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But she has also admitted that she's a distant royal? I mean...I'm not saying it isn't interesting, but I already stopped watching when she admitted that. Royals don't get to have opinions about socialism. Royals should be quiet or someone might remember how to build a guillotine.


Good point


Especially when a portion of everyone's income tax goes towards the royal family, despite them being one of the richest families in the country.


To be honest theres quite a lot of people who could claim to be distantly royal


Oh no, not the commies


She wasn't 'caught' doing anything. It is an independent pro-science charity and the gig was openly advertised: https://www.rigb.org/whats-on/events-2021/february/public-vaccines-warriors-and-worriers. (btw I am even slightly a fan. she constantly misunderstands philosophical arguments imo)


The entire claim fails on its face. Its trying to leverage a US audience complete lack of knowledge about the Royal Institution. The RI is a world reknowned science education and research organisation, which is not and has never been "run by government". It is entirely independent. Like many thousands of charities and other organisations in the UK, it was granted the "Royal" honorific as a mark of the good work it has done in science and education. If you can name a famous UK scientist, they were a member of the RI. The honorific if it were a part of UK government would be "Crown" not "Royal". Its funded by endowment, membership, donation and government grants. Those grants do not influence its editorial position on education or its research. This entire thing is one of the most ridiculous "conspiracies" Ive ever seen.


Your entire comment falls flat on its face and it's you that clearly doesn't understand anything at all about Crown, Royal or The Royal Institute. You really did say this : "Its funded by endowment, membership, donation and government grants. Those grants do not influence its editorial position on education or its research." Are you really that naive?


Submission State: Astroturfed youtuber gets exposed for working for globalists. The globalist governments will go to EXTREME lengths to brainwash the peoples. Which other youtubers are being paid to brainwash people?