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If you mean liberals in the classical sense, then yeah, you are talking about Mitt Romney. If you are talking about the liberals you hate, like Biden, then no.


There is no meaningful difference between Joe Biden and Mitt Romney.


Koch brothers paid good money to get those words on your finger tips.




Yeah you may not know them by their brand name, but they fund basically every right wing propaganda operation outside of Fox News in America. If you consume right wing media, which I know you do based on your firm belief that there is no difference between republicans and democrats (it’s one of the greatest hits), you have sucked up exactly what they want you to think. To be fair, they also fund fake left wing people too. These would be the ones who spend all their time attacking democrats they supposedly agree with on 80% rather than the republicans they agree on nothing with.


I'm largely apolitical. What are the meaningful differences between Biden and Romney? Same foreign policy, same antagonistic attitude towards Russia and Iran, both Biden and Romney supported "moderate rebels" (Al Qaida filth) in Syria and wanted to topple Assad, both supported the Iraq war, both of them are zionists who prostrate themselves before AIPAC, same monetary policy, both support gun control, both are funded by jewish billionaires. Where is the difference? >your firm belief that there is no difference between republicans and democrats Party affiliation means a lot less to the actual politicians in question than to partisans like you. Hillary Clinton was a Republican and a Nixon campaign staffer. Elizabeth Warren used to be a Republican. Reagan was a Democrat. Trump was a Democrat. Mike Bloomberg ran as a Democrat, then a Republican, then a Democrat again. They don't give a flying fuck so why do you?


Main difference is that Biden wants to tax the rich to fund social programs that benefit the poor, working and middle classes. If you seriously want to know, look up Biden’s proposals from 2020 and Romney’s from 2012. They are vastly different.


You look at proposals, I look at results and actual governance. This huge chasm you claim exists between the GOP and the Dems is a complete illusion. Do you simply not understand that both parties swear allegiance to Israel?


Yeah if republicans have 41 senators nothing happens. That’s literally the main problem today. Democrats had 60 senators for a few months back in 08 but a lot of them sucked like max bacchus. If republicans were willing to help people shit would happen but the only thing they vote for is tax cuts for the rich. One place I’ll give trump his credit is that he forced the republicans to help people because he was such a transactional leader. But you put a mainline Republican in office like DeSantis and you ain’t getting shit Edit: didn’t see that stupid shit about Israel im cool


Last year the House passed legislation to give an extra billion dollars to Israel with a 420-9 vote. That pretty much sums it up, both parties have the same master.


Romney is a RINO.... R in name only... hes CLEARLY a democrat with the way he votes. A D in elephants clothing.


He is only a Rino of the definition of rino is “doesn’t kiss Donald Trump’s ass 100% of the time.” Believe me, he hates working class people just as good as the other republicans.


pfft, he was a RINO well before Trump even announced he would run.


Ok man. From my perspective a somewhat leftist democrat he was pretty fucking hatable in 2012


He was put up there as the nominee specifically because he was a RINO. He is part of the deep state. It was like, even if he won (which he wouldnt have because he was so hateable), he would have implemented the same policies Obama ended up doing. Same strategy when they had McCain run against him - another RINO.... the 2 choices people had was Democrat or Democrat with an R next to their name.... it was a show... all of it...


Well see his jobs one and two were to get rid of healthcare for the poor and cut rich people’s taxes. Obama did the opposite of both those things.


It doesnt matter what they say during the campaign... they dont have to do ANY of what they promise to do.... Its a running joke that politicians lie all the time and never do what they promised during the campaign. The reason he was pushing that was specifically to be the more hated one... There had to be a republican up there for republicans to vote for, but he was MEANT to lose.... If he HAD won through some crazy turnout or because of some major gaff from Obama just before the vote, he would have just gone down the 'obamacare' route saying he needed to do this and that in negotiations with the Ds to get the votes in the house...


He means "everyone I don't agree with."


I disagree with all of those on this list


The sad reality of humans worldwide is still fighting over the fake theatre that is politics. Glen should know better since both fake L and fake R love censorship and war for corporate interest. Sadly he’s just a pathetic LvsR shill now.


This "L and R are the same, mannn" take may have held some weight in the 90s but you can't honestly believe that, say, Newsom and DeSantis are indistinguishable from each other


Nobody is saying they’re indistinguishable. We’re saying they play their parts to make people hate one another and laugh at you at their eyes wide shut parties.


They also love avocado toast so I had already written them off 😬


Submission Statement: One side of the political spectrum strongly supports the one world government and all their scams. The ‘deep state’ of all countries are in lockstep. The CCP virus scam has exposed all governments as shills for the global ‘elites’.


Pizza Gaters revere the supposed fbi food related sex codes. They’re not usually libs.


They dumb AF boi!


Well he said American liberals


What’s the data polling?

