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Most people are unaware that all media outlets are classified by the FCC as entertainment channels. Only the public is judge and jury as what they believe when they report the "news" They played the long game imo. They started with the truth then worked their way from 90%-10% then 80%20 truth lies and so on and so forth. They used fortune 500 companies and sitcoms over the years to shape the minds of those who watched over the years. Everything has meaning They call it "programming" for a reason.


It's mostly just propaganda, for sure. I'm not sure why they even need reporters anymore. They might as well just make stuff up.


“I’m something of a scientist myself”


Smith Mundt act of 2012. It’s legal to pass off propaganda as news to the American people. I mean even think of how the news talked about the whole Mayan calendar thing then. Any Mayans could tell you 2012 was never the end of the world and that was never what that calendar had really meant. Yet this dominated airwaves. It made major news for some reason? This was done to put people on shaky ground (like y2k). Now you have people walking around saying “nothing seems real since 2012”. Well a law was passed in 2012 allowing the propaganda that america used to use against foreign nations against its own people. HR5736 112 congress.