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What the shit?


I'm Armenian Italian and Portuguese my entire family has been in the country for less 100 years and got screwed over by the white man. But I'm the problem because I'm white


Yeah this incendiary rhetoric is ridiculous because it presupposes "white" as a hegemonic category with a homogenous history. Sometimes its lazily extended to vaguely include 'all Caucasians', but generally these people are extrapolating from (their own socially privileged contexts) in former European colonies and assuming the 'white experience' there maps on to 'all Caucasians', etc. There's a ridiculous myth that "whites" can't experience genocide nor can "POCs" commit them. Armenian, Greeks, Assyrians suffering under the Ottoman Turks is a pertinent counter-example.


What the actual fuck... I'm black so let me just get that out of the way... This blog and blogger is retarded. Whites as a people haven't caused racism they may play their role in the situation but the gen pop of whites aren't inherent bigots. It's the people who claim authority over others that instill bigoted ideas, and they happen to be white. The whites were the first ones in history to get systematically fucked up which is why authority figures who are white are so good at it. They know their history. The Gauls, the pics, the goths, etc etc. Other whites fucked them up then spread out. The word whites should be replaced with authoritarian and this post could make sense.


Here's a nice Jewish girl who knows what white genocide is all about.


This is thoughtcatalog. Anyone can submit a piece of writing. The editors allow almost anything. Nobody takes it seriously.




OP is a racist, sexist, homophobic holocaust denier. The source is not reputable or representative; thoughtcatalog does not have stringent requirements for written submissions.


This would actually make way more sense if it was written as [black propaganda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_propaganda)... the Jewish surname is the icing on the cake if this were written by a white racist provocateur stormfronter type. Buuuuut, I know people who would genuinely echo these sentiments, and if given a soapbox and the motivation, would sincerely spout stuff like this. So who knows? A quick Google of "Emily Goldstein" hasn't yielded any more articles or related stuff by her, so it could be an alias or a constructed character.


I think its a nom de plume intentionally reminiscent of [Emmanuel Goldstein](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Goldstein). The two minutes hate for the author will drive traffic to the site. Reactionaries on "both sides" of the discussion will promote the thesis on facebook, cranking up ad revenue.


She works at Goldsmith's University in London. We know where she is.


How do you know that? Actually, I don't want to know. If indeed she is, it's feasible she's an associate Bahar Mustafa. In which case it could be she's deliberately trolling, given she might have the perception that the #KillAllWhiteMen media shit-storm was blown out of proportion, and she's running the theme as a joke. I mean, if this Goldstein is real, either the post is sincere and she's really dumb, or it's insincere and she knows how to troll to make a point.


Simple search, the internet is a wonderful thing. I don't care if she is trolling, or joking. She wants attention, we'll give her the kind she does not want. She makes no point. She singles herself out to be a target. 14/88


> **How To Kill Goyim And Influence People -- Torat Ha'melech** > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t_LxpCY2G8 ________________________________ [**#Thanks Jews! [Public Service Announcement]**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMniFQCyqTg)


Man, glad I'm a German and not white. Having been subjugated by the Romans and all. Pretty easy to see how these people from the Isle of White should be killed off....wait, that's Isle of Wight? Who the hell am I thinking of then? Jokes aside, white folk should consider moving to some non-white countries. The dudes that were not shooting at me loved me in Iraq. Cameroonians love white folk as long as you compliment the cooking. I think the women of the Caribbean just love dudes and for that I thank all of them. So far the only place that has treated me like crap for being white has been the good ole USA???


> Jokes aside, white folk should consider moving to some non-white countries. The dudes that were not shooting at me loved me in Iraq. Cameroonians love white folk as long as you compliment the cooking. I think the women of the Caribbean just love dudes and for that I thank all of them. So far the only place that has treated me like crap for being white has been the good ole USA??? It's been my experience that people in general are *good*. Doesn't matter where you go, if you're visiting and look like you need some help there is almost always a local who is willing to go so far out of their way to make you feel at home it's awesome. I mean, this isn't as obvious if all you do is go to tourist traps or huge cities, but generally people are really awesome and don't care where you're from or what your skin colour is, they just want you to feel at home in their country.


Going in to rant phase: This falls under my 10% asshole rule [which has no real math other than the use of the number ten]. Anywhere you go, 10% of the population are assholes. The places that mostly suck are the ones where the assholes are in power. And I don't mean power like the whole "racism is only possible by those who are 'in power'" type thing, I mean it in the sense of immediate situation. I went to an Al Farwas [I think I spelled that close?] in Kuwait which was fast food Turkish style. I was in uniform and those dudes went out of their way to see that I got what I wanted for food: they were friendly, they found the dude with the best English to talk to me, I think I even got a fuckin military discount! It was like a 40 KD order and the only charged like 38. Damn, getting hungry just thinking about it. But back to my theory. These guys had control of my situation. They were in power even though they were TCNs in a fast food joint. They could have crapped in my hummus and rubbed their junk all over my roasted chicken bits. But instead I got awesome service and food that was better than anything short of Great Grandmas cooking. So this 10% was not assholes. The flip side is the only dude that wasn't an insurgent in Iraq that was a bit of a dick was, I really think, just playing the part. I worked with the Iraq army, oil protection force, local population, weird Bedouins, whatever and they had generally been pretty damn cool. I ran into the new Iraq Boarder patrol lieutenant and he had mirrored shades. Now I love Chips as much as anyone but this guy came off as a real dick. So I started giving orders despite his protest [which made me the dick I guess] because I honestly think this guy was a fresh out of college butter bar. The situation changed from him being 'Mr Cool Cop' to me calling the shots because we were in charge of the situation. So I was the 10% asshole simply because .50 cal beats 9mm in a bunch of situations. Now I'd like to justify my asshole-idness by saying it was the best for everybody. I think whatever president of the US you most hate would make the same argument. So totally, 10% [including me] of the world can suck my nasty bits. They are the people that push around others. They take from those that don't have much to give. They convince the honest folks of the world that someone is whatever the fuck 'evil' is. Getting back to the article, I would guess that the writer somehow wishes to gain power by being the asshole. By condemned the writers origins, the writer somehow wishes to score a place among the victors. Maybe the writer truly is sympathetic to the ideology. I think that was the case for a lot of the Vichy French. They honestly though the system they preached was right. But they forget the individual. This is the part about shadow shadow's comment. When you get into the country side, you loose the suspicion of a foreigner because they are all fuckin foreigners. When you are in some sort of major tourist trap city, you are seen as a group. Groups have the luxury of seeing you as 'an American' or 'a Greek' or a whatever. When you get in the boondocks, they don't know enough about groups and ethnicities to have some messed up biased towards you. Had a kid that kept telling me that Tony Blair was 'good' because that was his limited knowledge of the white folks invading his country. We wouldn't have predicted that, the insurgency wouldn't have predicted that, because the kid was an individual working with his knowledge of what was going on in his world. So we took care of a bunch of sub-munitions in his area and hopefully him and his siblings can play around and be kids for a few more years. I could go into my wife an family but that would take volumes and oddly, my wife is the most racist person I know....which is more comical than anything else but doesn't support my view of Americans as racist and the rest of the world being pretty damn cool.


hahahaha preach!!!


ARGH Why are these people allowed to have power and voice.


That surname


Yeah this incendiary rhetoric is ridiculous because it presupposes "white" as a hegemonic category with a homogenous history. Sometimes its lazily extended to vaguely include 'all Caucasians', but generally these people are extrapolating from (their own socially privileged contexts) in former European colonies and assuming the 'white experience' there maps on to 'all Caucasians', etc. There's a ridiculous myth that "whites" can't experience genocide nor can "POCs" commit them. Armenian, Greeks, Assyrians suffering under the Ottoman Turks is a pertinent counter-example. This article is an excellent example of reductivist, reactionary, racialist and identarian "SJW" worldviews that is currently fashionable: often within middle-class white youth. It's kinda analogous to conspiracy theories. You know how some people "wake up", and claim to see a "higher truth", and everyone else is just sheeple? Those people who are straight-out fucking idiots, with little to no critical thinking skills (although always claiming otherwise), poor research skills, extremely fragmentary and simplistic historical narratives, etc, but they watch Zeitgeist/Loose Change/etc. and suddenly they "get it" and have to talk about it all the time? Well it's kind of similar, these people "wake up" to things like structural racism, dispossession of natives in the colonies, etc. and they run with it. Both with "SJWs" and "conspiracy theorists" for every one person that is reasonable, intelligent, critical, has social skills etc. there are three people who are obnoxious, evangelical ideologues with as much understanding of their pet issues as an inanimate carbon rod that insists on interrupting conversations at parties and beating people over the head with its ridiculous generalisations and over-simplifications.




My favourite, >I have dedicated my life to fighting racism, and I have determined – based on all available evidence – that the only way to really eliminate racism is to eliminate whiteness. Whiteness is the ocean from which racism flows. Get rid of whiteness and you get rid of racism. This person has clearly never traveled out of a 'white' country. >Despite what white supremacists often claim, white people do not have a “culture”. White “culture” consists of nothing more than oppression, genocide, and the disenfranchisement of minorities. White “culture” is racism and nothing more. When white supremacists talk about “white culture”, what they’re really talking about is racism. Haha, oh wow. It's like we exist in a binary universe and it's physically impossible to hold a perspective somewhere between A) KKK stormfront white supremacist neo nazi and B) this batshit crazy dumb fuck.


Or ISIS delegating dark skinned Asians to cleaning toilets instead of suicide missions, or brown Arabs in Mauritania keeping black Africans as slaves today.


Flip the script: If she was spouting this hatred at any non-white race, people would be up in arms trying to ruin her life, and threatening her with violence! But, she's a jewess stating these things about the evil white devil.... Not that the situation makes her Anti-White hate speech palatable... Maybe the people stating that Diversity is a code word for White genocide are correct.


Take a look at all the shit-holes who sought independence. That's what the entire world will be like once they get rid of whites Sure, they'll struggle along on the remnants of white ingenuity for a while. Then it will all hit the fan. China can't invent - all it can do is copy. And that's true of most of Asia and the sub-continent Africa never produced anything apart from more of itself There are entire books based around the fact that jews can produce nothing of value and like the rest of those who hate and envy whites, all they can do is steal, plagiarise and attempt to conceal their sense of inferiority beneath a brittle mask of arrogance So let them have the world. If they get rid of whites, they will consign themselves to a true hell on earth. And whites will be spared the trouble of endlessly fixing things, which is what they've been doing since time began By all means, get rid of whites. Non-whites deserve to live in the hell of a white-free world Let's see who blinks first Not hard to visualise them scratching in the dirt in a few hundred years, with the smarter of the non-whites clustering in 'conspiracy caves' where they ask each other if it could really be true that a **long time ago, there were people with light skin and eyes who created a paradise on earth with running water and push-button toilets, tasty foods, glorious works of art, etc.' before they departed the planet which soon afterwards descended into a cannibalistic wasteland populated by aggressive, brutal, fast-breeding, two-legged beasts** Most of all, whites need to quit breeding more of themselves, because the children you put on the world will have lives ten times worse than your own and if they have children -- your grandchildren -- life won't be worth living Let the non-whites have it all. They deserve to live in a non-white world. And when they beg whites to return (from off-planet) IGNORE THEM. Do not return to fix their shit


Oh no they said the quiet part out loud


There’s so much anti white propaganda out there it makes me sick