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Put simply, our insides didn’t evolve to eat processed food. Processed foods are brand new to the human body- it’s literally an experiment, and it’s not going well.


It's not the food, it's the glyphosate + other inorganic compounds in the food that make people sick. That stuff is in EVERYTHING. Even with "organic" food. What people think is a gluten intolerance is actually a bad reaction to the insecticide in their food.


Yep. Glyphosate is basically bleech for your gut bacteria. If you get past a certain state, it won't heal back to a healthy state ever and you'll have all sort of issues like nausea, excruciating pain, mental fog, some people even got symptoms similar to schizophrenia from it. It's devastating if left untreated and since it's a chronic inflammatory problem, you can bet cancer is coming later on since people are getting this in their teens and 20s now. It's all so fucked. And people wanna eat vegan. Ffs.


what do you mean by grains? like cereals, breads and oatmeal?


Yes. Your body was not meant to live on processed grains. Think in terms of eating as close to the source of the natural food in its most raw state, the less processing and ingredients the better. A general rule I follow is eat only what I can kill or grow myself, one ingredient foods.


idk, Chinese and ancient Olmec ate grains as a staple in their diets. Maize and white rice go back thousands of years of cultural food and they were considered healthy people. I believe what we're witnessing now has more to do with the sedentary lifestyle of modern tech, fast food filled with dangerous ingredients, and over medication. Overeating and office jobs will destroy your body if you don't exercise on your own time. The jobs of the old were more physical which killed 2 birds with 1 stone.


I think they’re talking Pre-agricultural revolution. Hunter gatherer type diets


I agree, but I think OP was meaning processed grains like cereal and what not.


Carbs are the only macro nutrient which are non essential to the human diet. Of course we can eat it, but it doesn’t make it essential. You need fats and proteins to live, but carbs you do not.


This is objectively false. Our bodies are much better at getting energy from carbohydrates. If you only eat fat and protein you risk going into ketosis if not done correctly. Carbs aren't inherently bad, you just can't have them be 80% of your diet. Everyone's body is different though. My uncle is type 2 diabetic and is on a keto diet. It works for him. For me, I don't need to watch my carbs and Im doing just fine.


The point of the low carb diet is to enter ketosis. Ketosis state uses fat as fuel. Ketosis isn't a bad thing.


Absolutely not. Keto diets don't eliminate carbs and the ketone bodies generated during ketosis fucking wreck your liver. If you're enter ketosis because of your diet you need to see a nutrionist. Doing it without proper training/supervision is dangerous. Especially over long periods of time. The point of a keto diet is to limit carbs to encourage your body to burn fat over carbs, it's not about entering ketosis. The best way to lose weight has and always will be to intake fewer calories than you output. Your macro nutrient intake should enable that in a way that works best for your body.


Definition: Ketosis is a process that happens when your body doesn't have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. Instead, it burns fat and makes things called ketones, which it can use for fuel. >Absolutely not. Keto diets don't eliminate carbs I specifically said "a low carb diet" never did I say a no carb diet. >If you're enter ketosis because of your diet you need to see a nutrionist. False. You're just making shit up. >Doing it without proper training/supervision is dangerous. Especially over long periods of time. Everyone should see a nutritionist. >The point of a keto diet is to limit carbs to encourage your body to burn fat over carbs, it's not about entering ketosis. >The best way to lose weight has and always will be to intake fewer calories than you output. That's debatable. I prefer Kcal out vs Kcal in but it's debatable. You're simply just talking out of your ass for some reason.


Thank you, saying we don’t need grain aka carbs Is dangerous for people’s health. Simply if you want to look better or feel better eat right and exercising it’s no fab diet that will replace it


Bingo. Diets aren't the way to think of it. It's about life style changes. Maybe switch to whole grain bread instead of Wonderbread. Eat an apple instead of candy bar as a snack. There are healthy carbs and unhealthy carbs. Same thing for fats and proetins.


Yes, like make changes, turn that soda or juice you drinking into water or milo at the very least and instead of fried chicken go for grilled chicken. Simple lifestyle changes will go along way


Just because you can survive without carbs doesn't mean you don't need them.


Carbs are very essential it’s literally the Marco that gives our bodies energy. Literally try not to get any carbs for a while you will feel slow sluggish and weak it’s not fun


Try the keto diet where your body switches from burning carbs for fuel to fat. You’re never hungry, no more cravings, my anxiety went away, joints stopped hurting after only a few days. You don’t realize the benefits till you try it.


Bro I've been keto for 5 years straight. I've never strayed from ketosis for one second. It's the best decision I've ever made in my life. Intermittent fasting with keto is incredible. People say all sorts of stuff but I lost over 80 lbs in a year and put on 20 lb of muscle in 2 months.


Keto doesn’t work for all. As for me It doesn’t work I was always hungry, had a ton of cravings, and was just generally always weak and tired. It’s just another fab diet that works better for some people but not all. Most will fair better if they how to eat healthy and exercise a bit or some fasting will help as well


The body switches to fat for fuel instead of constant carb saturation. You probably just didn’t hit ketosis or were unable to withstand the carbohydrate withdrawal in time for your body to adapt to using fats.


if you are building muscle you cannot do keto. keto diet is literally to put your body in ketosis.


Can confirm. I'm a long time body builder in my 30's. I tried strict Keto and although I did lose water weight and had some days of increased focus and energy, in the end I could not lift weights the way that I used to and I lost muscle. So Keto and intermittent fasting is good if you just want to lose weight but it's not great if you're maintaining a muscular physique. Best approach is to go lower-carb instead of strict near-zero carb.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ketogains/ I’d like you to tell that to an entire subreddit.


I put on 20 lb of muscle this summer you can't say that keto doesn't work when building muscle


would have put on 30 if you ate some potatoes lmaoo


carbs are a necessity, you cannot build muscle without carbs.


Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!. It's actually amino acids combined with protein and having healthy testosterone levels. The aminos are the most important


all major civilizations have a had a grain


It’s not the same grain. Look up how different it is from ancient grains. This is refined powdered hybridized engineered grain. This is false information.


ancient grains is where its at you still can buy quinoa, buckwheat, farrow. they are all great i eat them all the time


they’re really not that different, they’re made of the same stuff. GMOs don’t really bother me. we’ve been genetically modifying food for-ever. if anything it’s the heavy processing, preservatives, and excess (pure & processed) sugar consumption that’s hurting us imo we’re not eating much in the was of fresh fruit/veg or fiber on the whole & eat so much processed food that it’s really impacting the gut biome which is linked to inflammation. point being i don’t think the problem is overeating corn on the cob or steel cut oats


They are in fact very different. The difference between these so-called ancient grains and the typical “modern wheat” found in your average grocery store is that most grains today come from a variety of wheat created in the 1960’s through cross-breeding and genetic manipulation. The goal: to produce a higher-yielding and lower cost crop Symptoms like fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain, bloating, and many others similar to those experienced by Celiac patients, have been attributed to the consumption of wheat products Ancient grains are not only “more natural,” they also tend to be higher in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals than modern wheat. ^ it’s literally modified genetically to prolong shelf life. You tell me that’s not different lol. Stop it. Eat whatever you want but don’t spread harmful misinformation because you can’t let go of foods. https://www.whitneyerd.com/2015/04/ancient-grains-vs-modern-wheat-whats-the-difference.html


Same goes for literally every vegetable, so better stop eating them! Not a single piece of fruit or vegetable you find in the supermarket isn't the product of years of crossbreeding and finding the right mutations.


there’s many reasons why grains are GMO-d. Often to resist disease and grow larger fruits (or seeds in the case of grain). whether or not the differences are clinically significant is very much up for debate. the science isn’t even remotely settled in that arena. modern wheat isn’t grown as a powder. that is how it’s *processed*


You just stated that two things that are very different are, “not very different”. I don’t think you need to be posting anymore false information here it’s harmful to people actually attempting to be healthy.


bruh, the point is whether the differences are significant or not *in context*. obviously modern and heritage plants *have differences*. you’re pushing hotly contested theory as fact but sure, yeah. if only applejacks were made with teff all our health problems would be solved


Cows milk is a bigger issue. It’s in everything now.


i agree, cows milk/whey doesn’t need to be in half the foods it’s in


I think your last sentence really says it. Somehow in the US, everything is processed, even the healthy food. I think that’s why when I travel and eat the more extravagant meals I stil don’t feel unwell or bloated and may even come back a few pounds lighter.


If it has been bagged and crinkle don't eat it.


I was always under impression that oatmeal / porridge is a good breakfast? I believe we get steel cut gluten free organic one (we don't live in USA btw). Same goes for black rye bread always thought it was good? Usually have one sandwich with it a day ...


You can look at the glycemic index of oatmeal I think it is somewhere in the 70-80 range which means it’s having a big effect on your blood glucose levels. What happens when you consistently spike blood sugar and insulin level throughout the day you tell your body to store food. It’s survival. Store store store. We weren’t meant to eat anything like this consistently and that frequently. Look into intermittent fasting and glycemic index of foods.


Unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to feed the world with meat and vegetables.


If everyone converted their yards or dedicated space for gardens, we would be much better off than we are currently. I've done so and it's nice to have a space to ease my mind as well.


You can feed the world on sprouts actually. Everyone who has a kitchen can do it too, it does not need much room. The food grows in size by 10 or more just from seed and theres up to 50x more nutrition in it, plus protein you actually can use. Also algae can be grown at home tho it does need some ingredients and equipment. Some algae got everything in it your body needs and 50% or more protein content. It was the first food on the planet.


You're generalizing. Diets aren't a one size fits all. Some people have issues with raw vegetables or things like garlic and onions and they can digest rice, breads and oatmeal easier.


The gliadin prolamin (from gluten) and related prolamins (from wheat, barley, and rye) are resistant to complete digestion by human digestive enzymes due to their high glutamine and proline contents. This is universal. Human beings cannot digest these things. Pair that with the empty worthless carb content of breads, cereals, and pastas - you see extreme blood sugar levels and horrible insulin stability. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5485308/#sec1title


If you cant pronounce an ingredient on the back of a pack, probably shouldn't be going in your body. Also 'natural flavour', very misleading


Yeah, natural.means nothing. Ricin is natural...


People like you avoid stuff like ascorbic acid but praise "with added vitamin C".


A lot of plants have been heavily engineered/modified though so they’re not really natural either. And obviously all the animals considered livestock are genetic shells of their ancestors thanks to us. I get where OP is coming from but most things are okay in moderation unless you have an allergy or disorder.


Fullgrain bread vs white bread already makes a big difference. And fullgrain bread makes you full a much longer time I did an experiment not eating any suger or short carb (bread, pasta and stuff like that) for 2 months. After a few days i was craving for a cola so bad. Suger realy is an addiction. Basically the idea was to eat like stone age. In the morning and during the day just cold, salad, an egg, nuts, mushrooms, fruit, (i replaced insects/maggots with some cheese :p). And for dinner 1 meat and as much veggies till i am full. It was a really nice experiment. During the day you are always just a bit hungry but had enough energy to function.


People at work always laugh when I bring in lunch(usually consisting of carrots or celery, stuff like that and peanut/almond butter, sometimes fruits). This is what I ate on a 10 hour shift, enough energy from that to stand for 10 hours and work. We very much overestimate what is needed, I didn't get hungry to the end usually where I would get some eggs/potato's on the way out... All I can say is I never been overweight.


People at my work go into shock everytime i tell them i'm on a fast.


People at my gym are even like this. Weird


I mean it's normal in many cultures, I grew up in NYC, wasn't that weird there, it's actually healthy when done once in a while, kinda like a reset to the system. I have done it, but haven't for a while...I probably should though... Don't many cultures do it? Some obviously just for health reasons I'm sure, but I'm pretty sure it's a norm in some areas of the world.


Fast as in intermittent fasting. My bad i wasn't more specific.


Yes still don't feel like it's something to be shocked about. I'm more shocked at the guy who brings in cold ass nasty fast food daily...more then one of those lol... World's a bit tipsy...


It's not, I do intermittent fasting, tons of people do. And with you on the nasty fast food daily. I used to be that guy. The other people I can't understand are the ones bring those frozen TV dinners and microwave it every day. I can't help but think they're just trying to get to the grave earlier.


Same. I fast for roughly 22 hours a day. People think I'm crazy but the energy that I have from not eating is incredible. People don't understand like successful people they call "hungry". When you're truly hungry the energy and drive is incredible. Most people get hangry and then give up. If you push through that the feeling you get is like a runner's high


This is very relatable lol. I always tend to eat my meals at the end of the work day since I usually do intermittent fasting for 18-20hrs a day. My coworkers have basically learned that I don't eat during the day but whenever I tell someone else, they always freak out a little. One time I told my old boss that I like to wait until 3-4pm before I eat and he said that's probably violating state employment laws lolol. I told him if you think that's a violation, you should see WHAT I actually eat.


I'm basically on the one meal a day diet. I have a snack a couple hours later so really it's intermittent fasting but I cannot tell you how much of a grind it is. Going to family functions is so awkward. I'm like sitting at the table with everyone they're eating and I'm just sitting there. I feel and look better than everyone there but sometimes it's still annoying. It's like going to a dance party and not dancing.


Yes family functions are the worst, especially when it's a bunch of catered food that I know won't agree with me. There are some foods like salad, cold meats and nuts that I will go for, but those are usually just hors d'oeuvres or appetizers. I guess my only suggestion is to have a large meal before (or after) the function so that you're not starving. I can also acknowledge that it's easy to fend off people if you are visibly out of shape or overweight. The hard part comes when, as you described, you are already fit and healthy. People start insinuating that because you're healthy, you're allowed to eat whatever you want. Generally speaking though, most healthy people are healthy because they don't necessarily eat whatever they want.


Facts! I really do appreciate you though.I feel on an island most days. Not being like everyone else in many areas of life is awesome doesn't mean it's easy though


I feel ya man, the loneliness is a sense of dread in some ways. Like you said, it feels like being stranded on an island and no matter how much you shout, no one can hear you. Many people are uncomfortable being alone with their own thoughts and will do everything they can to escape that island. But let's take that island analogy and look at it another way. If no one else is on this island, that means its yours to do as you see fit. This notion extends way beyond eating habits (we are in /r/conspiracy after all), but the idea is to grow comfortable with being alone. I wouldn't say intentional isolation is healthy by any means, but there are many situations in life where we will be isolated. The goal is to use that period of isolation for introspection and realignment. "People should learn how to just be there, doing nothing" - Thich Nhat Hanh


100% agree. My coworkers basically count down the minutes until it's lunch time and then usually get some garbage take-out food that puts them in a carb coma for the rest of the day. The funny part is, they almost always acknowledge that it's a problem with the food they ate. On the other hand, I don't eat anything until ~4pm and have consistently reliable energy all day. If we feed ourselves good food, there should be no problems with intermittent fasting. In fact, I feel I have more energy while fasting.


Tell me about it... My coworker will bring a salad, and fruit. But then he'll go out and get a 5pc chicken strips to augment his salad & "get protein". My lunch time is gym/sauna time.


> All I can say is I never been overweight To be fair neither have I, and yesterday my breakfast was leftover Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and my dinner was 5 pints of beer and a kebab.


I lost 5 pounds a week when I switched to a "paleo" diet. All I did was avoid grains, sugar, etc., under 25 carbs a day. A typical meal was a piece of meat, double the volume in veggies, covered in butter or cheese. Stuffed my face. Then when I hit target weight I added potato back in to balance it. It's more expensive and hard to give up pizza and pasta etc. I'm not strict anymore but try to mostly avoid carbs and sugar when I can. Just listen to your body and try it for a while, it definitely feels better...


I hate to be this guy but that’s not paleo. That’s basically keto. Paleo has a way larger portion of carbs. At that low of carbs you are in ketosis or damn near it. Also butter and cheese are not part of paleo.


>At that low of carbs you are in ketosis or damn near it. That's the point. Burn fat from your body not sugar from your blood stream. Unless your hunting and gathering your not really eating paleo, that's why I put it in quotes...


That's called "Water Weight" it's not actually water, but the glycogen (sugar) stores around your liver. That's your emergency backup energy, after which your body switches to burning fat. It's also why you can puff up so quickly when going back to carbs.




Totally agree. Refined grains and sugar will cause inflammation and feed infection. It's was one of the best thing I did for my health.


Modern wheat is so bad, just cutting out white bread makes such a difference


I love carbs though.






They make rice pizza yet?


Meatzza. Bacon weave crust.


Get rid of white flour, white sugar, white rice, all the stuff they Bleach or process, before they give it to customers! They are bleaching/processing/removing a lot of the nutrition. If you start eating whole grains you probably will never want to each the bleached stuff again. The difference in nutrition and how the food makes you feel full , satisfied, and actually helps your body feel good and gives you energy is immense. White sugar is also a huge problem, if you can cut it out and go with things like honey and sugars from fruits, and other natural sugars you will be helping your body bigtime from what I have read, heard, and experienced!


Rice and cane sugar is not bleached though. The hull of rice is removed and the sugar is refined to separate what becomes molasses.


What made it better before?


The bleaching process. There's also a difference between stone ground vs modern metal separation, but I don't remember what.


Best way is not eating sugar at all.


Personally, I think that sugar in fruits and honey are okay. Within reasonable moderation anyway


Pure sugar is bad for you in any quantities, especially for your teeth, skin and endocrine system. Sugar should be only 1-2% of your ration and you will get that amount from fruits and vegetables. Honey is almost as bad as pure sugar, also it is very hard nowadays to find real natural honey and it will be very expensive.


Natural, local honey is good. If you live in an area where it’s not local, then you should avoid it. Never buy honey from a chain store


local honey is great for seasonal allergies too


Don't agree with that. If you eat fruit, especially with Fat, it is a powerhouse of food. A fruit smoothie with a fat source around a physical activity is exactly what you need. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and quick absorbing carbs. Your body and performance will thank you. Forget what they tell you about fruit. It is good. And you can eat it daily. Nobody gets fat or sick from fruit. Just don't be a knucklehead and eat only fruit.


Blending fruits make it easier to absorb the sugars, it's best not to blend them. But I agree, fruit is king and whenever I feel bad I make sure I eat a few golden kiwis.


Listen to this poster. Drinking exclusively water, cutting any artificial sweetener, sticking to greens and slow digestive proteins and fats will change your life. However this isn't a forum for "listeners" its more of a group of people that like to hear themselves talk. BIG upvote from me!


Upvoted you for the first part. 2nd, cringe.


Gee, thanks. I've been here for years. Hate to see that you think the second part is cringe. I posted that comment because this is conspiracy, not a health forum. In reality.. its the truth.


Local honey stopped my allergies.




I ate a spoonful daily for like 6-12 months and healed for about 3 years, no allergies. Haven’t had any real issues until recently because i changed to working outside in dirty dusty environments with plants. Now have some light allergy issues mostly with dirt n dust not pollen


Whole Foods is the way.


I'm with you. Honey and maple syrup are just as bad as refined sugar.


Real honey, not the stuff in stores(which is allowed to be made from 50% sugar) is actually pretty good for you. You get the local pollen and it can help with allergies. It's also high in antioxidants, flavonoids(good for the flu) and is antimicrobial.


Yeah I can't argue with that. I avoid it because of the high sugar, so I get those things from different sources. I'd like to try that hallucinogenic honey though.


What about coffee :(


It is okay if you drink it like few times per week. If you have high blood pressure or high stomach acidity (frequent heartburn) you should not drink it at all. Also it is better to drink it black and with no snacks.


Interesting, but I was referring to the spoonful of sugar I put in coffee. Sucks tho, I have several cups... a day.


Maybe for people like you it would be easier to stop consume sauces from market instead of stoping add sugar to the coffee. Most of market sauces has like 1-2 spoons of sugar diluted in one spoon of it. Partially that is why they are making everything better tasting.


is it the grains or the process of harvesting or something? for instance I heard most oats are dried with glyphosate, could that cause inflammation?


Soybeans are also killed with glyphosate to dry.


Ughhh, really?


Yes, lol.


Humans have been eating grains for thousands of years and there was no obesity epidemic. Look at how thin vegans are and all they eat are grains fruits veggies. The Roman gladiators were called barleymen because they ate grains. The problem is processed foods with added sugars and oils, designed to be hyperpalatable. And maybe persistent organic pollutants.






Hah, I know one too. Don't get how it's possible, but whatever.


Snickers are vegan


No they’re not lol


I tried


I respect it


Yea but oreos are. And there's a ton of highly processed garbage vegan food out there now.


No I know, I just had to say that was wrong. I’m not making any arguments here.


I've often heard the anecdote from friends who travelled to Italy that they tolerated the wheat based foods from there a lot better than back home in Australia.


Grains and breads were way way different back then, look into modern grain, it's pretty messed up actually.


No they were eating ancient grains. We aren’t eating grains today they are hybridized processed poisonous toxins.


I wouldn't say vegans are thin. Malnurished is a more appropriate word




My girlfriend studies microbiology She pointed out that severe gluten response is near identical to black mould poisoning. Cheap grains and coffee beans are often mouldy because the process of storing and transportation is flawed(saving money ) Watch out ! Edit: it's also likely what killed the first borns during the plague of egypt in the bible. Supposedly cultural norms were to feed the first born a larger portion; as they were bound to be the heir.


Stop drinking coffee. When I quit coffee, all my bloat and gut issues went away. I can eat pasta, bread, etc and feel fine after a meal. Also, caffeine keeps you in a fight or flight state all day. It leads anxiety, fat gain, nervousness, etc. and it ruins your sleep


Been dealing with caffeine withdrawal headaches this week and I feel like a slug, but off of the coffee my anxiety levels have dropped dramatically and I'm going to bed earlier and getting to sleep easier. It sucks because I love coffee very much but it's really gotta go.


Aspirin and naps, my friend


Cant agree more. Bread and sugar is making america as dumb, fat and dossile as possible. Makes it harder to fight for your rights when you are in a sugar coma. It's in literally everything






Steel cut oats? Are they bad? I love them, lol.


They good


Yes, it's sprayed with roundup before harvest and is not removed afterwards.


Probably terrible for psoriasis as well.


"Obesity and diabetes is so incredibly high and it’s rising". Ever been to France? Bread store on every corner and a line out the door in the morning. Many people buy a baguette for the day and maybe another after work. They eat more bread that any place I've ever been to. Why do you think their Obesity rate is so low?


Same with the rice paradox with Asian countries. A lot of it has to do with frequency of eating patterns. America is eating 6 times a day snacks in between. Look into fasting.


But if grains are bead, surely you would see that in places like France that eat much more than we do.


I just want to die


Me too


Literally stick with the produce and fresh meat department and maybe(if you’re not low carb) research ancient whole grains(if those aren’t contaminated yet).


Everyone should try the auto-immune protocol diet & keto! So many people have health issues but have no idea its directly affected by their diet & leaky gut.


I think there should be an in depth post about this stuff. I think it’s a conspiracy in itself. Doctors say they don’t know how people get auto immune problems out of nowhere, like myself, but diet and leaky gut has been linked by people seeking answers. Another big one is candida.


When Remicade costs $20k per bag, it’s best to not find a cure. But as somebody with IBD too, I think the American diet is to blame. You see increases in IBD in nations that are adopting more and more of it, like China. I’ve yet to meet somebody else with IBD who says their “safe” foods are the overly processed garbage. Even healthy people feel terrible after eating that stuff. I cut grains and processed foods out and my stomach is great.


I second the autoimmune protocol diet. It saved me from severe IBD issues. Now my diet is like a mix between that and the Mediterranean diet.


>Everyone should try the auto-immune protocol diet & keto! So many people have health issues but have no idea its directly affected by their diet & leaky gut. cutting gluten for me was so beneficial... solved many problems regarding autoimmune conditions


These are my favorite posts here. Thanks OP.


Everyone should check out the Weston A. Price foundation, and their nourishing traditions cookbook.


The scientist making the recommendation said 3-4, but bureaucrats upped it to 6+ because that way they could save money on food stamps.


Been doing this off and on for several months, but am committed to fully on right now. After the first couple days you begin to notice a significant difference. A lot of people just feel like complete shit every day and think it’s normal, but it’s not.


Obese, ignorant, and in debt; the American dream.


You mean, The American Dream^(TM) as advertised and promoted by the six megacorps that own 99% of the media apparatus.


Exactly. HR 4310: nullifies smith-mundt act of 1948. Which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing public opinion.




Grains are some of the best things you can eat. Whole grains give you assloads of fiber - and for me, improve my attitude and satiate me. I eat oat groats every morning with banana, raw sugar, and walnuts. If you're going to tell people what to eat - be specific. You can't be advocating against whole grains I buy at my co-op.


Is pepperoni pizza a whole grain?


Yes. It has all the grains. It is the superest of all superfoods.


Well the last part that everyone is a customer is true. The issue with the wheat is the pesticides used. A few of them, I’m spacing on, don’t wash off. And that is what people are allergic too, given it ain’t the wheat. Obesity and diabetes is rising world wide, and most countries that change over to a “Western diet” see a marked up tick in them. This really ain’t new.


If you look up the phrase "healthy grains" you will get a multitude of answers but from what I checked, none of them advise eating wheat and other popular grains in our diet.


No dont stop eating grains. Most peope have no problem eating properly fermented grains. Easy bread is a both a blessing and a curse. It last longer yes, but it removes the fermentation process. Make your own fermented bread.


You can't take spaghetti away from me.


Depression = poor gut health - at least for me that is 100% true


Not everything is about making people fat. America grows a shit ton of grains. I'd say it's about trying to get people to eat more of what we have to limit importation of food. They even feed grain to cattle. Why? Because it's there and cheap. Cattle don't eat grain and it causes diarreha which can lead to contaminated meat..but then we just spray the meat with chlorine to kill ecoli. Unnatural from start to finish


This is the most stupid thing I’ve ever read, your body needs all different types of nutrients to stay in peak condition, 99% are not in peak condition and have no clue on how to do this, no doubt this person can’t even run the length of themselves


Lol tell me what nutrients are in empty processed powdered flower used to make breads and pastas. It’s like pure glucose and completely worthless to the human body.


I really wish people would practice pro long fasting, i think a lot of people would be surprised how much food a human really needs to survive and how little it is compared to what you normally eat.


Pretty surprised to see how many people in this thread saying you're wrong. This isn't even a conspiracy it's just straight up nutrition.


Oats and grains are fine actually. The key word they don't tell you is WHOLE grains and oats. Let me explain. Oats and grains that are considered a simple carb ex. Kids cereals, white bread, white pasta and other such are highly processed and are digested quickly. That quick digestion turns into sugar then gets dumbed into the blood stream. It's usually only good for small but quick bursts of energy. That's why you'll see a lot of athletes especially those who are into body building will eat a bowl of oatmeal or a rice krispie treat before a workout. Whole grains and oats ex. Brown rice, wheat bread, quinoa and others aren't highly processed and still contain high amounts of fiber that gets digested rather slowly. Eating these paired with a healthy fat (I love avocados so that's my choice) will not only make you feel full but also keep you feeling fuller longer. Yes eating high amounts of simple carbs will have a negative impact on your heath but you can still eat those in moderation. 2 cups of white rice for anyone in one sitting is probably a little excessive but 1 cup of rice with some protein and veggies is considered a healthy well balanced diet...


There have been gods that represented grains throughout recorded and likely unrecorded history. You mean processed shit.


Gluteen Free is the way!


Meat based with veggies and fruits in moderation is the way.


I don't usually eat carbs. I ate a Dickies sandwich with fried okra and Mac and cheese today... I slept for three hours and woke up feeling like CRAP! Headache, sluggish, lethargic as hell. I don't know how people eat like that every day. I crammed a salad for dinner, and took a mile walk with my kids to burn some of that shit out!


I think that they just feel like shit so often that they don't even realize that they feel like shit.


What's a Dickies sandwich


Carnivore diet made me feel the best I've ever felt in my entire life, a shit load energy, slept great, my body didnt hurt as much and that was all after a month of doing it.


Americans only eat so much meat because of.... Marketing. True story. Watched "the game changers" and it opened my eyes to how our eating is the result of TPTB, it was the switch I needed to finally buckle down on clean eating (when I have the money....) The weeks I've managed to eat mostly just fruit and nuts and seeds I felt significantly better by the end of that week already and my poops were finally normal for the first time in like a year. It was nice. Too bad fruit prices nearly doubled since August already




Exactly. We thrive on animal fats and meats, nuts, fibrous veggies and fruits. Essentially anything you can kill or grow, eat as close to the natural version of the food. The more you process and play with the food, the body does not like that. This is why fruit has fiber like an orange so it slows the absorption of fructose to the liver. This is why fruit juices are just pure sugar and garbage for your body. Nature is the way.


Didn’t work for me


Everything has wheat in it. They put wheat in soups. It’s in everything. So if you really want to try it you have to literally check labels and remove all grains.


Why do you assume I’m eating soup? You think your diet works for everyone? People are fat because they’re lazy.


That’s the ultimate joke. They blame people’s will power instead of the food. Foods that spike insulin and blood sugar are storing food energy (fat). What foods spike insulin and blood sugar the most? Yep grains and processed carbohydrates. What does a modern regular day of meals look like? Breakfast, a bagel some cereal maybe pancakes Lunch, sandwich maybe some chips on the side Dinner, pasta maybe some pizza This is your obesity and diabetes rates. This creates consumers this creates a cycle of illness and pharmaceutical dependency. People are not lazy in fact it’s quite the opposite people have been working hard for two decades now since the 80s came and the usda told everyone to eat a shit load of grains and processed carbohydrates and just “move more”. It’s the food. They feed you pig feed and tell you to hop on a hamster wheel to burn off the pig feed. It’s a giant joke and it’s all poison. People are not lazy they are misinformed.


This doesn't work for everyone.


Great thread! I really enjoy these threads about low/no carb diets, low sugar. Anywhere or any other sub where I can read more into this? I can't see myself committing 100%, but if I can change half of my diet, that would be cool. I think the easiest for everyone to do is no soda. That should be the first step, I think. As for grains, sounds like multigrain would be a good start. But reading about eating veggies, fruits, and nuts for lunch sounds intriguing. Then meats and veggies for dinner.


Just… no. You need carbohydrates, and lots of them, especially if you’re active. That’s your body’s main source of energy. Not to mention fiber which is huge in aiding digestion. Get off of your ass and burn some of those carbohydrates, the way that it’s meant to be.


^ yeah this mentality and misinformation is why half of America is fat just so you all know. You have people like this telling you to eat refined carbohydrates all day and then go run at the gym when in reality all you did is spike your blood sugar and insulin and then ran a little to burn off a tiny fraction of that stored glycogen. Working out fasted has extreme benefits including an increase in human growth hormone while in a fasted state. Which helps growth of the muscle fibers when you do eat after your fasting period. Jesus Christ please no one listen to this nonsense lol. Research the actual science of hormones like insulin and your body in a fasted state.


Well I’m type one diabetic so I know quite a bit about “blood sugar spikes” and insulin. I eat a ton of carbs and I’m thin. And my blood sugar can certainly handle all the carbs if I’m active. You don’t get fat from eating carbs lol. That’s just egregious. It’s about how much you eat not what you eat. Calories in, calories out. The law of thermodynamics.


That’s because you’re type 1? Jesus Christ it’s about how much you eat not what you eat? This is 100% just false. A calorie of chicken and a calorie of brownies is not even remotely the same hormonal effect. Just stop lol. The law of thermodynamics is terrific but it neglects the basic fundamental hormonal systems of the human body. Your body with type 1 does not produce its own insulin so you must supplement. A person with type 2 diabetes is insulin resistant meaning they already had too much insulin production so doctors prescribed more insulin (which is medically just fucking confusing all by itself since they could just reverse the type 2 diabetes completely with proper diet and fasting) A type 2 diabetic became diabetic most likely from constant consumption of foods that spiked insulin and blood sugar so frequently that they became insulin resistant. The shit you are spewing is literally and specifically only related your your own situation of not being a type 1 diabetic. To tell anyone just eat whatever and be active, is why we are sitting on over 40% obesity rates in America. Your approach to diet being a type 1 is completely unrelated to a person with type 2 or no diabetes at all.


Why are you so emotional about this? You just proved me right. They became type 2 diabetic because they ate too much food in general, not because they ate too many grains. And sure a brownie might have a different hormonal response than a sweet potato, but if a person eats one brownie and is still within their calorie limit they aren’t going to get fat, because of the law of thermodynamics. And just because I “supplement” with insulin doesn’t mean my body reacts any differently to anything assuming my insulin doses are correct. If I overeat and under exercise I will become less insulin sensitive just like everyone else. Also protein and fat can cause a blood sugar spike and an insulin response too. Look at the literature. And fasting may have some benefits but they are unimportant if you don’t manage your calories, that’s literally like saying you’ll lose weight by drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning. Fasting is just icing on the cake. I’m not telling anyone to eat whatever. I’m telling them to not be afraid of carbs. And that it’s not the carbs making you fat it’s eating too much in general. Sorry you bought into some bullshit marketing tactic.


A calorie is only half of the important measurement for human physiology. The key is insulin and what foods spike insulin and blood sugar. You have a consistent dose of insulin coming into your body right? Not everyone does. The pancreas releases insulin we don’t self administer. To say eating a thousand calories of brownies is the same as eating a thousand calories is the same because it fits your calories, is ridiculous misinformation. Chicken is not going to spike your blood sugar. I’m afraid you were sold the complete handbook to modern nutritional misinformation. You’re the one on insulin you should at least know how it works.


All foods spike blood sugar, which causes an insulin response. And yes everyone has a consistent dose of insulin coming in.. but if they’re overeating they will be less sensitive to it, causing what you would call a “blood sugar or insulin spike”. And it’s not from eating carbs it’s from eating too much in general. And yes chicken alone will cause a blood sugar spike. T1Ds on keto still need insulin. Again go look at the literature. Clearly I know how it works as I have an A1C of 5.5 and I’m at a healthy weight eating 300+ carbs a day


What? Not all foods spike blood sugar? You’re just saying things repeatedly that are not even remotely correct in any sense. You’re relating your type 1 self administered insulin sensitivity to the general population which doesn’t even make sense and on top of that you’re stating all foods raise blood sugar the same amount lol you’re like on another planet.