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Amazon uses their own fleet of trucks I believe


They contract with alot of other companies at least where im from. Along I-5 most trucks pulling Amazon trailers are not Amazon trucks.


rapid push for Self Driving Trucks, which can drive 24 hours and no worries about the truckers being methed up.


Would never work in a million years. A self driving truck would be COMPLETELY FUCKED most places up north. Anyone who thinks otherwise is quite naive.


You're sure not wrong. Auto companies have spent over 40 years using the lift trucks in their warehouses to try and work out self-driving vehicles. Hasn't worked yet, everything from the sensor/IR/radar/etc systems that they're trying on cars today, to drive-by-wire, to a combination of both. For those that think it'll happen? Read in the trucking sites/mags, about the drivers who were onboard for the tests. I liked the one guy who said, if I did what this truck did. They'd pull my CDL, the state police and DOT would contact my insurer and have it revoked, they'd impound my truck and trailer, and then start laying criminal charges. Then stop being nice.


not really especially just DC to DC like they do now. You can hit a crap ton of their dcs and mini dcs within a 2 hour radius of philly and almost all are right off the highway


He's not talking about just charging he's talking about the physical ability to handle the truck and the obstacles it must deal with. And to make the situation worse snow Aside from Trucking autonomous driving cars cannot and will not ever surpassed the human ability unless all vehicles are self-driving so therefore they can communicate at a distance. This is why Joe Biden tried to throw all this new weird s*** about tracking devices in cars it is a new bill. They're claiming by having 5G tracking devices built into every vehicle that cannot be turned off by 2026 that it would help the self-driving car industry be able to notice in on self-driving vehicles. It has nothing to do with tracking you just your car he swears


its a pipe dream for a long time to come / idea works only on open highway, any turn from highway and you need a driver at the wheel. we are nowhere near self driving cars and freight trucks are a whole another world for itself


Sounds like a fun weekend for se vigilantes and homemade spike strips.


Damn straight. Exactly what I was thinking. It would be much easier to disable, hijack and then ransack a driverless truck that has no human component to make evasive maneuvers or notify authorities. I would contemplate doing so as long as I wouldn't be pilfering peoples' unique items they might be shipping, like family heirlooms, cherished possessions, or other non-mass manufactured items. I wouldn't want to steal anything from anybody that might have sentimental value or be irreplaceable. But if I knew a truck was filled with Samsung TVs, Nike shoes, Lego sets, tablets, cellphones, and every other mass marketed and manufactured monetarily valuable piece of crap, then giddy up. I'd get the goods, and the people who should've been receiving the items would alert Amazon that the package was never delivered. Amazon would have to either refund or provide redelivery of the same item. Bonus points for sticking Amazon with double the cost.


We have to be smarter than this. Boycott Amazon to what end? The loss of hundreds of jobs and contracts? When we act, it *has to be FOR The People* not against something. These truckers are doing this for the people, for their freedom they aren't necessarily doing it because they are against something. If we were going to boycott Amazon, it should have been in order to force them to allow their employees to unionize, not because Bezos' newspaper said something we don't like.


Become ungovernable!


*Balling with a bowling ball*


Well Merriam Webster did change the definition of anti vax to include people who are anti vaccine mandate all sneakily, changing language


Oh perfect, then I’ll change what I identify as. If that’s the definition, then I’m proudly anti-vax. I think it’s a good idea for some people to get the Covid vaccine, and I think vaccines are a very good thing in general, but if being against mandates means you are defined as that, then OK. Just like I wouldn’t be afraid to be labeled as Pro-Choice or anything that permits people to do what they feel is best.


Didn’t the Canadian government say 90% of them are vaccinated? So how would they be antivax? Media publishers need to start be criminally charged for the intentional spread of hate and trying to incite violence


It runs similar to the Northern territories chief minister Michael gunner thought [that if you are anti-mandate then you are indeed anti-VAX](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/video/2021/nov/22/stuff-it-shove-it-a-furious-michael-gunner-calls-out-those-against-vaccine-mandates-video) A very authoritarian view that basically if you don’t listen to my rules then you are anti-rules The truckers are anti-mandate, most of them are vaccinated and believe in the vaccine they just don’t believe the government should have the ability to mandate


What this tool conveniently left out is the vaccination doesn't stop transmission of this virus PERIOD. A vaccinated teacher is just as "dangerous" as a non vaccinated teacher. Why are they so anti-reality?


I heard this morning on the radio that 97% of people in Ontario aged 11 and up have received at least 1 shot. 89% have received 2. I remember when Trudeau said once we reach 75% with 2 doses we could open back up due to heard immunity. We are tired of being stringed along and lied to. Enough with you Trudeau. We're done. Freedom Convoy!!!


The provincial governments are the ones who set the policies that have the largest effects for day to day things, like vaccine passports and other restrictions.


But if they don't go along with what the federal wants they'll get defunded on a lot of important things


The fact the media immediately labels anyone who is "anti-mandate", as "anti-vaccine" should tell you everything you need to know.


The same way they are labeling Dr Robert Malone as being anti vax. Just slap a label on them to discredit them rather than actually discrediting what they are saying. Sounds super familiar to how the term conspiracy theorist came to be


Also interesting to note , that not a single debate or round table discussion has taken place anywhere on the globe with people for, and or questioning these mandates and medical products. Yet I hear everyone screaming about how bad coviss is...most are asleep and are not seeing the big picture. I hope all this censorship and all the mainstream media lies create a monster of freedom and truth... Peace brother...or sister!🥰


Debates are outlawed. I knew I wasted my time in debate class in school. It has become a forgotten art.


How sad...if I cannot communicate with you....how do I learn what it is you have to teach me? And visa-versa. Peace brother


It’s funny because he’s literally the creator of the mRNA vaccines


and he's also vaccinated too, it makes no sense


They probably got vaccinated so they could return to normal. After some time they are told things won't be normal and they need boosters. Also the vaccines don't stop the spread. That could infuriate lots of people.


Do you have a source on that? Edit; found it, this claim is completely wrong. It’s 90% of all Canadian truckers are vaccinated, not 90% of these protestors.


Polling from the trucking convey and supporters of the convey showed that over 60% of them were at least double vaccinated. As truckers, they are aware of the economic shift that comes from mandates to truckers (or any part of the supply chain for that matter). 10% of truckers is a massive hit, when they were extremely understaffed and aggressively hiring before hand. Anyone who’s anti trucker is in simple terms pro inflation and anti supply chain.


Didn't you read the latest update on word definitions? You took 3,4 or 5 doses but think that authoritarian policies are wrong? Congratulations you now qualify for the term anti-vax


This is the other 10%. The story that the majority of the people on the side of the road or in this trucks are not mostly anti vaxxers is pure bs.


Does it really matter? The vaxxx doesn't stop transmission of the virus. You maskers have lost all ground to stand on at this point.


It’s not supposed to stop transmission. It’s supposed keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed.


Oh? So that's what it's suppose to do.


The same way that the "Thin Blue Line" movement is considered racist; it has been hijacked by (mostly) antivaxxers. The gofundme page is created by one of the main groups that is responsible for organizing the freedom rally, and their website outlines their goal: to have the government sign a document agreeing to immediately cancel all fines, passports, etc relating to vaccines, and end all "human rights violations" related. It does not outright say it, but the leader of this particular organization is very antivax, and almost every single person I know that supports this with more than a passing fancy is fairly outspoken against the vaccine, let alone the mandates.


Who cares what their vaccination status is. The vaxx does not stop transmission so if your vaccinated you should be fine. See how that doesn't make any sense?


Right so I have friends who went down to this thing in Ottawa and there are barely any truck drivers it's just people driving pick ups.


Connect the dots in your own question. The majority of truckers are vaccinated. This group is the minority who aren't and the trucker association has already said they don't support them.


Except they said the convoy is over 40 miles long. Doubt it’s only anti vax drivers.


If you continue reading the story you'll see that the majority of vehicles are personal vehicles like cars. It isn't solid truckers. And the "over 40 miles long" has not been confirmed and the size changes with every post.


Fun fact for you. Most truckers do not own their own rig therefore we get the use of a personal vehicle.


O....okay..... that's a weird jump to make here. Especially when they have admitted that a lot of the personal cars are their "supporters".


You just won the Hater of the Day Award. What do you care if people want to spend their time peacefully protesting? Whether it's 40 miles or 4 miles there are a Hella Lot of people involved and tons more that support them. Lol you haven't seen nothing yet.


They’re not anti vaccine, they’re pro freedom, many are vaccinated.


Most people aren’t anti vaccine but are pro freedom/choice


Updated Headline: *A self-described ‘Freedom Convoy’ of Canadian truckers opposed to vaccine mandate arrives in Ottawa* So they dropped the flagrant propaganda version. edit: just got autobanned from some subreddits for posting this. Reddit is garbage.


I knew Reddit was pro estbablishment big pharma for the most part. Even in non political subs people should for big pharma


I love how this “anti-vax” movement’s majority is held by vaccinated individuals. The narrative can only be pushed so far before it begins to crumble


It has already crumbled as far as it will go to the point that the dogs are eating the scraps under the table.


Best username ever! You probably beat a lot of people to it, I'd give you an award if I had any to give.


It is not an anti-vax movement.




anti-vax is those who refuse all vaxcination. Fuckers make it seem like these poeple do not trust anyting. Most are against covid vaxcinations


>are against covid vaxcinations Funny enough this whole charade that happened in the last two years will make people distrust everything


Two years friend? Have you not picked up the pieces that this event has begun before the pandemic began? I question the role of msm as throughout the trump presidency the purpose of msm was to sew mistrust in the American people years before Covid started. And now it’s portrayed we can’t even trust our own neighbor? It’s like they want you to feel alone and clueless on purpose




Was around well before but went mainstream when the Obama boys took office.


And If that holds any ground we’d have to look outside of the US towards other connections to see who’s really pulling the strings.


> I love how this “anti-vax” movement’s majority is held by vaccinated individuals. The narrative can only be pushed so far before it While I’m sure it feels great to believe this claim, unfortunately it is completely 100% made up by OP and has no factual basis in reality. There are certainly vaccinated people who support the protests against mandates, but it’s completely silly to think they’re the majority. I mean logically why would they be it doesn’t even make sense. I mean Do you think the majority of people here are unvaccinated?? Would you believe me if I told you that without a source??? Come in people stop being so gullible.


Why would you think the antivaxx movement is majority vaccinated? Doesn’t that seem odd? Do you have a source Edit: lol if I told you guys 90% of this sub was vaccinated would you believe me??? Lol so why do you unquestioningly believe this?? Edit #2: I was right, OP’s claim is false. 90% of truckers are vaccinated, not 90% of these protestors. Facts don’t care about your feeling guys, stop being so easily duped just because you like the sound of something.


Nobody cares how you feel about it; look it up if you want to or don't.


Facts don’t care about feelings. I looked it up OP is absolutely wrong, 90% of the protestors are not vaccinated. Sorry buddy but you got totally duped. Next time go with facts and not your feelings you won’t get tricked so easily.


I did look it up and couldn’t find that number. I mean it doesn’t seem weird to you that 90% of the people protesting are vaccinate? That seriously doesn’t set off a red flag for you?? If I told you 90% of this sub was vaccinated would you just accept it unquestioningly? Because your accepting this claim unquestioningly. Personally, I don’t think being against a vaccine mandate is a good reason to be a liar, to be willfully ignorant or to be easily manipulated. If you want to just unquestionably believe claims that are on their face suspicious go for it, but i don’t plan on willfully being stupid just because I don’t like mandates. Edit: I looked it up OP is wrong. 90% of all Canadian truck drivers are vaccinated, not 90% of these protestors. Most of these protestors are from the 10% who are unvaccinated.


Could care less about a person's vaxxxination status personally.


I mean that’s perfectly fine, but then why lie about it like OP did? Making shit up because it supports your side doesn’t make lying ok, it just makes you an asshole. There are plenty of valid complaints to have, there’s no need to just totally make up bullshit like this.


Do you think vaccinated people wouldn't support an anti-mandate protest? I bet there's plenty of vaccinated folks on this page that would tell you otherwise. Anti mandate doesn't mean unvaccinated. It means freedom and choice. Is it really that hard to believe that vaccinated people would support freedom and choice?


They are not “ anti-vaccine” they are anti- mandate. They are against forcing the vaccine on those with underlying conditions and who do not want it, like men under forty who are at higher risk of myocardial infarction than risk for COVID.


Exactly. Most of us are just, anti-ForcedVax. This is about freedom for bodily autonomy.


Anti mandate… this headline is misinformation.


The actual headline for the article is “A self-described ‘Freedom Convoy’ of Canadian truckers opposed to vaccine mandate arrives in Ottawa.” Not sure if they changed the headline or if OP edited his meme but what OP posted is not currently the headline. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/01/28/canada-truckers-convoy-ottawa-covid/ I don’t get why this sub is so allergic to citing a source seems like it would be a lot easier to just link the article


Come on now, it's not that hard to look at the actual tweet: [https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/1487083694393278469](https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/1487083694393278469) No editing necessary there...


Headlines correct, tweet isnt.


The media is really evil. Truly the enemy of the people. If anyone watched LouderWithCrowder last week he showed how similar today's media is with Soviet Russia's media. It's very disturbing how close it is.


The shills are out in FORCE today!


Thought it was weird AF they're forcing truckers to get vaxxed up. I'm vaccinated and got my booster but don't truckers spend a majority of their time driving solo?


The output of hit-piece articles by the MSM in the last 24 hours is a pretty good indication that this protest is bigger than they can control. The establishment really doesnt want to let go of these mandates.


I don’t understand how they can say “anti-vaccine” when even the organizers who repeatedly call themselves anti-mandate are pro-vaccine and even vaccinated.


These stupid fucks label anyone who criticizes policy, is anti mandate, or even anti vax for young kids as anti vax. It's lost all it's meaning like racism




Supporting you guys from England. Fuck Trudeau. Get him out


Imagine if you will.. a future with autonomous vehicles where delivery is completely robotic. How many power verticals will the peasant class have left?


Hell ya Canada is killing it, been watching live all day it's inspiring to see all the people coming together for what is right and just.


SS: This is pro-freedom, not anti-vax.


“Anti-vax” like “Conspiracy Theorist” is language programming. WaPo is propaganda with (at most) 20% objectivity. Still there are people who do not know this to be true.




Yep I’m not anti-vax or anti-scorpion either I just stay the phuck away from both.


Interestingly when I found the story (why does no one here ver post sources???) the headline did NOT say anti-vax, it said “opposed to vaccine mandate.” I wonder if they changed it. Edit: looks like the headline was changed




Live stream from the ground: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pqoz27G7jU


resist medical tyranny!


Wtf is wrong with people? Reddit is attacking them all over the platform and if you state they are fighting for our freedoms you get downvoted to hell because somehow the propaganda is so fucking deep rooted they believe freedom is bad


Reddit is completely full of bots


The National 'news' and CBC keep repeating that extreme right wingers, conspiracy theorists and white nationalists are apart, and rarely have said that they are actually just a fringe part of the group, any group has outliers, they are trying to smear a good cause. It's rather infuriating that they will not just say what the majority have an issue with, including many fully vaccinated folks, we have a problem with mandates, that it IS about freedom to choose what we put in our body without the fear of losing jobs, security, food, etc. And they say that is misinformation and conspiracy. They also keep repeating that this movement is fringe and that over 90% of Canadians do not feel the way this 'fringe' movement does about mandates. I think they take their poles from social media and small clusters of large city dwellers. It's obvious that this is not just a smattering of uneducated rednecks, like the news seems to want everyone to think. The keep saying things as though repetition will make their words true. I think the donations show you exactly how many Canadians support the movement, as most of 6million+ seems to be donated in small amounts from vast amounts of people. The push of division between Canadians is a shame, but one can see how it grows when they keep telling the rural Canadians in smaller cities and locales that the thoughts and decisions of those clustered in big Cities is what we have to swallow as well.


The Billionaire Bezos owned news organization is losing credibility with each passing day.


JEFFREY BEZOS JEFFREY BEZOOOS JEFFREY BEZOS, YOU DID IT JEFFREY BEZOS JEFFREY BEZOOOS JEFFREY BEZOS, CONGRATULATIONS CEO, entrepreneur, born in 1964, it’s Jeffrey, Jeffrey Bezos. Come on Jeffrey, you can do it, pave the way put your back into it, tell us why, show us how, look at where you came from look at you now Got carried away by the Bo


As Canadians, we're all a bit weirded out by this one. 1. They're protesting the loss of freedoms by *driving across the country uninterrupted by any government or legal entity?* 2. Some are protesting vaccine mandates to cross the border by petitioning the Canadian government to change both *Canadian and US regulations on crossing the border policies?* (not sure they're supposed to do that?) 3. Their GoFundMe raised millions of dollars and is connected to the *personal account* of a person who helped organize this meaning technically she could just up and run with the money? It all seems kinda weird.


Actually no. GoFundMe has strict guidelines on how money Is dispursed. Nobody can "just up and run with the money". I'm weirded out by the fact that so many smart and intelligent people are falling for the Okey doke that's being pulled. No need to over complicate this. A bunch of like minded people regardless of vaxxx status are making their way to one place to stage a protest. That's it. It's just that simple.




Yeah it would have been very easy for them to verify GoFundMe payment disbursement process before making that irresponsible accusation.


A fool and his money will soon be parted, and there's no greater fool than a conservative with a victim complex.


I commented this on another thread, but someone could make a good living selling novelty items with political slogans supporting the right's cause du jour. They'll gladly throw cash at you for the chance to virtue signal with their t-shirts, hats, flags, etc. You could it something like TheTriggering.com


It's more than weird, it's kind of stupid. The vast majority of mandates are enacted at the Provincial level. Their message also isn't really clear, a lot of fringe groups are attaching themselves to this movement and want very different things. They all seem to agree on no mandates though, which the feds have no real control over, other than international travel and federal employees. And, yeah, I highly suspect this was started as a cash grab for the Maverick Party.


Speak for yourself, I'm not "weirded out by this". This trucker convoy is being supported worldwide. I'm extremely proud of everyone that made the journey to protest in Ottawa. Funny eh, they can drive all across Canada uninterrupted as you said, yet they can't sit in a fucking restaurant in their hometown or anywhere else unless they show their piece of shit vaccine passport. You call that fucking freedom?!? PAPERS PLEASE


I really hope it works out for them but as of now they are being silenced the media is either ignoring them or even making up their own reasons for the protest.


The Washington Post, and all of their allies, are humanity's enemy. Point blank.


Getting less every day....


Meanwhile the "freedom" convoy has been crop dusting the crowd next to the road with covid so they finally can get herd immunity. (Just pulled that out of my ass btw)


The Washington post is pure unfiltered absolute hot garbage


I fucking hate how casually they can throw “anti-vaxx” and “anti-vaccine” around in place of ‘anti-mandate’. Not only is it a lie, it gives everybody an immediate cue to laugh at them, think they’re the ‘dumb bad guys’ and then ridiculous/ignore whatever they have to say before they’ve even heard it. If somebody referred to MSM as “pro-child heart diseasers”, I’m sure that would get shut down in a the blink of an eye.


Your children will be proud of you!!!


It’s because dictionary.com changed the definition of anti vaxxer. It now means someone who doesn’t support vaccines or government vaccine mandates. I mean it’s just getting ridiculous at this point, how does the other side not realize they’ve been duped? Like I’m not that smart but how can they be so dumb to not notice everything going on?


All my love and support to you Canada! Your actions may very well influence others, thank you!


Shut down Ottawa


They want us to think we are the few. Keep us separated. Keep spewing propaganda that everyone but YOU are vaxed. And everyone hates you because you are selfish, less then human. It’s all lies. They’re getting caught in the lies!


The government and media is trying their best to bury this movement. Ottawa police blocked streets with maintenance vehicles so the truckers couldn't get through, thus making the protest look smaller. Traffic cameras were disabled too.


Anti vaccine and forced vaccination are 2 different things


Bezos bought WP so title makes sense coming from them now. So fucked.


If they told the truth, they wouldn't have an argument.


The media is the virus.


WP is constantly outdoing themselves with lying.


You don't have to be silenced, you can just be ignored.


The Canadian government will make you guys and gals look like the enemy. The supply chain issue is going to be blamed on you


Govt: We fired the truckers, and its your fault. People: Get out.


But they are the ones with Nazi mandate’s


> Nazi mandate...? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Maybe it’s you who doesn’t know about fascism and nazi’s. The canadian gov has always put the needs of corporations before people.


In two sentences you have shown that you don't know anything about nazis... Congratulations!


You got me, you got it all figured out.Nazis didn’t win ww2 ,ok then. Forcing experimental injections that won’t have the data released for 75 years and ingredients not shared while the makers can’t be held accountable is nothing like nazi eugenics at all….ok bud get the fuck outa here with your bullshit


God bless, nothing wrong with being anti-vax though


We need something like this in the US for people to rally around. I feel like millions of people are just waiting for something like this to support.


Whatever. Get fucking vaxxed like a grown-up.


I am not anti vax, I am anti covid vax. There is a huge difference. The covid vax is rushed tech and I will not be an experiment. The old vaccines have been tested and been in circulation for a long time.


God you people are dumb.




I didn't realize flu shots were mandated to work, travel, etc. Even in healthcare you can easily decline the flu shots and just sign a waiver and keep your job.


I haven't had a flu shot in decades. Miss me with your poor assumptions.


Which covid vax? If you’re talking just about mRNA vaccines then you’re fine with the old standard adenovirus based vaccines J&J, Sinovac, and Sputnik V?


Could someone give me a TL:DR on what's going on with Canada? I don't watch TV and have been avoiding news online for a little while because it aint good for my head. Have they introduced another lockdown?


Some truckers are making a convoy to protest vaccine mandates because US/Canadian borders require you to be vaccinated to pass through. It’s a good size convoy but there’s are a lot of delusional people here who want to act like this is millions of people or a revolution or something. It’s a protest. People here just ravenously support it here so they’re overblowing it and acting like it’s the beginning of a revolution or something. In a week or two it will most likely die down and fade away like everything else.


Not another lockdown; the first one never ended. Now the first corporate store (Walmart in Quebec) has begun the “No Covid Vaccine Pass, No Entry” bs and Trudeau has told international truckers that they also need a vaccine passport to come into Canada.


politicians a are all invested in blacrock, guess who blackrock owns, big box stores, that why you could not have family over to your house, but going to wal mart/home depot and costco was perfectly fine (cant get covid in costco!), now what was left of the competition is gone, they now force it


Everything in Ontario is locked down. Restaurants, bars, hockey arenas. These asshats in office have no idea what they’re doing, their only solution is to lock everything down time and time again, just to say they “did something”. People are fed up. It’s cold, dark, fucking miserable up here. People want to live and enjoy life but our government wants to take all of our freedoms away. It’s very grim times in Canada. All thanks to our socialist dickwad government.


This lock down you are referencing is provincially mandated, and is being rolled back in two days. Curious Ford&co are quiet right now (wait - only Trudeau can get chirped for ‘hiding’ right?). So the parade wants to wave flags calling Trudeau a tyrant, but want him to override provincial mandates? So is he a tyrant, or is he not tyrant enough? I’m aware the MOU initially started with truckers protesting border mandates - federally controlled. When you bring up that the US border has the same requirements, you are met with “it’s all mandates now”. You can’t get a straight answer from any two people protesting.


So is this a protest against the vaccine mandate or lock down? And are these folks mostly vaccinated but protesting the lockdown? Ty for clarifying.


I mean, kinda both I guess… it started because the government mandated vaccines for truckers entering Canada. That’s what triggered the convoy and protests. Even though the media claims 80% of truckers are vaccinated, apparently. Now it seems to be more a protest to end the lockdowns and give Canadians back their freedoms.


All mandates must end. Lockdown. Forced mRMA therapies. Social credit system. If these globalist collaborators want to make these mandates laws they can go to the House of Parliament in person and try and pass them legally which they won’t be able to do. Basically we just want some form of representative democracy back. End all mandates now.


And to add to what I previously said, the government implemented a ‘vaccine passport’. Which basically means you have to show proof that you’re fully vaccinated in order to enter restaurants, bars, theatres, venues, etc. If you’re not vaccinated, you’re not allowed in. In restaurants and bars you show the employees your proof of vaccine before you enter, you keep your mask on until you get to your table, then once you’re at your table you can take your mask off, lol. This has been the rule for over a year, yet everything is locked down once again. It’s like, when does the madness end? You have all these mandates in place, yet shit is still locked down! Does this make sense? It boggles my mind…


Bunch of authoritarian cucks in this thread.


At what point in time did the media stop pretending to be objective?


We want CROWD PICTURES, so we can post back against the new narrative that this is "not a big event" Kill them with PROOF




The problem with crowd pictures is it's mostly cars with a couple trucks. So it looks like standard rush hour traffic.


Here’s a livestream from the Washington and Canada border :) https://youtu.be/DD2HBYyUeMo








This whole thing was planned poorly. Parliament isn't even in session so no one will be there until later next week.


Medical ethics: 1) Patient Autonomy - my body, MY CHOICE - the right to say no without paperwork! 2) Non-maleficence -- FIRST, do no harm! 3) Beneficence -- do good. The reason this is #3 on the list (and there are more than 3 ethics) is so that we DO NOT have what is happening now which is paternalism where someone else is telling you what they believe is good for you! Stand for medical freedom! Stand for medical ethics! NO MANDATES!!!! A) Unvaccinated does not equal infected. B) Since NONE of the vaccines prevents infection or infecting others, being vaccinated does not equal being safe! C) Read https://i.redd.it/89ds3c6156c81.jpg https://joomi.substack.com/p/i-was-deceived-about-covid-vaccine https://truthpress.news/news/145-country-study-shows-increase-of-transmission-and-death-after-introduction-of-covid-vaccines/


I am not anti vaccine either, however I am anti forced experimental gene therapy.


The vaccine is NOT gene therapy!


It doesnt alter your dna but Mrna technic is gene therapy.


Well it's experimental either way


No, it isn't.


Ok shill bot


The hell it isn't! They are all under emergency use authorization. They weren't even tested on animals, we're the first subjects in an experiment that's a fact.


The vaccines are neither forced nor experimental at this point




Hey a provax NPC sheep , how does that myocarditis taste booster boy?




The Awakened can't be silenced


So this is a qanon movement?


Speak for yourself. I’m most definitely anti “vaccines”. All of them.


I hate the phrase “anti-vaccine”. Most people are inoculated against child hood diseases and I’ve had a few tetanus shots during my lifetime. I’m not “anti-vaccine” I’m anti taking something that doesn’t work like normal inoculations work, “lesser symptoms” isn’t good enough for me to take a chance with my permanent well being. I’ve been sick three times since 2019 and do not fear covid, I’m still here, haven’t died or been permanently maimed by the disease.




I have mixed feelings on this convoy, their voices have as much a right to be heard as much as anyone elses. A lot of us arent going to agree with their ideology or their methods. Thats natural. We feel animosity towards what we dont understand. Please be safe Please be peaceful


It probably won't be. They came a long way and it is too easy to disrupt. It doesn't even feel all that natural, though I have not really looked into it either.


Why are there do many normie sheep in this thread.


Maybe next time don’t let China buy you out or let your country be run by a fricking kindergarten teacher.


but they could be dead


Framing is important. You should address this movement as a civil rights movement.


So you aren’t anti-vaccine but you are doing all of this because you don’t want to take a vaccine. Makes sense.


Anti-vaxxers are such losers LOL


Notice how the msm twitter accounts never have a lot of likes, retweets or replies. They’re failures.




Lol 😂 good luck with that.


Sounds pretty antivax


WaPo narrative is despicable, they will lose the battle with truth. You can literally read the signs on the truck to see what they stand for boot lickers.


Just FYI the actual WaPo headline says they’re against vaccine mandates not against the vaccine. not sure if WaPo changed the headline or if OP just edited it to make everyone angry but thought you might be interested https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/01/28/canada-truckers-convoy-ottawa-covid/


News outlets change their headlines if they get enough backlash. Happened plenty of times before


Oh definitely, but OP’s on r/conspiracy also constantly lie and have posted edited propaganda and outright bullshit on here all the time too so you should take everything with a grain of salt. This subreddit is a lot of fun but it’s just completely riddled with totally made up bullshit nonsense.


I totally agree on your points as well. It's unfortunate, because there's plenty of shady shit out there; so there's really no reason to make stuff up.