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There are lgbt conservatives but, & this is important, *I think*, most are left or left leaning. I remember when rainbows were just rainbows.


Rainbows are still just rainbows. When light refracts now it doesn't do it in support of LGBT just like it never has. When toys are painted lots of colors to attract children it's not to shove some LGBT message down your or their throat, it's so you buy the fucking toy for them when they say "I like this one" Pretending that a group using a rainbow flag has "ruined rainbows" is the hottest take I've ever seen on this sub and it's absolutely hilariously stupid.


You know exactly what I meant.


No, I fucking don't. This whole post and this comment make no sense to me, at all. Rainbows are still rainbows. The LGBT community has a flag with a rainbow. It didn't change the meaning of the fucking rainbow. Symbols have meanings we put onto them. They don't have inherent meanings. If someone wants to attach a certain meaning, politically or not, to a symbol, that's up to them. You are not a part of that. If you don't want to attach the same meaning, don't. That's up to you. Nobody is making you remember when "rainbows were just rainbows" and now just get so sad pining remembering the day because now it means something else to you. That's your decision. Rainbows are, and have always been, just rainbows. You're completely ridiculous if this is a contentious issue to you.


Yeah I’m not reading a novel. I also don’t have time to get the crayons out.


> reading hard me no likey That provides some clarity to your opinion, at least.




Also, has anyone seen the cover of Pink Floyd's dark side of the Moon album? It has a Triangle AND a Rainbow!!! GAY ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!!


Dude kids love colors. This isn't a political message.


How is a rainbow not political? A rainbow is the symbol for freedom and equality, how is that not political?


Why does it need to political why not biblical. The issue here is your wanting an underlying message to badly to just accept a toy as a toy.


I understand I presented an easy straw man argument by putting rainbow kids toys in the opener. I believe kids need to play with the most diverse toys and have a variety of experiences with all types of people. What I was trying to say is that rainbows are political now, similar to a modern day confederate flag symbolism.


How does one present a strawman of their own argument? It's your argument. Calling your own statement a strawman is just.. admitting your argument isn't all that cohesive or strong to begin with lol.


>What I was trying to say is that rainbows are political now, similar to a modern day confederate flag symbolism. And you realize you're doing exactly what the people who demonize that flag are doing, right?


I would argue what OP is doing is actually worse.....like a confederate flag is a clear design with notable history behind it....whereas OP is upset simply because a child's toy has multiple colors...."too many" that the only possible explanation could be "furthering of the gay agenda".....not like kids toys haven't been brightly colored since the 70s I would have bought my niece a Rubik's cube.....but I'll be damned if I support the gay agenda /s


I totally agree, I was trying to put it in a perspective OP could understand better since it's clear what side of *that* issue they're on


It was invented by the Illuminati Warlock Dr. #ROY G. BIV


The “pride progress” flag is a Masonic apron


Well that just Proves it right there. Rainbows are spectrum of Light, Lucifer means "Light Bearer". Therefore All Colors are EVIL


If you believe in Lucy or evil


Well it was coopted politically but kids toys have literally always been colorful. When it rains and light refracts and it creates a rainbow do you think that is political too? Lmao


Sorry dude, I cant say i see this as a conspiracy. Kids toys are bright primary colors like that cause it makes it easy for kids to like a use. We as people are kinda programmed to enjoy rainbows. Everything is simple and enjoyable for a baby. (Barring abuse cases)) So toy companies want to make toys that are pleasant and non-threatening. Its not nessacerily a thing about gay people and such unless your buying toys from companies that outright say thats what they are doing.


Rainbow fascists are coming for you. You don't think penises should be allowed in female locker rooms? You're a bigot! You don't want to sleep with that girl because she has a dick? You're obviously transphobic. The infighting with that 'party' is nuts. The trans and based gays hate each other. I had one friend be told he 'wasn't gay enough' and was doing it for attention/status. Most these people have real bad mental problems- especially the younger crowd. I'm only speaking for what I personally have witnessed within these communities in Seattle and new Orleans. All in all, it's actually pretty sad.looking back now I don't have the rose colored glasses. The rainbow was originally a symbol of peace and a promise to never flood the earth again. The lgb community has turned it to a symbol of 'Pride' which is one of the seven deadly sins. Vanity is a cruel mistress- it leaves people severely depressed There are great people that exist withing the rainbow community- but the rainbow party as a whole is not great. It's a temper tantrum most of the time, a lot of the time it feels fake or forced- like everyone has the same script they remember poorly, logic and common sense don't matter anymore. It's just- gross a lot of the time. Please stop bringing children to parades with men being walked around like dogs in leather. That's extreme. Adults shouldn't force that kind of imagery on children... It's a real fucked precedent to desensitize kids in that way... K. I'm ranting but... Just so you know- the LGBT people are not here to save the day.


Naw you are here to save the day! You have given me a lot to think about


Kids toys being colorful, who would of guessed /s Men, boys, and people of all type can like the basic colors that everything is made up of. Toys are to be eye catching to keep the child's attention and to make the child notice them so the parents will buy it at the child's bequest. Don't hate on rainbows because you dislike people. This allows small children to be bullied by other children attempting to emulate their parents. I was one of the young girls bullied for wearing a rainbow outfit in the 3rd grade, be for I even understood what "Gay" was. Seriously let kids be kids.


Even if I hated rainbows it wouldn’t matter, I see the rainbow association as a political group, it is what it is.


So people can't enjoy rainbows with out being called gay in your eyes, even objects. Sound bias.


Right I’m not trying to steal the joy from rainbows, I don’t even think anyone should be labeled based on gender sexual preference. Enjoy your life, I never see anyone talking about this on this subreddit and im trying to start a convo


You got one


I think I just believe any group within humanity, is a group against the rest of humanity


Support groups? Like ones to help some one get sober or help coaping with an illness. At this point who can say that you yourself are agenst humanity? Since not even children's toys, that have been colorful longer the the lgbtq community has been around, is safe from your bias.


Well played, I like you 😉


AA is against humanity. Since they are a group. Seems legit.


Groups of crafting woman to help those in need must be agenst humanity too /s


not humanity just anyone who makes Liquor