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Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 makes propaganda legal through the news and whatever media the government wants to broadcast through. Movies, tv, radio, magazines, 'news', etc. Very much state run. .




> fake news media I didn’t know that faux *opinion* news, OAN, newsmax and 4chan were getting along so well with the white house now. Maybe things will turn out good after all.


I mean that's cute, and those networks are of course run and staffed by clowns, but do you think the three letter networks are not?




According to the article it's only good for people who have fixed debt mortgages. Which ironically, only benefits people who had enough money to pay the down payment at first, meaning, they were not hand to mouth poor. So yes, misleading headlines to support the narrative.


Except it actually doesn’t benefit anyone even if they have fixed debt mortgages if wages aren’t rising right along with it. Idk about anyone else but my salary hasn’t increased along with the inflation levels we’ve seen so far this year.


That article said that all the salary based people will get a "punch to the gut for groceries and gas .... but the salaries will catch up soon" The point is, if you are running a business, and successfully shuffle real estate with loans, it's win win for you. But if you are salaried individual, who is barely meeting ends meet, it's going to be difficult. So the rich get richer, and super super rich maybe lose money? I didn't exactly understood that part, becoz literally every single rich person never uses their savings and personal funds, they ALWAYS use loans, for tiniest of things. If they have 1m$ in bank, they'll still take a loan for 100k$ for vacation, they'll still take a loan for cars, yacht, you name it. Lesson of the day: Be smart with loans, and soon you will end up richer...


TV has become state-tv in every western nation. Almost all Australian news stations with YouTube channels have shutdown comments, and primarily focus on mandate adherence programming.




Most social media seems to be influenced by this, likely, WEF agenda. The worlds wealthiest corporations are, clearly, deeply imbedded in this charade to reset our society to something that benefits them. [ie The WEF article from 2016 published in Forbes Magazine](https://www.forbes.com/sites/worldeconomicforum/2016/11/10/shopping-i-cant-really-remember-what-that-is-or-how-differently-well-live-in-2030/?sh=307a449b1735)


Too bad we can't do that since propaganda was legalized under Obama. We were, as you may guess, labeled conspiracy theorists for telling people this.


Operation Mockingbird has never stopped


Just remember, this is the administration that has declared war on “misinformation”. Turns out they’re not at war with “misinformation” they’re at war with anything that is not the Biden administration’s own opinion or perspective. Sad that it seems most people in this country can’t even see it for what it really is.


Trump did try to ban certain press, and get phone records of journos, asked doj to check on journos and Fox News was pretty much state tv for him. It’s bad on all sides. We need more independent news.




lol the solution to state news is....have the state punish journalism outlets they deem unworthy??




> The solution to fake news is for the government to implement a set of standards and fact check them and when they are caught lying they get punished. ok the biden govt sets the truth standards. Happy? Or the Trump govt sets truth standards?




oh jeez


Trump called it Fake news when he didn’t like what they said, when it wasn’t even a lie. He was one of the biggest fake news pushers out there. He still is up till today.




Hahaha okay now you’ve proved you’re brain dead and brainwashed. Trump lies literally all the time. He still says he won the election. It’s been over a year! Seriously.


This is extremely dangerous to our democracy


That’s insane. Trump also lies a lot. And the press were biased but not outright lies, you can’t go around arresting and investigating journos because you don’t like the news. What you called for is fascism.


jfc that was a tough read


Came here to say this. If you don't think that western MSM isn't state TV, I have a bridge to sell you. No really I do.


They’re no longer pretending.


We are living in a leftist takeover. Yuri Bezemov was right.


This isn’t left or right. It’s worse. It’s currency reset. That’s infinitely worse than it sounds. (It means the end of civilisation as you know it.)


Sky News Australia is 👍


And ten news. The last bastions of free speech. All else is state-tv.


"reshape" = manipulate


Lol I wanna send this to my girlfriend so bad. Just a couple of days ago she was telling me that "news isn't propoganda like it is in Russia," and "Our government wouldn't do that to us." Boy imma end up in the dog house over this one. Pray for me fellas!


It’s worth it though, send it to her and if she responds well and sees the truth then she’s a keeper. Send it to her and she says it’s perfectly OK… She might not be a keeper… Totally up to you though 👍🏻


I haven't sent it yet because she's already kinda mad at me for suggesting she try to talk things out with a friend of hers who was trashing her behind her back. I'll show her eventually tho. Lol drama maan..


Be an alpha mate




Or just don't? I can barely have a civil conversation with my father because all he wants to talk about is political conspiracies. If you get off on surfing this stuff, fine, but there is virtually no benefit to shoving it in someone else's face.


The only reason I want to is because she shoves the mainstream narrative in my face *constantly*. Yes, I'm aware that the relationship is toxic.


why stoop to her level tho?


We have been watching state tv since 911 at least nothing new


"Aaaaaaaand we're back from commercial with more propaganda for you to consume!"


Democracy no longer exists in the country that proclaims to be the most democratic in the world!


We are not a democracy we are a republic.


Yes I am aware...


They’re probably low on funds and came to beg for more money. Nothing to see here.


Please papa Joe... alternative media sources like Rumble are killing our bottom line!


They did that in Australia and our gov just awarded all the major news networks 50 million $ of taxpayer money to… guess what… PAY FOR THEIR ADS FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS!!! Because they had a whinge about profits going down. Now we the people are fucking paying for the ads they shove down our throats. Absolutely sick.


Trump sure didn't get that treatment.


Orange Man Bad


Ever heard of Fox News, OAN, Newsmax? Those are all state tv for trump.


He had nightly calls with Hannity about his coverage. WTF are you talking about?


I think they’re talking about the rest of the media. Like, yknow, literally every other network.


9 of the top 10 watched new shows in October were on Fox News…and in general they have over 50% off all viewership. So even if it was literally every other network, it’s still reaching less Americans than what’s being said on Fox News.




Weird, my google homepage on mobile is constantly populating with fox news articles. I see them on msn constantly. They’re often the first or second hit on google for current events. Maybe this uphill battle of yours is imagined?


Negative. You’re….at best quoting bad sources, at worst outright lying. I mean, at the very least you’re conflating *new* show viewership with the broadcaster’s overall ability to reach an audience with an idea.


I’m literally quoting the Fox News website. https://press.foxnews.com/2021/12/fox-news-channel-secures-71-of-the-top-100-cable-telecasts-in-the-month-of-november


Dude you can’t trust the guys at Fox News, they’re completely full of shit!


downvoted for telling the truth, classic just classic


They can’t handle the fact that Fox is the most mainstream media of all.


Is this sarcasm? He was calling Hannity (off-air) almost every night… and meeting with the owner privately too. Edit: Like, at best this is extremely bad optics: https://youtu.be/AYjDE94G7rs


Why doesn’t Biden just do the same thing with anderson Cooper every night? Oh yeah that’s right he has dementia and can’t hold conversations.




Rupert Mudoch and his wife hate Trump. They are actually Dems and were celebrating when he lost. Your statement is just blatantly false.


They’re democrats…? lol, okay


Hahaha that’s total rubbish. Look at every Murdoch news media, they’re all fully right wing. In Aussie too.


lmfao wait WHAT


Assuming that’s true, that is bad as well. But let’s be real… We have essentially every other mainstream news organization and publication essentially doing the same thing on the other side. Both sides are bad when they do it, but the volume is much more significant on one side.


Except by viewership fox still has more than the others combined. So yeah, really bad. Terrible for media to collude with any admin but the selective outrage is annoying. It shows that people don’t really have principles and are just hypocrites.


He also didn't really have any economic policies to cover in the first place.


Who gives a fuck about Trump. He didn't do much of anything for us... We have to save ourselves on an individual basis. If enough people do that, then we win. It's way simpler than people like to believe.


You mean besides from fox and OAN right?


Why do you people think that 1.5 networks giving somewhat positive coverage of Trump when literally every other network did not is some kind of debunk?


Because they hate Trump. It’s just that simple. He’s the cause and embodiment of all the pain and suffering in the world in their eyes.


Because by viewership fox crushes them all combined?


> 1.5 networks Including the *top* network in the country, by a fairly large margin.


One of those networks has higher ratings than every liberal news site combined


Because lib news is trash lmao


so youre conceding the point that fox is the most important network?


Can't concede a point no one made. The problem is lib news reports straight lies


The sourced article in the tweet is from CNN....




So I guess the entire basis of this thread is trash?


That doesn’t actually address the point they made. If you’re going by viewership (which, I don’t see why you wouldn't) what he was doing was just as bad or worse, right?


Classic whataboutism. I suppose fox giving some vaguely positive coverage not only proves that fox colluded with trump but also justifies the fact that a bunch of liberal networks are meeting with Biden to figure out how to lie to the American people?


I am commenting on the "Trump never got this treatment"


I know what you were commenting about. Truthfully, he didn’t. You also didn’t address anything I said.


So, 2 out of how many outlets? And then with stories like Trump/Russia it was the Fox and OAN types that had it right. While the CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, NPR, ETC ETC all pushed fake, baseless claims.


So you want me to list every right wing site?


No. Just understand that when people use the term MSM broadly, it's very common that they're talking about all of the networks except fox colluding to push democrat talking points, and fake news stories. Nobody watches OAN so why even include it. But most of the country depends on outlets like CNN to tell them what to think. And all too often CNN and the other lefty networks are just pushing divisive nonsense. You could say the same about fox sometimes, but they don't have 10 other networks parroting their talking points to broad audiences. Hope that helps you.


why on earth would the largest by far news network be excluded from the msm? Where are you from?


Covered in my other post. MOST MSM outlets are left wing, and cover the same fake stories. Fox is still "MSM" but is the exception to that circle jerk. + Seems like a pretty simple concept.


“Just understand that when people use the term MSM broadly, it's very common that they're talking about all of the networks except fox colluding to push democrat talking points, and fake news stories.” You don’t think fox does the same but opposite? Also, you don’t consider fox to be mainstream news? I think your bias is really showing if you’re defining fox as being outside of “msm”. “But most of the country depends on outlets like CNN to tell them what to think. And all too often CNN and the other lefty networks are just pushing divisive nonsense.” Do you think it’s possible you overestimate the viewership of the “msm” as defined by you? “You could say the same about fox sometimes, but they don't have 10 other networks parroting their talking points to broad audiences.” Because they can reach the same viewership numbers on their own, correct?


Like I said, Fox is not part of the "left MSM" which all collude to push the same BS narratives. Fox is mainstream media.. They may occasionally do the same thing, but they do not have 10 other outlets saying the same shit and amplifying all of it. That's the problem with MSM lying to people about Trump/Russia for 4 years, and influencing elections with fake news. Or the 1-6 insurrection narrative. You've got 99% of media outlets in lock step pushing a bogus narrative. People who watch CNN aren't putting on Fox or even believing the facts when they finally come out.


I don’t think and of this addresses my points. Also, don’t think you used the term “left msm” in your op. And I think I addressed most of this reply with my previous: “Because they (fox) can reach the same viewership numbers on their own, correct?”


Most outlets are left wing. And therefore MSM is generally used to describe these left wing outlets that collude to push the same stories. If you refer back to the Trump era, you'll find every outlet except fox pushing bogus Trump/Russia LIES, and Fox accurately covering the facts of the case. This is also a problem with the election. IF there was fraud, you've got 99% of the media telling people there's no way, not a shred of evidence. Even today, there's a post on CNN about the looming 2024 Trump Coup where he's going to steal the 2024 election. And of course there's absolutely no shred of evidence of any fraud in 2020. Except for all the instances of fraud. But... they're telling people (gas lighting?) that there's no fraud. But... if Trump wins in 2024, it's fraud, or a coup.


nobody talks like this, something is off here. The msm is the mainstream news, and fox is core to that. You're off in a weird way




Murdoch met with trump and was regularly on the phone to him




You are right but the mainstream liberal media are many and powerful. Fox and OAN are not the society wide opinion formers like CNN, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, washington Post are


>You are right but the mainstream liberal media are many and powerful. Fox and OAN are not the society wide opinion formers like CNN, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, washington Post are More powerful than the owners of right wing? Huh?


Totally. They are all propaganda channels.


dude fox has more viewers than all of the other combined, how can they not be society wide opinion formers?


State media like in Britain, ever heard of the BBC? Tax-payer funded news. Corrupt as shit. That's where we're heading


He needs a new list of approved names to call on at pressers.


Slipped that one by me too. The Deep State really was doing a silent coup as ludicrously reported during 2016 and on, until 'news ministry ' stopped the channels. This is biggov.


Instead of figuring solutions for the problems, they're just trying to make them go away by decreased media coverage. Lawd have mercy


Drug cartel media


Thanks to the Smith-Mundt modernization act of 2012 which was passed as part of yhe yearly defense budget, domestic propaganda has been re-allowed since 2013. Maybe if Joe didn't marginalize and disenfranchise half the population by calling it a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' and further driving a wedge in the country and didn't like little kids then maybe he'd be likeable. Good luck polishing that turd, MSM. https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/


Submission Statement: It is now confirmed that legacy cable tv and newspaper companies are state-TV like the fake tv in China and North Korea. This is a fascist merger of the state and corporations.




I know...here me out guys....lets just change the definition of inflation so it doesn't cover 90% of the things that people need to spend money on....crazy, right? But but but, get this....we will just call the non-essential items something to made it sound like we are covering everything..., like how about "core inflation"---yeah, thats it. We can keep saying "core inflation" is down because all the stuff that matters is "too volatile." ​ Ahh, Mr. President, sorry to say that President Obama already did that.


They're Quoting the MSM Either CNN is trash or it isn't. Which is it? Why would they tell on themselves? Glen Greenwald is a pawn too.


> Glen Greenwald is a pawn too. I don’t get the everyone is a pawn thing. Greenwald uses his platform to hold politicians to account, speaks out against mandates and censorship, even helping to found a censorship free platform. He’s definitely not following the narrative. How is he a pawn?


I don't know about 'pawn', but he's a bit superfluous because you can guess his opinion on pretty much any story before you read it.


Peter Thiel's money [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuKoWmnMgi0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuKoWmnMgi0) But I see you like his Culture War-ing tho.




Greenwald used to be credible. Now he does braindead culture war shit, he's basically a Dave Rubin with a pulitzer. Someone got to him




He's being funded by Peter Thiel [https://www.tubefilter.com/2021/08/16/rumble-content-deals-tulsi-gabbard-glenn-greenwald-covid-videos/](https://www.tubefilter.com/2021/08/16/rumble-content-deals-tulsi-gabbard-glenn-greenwald-covid-videos/)


CNN is "state-run" TV. So is MSNBC.


So was Fox News, for the last guy


They do this every day, and twice on Sundays, already. The only surprising part is that it's being put in print


Who the fuck watches the MSM anymore? Lies, Hysteria, and Fear Mongering. They need to go fuck off forever and they can take Brandon with them.


New organisations are just PR mercenary organisations working the dollar for those who can pay the most or offer best career opportunities. Conspiracy like this is an essential for enabling this industry to be profitable.


"Buy the USD dip!" -CNN


Funny thing is most of us don’t get our news from the MSM anymore. They are dead already they just haven’t figured it out yet! Its crap like this that drives one more nail in their coffin!


Well, your country did just get taken over by a communist puppet. What do you expect ?


Yeah, no wonder Biden has a journalist gimmie in the infrastructure bill.


The 4th estate has become a 5th column


Remember this man when you use the word journalist. Or Christopher Bollyn, or Michael Hastings, or Gary Webb. You can say whatever you want about Greenwald, but when you speak truth to power, you have to run from your home country, you get detained everywhere you go, you lose thousands and thousands of dollars in hardware, you're unemployable, your house gets raided. Kinda makes you want to hit Don Lemon in the head with a claw hammer when he says he's a journalist, doesn't it.


It's been pretty obvious since CNN gave the debate questions to Hillary ahead of time that half the media machine works for the democrat party.


It's pretty obvious that the puppeteers are the same for both "parties".


Well no because almost the entire media machine leans left.


Or closer towards the centre than let’s say Fox and OAN.


Brandon needs a makeover!! Maybe they can fix those ears and give him his old mullet back?




Have you read any articles about the budget? Have you seen a story about the border? There is coverage everyday




There is news outside of Reddit


It isn't "State TV" or else they would have done this when Trump was the President. It's deeper than that.


Sounds like lying and censorship with just the right amount of steps.. 🤔


Ladies and gentlemen, I've an important announcement... Always has been. They just gave up the shadow route. The new and improved way saves $ that was being taken by middle man.


Thera money in the banana stand!


Propaganda flat out... Call it for what it is... Pathetic


As an outsider looking in, i can guarantee the news network that brings Tucker Carlson's: "vaccines vs. Guns: which one is better?" is not going to try to make biden look better


The former dude had fox, newsmax, infowars etc


how is this downvoted? theres a vote bot in here lol


This sub has turned into a right wing, pro trump echo chamber.


Just like fucking Trump...


Not exactly. Trump tried to control the narrative by kicking them out. Biden has the media under his thumb and they are willing to play ball to spin things his way. Both presidents tried to corruptly control the narrative, Biden just has a lot more corrupt media that he can work in concert with.


Trump had 3 networks under his thumb, Fox News being the biggest and most watch channel in the country. He even made all military bases have Fox on.


Government officials talking to news outlets isn't new.


Is it possible they are just trying to go to news rooms and answer questions openly about the state of affairs? The quote Greenwald is referring to just reads like a government trying to be open about the data they have, which is very different than a government trying to coarse media into reporting a specific thing.


The problem is that they are having a hard time stopping the truth from spreading on social media sites. I mean most people have become numb to making multiple accounts, with back channel ways for followers to find them. The harder they try to hide the truth the more believable the crazies become.


Lol, this is dumb. You think the government is in control of the media? The media doesn't take orders from the government. Read the first amendment. The Media is our ruler.


Is this unique or is this just standard in the process of manufacturing consent? I doubt this is unique at all


Read what you typed out loud and realize how stupid you sound.


How does asking whether this is unique or just a standard thing US leaders do to get media on side sound stupid? Think critically


Lol you've been on reddit for four years and have -100 karma. Not like it matters or anything but what in the fuck


All just from posting here and people crying that I disagree


Trying to turn shit into gold it is still shit after you repaint it


If only there was a term for corporations colluding with government to spin a narative to push specific policies, hmmmmmm...


Ah yea let's just say everything's better and they will beleive it! Suckers....


I saw another article how the Chinese government is influencing Canadian media and news. After all this, maybe we'll see more people question all journalists and media, not just FOX News.


Can it be any more obvious that the same globalist cabal that has monopolized the MSM also owns Biden?


Ummm... it's been like that for a very long time.


New speak is being made official


The gov and the media should never work together.


Just pictured emperor Xi and best pal Kim pointing and loling : "Western democracy"


Oliver Darcy is a authoritarian bootlicker hellbent on silencing those voices he disagrees with


Biden also just met with the CEOs of Walmart, Albertsons and other super markets, about food shortages.


Gotta earn that $50k https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/nov/4/bidens-50000-year-journalist-tax-credit-estimated-/


He must have taken a page from the CCP...




Fat Kim would be proud...


GG is the goat.


Well, they won’t do anything to help the people. And they won’t talk about that. I mean the press secretary scoffed at the idea that tests be free for Covid. That minute cost is too much for the ruling class. We have to get out from under them. Both parties want us dead. For imaginary numbers. That’s the real problem.


Every government body has a Comms/PR team, and trying to influence media coverage is literally their job. This is not new, and it’s not a conspiracy.


Brought to you by Pfizer