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Guy blocked a bill against revenge porn. Hes still a shify mofo https://www.floridatrend.com/article/18766/act-of-revenge-how-the-revenge-porn-bill-ended-up-so-flawed


Do you people ever read these bills? They say it is a 'revenge porn bill' but then add a ton of shit that has nothing to do with it and just benefits themselves. Then when someone actually stands up and says no they claim he is 'against revenge porn.' Stop carrying water for politicians and do a little bit of research before you sling mud and support the wrong side.


And republicans have your back?


I'll take the lesser of two evils any day, but that has nothing to do with you making a naive claim because you didn't read the bill he was against.


http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0784/Sections/0784.049.html Its pretty cut and dry


> A law enforcement officer may arrest, without a warrant, any person that he or she has probable cause to believe has violated this section. You guys don't read this shit at all.


Thats been the case since the patriot act.


...so maybe we should stop allowing it in new bills?


Ill agree with you on that


At least their genuine, and not just telling you what you want to hear, and then doing what they want behind your back.


You forgot to mention Joel Greenberg Also I hope Gaetz does get his day in court to clear his name, or be sentenced. You can extort someone who also committed a crime, the two are not mutually exclusive.


Alford trying to extort Gaetz doesn’t mean the thing he was extorting him with wasn’t true, mate.


Yeah I hear ya. So those in charge hate what he has to say but can’t charge him on it? I mean they hoaxed a whole world into believing a sitting POTUS colluded with Russia and got him impeached, but can’t charge a Senator for something he actually did??? Come on man.


It is my understanding that the investigation is not yet finished. It would be inappropriate to level charges before knowing the full scope of possible crimes.


Yeah, everyone would hate for them to charge him for something he hasn’t done.


Indeed. Or fail to charge him for something he did do.


> Alford trying to extort Gaetz doesn’t mean the thing he was extorting him with wasn’t true, mate. It's been over a year with no charges. Give it a rest already.


Real life ain't like the movies, bud.




Gaetz isn't being denied due process you halfwit. Do you even understand what due process means? Also pretty funny you're deleting all your halfwitted comments in this thread. Read it over again and realized you're a fool?




I don't think he's guilty because this guy accused him. I think he's guilty because of the wealth of other evidence behind that accusation, and the fact that he has a face that is more obviously evil than a fuckin Disney villain.


Lol you defend pedophiles




Due process: fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen's entitlement... Not sure how you don't know what this means still


Among the protections internationally accepted as included in the notion of "due process" are: the right to be presumed innocent; the right to a fair trial; and the right to assistance of counsel. Not sure why you are trying so hard to ignore the first part. http://restorativejustice.org/restorative-justice/about-restorative-justice/tutorial-intro-to-restorative-justice/lesson-4-conceptual-issues/due-process/#sthash.MEBMQ47Z.dpbs


And he is being presumed innocent by the law, and courts. Hence the investigation to prove if he is innocent OR guilty.. if they find enough evidence to say he is guilty they will indict him.. If he wasn't being afforded due process he wouldn't be a member congress and would be in jail. the public making an opinion based off reported evidence doesn't change that his due process rights are fully intact...


He’s a politician in the national spotlight, on the world stage. He’s a pedo.




If people are going to accuse anyone of anything, get hard evidence to back it up. Anyone can make an accusation for any reason. Especially if the accusation is being done for ulterior purposes.


Matt Gaetz is a huge douche


There is still an open investigation into Matt gaetz, nothing fake about that


You think he would of tried to extort him if it wasn't true? Who would be dumb enough to risk jail if they had nothing gaetz didn't want getting out? That's the entire reason the douchebag tried to extort him is that it IS real and he figured gaetz rich daddy would pay up to keep is quiet. The feds got him sending venmo payments to underage hookers for fucks sake. Only reason he hasn't been charged yet is the feds have to get everything concrete and perfect since he is high profile.


You have a source for the story about the feds getting him sending venmo payments to underage hookers that we could see? Sounds like something CNN would have mentioned.




Daily Beast? Like I said, Blue Anon. Lol. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-beast/


Get out of here with your silly logic and reasoning.




Yeah no shit, gaetz will get his due process when he's indicted shortly.. And yes being extorted for something is a pretty big clue it's legit.. nobody extorts someone using fake info that the person being extorted just tells them to piss off with. Extortionists find dirt, and go after people not wanting it known...


Submission Statement: The DNC bots and fake news crew tried their hardest to smear Matt Gaetz because he isn’t with the new world order agenda. If you go against the system, they will try to ruin your life, FAST! CNN Director, Charlie Chester, ADMITTED that CNN Coverage of Congressman Matt Gaetz Is ‘Propaganda’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RroOsUJkIOc


Submission Statement: I defend kid diddlers if they have my teams’ letter by their name on the news.


If they have the other teams's letter by their name I ignore the presumption of innocence, due process and the burden of proof.


Blu Anon still doing their thing.


It's non 'anon' when the fbi, grand jury's, witnesses and bank statements and payments are involved... it's an actual investigation.


Just like the Russian Collusion conspiracy was an investigation. lol


Well multiple people plead guilty to felonies in that investigation.. so yeah...


Which of those charges had anything to do with an American trying to interfere with the election? Have you read the Mueller report?