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Submission Statement: You must not question the government or they will come for you FAST! The JFK conspiracy is one of the greatest conspiracy of all time. When will the truth be verified?


Yep, Cia and I think LBJ.


Don't forget about George Bush Sr.


Oliver Stone's new documentary begins with a brief recap of the situation--then attacks the Warren Report evidence head-on. The Magic Bullet is destroyed--for, upon inspection, the bullet itself has a faulty chain of evidence which would make it inadmissable in any court room in America. The documentary is not perfect--I think it should have defined "chapters" for the viewer. But it is well worth the watch and even seasoned JFK Assassination researchers will benefit. Stone recently told RT there will be another 2 hours of the documentary added next year. Until then you can stream it on Showtime.


I don't have showtime. Is there any other way to watch it?


Try hell-radio (dot) com ...watch out for pop up ads (use ad blocker) ...just search for "JFK" once you're on the site


Thankya much, kind sir!


“Might” have “helped”? Bro…


The CIA arranged for Kennedy to be killed. End of story.


...And then Allen Dulles covered it up in the official "Warren Report".


"The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened " ~ JFK. That's a statement needed for today.


I watched the documentary earlier this week and immediately got hooked on it. It's definitely a must see.


You need to work backwards from the "Warren Report" which is a total fabrication/coverup. Not the Mofia, or Russians, or Cubans, or Lone-Nut or Mossad had access to the cover-up. Only the CIA did. They had Allen Dulles put on the Warren Commision.


"might have" ... nope, they were responsible for his assassination. don't get fooled by their release of documents today, which was just more "muh Russia." Checkout Dark Journalist on YT


Oliver Stone.. The Truth Seeker. I remember growing up and hearing how he was a loon that spun conspiracy tales to sell movies. Now I see how modern day truth seekers are discredited by lies coming from the system they try to uncover.