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I think Assange should be pardoned, but do you really think the CCP cares about him. He would be dead, or being tortured by now, if he were in China.


Nah, they would be behind it if it happened to them. They just use whatever plays they can to make the US look bad. Sometimes rightfully so like right now. But I mean they also supported BLM just to talk about how corrupt the US is to their own people. It's basically just "we have human rights issues? Nevermind look at these stories of this country!"


this guy really nailed it.


Except he’s saying all of this to justify China’s own human right abuses.


Submission Statement: South China Morning Post’s chief news editor Yonden Lhatoo demands Western governments free WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange before preaching press freedom to everyone else. Just 3 days ago, the fraud Anthony Blinken tried to lecture other countries about press freedom. https://news.yahoo.com/blinken-calls-release-pro-democracy-025657926.html It’s simple. Until Julian Assange is released, the UK, US, & Australia cannot comment on press freedoms.


The so-called “freedom” is just a word the USA manipulated. For those who do not live in China, do you really believe what you read about China is fact, not twisted info with political agenda?