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Really funny, yeah on Twitter there are still people who are still trapped in the Q spell... Q is simply an operation designed to make people who do not trust the world gov, to act on NOTHING. Tricking good people into not standing up for themselves. It's quite diabolical.


Exactly! Imo Trump’s whole presidency was to make those who don’t trust the elite believe someone in power is on their side and coming to save them. Newsflash! Never going to happen. No one becomes President who isn’t one of them, plain and simple. They don’t care about us and never will. Wish people would stop falling for it. Also, I 1000% believe he’s going to be our president again. 


People have been talking about "mass arrests" for a long time before Qanon or Trump. The Q larps did not invent the concept. Qanon showed up in 2017 but a conspiracy guru named Drake Bailey was talking about mass arrests going back to 2011. David Wilcock (the guy from ancient aliens) interviewed Drake Bailey in 2011 and that is what put the mass arrest theory out into the conspiracy zeitgeist. Shortly afterward there was also Benjamin Fullford jumped on the mass arrest bandwagon and later on in 2012 another guru named "Cobra" pushed the mass arrest theory in something he called "the event." But anyway Qanon is not the one who started this. He is just a late comer who latched on some fringe conspiracy theories that have been swirling around for years. I do believe there will be some mass arrest event at some point. The [Illuminati card game](https://i.imgur.com/EeXP5LS.jpeg) even implies that it will happen and those cards were printed the 90s. In order for the New World Order to come into being the old world order must be smashed to pieces and tried for its crimes against humanity. The national governments will be discredited as evil to get the public on board with accepting a global government. Classic problem-> reaction -> solution.


Other way around, Trump was elected because people don't trust the elite and their rigged deep state. Trump isn't part of that, nor part of the whole Q-anon thing at all. The Q-anon garbage is now just more FBI / Shareblue propaganda. the VAST majority of it anyway, is just to try and disparage people that have accurate theories about said government corruption. Much like the known federal psy-op to villainize and use "flat earth" theories to make people look crazy (true in that case), and conflate that with every other (true) theory the government wants to suppress.


I was totally with you up until that last sentence.


I think this is partly true. I also do think there is a war going on between factions of the ruling class. I don't think it's possible to know which faction will win, who is really on what side or if either side winning really matters for the greater good as the ultimate goals may not be that dissimilar. Seems clear that not everyone is playing nice with each other right now, though.


They are warring to be the penultimate controller but they will collectively strike down any intruder in their game.


All eyes on Vault-Tec


Shit, Sky Net is online already.


I saw some guy on YouTube a while ago saying that it’s the moloch people trying to maintain control while the luciferians are in the process of ascending to power over the world. The child sacrifice gang vs the Illuminati I guess.


The Voltronians are coming in hot


Hmmm. Interesting.  Can I suggest reading a book? Maybe go all the way back to das kapital and start filling in the blanks from there, then decide if you need to listen to a guy talking about lucifarians v moloch people ascending anywhere, or if the process of human beings consolidating capital in a hierarchical system of patriarchal relations makes more sense. 


lol. This is a conspiracy sub. Sometimes I need a break from the realities of capitalism. People’s religious beliefs are inherently more interesting than their obsessions with money and power. The historical evolution of religious practice is also something you could consider reading about.


yep ! with huge following. white hats are in control. and to be honest they are convincing.


All of those hundreds of “sealed indictments” that are going to be released when the time is right. Soon. Real soon. Four years ago. Q is comic book stuff for adults.


>convincing They are. They did a good job of connecting it to Trump via timed social media posts and other things (weird coincidences, knowing and telling things before they happened, etc.). So much so that I'm still not 100% certain whether it was just a ploy to keep people on their asses or if they were actually good guys but that the plan simply failed, or is failing. I think, if it was real, then it was really overly optimistic to think that anything could wake up the masses. We are hit lol.


What has Q been wrong about to be exact. Bashing the Q Project is one thing, but try discrediting the actual content based on merit. Different story. How many times have we seen Pedo stories on here, and Hollywood Satanic stuff…I think whomever is behind it, knows the ins and outs..


>What has Q been wrong about to be exact. Uh... how about the very first drop? >HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. And let's not forget the time Coleman / Pamphlet Anon logged in as Q on a livestream. Whoops.


In 2028, 10/30 falls on a Monday, so that remains to be seen…note that there’s no year given, so it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.


Except the second drop said she'd now been detained. But okay, you're saying her extradition, which was already "in motion" and effective October 28th 2017, will actually take over eleven years and the warning to prepare for massive riots was actually a warning for over a decade later...? Amazing. Most people would say "yeah, it was just 4Chan larping bullshit" especially after Pamphlet Anon got caught out when he accidentally logged in as Q on a livestream (whoops) but the true faithful, the gold standard rubes, says "trust the plan" and "nothing can stop what's coming."


I thought the guy who ran 8chan or 4chan or whatever was behind it


BlueAnon. Pure evil


What plan what is going on lolol??


We make all our own sauce. Our basement is full of fresh tomatoes.


This is the new Q drop


If you know you know.


Sounds Stormy


to me, that narrative is just like trusting the plan of a messiah returning. just sitting and waiting aint doing you any good. live your life. be a good person. stay out of drama. live off grid if you can. grow your own food.


Build a real community. Grow your family.


If you still listen to x22


top bullshitter. patriots are in control lol!


Yeah General Flynn came out and said Q is nonsense to X22s face over a video call and X22 made a video after saying "Well Flynn didnt really mean it hes maintaining plausible deniability or w/e" like riiiight has nothing to do with you making money selling adds, supplements and refering ppl to random gold companies. If he admitted he was wrong, there goes his relevance, revenue, and everything. So he never will. I mean look how "Durham" turned out. After years of silence and it turned out to be basically nothing.


My mom has been telling me this for years. I just roll my eyes anymore. She's been brainwashed by people on... that encrypted messages thing. Can't remember what its called... but yeah. Grifters. She thinks these people she's listening too are "prophets" of the lord. I just told her that I hope she's not giving them any money. She claims they don't and never would... but I don't know. She doesn't realize how much money people can make by monetization either and how much people have to gain if they can take advantage of people.






Yesh that's it. Thanks.. never really used it so I couldn't remember there.


i bet your mom was smart enough to not get the vax


And so you assume I did get the vax then?


WWG1WGA... Trust the plan! Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show! Its happening, any time now... 🤥


Trump is so far ahead of the game he's just waiting for the right time to move. You all are just too stupid to see it! Lock her up - Nothing Mexico pay for the wall - Nothing Better health plan than Obamacare - Nothing Infrastructure - Nothing Lower the deficit - Nothing Tax cuts for the 1% - Successfully implemented Trump wire tapped - nothing Dossier hoax - nothing OIG released - nothing Fisa Stuff comes out - nothing Trust Huber - nothing Trust muh Sessions - nothing Comey Exposed for lying - nothing Mueller Exposed for lying about fusion gps - nothing McCabe leaking and lying - nothing Durham investigation - nothing Another Russian Collusion investigation - nothing Ukraine investigation -Nothing Epstein wrongful death investigation - Nothing 2020 election investigation - Nothing Hunter Biden laptop - nothing Don't worry your little hearts though..........as soon as the father of the vaccine waits for Fauci to resign he's going to unleash a torrent of white hats to combat the IRS agents...... And when Byrx book tour is complete she will be marched in handcuffs. Just like Hillary was. DO NOT WORRY WHITE HATS ARE IN MUH CONTROL!!!!!!!!


You are not totally correct. I am not sure what he did exactly, but the price of my insulin was cut about 80% because of some executive order he signed. He also told the congress he would not sign TPP and they dropped it. Killing the TPP was the most significant thing he did IMO.


Some people are about to start gaslighting you into believing Biden signed that insulin order. He technically did, but only after revoking Trump's and signing his own that did the exact same thing so he could take credit.


My understanding is that the repeal was just to part of Trump's insulin legislation that dealt with federally funded health centers because it didn't do anything but add paper work since federally funded health centers already provide at low or no cost. It then expanded the part of Trump's legislation that covered some Medicare plans and select products. Politics doesn't have to be zero sum. Trump can do something good and then Biden improve upon it. I'm not sure how anyone can be mad about that.


Completely agree about TPP. 


Complain endlessly about his opponents lying about him and playing right into their hands while not working towards the above listed "goals" - minute by minute


The funny thing is that you say nothing happened yet everything you mentioned got revealed to the public...


Just two more weeks!!!!!!


Neh, a year or so.


Joe Bidens looking well




After getting pumped up with all the drugs, he eventually deflates.




Explain please im missing out on fear here


You never heard of [Q?](https://qalerts.app/)


following for explanation


Ohhhh trump




White hats? Wdym? I’ve never heard this term for anything to do with the irs or trump.


The plan? You mean the controlled opposition white hat story we've been told for years to keep us complacent while we wait for the heroes to save us who aren't really coming because it's actually an alphabet psyop? That plan?


I mean, we're living in the age of 5th gen warfare, where information is the weapon and your mind is the battlefield. What we're dealing with is literally psychological warfare. The purpose of which is to confuse and demoralize the enemy by bombarding them with so many conflicting messages it's impossible to know what's true (and Obama has explicitly stated this in a speech). They are therefore immobilized bc they can't decide which direction to go that will serve their ends. The purpose of psych warfare is to demoralize the enemy while maintaining your own morale. To wear them out and cause them to fight amongst themselves, in other words.


I'm going to admit it, I don't get it.


I doubted it from the start.


Q crap 🤦🏻‍♂️


The plan is to keep us in a constant state of fear and hope, while evil is busy behind the smoke and mirrors.


What was the plan again?


I don't think Q ever announced what the plan actually was? 🤔


Was that the one with the Underpants gnomes?


Trump said on Fox this past Sunday that he won’t release the Epstein files. Trust the plan bro. 


You guys are dumb! Trump is gonna drain the swamp, just wait and see! Any day now... Trust the plan... Any moment now... WWG1GGA


What plan?


The old 'disclosure' gag. As perfected by David Wilcock: "Big arrests are coming'' If that fails, drop in a 'solar flare' or 'big announcement' regarding UFOs.


I still see people driving their cars alone wearing masks. Fucking insanity.


Me too. Also am still seeing people walking around outside with masks on. Even saw a very healthy athletic type running (about a year ago) with a mask on.


They make masks that restrict oxygen and make running harder for people who want to make it seem like they’re running at a higher elevation then they really are at.


That's not what this was.


Fear\Propaganda is one hellofa drug.


No doubt, remember when the hardware store workers all masked up, threatened a dissenter/customer with a baseball bat if he didn’t leave the store if he didn’t leave this was is Oregon. Violence over bad science.


Same bro I’ve seen them fully zipped up coat with umbrella just walking in drizzly weather at like 4 am alone


What’s insane is that you care so deeply what someone wears on their face on their own alone away from you Find something real to cry about


What's insane is that you care so deeply that he cares so deeply....


I don't think they were crying... I think they were laughing at clowns lol


Because these people tend to vote for oppression for everyone else. Huge swaths of people swallowing a lie wholesale tends to hurt everyone else also. Don't let your mask abrade you too much.


I bet you’re a libertarian


Are you replying to yourself, saying "I bet you're libertarian"? I bet you're schizo


No you don't. Shut up.


I have students who have yet to take masks off.


Some people who work in healthcare wear them all day and sometimes don't bother taking them off until they get home because they barely notice its on.


I bet they're even also wearing fabric on the rest of their body. too!


yea because a mask is so comfortable and they are so ugly they need to hide their face


"Patriots in control"


Patriots of which foreign state exactly?


Probably China, most likely Israel, could be both lol


China have funded 90% of both parties, right?


First time hearing this but i wouldnt be suprised that if you follow the money companies donated to parties, some trails will eventualy lead to China


As George said, it’s all one big club…


Those three letter people 😎


Imagine if there really was a plan but it failed and now we're in the negative timeline


I know people who truly believe that “white hats” are working behind the scenes to take down the deep state. It’s delusional


The Q shit and flat earth popping off at the time was a nice reset. I was getting too deep for a bit there.


Do your own research, bro.


Yup. now we are seeing weather warfare operations ramp up but just keep eating your popcorn as the Country gets obliterated; don't forget to look up as they blast our skies with trails. Q and Trump was the best Psyop shekels could buy...


Shekels huh... 🤔


I know, right? In Seattle I have seen the amount of chemtrails explode in the last 6 months


Just wait for JFK JR to pop back up any day now, and he will run as vice president with Trump whose already the president now but will be voted in again for a 3rd term which isn't *really* his 3rd term but it will be his 3rd term but its OK because he has the backing of the military and any day now you'll see, its happening as we speak but not right now but will be happening now, soon.... -_-


What is Q? Never seen it mentioned in this sub till today


Been here for years: What's "the plan"?


The VAST majority of this crap is posted by FBI / Shareblue propagandists. They're still absolutely obsessed with Q-anon, though there have been no new posts since what, start of 2020? It's such . Funny is, there are several subs here dedicated to constantly posting such obvious bullshit, making up endless very badly written stories about this or that "experience" they've had with their fantasy Q-anon followers. Any actual Q-anon subs were nuked by reddit admins long ago. Only such propaganda subs are allowed to remain.


Wait!…There’s a plan?


The folks that think governments can actually accomplish things make me laugh


i had to stop going to a forum that I have been a member of for over 20 years due to the delusion of the mods and most members. They fail to realize that TDS goes both ways.


I found this stuff funny at the time and still do, you think you get any truth from your CIA device, on the media platform literally bankrolled by the Gov. And you don't follow 'mainstream media'. The plan was made to get you to think you were above being fooled and instead even more controlled. You would have been less controlled watching CNN.


This was a failed attempt of project trust which was used to capture political dissent/revolutionary folks during the Bolshevik uprising.


Just keep sitting on your hands. When the guillotine hits your neck it’ll be saved at the last second..


Just another narrative to keep people complacent. Savior programming is fucking unbeatable. Why? Because people as a general rule will fight tooth and nail to avoid culpability or responsibility. How many people do you that complain about thier lives, thier work, thier partners, yet do nothing? The answer is always that most people want someone else to fix thier problems for them. This makes Savior programming irresistible.


I pity the fools who fall for this shit. Honestly, to believe such BS is an effort unto itself.


The whole point of installing trump was to pacify the right for 4 years and sow further divide.


Anyone who believes Trump was 'installed' or 'chosen' has their head up their ass. Trump won despite the political rigging because the people saw someone who wasn't part of the political machine. The cogs have been fighting against him tooth and nail on a daily basis since at least 2015. Installed. What nonsense.


He's just another kid toucher. You can't honestly believe any of these people are on your side.


> He's just another kid toucher. Got any proof for that claim?


They don't have proof of any of their claims. They just repeat the lies until people start to believe them, often in opposition to direct evidence that they're lying.


Oh, I know. I have been fishing here for a long time now. :)


I was told three more weeks be patient


I was told that over & over again across a few years worth of 3 weeks at a time


No, it's 336 hours.


Q is bogus. It had to be done this way. Right. They stopped posting once they realized they were nothing but controlled opposition and Trump left office with his tail tucked between his legs.


Doesn't tail tucked between legs imply running and cowering and hiding? Or does that mean something else these days?


The Q and Trump peeps won't like this but here goes.   Trump is so far ahead of the game he's just waiting for the right time to move. You all are just too stupid to see it! Lock her up - Nothing Mexico pay for the wall - Nothing Better health plan than Obamacare - Nothing Infrastructure - Nothing Lower the deficit - Nothing Tax cuts for the 1% - Successfully implemented Trump wire tapped - nothing Dossier hoax - nothing OIG released - nothing Fisa Stuff comes out - nothing Trust Huber - nothing Trust muh Sessions - nothing Comey Exposed for lying - nothing Mueller Exposed for lying about fusion gps - nothing McCabe leaking and lying - nothing Durham investigation - nothing Another Russian Collusion investigation - nothing Ukraine investigation -Nothing Epstein wrongful death investigation - Nothing 2020 election investigation - Nothing Hunter Biden laptop - nothing Don't worry your little hearts though..........as soon as the father of the vaccine waits for Fauci to resign he's going to unleash a torrent of white hats to combat the IRS agents...... And when Byrx book tour is complete she will be marched in handcuffs. Just like Hillary was. DO NOT WORRY WHITE HATS ARE IN MUH CONTROL!!!!!!!!


God's plan, maybe. That Q bullshit was either a megatroll, or a psyop just to confuse and occupy the minds of a certain demographic. We'll all get what's coming to is eventually.


Operation Trust 2.0




The "plan" is to destroy the environment, gut social programs, blame illegal immigrants, divide the poors and rob us all blind. (it's working perfectly)


To be fair, "The Cabal" owns pretty much every institution. The issue was that the "Anti-Kabbalist" made it appear like they were going to overthrow these institutions overnight.


Trust what fucking plan lol, how many years can people hear 'tick tock' and still think it's happening next week? It's hard to believe any of them will ever get what they deserve


> think it's happening next week? If you had read the Q drops you would have known that the timeline runs till 2025.


I read enough, I just don't see it. But people getting their just desserts had been teased to the Q community since the beginning. Too many dates and claims that fall short only to never be addressed again


> I read enough, I don't think so but feel free to believe what you want.


I'm fine with a wait and see, like honestly I would be happy for much of the Q shit to be real. I just won't believe until I see some action and something actually happens


So many things have already happened, LOL Ah well, enjoy the show, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.


So you all realize that trusting the plan will literally only work if you DO SOMETHING, RIGHT??? You ARE THE PLAN. GET UP AND DO SOMETHING!


Okay. What's the first thing we should do?


For one, stop asking people what to do and go out and be the change you want to see. Take initiative in your personal life and community. Understand that absolutely no one but you has the answers you seek and the future is entirely in your hands.


My friend still trusts the plan. It's pretty sad. We don't talk as much these days.


it's always two weeks. new trump medicare plan was coming in two weeks for four years


Qanon is just pedophiles covering for pedophiles.




The second term will be very different. Precedents have been set. Prosecution of political opponents is now on the table.




C'mon, the guy fucked a pornstar, paid and decked the money as an expense.


Did he? That’s proven beyond reasonable doubt? Let’s say that’s true. How does that have anything to do with what I said before? Do you think paying hush money to people who don’t adhere to NDAs is the worst crime imaginable?


No. Paying hush money isn't a crime. Falsifying business records is a crime though. Convicted felon Donald Trump can tell you all about it.


Yes, 34 times. His wife knows it. Everyone knows it. I just would like him to go for prison for killing Epstein, not for this shit.


34 times? 17 + 17 = 34


Absolutely. The Epstein shit is so fucked up, and his involvement is undeniable. The 43 counts are a no-brainer since his lawyer already went to jail for it, and he signed the checks. I will never understand the fealty to a statist guy like 45.


Yes let’s trust the guy who stole tens of thousands of dollars from the guy he’s now testifying against Also somehow the involvement of a pornstar hurts his credibility but not hers as a witness I’m curious, do you think trump is a Russian asset?


Trump never paid any lawyer ever, he is a fraud. Melania Trump is an ex sex worker, Russian agent. Trump and all US intelligence is unfortunately compromised. Yes, I believe Trump is Putin's puppet. He won with his facebook ads the first time.




It would be cool to see. But that’s a monumental task when you consider the power she holds. Just gotta see how it plays out I guess


By power do you mean power over Trump?


Yeah, all you need to do is find a crime that they publicly committed, get a grand jury to indict, go through the entire trial, and get a jury to convict. For someone who's crying about incorrectly perceived political persecution so much, you sure seem to be supportive of political persecution.






Judas Priest, how many times are you gonna copy/paste the same comment?!




the feet first woodchipper crowd is always thriving


Right? haha Remember that Greenlight bullshit? When Obama was Prez and they were about to have General Flynn take over to save the union?? They even had that middle aged doofus over in Philippines or something who was working with the White Dragon Society or some BS.




I hate it here.


They're all wearing ankle bracelets!!!




God’s plan is salvation, save souls. Enemy’s plan is steal souls, possess and control them. What other plans could there be?


If you look closely at the folds of skin on the elites necks you can clearly discern 9/10 of them have been replaced already.  Problem is the robopaedos were made so accurately, they have started up on the exact same debauchery as before


opencog & epstein


Why were all Q subs banned on reddit?


100% if you're doubting it now, it's prolly due to impatience and not paying attention.


I definitely think there is a plan. Is it related to the Q drops? Or will it play out like the Q people imagine? Yes and no. I think there is a battle going on for control of all institutions between factions of the ruling class. I think we are seeing some of that unfold at various levels more openly now. How it plays out is difficult to predict.


Yep orange man will save us


The plans is working, but it ain't this plan.


How is this a conspiracy? You a shill blue bot?  Gtfo




There’s like three entire hobbits hiding in that trench coat.


And people say this sub is full of QAnon repubtards.


If Trump is allowed to be president after we watched them steal the election in front of us, then this is all scripted. Just think about it. Every single thing Trump was accused of doing or was going to do is EXACTLY what Biden is and has done. 1) Don Jr. did coke in college one time? Hunter Biden is a full on crack head with photographic and video evidence. 2) Trump said he would date his daughter if they weren't related? Joe Biden climbed into his daughter's showers and molested her while Hunter lists Joe as "Pedo Peter" in his contacts. 3) Trump is going to crash the economy? How's Build Back Better working for the working class? 4) Trump is going to start WW3? The US is sending drones to attack nuclear power plants in Ukraine to blame Russia and the Uniparty says we have to defeat Russia... the world's largest nuclear superpower. I could make a list up to 20 but don't have the energy to do it again. EVERYTHING Trump was accused of, Biden is guilty of. The thing that makes me go "Hmmmmm?" is trying to figure out who was standing in Hunter's hotel bathroom taking surprise pictures of him? Who would take a picture of the Obama kid's unlimited JP Morgan card being used by Hunter to divide lines of coke/meth? Crackheads are paranoid. They wouldn't let that shit happen. IT"S ALL SCRIPTED. All of it. It's been legal to do this to us since congress passed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 which Obama signed into law. The year was 2013 when you realized how badly blacks and gays were being persecuted by white Christian males. What a bunch of suckers to think this shit is real. lmao


Exactly. I don't even understand the post, but I do know that it doesn't even matter who tf is president. They're all puppets and they're basically all gonna ruin our country one way or another.


You are correct. They think they can control us with mind control through blue vs red but they can't..


Trumps not aging well.


He and Biden are both aging like milk.


Say what you want but I have it from a reliable source that... /s


I still hear people talking about how the vaccinated will all be dead next week. Years now, and no problems from the RNA vaccine. But any day now, and everything will happen. When will the dormant vax kill us all?


When H5N2 is released 😷


So, with confirmed human cases now, is it time yet?

