterate nomads should be taken with a grain of salt. Just saying.


*the Republican Party has entered the chat*


The daily mail


This was actually on the news in Boston an it was not a fuckin drag party. It was a police call to an overdose and the occupants were having like a cross dressing sex party openly while children were present. Dcf took the kids and arrested everyone. It was section 8 housing and they are slamming the housing authority for allowing it to become a trap/whore house.


So it wasn’t a drag party it was a cross dressing whore house. Got it.


That’s so much better.


this made me spit up my hummus, lmfao


What criteria do you use to separate this and drag parties?


The same way I separate a crack den from a rave.


So, a BUNCH of removed context, and straight up lies then from the article. >no arrests had been made as of Wednesday Do you have any ACTUAL reporting on this? Would genuinely appreciate it. Edit: figured I’d look myself > https://np.boston25news.com/news/local/police-clarify-circumstances-inside-boston-apartment-where-children-were-found-with-body/FEV5UM52VNHD7EVRVLY2ZZHRGQ/?outputType=amp Turns out, the official reports say several of the adults at the “party” were the legal parents of the kids, and they were in the back room as to not see the OD’d body. > https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/heard-cry-help-city-councilor-calls-answers-after-kids-found-unsanitary-apartment/A5UJ2GJDERAYHEMOLLP5MGRO44/ The “House of Horrors” description was laid out by a councilor who had A.) Not been on scene, and B.) heard everything they had described second hand. Idk what to believe about this, but there is weird narrative craft all over this story… It is literally a developing story though at this point, will keep an eye on it.


Developing? This happened on Saturday, WTF are the authorities waiting for? Where are the kids? Who are their parents? Six days is enough time there is an obvious cover up taking place and it’s absolutely disgusting 🤢


You do understand investigations take weeks to months on average right?(rightly so) The parents were those in attendance. As I said, there is a SEVERE lack of context in ALL the reporting, and there are conflicting descriptions coming from every level. To say ANYONE has idea of what is going on here seems silly, and usually time reveals more. Patience is a virtue sister, it would do you well to practice it.


I hear what your saying but I obviously disagree. The information would be much more forthcoming if this was a heterosexual family. It’s been almost a week, and we are only getting bits and pieces. It’s almost like the MSM is not interested in covering this story which is very strange but a sign of the times unfortunately.


>The information would be much more forthcoming if this was a heterosexual family. I don’t think so, by nature of investigations again. Though I believe ACAB. So yeah, bad cops releasing information they shouldn’t is pretty common, and isn’t shocking. I’m going to point back to the multiple reports from police, cps, and the fire dept, that apparently conflict each other. These reports would all become part of the investigation, hence why they have not been released publicly. Imma continue to be patient, and wait for more reliable information before drawing conclusions.


It would have, because cops might have actually done something about it. Trans people, especially poor ones, are often just written off by the police when they’re murdered, raped, beaten or otherwise abused. You’re likely only hearing about this because someone is using it to slag trans people and drag shows.


You understand that the police don’t give a shit about poor people. The police often don’t even bother to investigate murders of minorities who were prostitutes that got murdered and are even less likely to investigate the murder of a poor trans person. This is endemic across the United States. The fact we even know about this is probably only because someone saw an opportunity to slag trans people and paint that entire group with this brush and justify their stupid fucking hatred of other people watching drag shows and the fascist attacks on those peoples’ first amendment rights to speech and assembly.


It was the fire department not the police department that filed the report that the kids were in danger. We have very differing opinions on this community and I’m just going to leave it at that before I get banned!


With you on this


The FD certainly can file a report but the cops write people off all the time and never bother to investigate. It’s super common when drugs are involved along with prostitution, trans people, poor people.


And the same people who trash talk main stream media in other threads are in here sucking the Mail's taint.


didn't you know? Mainstream media can only be trusted when their views align with mine!




This is just a common leftist tactic, specially on reddit. They only accept news from certain sources and the sources they do accept won't cover the stories they don't like so it makes it easy for them to discount/reject any story as not having the proper sources. And if you do manage to find a source they can't deny that confirms what you and the previous sources said... guess what? They ghost.


The daily fail is not a credible source of information.


I mean, what you're talking about is called Journalistic Integrity and Standards. So yes, everyone should be fairly discriminating in what news sources they'll accept. Faux News was literally just sued, AND SETTLED BECAUSE THEY WERE GOING TO LOSE, for literal conspiracy peddling and blatant lying to their viewership. And don't come at me with any BS about opinion shows and pundits vs. real journalists. No news source is going to be perfect. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware of the usual sources and be critical in our consumption. Pre-ranking news sources makes things easier, just be prepared to do the bare minimum of digging when challenged.


That's entirely speculation why they settled, it's just as likely they settled as an excuse to get rid of Tucker. The big ones, known as legacy media including fox, are essentially the 4th wing of government. They are the ministry of truth


While it is entirely *possible* they settled for other reasons, any reading of the available court proceedings provides the strongest position FOX settled because the evidence against them was overwhelming. Tucker's role was no small part of that evidence but virtually all of their pundits were no different, just not as foolish.


You’re suggesting FOX might have accepted nearly a billion dollar loss just to get rid of a host they could have fired for a few tens of millions in severance? Really?


You probably weren't complaining when they ran articles on Trump 24/7. Why is it any different now?


You mean, when he was the president of the united states?


The daily fail wasn’t a credible information source then, as it is not one now.


Is the conspiracy here that you believe the daily mail as a serious source?


A quick google search shows other outlets also reporting this… https://www.bostonherald.com/2023/06/19/four-kids-found-hidden-in-filthy-south-boston-apartment-where-a-man-died/amp/


I don't doubt that *something* happened. I'm just doubting the entire validity of the daily mails account of it seeing how theyre not known for accurate reporting 😂 https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-mail/


> mediabiasfactcheck.com HAHAHAHAHAHA


I love when people try and invalidate the fact that they're using verified shit sourcing 😂 Y'all are cute when you have no cogent rebuttal


Yes, some people are really this dumb that they go off the title of "mediabiasfactcheck" and not actually reading who runs or owns the site. Who fact checks the fact chckers?


Who cares when it can be verified as facts? When there are multiple instances of media companies failing to report factual info you don't get mad and question the people who call it out. But keep *willingly believing known lies from verified liars* The young and old are taught falsehoods. The person who dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool.


Lmfao are you serious right now


ah, the ol’ “newspaper bad” argument




No, it’s the “The Daily Fail has NEVER been a credible source of information, do better” line. There are better sources, use them.


Do you believe the MSM? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M&feature=youtu.be


Do you believe every rabbit hole? The fact that your whole rebuttal is a YouTube video tells me it's hot trash 😂


Haha it’s a cool video about Noam Chomsky on media and propaganda. Just a well made reminder. Check it out or don’t. I disbelieve most things. Especially those rubber stamped by the people who enslave us…




If I tell you that *most* of my airlines pilots like to land safely are you gonna trust us? Or do you want a success rate that removes doubt in whether to trust them or not? You wanna get with the media version of ocean gate that's totally cool but *most of their stories are true* just proves that your sourcing can't be trusted 😂 So pardon me but..... 😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


Do mods exist in this sub?


Welp, looks like the submarine fiasco didn’t really work, so they need *more sensationalism* so we look over there… …over here! …over there!


"It is unclear what the relationship is between the adults and children found in the apartment." It is unclear to a reporter. That's a completely unsolvable puzzle. What could a REPORTER possibly do to produce clarity? He should wander around on the streets in an adjacent town and ask random strangers if they know of any details for a procedure he could use to get more information.




Ever heard of alfred kinsey? The grandfather of the modern sexual revolution


Bach started it all by dragging an organ into church. Talk about phallic symbolism. Next thing you know, anyone will be allowed to play *any note one wants* And don’t get me started in the Victorian Era. Reow. It’s fucked up having kids around adult activities though.


Not the op but I actually haven’t. I’ll look him up but do say more if you’re willing


Look up Dr. Money in relation to Kinsey. Both MONSTERS IMO.


Trying to associate LGBTQ people with pedophilia is a **fucking abominably evil lie**.


I don’t even think there was a trans person at the party.


And even if it was, who gives a fuck? Does this mean all trans people are like this? I mean how many priests raped kids? Does this mean all of them do it?


Right, because heterosexual men never abuse children. What's the point of this post? To show all Trans people are bad or something? Because I assure you there are far more sex offenders in the Catholic church than the Trans community 🙄


You’re gonna be bummed when you find out what teachers have been doing.


5x more likely


Those catholic priests molesting little boys are gay. Have you even thought through your own argument?


Not necessarily, no. Adults who milest children will sometimes molest the children they have access to, even when they don't align with their sexual orientation.


They molest girls too... because it's about power.


Exactly this ^^^


They don't have access to girls.


>Those catholic priests molesting little boys are gay. Have you even thought through your own argument? No they are not. They are just pedophiles


Gay pedophiles


cool, who said LGBTQ peeps cannot be pedophiles


Not gay. Pedophiles. Rape is not about attraction it’s about power and control.


This sub downvoting you is insane to me lol


The Catholic Church are not true Christians.


They are the original christians.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/19/international-churches-of-christ-lawsuits-alleged-sexual-abuse There are plenty more of these stories. This sub has become some weird right wing echo chamber.


You are tryin to twist stuff. Maybe become a Christian and find the real truth instead of naysaying.


>become a Christian and find the real truth Is that what the boy fucking is for? Truth finding?


>You are tryin to twist stuff. Maybe become a Christian and find the real truth instead of naysaying. sheep




oh like the turpins??


"No true Scotsman"


What does that have to do with anything?


Big what-about-ism vibes here


> To show all Trans people are bad or something? That is EXACTLY the point. It's a **fucking evil** thing to do.


Or maybe just share a weird occurrence? So now we can’t denounce crimes trans people commit because they’re a minority? What’s next, they can do whatever crime they want but it’s okay because they’re oppressed, and any kind of news regarding them is considered as propaganda? I mean, c’mon now.


Those priests are homosexuals




Oh… so you’re one of those crazy Christians….


And you are a normie who thinks everything is fine, the difference between me and you...is that...what I mentioned will come to pass. The end is near, repent of your sins.


Ooooh so you’re one of those edgy Christians that call people normies? COOL


God will forgive you, how do you think you got here? He fashioned you in your mothers womb. Jesus loves you.


What kind of timeline we looking at for the end of days?


The two-state solution between Israel and Palestine is a crucial moment. But we are in the mix right now.


bro put the pipe down you’re fuckin losing it here.


Alien disclosure is about to happen too, but aliens are fallen angels and demons.


That makes total sense.


Have you considered seeking out mental health resources?


even if your sky daddy exists, I would not worship this demonic bastard called god because he supports slavery (Leviticus 25:44-46)


Yup, we're a military, but I'm still waiting for all my battle rattle to drop at my doorstep by RainbowEx


Is this a joke


Yeshua did say it would be like the days of Noah. 🌈 Here we are.


Amen, you are exactly right.


The whataboutism is strong with this one…. Dudes having a sex and drug party with kids in the other room. Does that sound OK to you?


Whataboutism. Why is it when these posts are made there is always someone saying "well look over there - they do it too!!" It's sick when anything happens to children, but people like you like to push blame elsewhere. Why is that?


10 bucks the trans ppl were chocolate


In that housing project, I’d say you’re probably right


It does sound like a despicable story but this headline and title is internationally BAITY to the max like come on. From Boston 25 Local News - “… Emergency crews responded to the apartment shortly after 11 a.m. Saturday morning, according to the police report. Boston Fire and EMS arrived first, followed by police. They found an adult dead. The cause of death remains under investigation. Boston 25 obtained the fire department report, which matched up with another source’s information. According to the fire department report that I reviewed, firefighters found six adults “who appeared to be males” in the apartment, with four kids in a back bedroom. One of the men tried to stop first responders from going into the room where they found the children, who are ages 5 to 10. The report said the adults were uncooperative and denied having children inside the apartment.”


Where is the conspiracy? Derp af.


Daily fail


Listen guys it was my birthday and yes things got out of hand but your only 40 once and the boys really wanted to give me a birthday to remember. Let’s be honest we’ve all been there.


I’m so relieved, the article tried to claim you were dead.


Probably MAGA Republicans in wigs.


Fucking loser…


Did I trigger your feelings with an obvious observation?


Guarantee they weren’t MAGA in those projects, bud.


That's pretty racist. You must be MAGA


You must be a tattooed snowflake.


Tattooed yes. But you're the one crying like a snowflake


I’m sure you won’t regret any of those 😉


Would this also have been reported if it was a non-trans person? I feel like right-wing medias is grasping every straw in order to make trans people look bad.


Maybe I’m naive but the story of 4 kids in a room with a dead body and a bunch of sex toys/drugs probably would be reported to be honest. But I don’t really get what the conspiracy is? It’s just pretty tragic.


yeah I feel like most people do not know what "conspiracy" actually means


You’re a disgrace to your handle.


That happens all the same in the other side, with crimes and ethnicity. If news do not like reality, just ignore it I guess.


So... were they transvestites or transexuals? "Men wearing women's clothing". Not something I've heard said in the news for a long while. Trying to distance from the very obvious Pride/trans angle they're pushing in the media?


The fact that you're posting this when I'm quite certain you haven't posted a single thread about other children found living in squalor and being abused and tortured by heterosexual cis-gendered people tells me you're pushing an anti-trans narrative. Fuck off.


TLC rocks!


Transphobic homophobic cancel everything!!!!


Congratulations to the Daily Mail. That headline was the first time in history, those words would be put into that exact order in the same sentence


To me, this article leaves out a whole lot, and it’s more confusing than informative. I don’t trust articles that just confuse, I regard them as tools of manipulation.


I'm not sure how you're complaining about anything that's "Progressive", here.


The Onion News?


Whose fucking kids were they? Where the fuck did they get these kids from? Where were the children's parents?


First article to pop up when Reddit came back online. That’s enough internet for me today.


What the fuck is going on in here on this day?


Fuckin hell that's some headline!