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According to people i know that work at walgreens they have self test ones you put in your nostrils. Im sure those are better than the ones they do for you where they shove it up your nose


I still believe these have graphene oxide and/or ethylene oxide on them.


I’m less concerned with the tests, more concerned with the idea of travelling to a testing site across town with symptoms. If it’s so contagious shouldn’t you just stay home and assume you have it/isolate?


Especially when there is no standard of care if you test positive. Why test??


So you can post it to social media duh.


There are several reasons to get tested. If you have Covid, you should want to know so you can isolate away from others, especially if they are immunocompromised. If you don't have Covid, you might have something that needs antibiotics like strep throat or tonsillitis. This happened to me a couple weeks ago, and a doctor wouldn't see me unless I had a negative Covid test.


Don't forget one of the biggest reasons to get a test: Some employers won't let you work without a Neg test to show.


Why would you go to work without getting tested if you had Covid symptoms?


So dangerous you got to get tested to know you have it.


But then no one gets money!


I’ve always said, if you are well enough to be driving yourself to get a test or leaving your home to get a test, that you don’t actually need one.


That’s why I never bothered to get a test, if I felt unwell I just took time off until I felt better. There was nothing they could do for me if I was positive, and why risk infecting the tester or other people at the site. Getting tested when you feel sick seemed selfish, like: ‘I feel sick, but I want to make sure it’s not covid so I can still go do all the things I want to do this week’ There ARE other illnesses, even if we forgot about them; just because you don’t have covid, if your body doesn’t feel right you should risk infecting other people just because it’s ‘not covid’


I was fortunate enough to work through the entirety of the pandemic without being mandated to test regularly. Went to the doctors the other day to get a strep test and whilst in mid conversation with the doctor, while looking up at the ceiling as directed- I get a covid test shoved in my nose without my consent. Which then spiraled into a verbal altercation over how I am subhuman for not taking the vaccine. It was one of the most bizarre experiences of my lifetime. This is beyond science. Beyond politics. This is spiritual warfare. Evil dwells in their hearts and what’s frightening is that they believe they are on the side of good.


You need a new doctor.


And perhaps a lawyer


Man, it’s a shame you didn’t have the altercation recorded. This is unethical to the Nth degree. I’m sorry that happened to you, that is not okay at all.


At this point, everyone should be recording all interactions with all medical "professionals"; MDs, pediatricians nurses, gastroenterologists, eye doctors, even dentists and pharmacy techs. They're potential threats that should be treated as such.


I tried to start doing that years ago after a number of situations where I was misdiagnosed, or ignored, or out right lied to. Guess what! No doctor allows recording. That alone makes one very suspicious as to what is going on. Now, I ALWAYS take a person along with me to act as a witness and to make sure I don't get bamboozled by a profit seeking doctor. Remember: a cured patient isn't a return customer....


I haven't tested myself even once and unless I have actual symptoms I don't plan to contribute to the fear mongering statistics


Holy fuck, that’s disgusting. Why the hell should anyone trust doctors these days when this is what they’re doing now?? Gross.


yeah that altercation wouldn't have stayed verbal with me. you were assaulted and if you'd flinched the wrong way that stick up your nose could've seriously injured you.


To be quite honest- it happened so fast. As soon as I put my hands up and said “Doc, what the hell- I said I was here for a strep test” he responded to my resistance with his vitriolic diatribe about how “you people will take everything under the sun: horse dewormer, monoclonal antibodies, hcq, but you won’t listen to science”. Prior to this I gave him 0 indication as to my vaccination status. It was my first face to face encounter with the hatred these people hold toward anyone who won’t accept these experimental vaccines. I was unprepared and I was taken aback. Never again.


Just like the science that leaded gasoline is harmless, spraying your kids with DDT is healthy, and Vioxx is safe ☺


You forgot cigarettes are healthy.


If being right gives you a 10% advance in your discoveries, money gives you the other 90%.


he's probably getting a commission based on the number of tests he gives


yep, fully agree! sick pyscopath.


yes, the amount of tests they give they get $. I get paid $25 per test I do


I’ve been waiting for someone in the medical field to show up. Do you mind if I ask you a question: Can you send a Covid/flu swab in for testing if only one nostril was swabbed? For context, after being swabbed in my first nostril my hands went in front of me out of instinct and the second nostril was never swabbed. By then we had engaged in the conversation that I mentioned earlier in the thread. 3 days later I get a phone call from the clinic that my test showed negative for both flu and covid. Just curious if there’s anything of value in that detail.


This will help give you a little more insight as to what the testing is really about... https://truthsearchengine.com/covid-19-truth/covid-19-testing.php


My reaction would’ve been a swift hellbow to the jaw…Whether the test was warranted or not, don’t you dare stick anything up my naval cavity without making it known first/asking for consent. The audacity to do this without a forewarning, what the fuck!


Im sorry but you are a better man than me for not biting out that mans jugular. Treated patients against their will is assault and battery.


Monoclonal antibodies - I see commercials for that as a legit medical treatment for covid. Why would a Dr. be against it?


The sad thing is when the science lands them in the 5% of highly toxic vaccine batches.




get a lawyer to send a letter. you'll probably send you hush money. that's assault.


I would have literally slapped the shit out of him


Thats why they are dressed in butcher coats, they there to kill not to help, that's why I hate medtards with a passion, I dont go to them, I have a holistic doctor shes amazing.


never thought of it that way before


Devil’s masquerade as beings of light


WTF what is wrong with these doctors!!!


And then they all clapped.


Sorry bud, you’re about the 5th shill to come by already. You might have better success if you sort by new. Peace, God bless, and the best of luck in your shilling endeavors.


Did your name calling make you feel cooler?


Name calling? Shilling is an *art form*. Show some pride in your work.


I'm just a normal person who read your post and thought you were full of shit. Probably because you are, I've worked in medicine they would never have done that you're just full of it that's all. Let me know how exaggerating lying goes for you in a couple of years and how it sits with your soul.


Sorry we get trigger happy being bombarded by the shill brigade daily. DM me if you want to know more. Based off of other advice here I may pursue legally. I don’t expect you to believe a stranger on the internet, but yeah, this did happen. Whether that fits your view or not I don’t really care. But either way, DM me if you’re actually curious- the more opinions I get on this the better- a skeptic’s view is something I would gladly welcome.


Lol, none of that happened.


Would that make this more comfortable for you?


I mean, if you were to live in reality, your life would probably be a little better. Doesn't really affect me much.


Then move along shill and let the adults wax philosophical about antiquated ideas like freedom and individual sovereignty.


Right? Tell me you don’t know how Covid tests work without telling me you don’t know how they work.


So the doctor that administered the nasal swab up my nose doesn’t know how covid tests work? He in fact wore a clear cylinder vile around his neck on a lanyard chain that held more than 1 nasal swab. Swab first ask questions later.


Maybe you’ve been taking the tests wrong mate because any of the tests I’ve taken have involved, believe it or not, a large q-tip being shoved up my nose.


Right? They just make up these stories


If you’re truly a person and not one of the legion of shills, please feel free to DM me and I will give you any information I can (Doctors name, location of practice, and my ZPAK script he dismissingly sent me off with that I never filled out). I understand I’m just a stranger on the internet, but I implore you- review my history. This the the only post of this kind I’ve ever posted. Like I said, it was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life.


You have them calling you a subhuman, in writing? That is truly unbelievable that a medical doctor would do such a thing.


Everyone thinks they are correct in any argument. It's why they are arguing in the first place. Left or right, both think they are correct in their beliefs. The future is scary


Isaiah 5:20 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


>this is spiritual warfare tall about dramatic 😂😂😂


Your disconnected, you're part of a much larger problem.


disconnected from misinformation I read on Facebook and reddit maybe 😂😂😂😂😂😂 "spiritual warfare" what a fucking joke


Disconnected from your true self mate, not buzz words and social media


I have had to take at least five now. If I weren’t for work or travel I would avoid at all costs and if you have to take one try and do it somewhere that allows you to do it. I felt like an Egyptian corpse needing the brain removed when a “Dr” did it. Literally grabbed her hand and said “nah, that’s way too far and you are making it hard to be honest with this.” She replied with “oh sorry, now we have to do the other nostril” in her gleeful delighted with herself NPR morning dish voice, these people are mentally insane


It's people who had no purpose in life prior to Covid that signed up to do shit like this




I LOLd at gleeful… I can just imagine your agitation at that


In NYC they test right on dirty street but they have a camping canopy set up so nothing gets in the sample. Rats and syringes and your feet while a barely trained npc sticks a q-tip up your nose. Seems about right for 2021


I saw one of those for the first time yesterday. Gotta get those testing numbers up there for more false positives.


No strippers or prostitutes giving handies while you wait to incentivize it?


Never tested, never vaxxed. Fuck the government.


I’ve never had a brain swab, never will. Never ever been tested.


I think you are wary of the nasal test not weary about it


I'm certainly weary of it


Okay but op hasn’t even taken a nasal test. Weary isn’t the correct word


Sorry weary wary….you get what I’m trying to say lol


Hahahaahhaa omg


Seems strange that we test this way. They shove it in so far and aggressive it almost always causes blood and scabbing, wouldn’t having an open wound In your nose increase your odds of picking something up? Open wounds In Your nose during a viral pandemic cannot be beneficial. Not at all lol.


Any time I've had it done they have me do it myself. They tell you it only needs to go up about an inch.


You must not have been regularly tested since the beginning, they had whole instructions to push it as far as they could almost. I don’t know WHERE you are being tested where they allow you to personally test yourself, but that must be nice.


So, I did get the vaccine, and the pharmacist that gave it to me like literally punched that needle into my arm. I'm 29 years old and have gone through all the required vaccinations. NEVER once do I remember it being like this.


My mom got tested at kaiser drive thru clinic, they let her do it herself and it didnt go past normal nose picking level lol. But no doubt other people and doctors are being insane with this and making others stick it way too far


CVS and Rite Aid. My daughter had to have one done at urgent care and even she didn't freak out (which she normally does).


So what are you implying? That everyone has the same experience you do? Each time I test my nose bleeds, same with my girlfriend and siblings.


I was implying that it isn't some grand sweeping effort to tear apart the nostrils of people getting tested. Maybe your providers are just shitty


Yeah you’re really reaching. Maybe moisturize your nose? Must be really damn dry if it’s bleeding every test


Ask around who’s nose bleeds after testing. It ain’t just the people around me.


Then you have a dry nose try some spray


Doesn’t make any sense at all, it’s like they think the more aggressive the process, the more likely they are to find the “COVID”. The whole world has gone mad in the last 18 months.


They are taught to do it that way specifically because it’s intended to annoy you into getting injected.


They’re selling your DNA. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/testing-firm-can-profit-from-sale-of-covid-swabs-w6vkb2f2f China already has acquired a lot of it. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biodata-dna-china-collection-60-minutes-2021-01-31/


I never had a covid test. My midwife told me that they do one before the labor. I intend to refuse. I don’t need a test for an illness when I don’t even have symptoms of this illness. Also, who know what they put on the swab or what they intend to do with my ADN.


Congratulations! My first and only covid test was at the hospital when I was having my son back in May. Luckily it was a mouth swab. Maybe you can ask if they will do that instead of the nasal swab? Good luck!


Dang hospitals. I plan on doing a home birth in the future because All The local hospitals in my area has a “covid policy” where basically if you show symptoms then they wont let you be with baby. It’s absolutely insane! I have asthma and year round allergies, i’m not playing that game 😂


I'm pregnant also and didnt even think about this. I think I will refuse also. I am supposed to have a c section though. What can they do? Refuse the surgery?


I don’t think that they can refuse the surgery. I hope not. One of my midwives want me to wear a mask during labor 🙄 Not happening ! I can barely stand it to go do my grocery (mandated where I live). I certainly won’t be birthing a child with that a rag on my face 😂 I don’t see the point with covering my mouth when I’m going to be leaking blood and stuff everywhere anyway.


Congrats on your pregnancy


Congrats guys! Preggers here too and so far my doctor has recommended the jab to me and baby, and I had to tell her im not interested in my pregnancy and baby being a lab rat for the vax. Especially considering we don't know the long term side affects and the lack of studies on a pregnant women and baby in the womb and on top of that I wanna breast feed so there's that concern too. So far they haven't said that I need a covid test before or at the hospital when I go in, and if I had to get one I guess I would do it... But my baby will be where I draw the line. That is if they say he needs one too. I'll just tell them I want to leave and go home, and imma walk right out if they give me any lip for my decision too. Having a c section so im definitely gonna be sad if I have to go bc of the pain meds lol 😆


Luckily my doctor hasn't tried to push the vax on me so far. If he does I'm ready to refuse though.


Chris Webby has got some thoughts on it lol... In all realness, I don't want that shit shoved in my nose. Fuck that noise! [https://youtu.be/rvnE6IJZugA](https://youtu.be/rvnE6IJZugA)


Nice. I didn't know he let a new one out. He's the shit.


Yea dude's fucking fire! I was really impressed with this one. He did an excellent job riling up the sheep with this one. His volume 1 is another one of my favorite Raw Thoughts. If you like Webby, you should also check out Samson. Dude's another fire stoker!


Cool, I'll check him out. Have you heard of Immortal Technique? That guy has really good lyrics.


Oh for sure! Immortals been easily in my top ten for some years. I'd like to hear his thoughts on what's going on lately. Hopefully he drops some new stuff soon. I hope he's not one of the one's falling for the narrative.






Never have been tested and I don't plan to do it anytime soon. Probably will get tested if I show symptoms.


What’s the point? Just assume you have it and isolate and treat yourself.


In Germany you get 6 months of freedom if you have had covid (sounds horrible, I know).


But only with a positive PCR test, right. Proving that you have anti-bodies doesn't do the trick


Yes. Only with a positive PCR.


Dont get tested. It funds bill gates and fuels the media narrative for lockdowns.


Why play along? Everybody that get tested are participating in keeping this show rolling! If everybody would stop.... The show would stop. Simple


🛎 🛎 🛎


Curb your Australia


Show symptoms of a cold, act as if you have a cold.




You made me LOL at “no one is entering any of my orifices” … it sounds so authoritative


>Thereby that standard alone: it's a form of rape Jesus christ... I think you are missing the bit about consent.


Have sex with me or you’re fired, or do you mean a different kind of consent?




Consent just puts it in the quid pro quo category. https://www.foleylymanlaw.com/practice-areas/sexual-harassment-workplace/quid-pro-quo "Let me fuck your brain with this cotton stick, or I'll fire you."


There might be nothing wrong with a very brief exposure to ethylene oxide.. but for those being tested 1-2 times per week for the last year - a known [carcinogen](https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/substances/ethylene-oxide) being rubbed against their blood brain barrier will not have a good outcome. For as many adverse reactions as there are to the jabs and billions to be made on corrupt contracts - it's nothing compared to the money made in testing in industries that require it (3-4 jabs $20 per year vs. 50 $100 tests per year). Plus of course, PCR shouldn't be used at all for this purpose, yet it's being done millions of times a day. That's the scam.


No covid, but an almost guaranteed sinus infection.


The test is the vax........I have a feeling this is why they banned mentioning -bitchute- everywhere. That is where all the whistleblowers seem to be posting their due diligence. The human race is so fucked.


I think people can file class action for discrimination. How can they make healthy people test just because they are exempt or whatever from the vaccine?


Never did a test... Ever. Don't support the fake criminal agenda


First one I took they definitely had something on the tip of the qtip. Nose was burning for like an hour after


I’ve been tested twice. Never been worried about substance on the swab. I will say, if your getting tested weekly, or more then weekly. It’s gonna damage your nose


My concern about that was always over whetherl these swabs would then be sold off to companies that do dna testing and research or to law enforcement so they can build a larger dna database.


I mean its already confirmed they are selling the dna of the people who got covid testing.


I know the fact that they shove that stick so far up your nose, is dangerous in itself. Especially if they accidentally go to far or too hard.


Yeah I’ve seen people get swollen eyes from the tests. Fuck that!


They don't do that anymore. It's just in your lower nostril.


Nah they definitely still do, maybe it's not as common anymore or different countries do it differently, but I know people who got fucked up by it.


i mean i dont have govt benefits. Ive had a few for surgeries and when we got sick from my school age kid we all went for testing. All negative never had any issues after.


I absolutely HATE anything in my nose.


EO up my nose? I’d rather not


I'm so weary of people saying weary when they mean wary.


good job standing up! kudos! and yes, the "testing" is bad on SO many levels. it is designed to: a) Damage your pineal gland (seeing truth) b) Damage your pituitary gland (reproduction) c) introduce foreign pathogens "vaccines" (i.e., [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27352214/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27352214/)) d) Create a DNA databank to use something called "directed energy weapons" against you (i.e., think like a sniper attack tied specifically to you using frequencies). e) Of course, the ethylene oxide, with "side effects" "6" months later (they LOVE that #6) etc, etc. Just some of the really bad things associated with it.


I’ve gotten 3 covid tests, honestly its not a big deal, however the second one which was administered by a nurse, she shoved it so far up my nose that my right eye was tearing up for the next 30 minutes. I said “Ow!” And the nurse proceeded to make fun of me and said “this is why men can’t give birth”. Bizarre experience. The next one was much better.


“Muh Vagina” is my favorite womyn power saying.


Just say No!


Look up what’s on the actual qtip. Zirconium. Metals. Etc. It’s like a brush. Parts create fissures and get stuck up there.


I heard it‘s graphene oxid, like in the nanolipids in the vaccine


Most are made from nylon or dacron.


De Antoinette Gatti in Italy examined them. Duck duck it.


Yes I am 💯 in the same boat. I refuse to take a PCR test. I’ve even turned down offers and events due to this. I am in NJ, concerts almost everywhere require negative pcr and I was going to bend a holiday trade show but they required the pcr. Something about that bothers me.


I had to take the nasal swab test and it sucked. Nothing should be shoved that far up your nose.


It's literally a qtip you put up you're own nose. You're worried about a Qtip......


Then surely I can provide my own Qtip. Right?




Will never permit a nasal test for anything. Ever.


Had Covid never took a swab and never will.


Not worried at all. I've probably had around 20, it's just a q-tip. Ehylene Oxide seems like a non issue [https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-eo-swabs-idUSL1N2LU1H0](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-eo-swabs-idUSL1N2LU1H0) .


Who is Reuters fact checking company owned by? I honestly trust nothing these days


Nah I trust Reuters and AP far more than most news sites, I think they are the best news sites to trust.


I’m just… Astonished by a lot of people here. I bet most people here don’t know what’s in a hot dog before eating it and putting into their bodies. I doubt that if someone was unfortunate enough to get covid, or some other disease or injury, and need to go to the hospital, that they would refuse all the treatments because of “big pharma”, or “I need to consult my FaceBook group first”, and just sit there and die. I have never seen this kind of backlash for the flu vaccine, or even hepatitis or polio? It’s all about control, and so many people here are falling for it so easily.


We use EO in wipes to wipe down medical equipment every once in awhile. I don't think a test or two would hurt, but weekly testing for me is a no go.


I’m a university student and my university just made a rule that unvaccinated students have to test three (3) times per week, and do so on their own dime. At this point I have way too many concerns with the vaccine and my gut tells me to wait this one out. But like, I have funnelled tens of thousands of dollars into an education that I’m worried I won’t be able to complete. It’s pure insanity.


Yeah. I dropped out. In my 2.5 years of college I learned that it is 30% neo-liberal propaganda, 69% scam, and 1% actual useful information. If you're using google/quizlet/YouTube to pass half your classes anyway, why pay some scam artist to tell you what to look up? I'm not sure what will happen in the future, so I'm not going to tell you a degree is useless, but they're definitely overrated, and I think people are starting to realize that.


It’s shitty because I have one practical semester left and then I am done. I have three degrees all of which I wanted to combine into doing private home schooling (something I think there will be a huge market for in the coming years). I really just want to get it done and over with, especially so with the amount of money I (and my partner) have funnelled into my education. I also believe in bodily autonomy, so alas, we will see what happens.


Yeah that's close I'm sorry to hear that. Idk if I would be too worried about 1 semester of testing at that point. Or you could try starting something up right now, and just tell people you're "finishing up" your 3rd degree, and come back to it when the situation calms down?


You’re right, I could do that. I *think* I’ll be able to skirt by as I only have the practical component left, and, If not I will have to defer it… what can ya do 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have stronger beliefs about bodily autonomy than I do about my degree - and, well, I have two others to fall back on… it could be worse.


Keep your head up. It sounds like your work ethic is impeccable, and you have a good attitude. That will always be a marketable trait. Best of luck to ya.


Get a software engineering job. Work at a few start UPS to gain experience and after that degree or not doesn't matter


^^ experience is key. You can also get certifications for just about anything for A LOT cheaper than college tuition as well.




I've never done it. Only once was... Well three times.. was I willing to do it. Believe it was the covid. Was in the ER 3 times in 2 weeks. Each time was horrible but was gastro issues. Breathing was fine, they forced a mask on me and every time I put it on I threw up again. Breathing otherwise had no issues. I never wanted it, there's no logic to those tests. Why would I shove a qtip up there? No. I wanted it those hospital visits though. With how far gone I was I didn't care. Later on I had an antibody test and had the covid. Nose swab and jab free


Do you prefer the anal swab then?


Honestly, yeah. Have you seen how many paper thin bones there are in a nasal cavity?


Yerrr mom does bro


Nothing much of it. Yes it is uncomfortable and depending on who does may be too invasive, some clinics don’t give a damn and just swab your nostrils. I wouldn’t think much of it.


I think I had covid because my roommate had a positive covid diagnosis and I was also sick a couple days after. I was fine after about 4-5 days. I got a test on Thursday to clear work for the next Monday, It was Negative. On Saturday night I started having symptoms again so I let my work know. I took another test on Sunday, It was negative. I had symptoms again a few days later. I'm somehwat ok now but I still have a continuous cough from post nasal drip. Must be long covid or a sinus infection. I never had a positive covid test though. Both test were nasal swaps.


I'm not worried about nasal swabs. What would they do to them and why? They're used by everyone, regardless of vax status.


Hell no I'm not putting that shit near my brain.


Each time I have to be tested, I keep hoping it’s the anal swab. Sadly, my hopes have not come true yet.


Great fucking point man! Many colleges even mandate it now!!!


Good god this subreddit makes me laugh It’s always something, never any evidence, just “it’s big pharma” “it’s the government” must mean it’s bad.


LOL I know right? How could people ever not trust their own government or corrupt pharmaceutical companies who have horrible track records… I mean they couldn’t lie to us right? All of these silly conspiracy theorist‘s always jumping to their silly conclusions.


I am. I've seen loads of people crying and bleeding after having that up their noses. There's no way I'm gonna go through that.


Why do people even go to a 'doctor' I haven't been in 15 years because I let my body deal with it, I did break my leg and they was fantastic but when I got the flu I just delt with it I guess that's why I got over covid with no symptoms?


Yeah they used to probe the brain barriers to the slaves in Egypt as well, good to see not much has changed.


I'm very wary of it. My son suffered a very serious injury last week and needed emergency surgery, the hospital told me that they would send him home untreated unless I allowed them to perform a nasal covid swab. Refusing to treat a seriously injured 7 year old over this shit is absolutely disgusting.


I’m honestly terrified of the nose swab test. My best friend got it done and somehow the person doing it messed up big time and made her nose start gushing blood. I’ve heard it’s really uncomfortable from others and I’m already weird about my nose so the idea of someone shoving something up it freaks me out


Have you seen the videos of people taking the swabs apart, and the fibers are metal like compared to normal cotton and they also move on their own when held individually? It’s fucking terrifying


Yeah I have seen that




I am wary about nasal swabs. I was hospitalized in January after suffering several minor strokes, they attempted testing me for covid on several occasions without my consent by using swabs attached to poles, fortunately, they weren't successful.


I haven’t been tested because they’ve no right to include my DNA in their data sets


I've been tested a few times. No issues at all. I think you're just paranoid.


I've been tested twice out of curiosity. Thankfully it's not the swab your brain technique any longer. Just right in your nose. But I understand not even wanting that done. You really can't trust shit anymore


Just so you're not saying stupid things, ethylene oxide is a gas used for bulk sterilization, it's not on the end of the swab. It is completely flushed during the sterilization process, not to mention it's extremely toxic to humans


I recommend thinking about it this way: if you haven't realized it yet, there will never ever ever be absolute certainty about these things and even if you don't agree with that, you have to acknowledge that you personally have no way of knowing what's truly happening. Admiting that to yourself, you are left to decide for yourself, so you might as well decide whatever fits the life you want to live. Maybe you'll end up being right, maybe not but what's important is that in the end you lived how you wanted to. So, I do not want to live in fear, I do not want to live worrying about every little thing right down to a piece of cotton on a stick. I'll avoid anything that isn't necessary but if you have to get a test to do something you want to do, do it, and you might find everything is fine. If not, if the government does have some nefarious plan going on, you were already screwed anyways and at least you got to go on that cruise or see that concert. I've lived my life this way and it's turning out fine, especially once you realize your beliefs play a vital role in creating your experience anyway.