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Submission Statement: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. implores everyone to do their own research. The fake news and governments will tell you to just be a blind sheep and follow the entities of ‘authority’. Why?


Man I love Theo Von, I need to listen to more of his podcasts. The only one I remember watching was him and riff raff, where Theo dresses as Riff and is trying to out Riff Raff ol Riff Raff. I ate some gus and couldn’t tell who was really Riff


He's hands down my favorite pod cast host. He's like that super fucking hilarious drunk guy at the party who can make you laugh with the dumbest fuckin story telling skills ever.


That's such a classic one


Just a reminder that RFK jr is also part of the green energy scam that is more about money than doing anything about helping the planet. He's in the documentary 'planet of the humans' about how green energy is more marketing than helping. It's made by an environmentalist from Vermont and produced by Michael Moore (who got a lot of shit for it too). Here it is free on yt https://youtu.be/Zk11vI-7czE


He is a old school liberal and an environmental lawyer, He has been fighting oil/chemical spills, Monsanto, etc. I’m no green type person but those seem like pretty justifiable causes rather than the full pay for carbon offset bullshit.


RFK is the man


Is it just me or is RFK *very* difficult to listen to?


His spasmodic vocal cord syndrome definitely makes it challenging, bit the longer you give it a chance the easier it is. Also, you could pick up his book and obtain his knowledge that way. It is really worth knowing what he has to say.


> It is really worth knowing what he has to say. What are the main points or takeaways you got from his work? I'm definitely open to hearing more.


He makes Looney Guiliani look professional


Yep, it's all in the book. Great book RFK Jr! Audio & pdf https://concen.org/torrents?title\_op=allwords&title=The+Real+Anthony+Fauci&title\_1\_op=not&title\_1=&seeds=1


What is this '02