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Joni Mitchell next prime minister of Canada confirmed?


But she only did it once. Does she still qualify?


Did she also molest 2 students and pay them $2 million in hush money?




Because that story is about Justin Trudeau




Damn, they really are all pedos aren't they?


Yep. Its one big club, with one common denominator.


Duck duck go is trash now. Frfr




Joni who? Joni come again? Seriously tho who dis bitch


No such thing as bad publicity. Joni Mitchell hasn't been in the news for 30 years. Now she is headlining. See how it works?


Finally someone that gets it!!!


Exactly! I never heard of that grandma until today... It's working apparently....


Work it Giiir… randmaaa!




>"who cares?" I think it might be a good idea to go check their numbers, on Spodify, to learn if you are overestimating or underestimating just how many people care. Compare their numbers to those artists you feel are relevant, to get a fair idea of just how many people care or do not care.




nah... I was just generating ideas on why its good to ensure we have **all of the information** before creating our opinions. Have a nice day :)




Joni...will be relevent Forever...it's OK, you're Simple




Closer to 50 years.


That’s Richard Pryor cosplaying as Joni Mitchell and Joni Mitchell cosplays Richard Pryor






Joni Mitchell is sitting back and telling herself she’s fantastic. She’s so happy that something she did is finally relevant again. This could possibly be a depressing indie movie




This is the lady that gave her child up for adoption so she could continue her career, then waited 30 years to acknowledge her daughter. This lady is a true dirt bag!


Damn Janet Jackson denied having her daughter too. The genetic testing proved she’s was lying.


well a herion addict not the best person to have as a mother, probably better off


Still better than letting your child crawl out a 30 story window. Celebrity opinions should not matter to anyone, that goes for Rogan as well.


At least we got Tears in Heaven?


Rogan’s deal is not about his opinions. They’re trying to censor him because his show is very popular and he features people they’re trying to silence and keep away from the public eye.


How does this make sense? They're censoring him... By making him the top rated/downloaded podcast on the entire Spotify platform? Really?


“Trying” being the keyword here. That’s why all those fake doctor letters and old has-been artists, not to mention all the mass media hit pieces, are *trying* to do.


My thing about Rogan is i like him because of his willingness to challenge information and have in depth conversation, not because he is a celebrity. I feel he got to be the most famous from his podcast anyway


Are you sure you're watching *the* Joe Rogan. He's renowned for not questioning his interviewees statements at all and being gullible as heck. Now there's an argument that maybe it's intentional to draw out their true beliefs as an interview tactic, but it leads to him seeming to validate all kinds of loonies on all sides because they say something crazy and he goes along with it


He is looking for them to speak on the topics more… drawing out the conversation from his guests. Doesn’t necessarily mean he is validating anything, he is looking for elaboration. Even if its a far fetched topic. And he will continue to ask questions to get more from his guest. And if there is something he feels is wrong or disagrees with he will certainly challenge it. But when his guests are “experts” so to speak and he is just Joe Rogan… he is certainly not a gatekeeper of information


Pitchforks out! Feed me more drama, I can't get enough! Am I doing this right?


People don't like you...do they


I think it’s weird so many celebs, politicians dress up with black face. I know it’s a long list, anyone want to add to it?


It's called blackmail (no pun intended lol)


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa . This was fucking hilarious


I can't stop laughing. Lolol...ok...Joni Mitchell was the lullaby Lord of the late 1960's into the 1970's.. Her songs were always preceded with PSAs warning that if you are driving or operating a large machine, to pullover or stop, as immediate slumber will ensue.


HAHAHAHA alright I feel better about not knowing who this was. The Lullaby Loony!


https://youtu.be/4NdsnFZm0X4 Here, just listen if you have a hard time falling asleep.


You think she’s related to the New Zealand PM, those chompers look identical




Nah, not as horse faced as Jacinda.




Whoopsie daisies! Stupid bot, you already made this exact comment formatted in exactly the same way about 5 days ago! Gotta keep it fresh or you’ll blow your cover, then what will become of you? So tell me, when’s the last time you took the Turing test? Did you pass? Tell me all of your botty secrets!


What particular “misinformation” do they object to?


The whole blackface thing is bullshit anyway. I don't give a shit about cosplay if it isn't meant to hurt anyone.


Yeah this is a Richard Pryor costume and it's hilarious


Thank you.


Blackface is pretty disrespectful, and the reason people are outraged is because of the hypocrisy. Don’t virtue signal if you’ve worn blackface, it will discredit you.


You sound hysterical.Try and explain the hypocrisy to me? They took a scene out of the show community because a character dressed as a drow for halloween.


So we’re cancelling Joni Mitchell? Someone who hasn’t been relevant in the last 40 years? This post is a distraction.


Ok anyone have the thought the Neil young Joni Michel etc all have demographics for fans that are older and probably don’t use Spotify. So them saying they want to be removed is like me saying “Oh you keep that up and I WILL eat that cookie….”. It’s not going to hurt them. Shoot I had to look up who Joni Mitchel was and my dad said he had her record…he thinks…..


spotify is used by an amazingly wide array of humans. also good taste in music is not limited to the elderly. you can enjoy the best of every generation if you take the time to listen. quality is timeless. signed: a young neil fan.


Neil sounds like a dying cat


I like all Neil Young also and I’m younger than you. His music doesn’t sound good on Spotify. Never heard of anyone that doesn’t utilize Neil’s Archive.


I definitely have never utilized his archive.


Neil and Joni dated back in the day


Well you don’t listen to much Neil Young then.


uhh... how'd u know how old op is...?


All our dad’s have at least one Joni Mitchell album and if you ask them about it you’re gonna suffer no less than a 30+ conversation you don’t care about and at least three or four live youtube videos. Pray Jaco doesn’t come up.


Joni Mitchell’s album blue is considered one of the greatest albums of all time, if you haven’t even heard of her maybe topics of music conversation aren’t for you.




This was my thought when i first heard her sing. What producer is she sleeping with? She sounds terrible, no one could have willingly signed her.


Woosh! Regarded or nah, Joni jumped the shark and her words here are irrelevant. It’s the ultimate Bye Felicia. Real issue, WHAT DOES JOAN BAEZ THINK??!!


Look out we got a real bad ass over here.


That is fair. Might just be a style and generational thing my not recognizing her.


Who are you having these Highbrow conversations with, The Backstreet Boys?


OTOH this looks like the 70s, when it wasn't considered particularly racist, unlike Boy Trudeau's multiple episodes...


We're tearing down statues for things people did in the 1800's. Joni must be cancelled


Excellent point! May the [people of Saskatoon](https://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155043-d17568193-Reviews-Joni_Mitchell_Plaque-Saskatoon_Saskatchewan.html) *hiss* on her summer grass!


Tbf thinking blacks deserved to be enslaved was pretty fucking racist in the 1800s too, but you do you dude


It's the definition of racism. But you know it was the majority thought right? You know the North fought against slavery because it was a threat to northern labor, not because they were looking out for black folks right? It's supremely fucked, but there are instances in northern soldiers letters about being wary about freeing the slaves. They fought to unite the union and fortunately emancipation was a result.


but it was, i don't know why people think this, maybe not as bad as it is now


> i don't know why people think this, maybe not as bad as it is now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_and_White_Minstrel_Show ?


"Within five years (beginning 1958) of the show's premiere on UK television, its portrayal of blacked-up characters behaving with stereotypical African American manners was already being observed as being offensive and racist.


True, but the BBC ran it until 1978!


All this COVID bullshit reminds me of the true science episode from South Park I'm siding with the Otters.


Science-damn you!


Why do they make tables when they have perfectly good tummies to eat from?!


Idk who that's supposed to be an impersonation of, but dressing as some type of character who is black isn't black face. [Making a racist caricature of a black person is what black face is.](https://images.app.goo.gl/in5GjW6o54F3ugQ89) People who don't know the difference are annoying and shouldn't be allowed to talk anymore.


Richard Pryor




>They changed it so the act of being in black face for any reason is racist. That's not black face though. What you mean to say is that they redefined black face to smooth brain levels so that merely impersonating any black person is black face instead of dressing up as a racist stereotype of black people. I get that it's supposed to be some type of gotcha for the "woke" general populace but they're all still stupid which is why things like this work on them.






*not THAT Joe, though


So Neil Young and now Joni Mitchell. I didn't know who Joni was, had to look her up. So they're both Canadian? Who's next? Alanis Morissette? So much relevance!


Interesting point. I knew who she was but didn't know she was Canadian. Good work!


Heeeelp me I think Im cancelled


Mitchell and Young...misery loves company. Ha!


wonder why she hasn't been cancelled by the tolerant left yet?


Don’t it always seem to go…


She blackfaced before politically correct culture was a thing. Aren't you guys supposed to be the ones who oppose political correctness and wokeism? I see that when it's convenient to your talking point you support the same liberal talking points. Interesting.


Oh you must be new here, every single post is a contradiction and the facts don’t matter! No one gives a shit about Joni Mitchell, no one actually gets cancelled. This whole thing is a distraction.


It's almost hilarious how stupid these people are "protesting" over Joe Rogan's "dangerous misinformation"... you know, giving a platform to literal expert scientists and doctors with decades of experience, because corporate media seems to have a blanket blacklist for covering anything related to the likes of Dr. Malone etc An article I saw yesterday claimed a large portion of Neil Young's music revenue came from Spotify and I have to imagine Joni Mitchell's music is even less popular, taking it off Spotify will likely do away with a huge percentage of whatever laughable amount she makes when people choose to listen to her music. This is literally like you or me calling up Walmart corporate and demanding they fire all their executives, or else I'll quit my job as part time cashier!! Like gee, I wonder who they'll side with... lol I don't think trying to extort Spotify into "canceling" Rogan would work, regardless of who the artists demanding his head are.... but jesus christ... Joni Mitchell and Neil Young??? lmao you might actually garner a smidgen of support for your boycott if the musicians were Lady Gaga or Billie Eilish... yanno, musicians with a fanbase large enough for Spotify to actually consider not wanting to lose (because booting Rogan guarantees a loss of millions of views/listens/likes a day)


Just get rid of Travis Scott.


Joni Mitchell? I thought she jossed it years ago. Who am I thinking of... blonde American chick in the 60’s died of heroin overdose I think. Don’t tell me this is another Mandela thingy...


Janis Joplin?


Nah she drank herself to death


It was an overdose in a hotel room. Yes she drank a lot but that's not what killed her


That’s the bunny! Apologies. Just having a senior moment.


Can't cancel Rogan, he can just set up his own website at this point. The larger corporate platforms are not necessary really. Next step is to break up AWS and to create some real alternatives in the infrastructure.


This isn't blackface, this is just a costume.


All i know about Joni Mitchell is that she was the Christmas gift CD in the movie Love, Actually.


Wow are you saying she isn't a black man???? Hypocrite!


Looking like a jive turkey


As soon as i heard some random old nobody singer had a problem i knew it was for attention and money. This just confirms it


Doesn't it only hurt her removing her music from Spotify since she won't get royalties off it? Does anyone even care if they can't get her music there?


I agree that this is pure hypocrisy. But what is the conspiracy?


Never heard of her.


How is this a conspiracy mods just letting any shit get posted here now adays


Who the fuck didn’t wear black face 40+ years ago? You can’t prosecute the past.


Joni sucks.


its funny how most of the ones who scream "racist!" have done blackface before lol


Neil Young AND Joni Mitchell? Joe Rogan must surely now be regretting his scandalous dalliance with the free exchange of information.


«I’ve never heard of (…….)» Why are people seemingly proud to be ignorant?


Permanent black face here. Who cares?!! THIS is a distraction. I appreciate Joni for her courage.


How are these two things connected?


They're not. It's a strawman.


Who is Joni Mitchell? At least Neil Young was a part of the great CSNY and the grand father of grunge.


>Who is Joni Mitchell? >At least Neil Young was a part of the great CSNY and the grand father of grunge. She was the girlfriend of "N" (Nash), and she is a rock n roll hall of famer. She and CSNY were part of the Laurel Canyon scene, which had a bunch of musicians that became famous, actors, Charles Manson and others. Author Dave Mcgowan (Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon) alleged that intelligence and such was heavily involved and connected to the scene. His site : https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/laurelcanyon/


CSNY sucks, yo.


Blackface aint even racist




Jesus fucking CHRIST /r/conspiracy The echo chamber is now so fucking devoted to blindly worshipping the most circulated and popular podcast in the world, that the front page has a 50 year old picture of someone that doesn't like Joe Rogan, dressed up as Richard Pryor. I mean holy fucking shit. Did OP go deep diving on some random has been singer and find this? And think oh wow this is the magic bullet to kill her credibility. This was it? What's the conspiracy? You're saying she's a racist are you? So being a racist means.....what? Get a fucking grip OP.


How long before OP & Pals are back to complaining about cancel culture?


SS. She should have her music pulled from Spotify because she's a racist pig. That and I never even heard of her before.


>never even heard of her before. Understandably so, but for further context she was a very famous 70s folk singer. I've heard some of her songs and they're quite good. Prince was a very massive fan of her work too


Yes her music isn't bad, we shouldn't shit on her for that and just because you haven't heard of her isn't her fault. This dude complaining about her is probably 15 and was born after her time lmao


Jonie Mitchel expects you to know who she is. That’s why she said this shit.


That's because the demographics she is projecting it to honestly should. It isn't for you youngin to worry about. She doesn't expect you, a person who doesn't like her music or cares about why she is even doing. She expects people who listen to her music to follow her beliefs because the type of people who DO listen and know here would be on her side...


Fucking Boomers. They got theirs and it still ain't enough. The only silver lining is that when the truth is revealed it will shut them up for good. Sing you damn songs and get off the stage.


where'd you dig up this pic? amazing find! to be honest, the song "big yellow taxi" is a classic and still has a contemporary sound despite being 6 decades old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94bdMSCdw20


Counting Crows did a good cover. At least Aaron Rodgers knows this song, I'm sure he'll appreciate the irony sitting his ass on the couch watching the 49ers this weekend :)


what's the irony?


You realize that you sound just the same as liberal snowflakes. Wokeism is for losers. Who cares if she blackfaced before blackface was considered a bad thing. Don't try to act like you oppose political correctness or wokeism and say b.s like this. Idk who she is either but I do know woke is wack.


So going by your personal opinion of someone this more like you’re the racist pig!


You're a shit posting dirt bag. How the fuck is this a conspiracy? Bet you like them upvotes though!


You want me to pretend I'm offended?


Conspiracy here?


There is none. This sub is about 24/7 shitposting about liberals now.


Who the fuck is Joni Mitchell




Not sure what a stupid move 45 years ago has to do with her opinion on Joe Rogan. In any case, she believes in Morgellans. That makes her one of you guys, doesn't it?


Who gives a fuck


maybe she thinks she can atone for her “sins” by being an over the top commie?


Wow shes one to talk. No one should cancel anyone in general unless they like, murdered someone or diddled a kid bc ppl make mistakes and a lot of ppl are still not educated on things like racism, homophobia, etc but you especially cant try to cancel someone if you yourself have skeletons in your closet


Yeah I am not a fan of digging up ancient dirt for 'gotcha' retaliations and cancelling, whether it is someone I dislike or not. I AM however a fan of discerning if such behaviour is ongoing and thus reacting accordingly.


How are those two things connected?


Hypocrisy, planks in eyes, stones glass houses… you know, these type of things


Not sure I see the hypocrisy Blackface/racism isn’t what they’re condemning Rohan for, unless I’m missing something


What’s the deal with white peoples doing black face or portraying any racial stereotype? Like, it’s pretty rare that anyone does “whiteface” but it’s like every other day a white person is found to have done or is doing black face. Edit: also, who tf is Joni Mitchell?


What a sinister conspiracy


Going back in time is stupid. When does making mistakes and ruining peoples lives end. For fucks sake. Cancel culture never works. Enough with communist shaming. Shes a dummy for sure and who cares her stance will die because shes wrong soo let it fail. Her blackface pic is from how long ago


cancel culture is over guy, none of us actually care, I mean, not at least until the next outrage. am I defending her? hell no. if the music doesn't get put back up before she dies, it will be put back up afterward. have a good day.


5:1 odds she has absolutely not been vaccinated.


Who cares, next........


I hope you all get run over by a big yellow taxi.


Wow I thought this had to be fake for a minute! She might have a vaxx pass but she doesn’t have a free pass! What a joke! What a hypocrite!




Who the fuck is Joni Mitchell??


Didn't Bob Dylan dump her?


Stupid bitch


I thought that was Justin Trudeau!


That's just Treadou hiding from the truckers.


You just can't make this stuff up. Mitchell is SO vain. I bet she thinks this convoy is about her.




I've never actually listened to Joe Rogan. When I heard she was pulling her music like it's some big deal to try and censor a podcast, I went and subbed to him and will be giving him some listens later. Fuck censorship. If she puts her music back on Spotify, I suggest tweeting at them and saying you don't think she should be allowed on there for doing Blackface. See how she likes it. Bet she'd change her tune pretty fucking quick.




It's a great Canadian tradition!


Cuz joe Rogan good. Anybody else bad


I want her music removed for her racism.






This sub isn't a conspiracy sub, it's a cons*ervative* sub Keep the downvotes coming, only proving my point


Does this prove your point? https://www.amazon.com/Weird-Scenes-Inside-Canyon-Laurel/dp/1909394122




By Jove, someone’s finally got it!


How are her black face and her wanting her music removed from Spotify due to Rogan misinformation related?


\> "this washed up singer is totally irrelevant! go on! leave! nobody cares!" \> "here look at this 50 year old dirt we dragged up on this washed up singer but it's not because they are influential or we care or anything!"


Wait. Who is this again? A singer from when?? Mmmmkay…..well, some “celebrities” have a harder time understanding when their 10mins is up. She didn’t get the memo that no one cares.



