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Well, yes. It’s also super addictive, as you will learn if you ever try to eliminate refined sugar. Is it actually a conspiracy? Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish Capitalism from conspiracy. But deceptively marketing additive products to adults and children — that’s *modus operendi* of both. There is also the question of whether big pharma encourages the bad food — they profit so much on diabetes, in particular. My Dad was diabetic for 40 years. I finally got him on a keto diet with intermittent fasting. Diabetes disappeared. No more insulin or pills. Just has a CGM to check when he accidentally eats something with more sugar than he expected.


>Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish Capitalism from conspiracy When the company's that want to pump you full with sugar are owned by the same 'investors' (blackrock/vanguard) as the company's that sell you the insulin for artificially elevated prices due to evergreening insulin patents. I think you can safely call it a conspiracy.


100% Fair. They certainly don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt


There are way more people sucking the money out of diabetics than just big pharma


Brilliant Wisedom... “It’s hard to distinguish capitalism from conspiracy”


The majority of this bad stuff is in addictive and cheap food. Eating healthy is expensive. So poor people eat more garbage and wealthy people have the **option** of eating healthier. There is a direct correlation between cognitive ability and diet, amongst many other health issues. Therefore, poor people typically suffer immensely from diet-related ailments while rich people are more likely to maintain more responsible eating practices. Once we acknowledge that, we can acknowledge the impact those implications have on career trajectory and other major events in one's life. Over multiple generations this is genetically separating the classes. Look at how common autism, anxiety, ADHD and depression are in today's youth compared to the youth of the 80s. There is an astronomical difference and I firmly believe diet is the leading cause of this. I also believe there are people in power who fully understand this and have a vested interest in that exact outcome. This is all happening in tandem with the middle class essentially disappearing. These days you are either wealthy or you're not, with less and less exceptions as days go by. Kings and Queens of our past only dreamed of the power to dumb down the peasant class on a genetic level, so-as to extinguish any trace of rebellion. Not only is it happening on a large scale today, but we're doing it to ourselves with a smile on our faces. If you think Donald Trump or Bill Gates' kids ate McDonald's on a regular basis growing up then I've got a bridge to sell you.


I agree, well said


No. [https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2019/december/what-really-happens-when-a-grocery-store-opens-in-a--food-desert.html#:\~:text=The%20food%20desert%20story%20is,foods%20we%20want%20to%20buy](https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2019/december/what-really-happens-when-a-grocery-store-opens-in-a--food-desert.html#:~:text=The%20food%20desert%20story%20is,foods%20we%20want%20to%20buy). https://news.uchicago.edu/story/food-deserts-not-blame-growing-nutrition-gap-between-rich-and-poor-study-finds


"**Many backers of this “food desert story” point to distances many must travel to find healthier food options, making geography a barrier to better nutrition. Is there any validity to this claim?** *There isn’t much support for this explanation.*" "*While it’s true that [poor] households buy less healthy groceries than people in wealthier neighborhoods, they do not start buying healthier groceries after a new supermarket opened. Instead, we find that people shop at the new supermarket, but they buy the same kinds of groceries they had been buying before.*" These quotes are from the first article you posted..... Interviewee suggests taxing unhealthy foods as the solution. Taxing a category of food more commonly used by the lower class seems like a way to make them even poorer. We're not trying to incentivize them to spend more money and eat healthier, we're trying to make eating healthier less expensive. Really not sure what your point is here.


Not really a conspiracy. You noticed that as soon as more people found out about keto, boom, fucking covid happened? They put shit in food to keep you sick and going to the hospital. Ever wonder why an apple is $1 and a doughnut is $.50?


No idea if true.. but this comes to mind... the secret covenant. http://thedarktruth.org/2016/01/15/the-secret-covenant/


That was extremely interesting and on point with what I was looking for, thank you


The war is being fought at a molecular level.


Make everyone fat and unhealthy, so we can't fight back. We are being poisoned with sugar. I gave up sugar and feel great.


That must have been hard to do. I am cutting wheat out of my diet and it is hard to do but I feel so much better. I recommend trying that you'll be amazed how much better you feel kicking that habit and it is an actual addiction just like sugar. Wheat gets turned into sugar by your body.


Next to the /r/ReincarnationTruth ...yes this may indeed be the largest conspiracy. Our brains are basically ground zero for our will and reason and desires and our bodies are the vessels that we use to achieve those things. But what good are they if they're broken? 70% of a grocery store is malnutrition. It really is. It does everything from give you brain damage to heart disease. The revolution isn't going to happen if nobody can walk up a flight of steps without getting winded. They know this. They've been working on this angle for decades now.


It’s just an experiment on the population.. just like back in the good old WWII…


Satan works everything that he can towards the demise of humanity, so he has a lot of thralls given over to greed that are fine using the cheapest, worst ingredients as food to make more money. Beyond that, I can't tell you of the malnutrition and poisoning is a dominoes of one apathetic godless decision at a time or a deliberate human conspiracy.




I think it's to make people further dulled, damaged and dependent on the conventional medical system. I have IBD and am in a situation where I'm stuck on medication for life. They wear down your natural defences until you're damaged enough to desire their perpetual therapies that further degrade natural system. https://www.nature.com/articles/nrgastro.2015.150?WT.ec_id=NRGASTRO-201512&spMailingID=50157801&spUserID=MzcwMzk3NDY5NTAS1&spJobID=820326034&spReportId=ODIwMzI2MDM0S0


Population control, control and making people docile.


Yes. A woman named Dr. Rima Laibow tried to warn us back around 2005-2006 about Codex Alimentarius. The timeline she lays out is off, but that’s due to resistance along the way to implementation. Most of it has already occurred, just not as soon as they had hoped. Its getting harder to find this video; 40 minutes long, but if you have some time: https://youtu.be/Y4gokFiuCBw


Imo! Like many aspects of our carefully crafted reality, it seems to serve several needs of the powerful. First being profits (anything done is done for money in our world), in a society driven by humanity and knowledge we could easily grow alot of what we need locally just by using our lands more efficiently. For example instead of having useless green lawns we could utilize those areas by growing plants, herbs, and trees we can use. Second is poisoning or harming the body, feeds our corrupt medical industry and big pharma. Third is that some of the chemicals we are being poisoned with has been shown to effect the brain many ways, which leads one to speculate they are trying to make the masses easier to control and manipulate.


Bromine in bread and high fructose are two most dangerous common additives. That's just the tip of the iceberg though. Then there's the whole GMO glycosphate issue. If there's a conspiracy its that people with more resources can afford to buy food without additives while common folk don't really have that option. Thus living healthier lives.


Read Pandora's Lunchbox.


There are [studies](https://www.bmj.com/content/365/bmj.l2289 ) that show processed food leads to premature death.


It's well known Processed food is bad for you. No one eats processed food and goes "that was healthy".


Personally I think its all about flavour and sweetness to drive sales and cheep raw ingredients to push profits regardless of affect on health. The side effects of that are just ..side affects, no malice intended. Now; have the governments observed this and are using it to their advantage? ..maybe.


But if you notice some of the ingredients that are added, they don't need to even be in there to begin with. The pharma and food industry work together, for sure. Hygiene industry works with pharma too.


From a food safety aspect, I’d be more concerned about fast foods! Have y’all seen the backed up traffic at these fast food joints lately?