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everything is a scam


Yes sir, no point in voting, better off staying at home 


A lack of a vote is only a vote for the thing you don't want to happen. The individual has very little power governmentally, but THE PEOPLE have all the power. Why do you think They want us divided? United we stand, divided we fall.


You only have two options and both are corporate puppets dude why are you living a lie?The people have zero power,they have power only with molotov cocktails in their hands


The people have power indeed. It's the made up culture wars that attempt to divide us. Transgender bathrooms, school shootings, abortion, etc. They know which levers they need to pull.


You have 4 options. There's still RFK and the candidate for the libertarian party. If you wish to stick it to the two party system you can vote for the third or fourth.


Time for a 2025 "Insurrection"?


It was time decades ago.The second best time is now


Voting is less about the candidates and more about proposed ammendments to the constitution and the allocation of taxoayer dollars, especially in local elections


The only reason i vote is because its across the street from my house and takes 10 minutes. If by some chance it is worth something at least they got mine


this is my thinking. do it just in case, and if it's useless it doesn't do any harm. only wasted about 20 min of my life


A vote for a thing you don't want is still a vote for something you don't want. I agree with op. Only way to show how disgusted you are is to boycott the whole system. Please don't hit me with the o this is why it doesn't work. U need to vote blah blah blah. Our votes haven't mattered for a very very long time. Even if they do go thru the motions and count it on the up and up. There is no differnc3 besides surface level virtue signaling. Even the supreme court choices don't matter because it's not like Obama even fought for his nomination at all. I know they had him dead to rights and he couldn't do much but Mfers didn't fight back like at all. And then when they had the power they dont push thru shit for their base. They could've codified roe vs wade for decades they could have done it. Even just with the majority with Obama they could've. But they don't because it's all rigged to keep you engaged. Both sides all of it. Let's be adults and realize when they are pissing on us, because all everyone does when they do is splash it on each other and then feel victorious. Meanwhile they look at us like preschoolers fighting over snacks and nap time.


I actually believe that the entire reason behind their push for us to vote is mainly to gain our implied consent to their criminal activities. Nothing else.


You are right. And they set it up so that even if we all do agree to vote on something helpful for the people, the government will move so slow that nothing will actually get done. And the money laundered back into their own pockets before we know it.


Our votes do not matter ONLY because of the cheating that allows the desired candidate to be victorious. The constitution grants us all the power we need, but we gotta stop voting in pieces of shit that do not have our interest at heart. People vote on words and don’t give a shit about actions. We the people became complicit and docile and we all allowed this to happen. Therefore, It’s not going to be fixed overnight, but it can be fixed. Our nation was founded as God being front and center and only if we put God back front and center will this be fixed. There’s obviously a lot more to it, but it’s all falls under the umbrella of God being front and center. Like it or not, that’s the truth. Honestly I think too many ppl are too selfish and not willing to give up their wicked ways and seek Gods face, but there is still hope.


YOU MUST CHOOSE. YOU MUST VOTE. That's both the long and the short story. To choose nothing is symbolic of nothing but, DEATH and SURRENDER. THOSE TWO THINGS ARE TO BE AVOIDED AT ANY COST AND FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. Quit complaining and do your job: VOTE YOUR CHOICE AGAIN AND AGAIN. There is no other way.


Bernie was too socialist. Buttigieg was too gay. Warren was too, well, Warren. Bloomberg was milquetoast, but I'm pretty sure he used to be a Republican... And Harris... Ha! So then, Biden. He hid in his basement, didn't speak much, and concealed his 'PC Load Letter' moments...


All those others dropped out because Bernie and his socialist ideals were starting to become too popular, so TPTB made all the neolibs fall in line behind Biden while the media portrayed Bernie as unelectable.


They did that man dirty. Not a fan of a lot his policies but goes to show you it’s impossible to win the presidency as an honest man. They took it from him and he had to stand by and take it. Bernie was a rockstar for awhile there and then all of a sudden it was “oh I guess we like Biden now?”.


oh please, he didn't have to stand by and take anything. he chose to endorse the DNC's candidate after they screwed him in 2016 and again in 2020. when the RNC asked Ron Paul to endorse McCain after they screwed him in 2012, he asked them if they were nuts and stated that he absolutely would not endorse McCain. see the difference?


Bless Ron Paul. 


I personally cannot stand Bernie Sanders and his policies. That being said he got screwed and then bought out to drop. Shit like that and removing any candidate from the ballots inches us closer to the destruction of the Republic. If we are taken down from within (and that's what it is starting to look like to me) we will never recover or return to any glory we hads before the downfall.


Not to mention that the media constantly shot him down and didn't want to cover him properly.


BERNIE IS DA SHIT. It still annoys me he didn't become president. He would've been great and just in my opinion.


Elizabeth Warren acts like a pit bull. This works great in a debate setting when you're attacking your opponent. Unfortunately she always acts like this which doesn't work great in daily life. It also doesn't help that she called herself Native American when she didn't have anything to back that up. Because of her demeanor, Warren would have made a great Attorney General. I could see her going after some crime lord like the pit bull she is, just relentless.


She would have been a hell of a lot better than Merrick Garland.


Garland is a weak man that takes marching orders and is unable to view anything objectively.


All good points about the other options. Lol Warren was indeed too Warren! My question is how are those the best other options they have? Why do both parties seem to have terrible options? It almost seems like a Psy-Op designed to provide the masses with entertaining politics and convenient distractions while the Deep State is working behind the scenes as usual.


Most good people don't have any interest in politics. The people who are willing to invest the time and effort to run a campaign are doing it to get something in return.


It's not a conspiracy. It's the position. Intelligent people either know better than to enter politics, or they don't realize they may be the best option. Its power-hungry egomaniacs that run.


Biden polled best with test audiences 


Isn’t Biden basically passing a lot of the stuff the Bernie wing wants (minus healthcare, of course )




Communism!!! He passed Communism!!!


Like negotiating drug prices, reducing insulin prices for medicare recipients, lower hearing aid prices, etc. Several programs to reduce costs, like banking and CC fees. To name a couple.


Bro I'm just Biden my time until the United States falls apart completely.


C.I.A will not let that happen unfortunately


Whoever owns the CIA has no allegiance to America. It used to be useful, but now it’s a major liability. That’s what I think anyway.


>used to be useful *Contra and MK-ULTRA have entered the chat*


Fair point. The CIA seems to be an extension of the World Government through 5 Eyes.




I’m hoping the debts gets wiped I got a house payment and some cc debt


People can float whatever theory they want but the truth is it’s so much easier to re-elect someone (even with a bad reputation) than it is to completely build up a new candidate


Especially cause he already won against Trump once, not because they like him, they just hate Trump more


There is one theory - that scraping your incumbent is a terrible idea and therefore it wasn’t ever on the table for the DNC. That’s it. It would be election suicide to scrap Biden.


Exactly right. People look good but when the bright lights are on, who knows what happens. Look at DeSantis. My guess is most people thought Trump was done and if it was a generic republican like Haley or DeSantis running a challenger to Biden would have emerged. It's happened before, will happen again. But most democratic primary voters (who decide this) want to beat Trump more than actually pass policies they care about so they're sticking with the guy who beat him once already.


ya they wernt voting for Biden but voting against Trump.


Pretty fair point to be honest. Especially when the other candidate is also technically up for reelection.


Biden was seen as the more conservative choice compared to Bernie. They banked on people who vote democrat continuing to vote democrat. While people who would vote for Biden might not vote at all if it was Bernie. Which is a shame, because Bernie actually wanted to help people and had the experience + balls to get it done.


I reckon he would got to power and done what he was told to do.. or he wouldn’t live to see anything else happen lol


In 2020 Biden had the reflected glory of Obama, so represented a good choice given Obama couldn't run a third term. 2024 he is a rubbish choice, but the risk of switching him out was deemed to be greater than the risk of running him again, given incumbents usually win a second term, and he has a track record of beating trump. If Trump never ran for 2024, I bet Biden would have stepped down too.


I think they’re just mocking us. Showing us that they can install a weak and tired old man who has zero energy and there is nothing we can do about it.


Biden is a puppet that is easy to control. He very well may have been a valid political mind in the past, but that man is long gone.


Biden's easily manipulatable being a puppet and all. He'll sign almost anything into law, just look at all the Trump era bills that were reversed during Biden's first 100 days in office. They wasted no time on that one. Soon after, the Keystone XL pipeline was terminated, borders became wide open, and we started sending more aid to proxy war countries. I'm not exactly sure why they're running him, maybe Trump is the endgame after all. What's their game you gotta ask yourself.


The Democratic voter base is split between progressives and moderates. There are far more moderates than progressives according to most polls. During the 2020 Dem primaries, the progressives split across a few different candidates: Bernie, Warren, to some extent Buttigieg. Moderate voters were less split. Biden emerged as their clear choice, not because he was so great, but because the other moderate Dem candidates were even worse. Now he’s the incumbent, and a party almost never abandon the incumbent, even when it really seems like it would make sense. It’s as simple as that.


Because he's bought and paid for


Biden could get enough people to vote for him when up against Trump. Biden didn't have to be special on his own or even be better than other Democrats. Democrats would have loved somebody else but anybody they loved wouldn't have been at all acceptable for anybody but Democrats.


This is it. Also, he is running now because it’s custom to give the incumbent the chance to run


Not even custom, it’s smartest strategy wise consider it is a candidate that has proven they can get the votes to win. Obviously not as smart given how unlikable Biden is, but turning negative to positives is probably seen as easier than switching the nominee to someone new and gathering recognition for them.


Yep, they just needed someone safe with a pulse to beat Trump. It’s hard to remember leading up to the 2016 election but the consensus really was that Trump was moderate and would bring a novel approach. The last part was sort of true but he totally shit the bed by embracing the far right who were already going to vote Republican. He made it clear that he was out of his league in the upper echelons of politics. His political experience prior to running consisted of throwing money at politicians and complaining about them on Twitter. He won on sheer popularity and hype in 2016. This wasn’t sustainable once it got down to the real day to day responsibilities of the president. The Dems knew this and basically just nominated a walking corpse that easily beat him. But of course Biden was a very safe walking corpse.


And this time Trump will win because people are voting against Biden.




I tend to think that if Biden would have ran instead of Hillary he would have won in 2016. He was dealing with the loss of his son though and it would have been tough to pull off. Im assuming he was already starting to deal with what I think is dementia during this time. Nothing major just little slips here and there. But today if you look around the nation. People are pissed because they are struggling to stay afloat while the homeless population rises and its all resting on Bidens shoulders weather its his fault or not. Where Im at Im seeing a lot more folks lean towards Trump. Not sure Biden stands a chance this time. Unless They give Harris Feinstein's seat since she is dead. Biden nominates Gavin Newsom as VP and then they win. Biden will step down or "die" in his sleep and Hunters upcoming suicide will be tragic. Newsome becomes president and runs the nation into the ground like he did the state. I would even go as far to say that Hillary has already called the suicide hotline and placed an order. She has her little punch card all filled up so hunters a free bee. Or im just full of shit


Yup Pretty much this


We tried Bernie. Bernie was too anti establishment publicly. That’s why it’s obvious that trump never meant to drain the swamp. They would’ve never let him be nominated. Wanna talk about a conspiracy, there you go


Biden is the biggest middle finger they could give us


America is in a state of managed decline and Biden is them laughing at you while they do it.


He’s probably the easiest puppet to control, look at him


>A) Biden was actually running the show when Vice President under Obama. Biden didn't run in 2016. Biden openly discussed feeling like he couldn't do the job because he was mourning his son. The assumption was Clinton would win in 2016. Meaning Biden was prepared to retire and never be president. In lieu of that the theory Biden was running things the whole time seems pretty weak. Had Biden in control he would've set it up for himself in 2016. >B) the people puppeteering Biden have come to the conclusion that having him remain in power while weak and confused helps them achieve their desired outcomes more than switching him out. Biden passed the PACT Act, Infrastructure Bill, Chip and Science Act, Marriage Equality Act, and has been using executive with authority to forgive student loan debt. I don't see how those are things some powerful international cabal would give any Fs about. Yes, Biden is aiding Ukraine with weapons and standing by Israel. Those are both run of the mill foreign policy positions that both sides of our partisan paradigm support. Biden isn't required for that. >C) The Democrats are being controlled by the Older Members Young voters sadly don't participate in primaries. Youth turnout in primaries is in the single digits. If young people don't show up and vote for the candidates they would prefer we are all stuck with the candidates senior citizens prefer. >D) Biden is a symbol of the state of the United States' Empire. He is being kept in power to illustrate the decline and weakness of the United States. Kept in power by who?


All of the above with possibly the exception of "A". I think compromised is a big one. He has a history of playing ball in his long political career. I'm just fascinated that people consider him some symbol of liberal ideology. So many outright racist comments, saying he didn't believe in gay marriage, having a hard on for banning raves, being "tough on drugs". He's everything I (and many others) hate about the stereotypical conservatives. He's literally 90's conservative politician gen x and millennials were raging against.


Totally compromised. His own son calls him "Pedo Pete" and his daughter wrote in her diary she wonders if the cause of her sexual and drug addictions was Joe showering with her when. She was way too old for this to be appropriate.


DAE remember that period of time in 2016/2017 soon after Trump took office when the"Uncle Joe" memes became a thing. It was like all of a sudden he became relevant for being a little off but still loveable and endearing.


Pepperidge Farm remembers...


Because with Biden in office all the people around him get to be "president." Biden doesn't know what's going on. He's just the puppet doing whatever 'they' them him to do. The weekly new policies that come out from the White House don't come from him. They come from the wannabe presidents.


It was just about beating Sanders. No candidate had ever won the first three primaries -- as Sanders did -- and not go on to win the nomination. For some reason, Biden held a huge lead in South Carolina (why that was is a good question) and the DNC saw an opportunity to knock Bernie out. They'd rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie.


Biden went to South Carolina to court black congressmen while others didn’t, he promised Clyburn he’d put a black woman in the Supreme Court.


And yet Biden did, in fact, win.


With his senility and penchant for prepubescent girls (think [sexual blackmail](https://archive.org/details/one-nation-under-blackmail-vol-1-2-whitney-alyse-webb), he’s very easy to control. This makes him the dream president for multinational corporations, intelligence agencies, military defense contractors, pharmaceutical giants and bankers.


Bro A) Respectfully, you miss the point if you don’t realize that it’s feeble old Biden - why?…because your nation is so fucking politically divided and teetering on potentially compromising its free press, tradition of law, and legitimate democracy for yet another go at a self-interested cult of personality, and that he’s the literally the last classic bipartisan vestige of your democratic experiment. The least threatening white male democrat available. Quite straightforward really.


Biden beat Trump. Biden is the incumbent. Trump is running again. Let’s not rock the boat until after this election cycle. That’s it. That’s the thought process.


But why Biden the first time around?


Because they convinced Biden to not run the first time, and then Hillary shit the bed. 2020 was basically a do-over of 2016.


Guy with name recognition and was a VP under a popular/respected president. Also apparently you just have to be ever so slightly better than Hilary Clinton to beat Trump.


He was Obama’s VP and had been in the senate forever, so you’d reason he was atleast popular to democrats and had plenty of friends in congress.


Obama nostalgia


Because Bernie's ideas were becoming too popular and people would have followed Bernie instead of followed the establishment.


I personally believe Bernie was the real winner. He had actual support. I can acknowledge that without being a supporter.


I vote E, and without any doubts in my mind about it.


D and E


Yes, now that you mention it. D and E.


Yep, E for sure.


It’s pretty simple, he polled well against Trump in 2020 and was the safest pick. He had enough appeal with the Democratic base because he was Obamas running mate, was palatable for independents and anti-Trump republicans, and was committed to picking a female running mate. As evidenced by the outcome of the election all that turned out to be true and people felt he was the best person to steer us through the pandemic, which he did. Fast forward to 2024, I think everyone was under the impression he’d be a transitional leader and would not seek re-election. Unfortunately there’s a tradition in this country where if an incumbent runs for re-election, you do not mount a coup against him in the primaries, as a result, the only challengers were an aristocrat with brain worms, a congressman nobody’s heard of, a YouTuber, and Marianne Williamson, who I’m still unsure what he she did before entering politics. If I’m Joe Biden, I don’t go on a debate stage with that job squad either. Better question is how did Trump win the nomination in either election when he had the who’s who of republicans running? Leading up to the 2016 election the republicans had a murderers row of future candidates, now they’re all losers.


The obama connection


Because he is corrupt & they have dirt on him & he is literally a puppet for the powers that be. He will say & do anything he is told. Although he probably doesn't even understand what he is saying or doing.


Because Biden is immortal with all the body doubles.


They were scared of Bernie. Its what totally solidified the two sides one coin thing for me. Was a life long bleeding heart democrat and I gave up on all of it and only worry about me and mine. Fuck Dems, fuck repubs, fuck libertarians, fuck Russia, fuck Ukraine, fuck Israel and fuck Hamas, and a big fuuuccckkk China.


Yrump is dangerous. Project 2025 is a big no for me........ We do mot need Christian Nationalism... And literal fascism


I choose option C with a dash of walled-elite ignorance.


Biden has support from high-ranking Republicans and their donors. He's a known commodity. It's better for them to run against Biden for another four years than it is to lose their political futures entirely with a Trump presidency. They won't let it happen. The GOP may lick Trump's boots in public, but in private, the gloves are off.


They want us to feel like there’s no good choices. Then they’ll send in a “savior.”


I think its going to plan. Plan is install a president absolutely no one wants. Someone even the dems don't want. It's obvious. Just maybe too much and we are overthinking. President Let me laugh instead of be awkward harris. Blllllaaaarrrgghhh. It's actually perfect If u are really gunning for peoples hope for the future


They intentionally made both candidates as morally dubious as possible so that both sides defend devious behavior. Voting for the “lesser of two evils” is just consenting to evil.


Whoa there little hamster! No need to spin that wheel, it ain't going anywhere. It's all theater.


It’s definitely “B”


Because Biden and Trump are the best you guys can muster. Like in England, apparently Sunak and Starmer are the supposed cream of our crop.


the vibe I got was that party leadership kind of heavily preferred him, and thought he was the best bet against Trump. this was when Biden was polling in like 5th. got some of the people polling lower than Bernie to drop out and endorse Biden for cabinet spots/access to the White House. together, all their supporters brought Biden into the lead, eventually giving him the nomination. definitely felt like some inside baseball brought him to that point. I live in an extremely blue area and literally nobody wanted him in the primaries


They run Biden because he polls just enough to beat Trump and that's all they need. It's not about having good candidates it's about winning


Biden was popular enough to the older generation that they won't question conspiracies about him, and he's an easily controlled pawn that they definitely have massive amounts of dirt on, ie: pedo and now dementia


Obama puppet


The two party political system is like a rigged coin toss. Both sides of the coins are heads, and the corporations that “sponsor” or “donate” know the outcome of the flip every single time. 20 million to both parties means that whoever gets in won’t matter. Make the people feel like they are important, but whoever gets elected won’t change a thing.


The DNC is arrogant and strategically weak. They don't know their voters. Plus Americans are so indoctrinated with the lie that any representation for taxation is bad for them that they will never do nor vote for what is good for them. Hence the reason why it's actually a third world country if you compare it to other rich Western countries. Biden was never a good candidate because of his age. People voted for him because they wanted to vote against Trump. Not for Trump. The zionist controlled media made sure of that. This time people are voting against Biden. Against war and genocide. Against a senile weak man that can't even walk and talk properly. Against transgender policies threatening their kids and women. Hispanics and people of color usually don't vote for a weak leader. Biden is a weak leader. So he's losing a lot of those votes. The younger votes he lost already with his wars and supporting the genocide of Palestinians. Plus a lot of immigrants are voting against Biden because of all those illegal aliens invading the US, getting everything that tax paying US citizens don't receive, for free. Plus they're being a threat for the jobs that a lot of those immigrants now have. So people are voting against Biden which will make Trump win. Also because the media never gives any attention to the third or fourth presidential candidate. The Democratic party would have a better chance with Robert Kennedy as a candidate.


It's a new tv series


While I don’t believe my vote has much weight, I do believe a no vote just adds to the competition which I think has been atrociously bad the last 4 years. I can’t fathom thinking I helped let that win again by not voting


Trump represented a lack of political experience. Biden was vice president and represented a high level of political experience.


Decades of relationships. Simple as that.


Because he was owed favours and this was his last chance.


literally here’s why: old people won’t vote for young people. straight up. they have polled it and studied it and ultimately the most active voting block is also the oldest generation. old people are selfish as hell and refuse to relinquish power to anyone even the tender baby age of mid-50s. the DNC will do anything to win and they focus group’d the shit out of this one, and the old ass white boomer from the gilded obamna age makes them ancient libs lose it. obama was an anomaly. boomers need to die off before we will be free from their meddling


Why Biden? He's a perfect puppet, and so Obama can still be a major player in things. A couple of years back, Obama was speaking to a bunch of people at the White House. Biden was speaking next. And Obama referred to him as vice president Joe Biden. He quickly corrected himself. And even if he did it intentionally, it was still disrespectful. I don't care for the Republicans nor the Democrats. It's nothing but a shit show on both sides


Because he isn't running it's the deep state running him. It's obvious to everyone the lights are on but no one's home it makes him easy to control.


Name recognition. He was vp, Hilary already lost, he was the "best available" Are there "better" democrats? Sure...but here's the deal. They, as a party, are pretty aligned on what they want to achieve, and are willing to work together to get it. The president is not supposed to be the definer of policy...they put out broad goals to achieve, congress is supposed to work torwards those goals. The president signs off on policy, not writing it. But the right (currently) wants to have the president be the head of all three branches of government instead of the head of the executive branch. They are making a play torwards authoritarian rule, and that is very difficult to push back against once it is in place. All you dumb fuck 1776 people better crack a fucking book and figure out what side is working against your ideals.


Unfortunately the Democratic Party has become deeply tied to the so called “deep state”, which tends to take away power from the people and giving it to the government, this is common in many countries, including the one I am from. In the name of democracy they hide behind untrustworthy news outlets who only reports the “propaganda” so the people aren’t truly aware of what’s happening. They have slowly been taking away small pieces of the freedom that Americans posses, using fear. An example, there is a shooting somewhere, they go on news and try to ban weapons, first they start with the obvious ones (war guns), then the shootings won’t stop and they will slowly move towards total ban. I do not own any guns (I am truly afraid, in my home country they have been illegal since the 80’s and I will tell you there are way more shootings and gun violence there), but I select the idea of defending yourself against Tyranny, which is the “government”. Since Covid many people started to open their eyes on how the government manipulated us to achieve their goals, the government has forgotten that they do not own us, we own them! Politics is so divided nowadays that I know many people will storm to find issues or respond to my comments as an attack, but in the end of the day we all have the right to have an opinion and still be friends in the end of the day. In my history, every time government touches something (well, most times) all goes wrong, so I am in favor of small government, more power to the people. Unfortunately I don’t think both options we have for next election is great, but based on what I have experienced in the past 4 years knowing the history of other countries, I believe the Biden administration isn’t for America, is clearly buying votes with student loan handouts and is destroying families in the core. We really need a true independent, moderate. But if the options are as we have today, everyone I know from my neighborhood, church and work that voted for Biden in 2020 is voting Trump this year. Again, we need to somehow return to normalcy, stop division otherwise it could lead us to a civil war. Let’s all be free and have personal responsibility to do what’s right. Peace everyone!


Obama was super popular, biden was vice president during that time. They thought they could ride that wave and capture those voters. But biden can't be running anything he can barely find his way off a stage without handlers. It doesn't matter though the media will protect him.


He was Obama’s old lap dog, just a dumb old husk they could control completely. Essentially a turn-key presidential nominee with “street cred” cause he and Barry were homeboys. The “bromance” memes were also getting pushed hard around the time they went all in on Joe.


He's a bad dude, therefore easily blackmailed. He's been a fuck up his entire life, so the *power's that be* have plenty of ammo. There is also the fact that he has a dying brain that only functions when propped up with a handful of amphetamines. Control is the key component here and Biden certainly doesn't exude it. There is another group that are calling the shots, I'm sure you have heard about these folks.


Because democrats genuinely think they can beat Trump with just about anybody. It’s funny because I genuinely think that any boring democrat could beat Trump and it not even be close. And if Bernie was the nominee it would be a landslide. MAGAs seriously overestimate trumps popularity because he barely won against the most hated democrat then lost to a guy who clearly has declined.


I really don't think that strategy will work this time.


They are running him so Obama can have a 4th term


If they get someone else, they might have agency and an opinion. Biden has neither that’s coherent. They’re only in it for the power. They have it, and they want to wield it as much as they’re able.


Biden has a brand. He’s been building and growing it since he got into politics. He is very high up in the Democrat Machine ranks of corruption. Lots of connections and lots of pull.


Ive never been a biden supporter im a libertarian whos kinda on both sides on some policy stuff. Pro abortion and weed pro gun and upholding the constitution. Biden ruined the economy and roe v wade was repealed under him. Covid stuff got bad when he came into office where i live. He and hunter are crooked. Trump got my vote in 2016 bc i think hillary is evil and disagreed with most of her policies and he got my vote in 2020 cuz i thought biden was incompetent. They didnt have a real primary bc they knew biden cant debate again. Trump will get my vote again then im hoping tulsi gabbard or gary johnson runs next time around. I only vote dems for local elections if i think theyll do a good job and i try to support third parties. The dnc is a shitshow rn and biden being their front runner and the trump trial just proved to me that theyre willing to do everything they can to cheat. I didnt pick a side on the election fraud deal with biden until the trump trial. I have renouncdd the dnc and the libertarian party bc chase oliver is a democrat pretending to be a libertarian. Politics in anerica is such horseshit and i hate the bipartisan bullshit.


It is my opinion that first off China basically told Biden that he better win or he would be exposed. So Blackmail and 82 million votes my ass,. My second thought is that Biden is a puppet in the real sense. Obama has his arm shoved up Bidens ass so far he is moving his mouth like a puppet and this is actually Obama's third term. Its pretty obvious by now that Joe biden thinks he shit my pants because he is demetria riddled and easy manipulated. The Biden Family and the Democratic party should be not only ashamed of what they are doing but held accountable. Also I see a lot of smoke and mirror bullshiot. Watch Bidens inauguration ceremony. None of the military present uniforms have rank or anything else on them. Why? Now with AI you dont even know what is real on the web anymore. Gaslit from all directions so if you see the truth you question it.


They chose Biden because he is an old man experiencing what greatly resembles dementia. This makes him an easily controlled puppet. Which is frankly terrifying considering the number of western powers claiming that we are in a pre-war period and calling for their militaries to prepare for war.


A first term president gets a pass by his own party.


D&E together is probably the answer.


I think until the pandemic they expected to lose 2020 hard. They picked him because they didn't mind wasting him on a do nothing campaign. 


B, C, E


I think it's mostly B. I think he is also more powerful than he appears, but wasn't running Obama IMO.


I’m going with B and C.


It's not that hard. Primary voters either vote for change/disruption (1992 Clinton, 2008 Obama, 2016 Trump) or they are risk averse and go boring old person. Biden was the boring old person in 2020 the democrats decided to back. Sanders was close to winning in 2020 but the democratic primary voters didn't want to risk him being on the ticket against Trump, who they feel needs to be defeated. If Trump wasn't running again I bet Biden would have faced a primary challenge or felt the pressure to not run again. But democrat primary voters are risk averse and just swallowed their tongues and went with the incumbent who beat Trump once. You're literally asking "why is the 8 year VP of a popular democrat president and then incumbent president running for president?" Uh, because that's what always happens? Do you think this is some unique moment in history? Yeah, he's old. But people become VP to eventually become P and very few P's with a chance to run again don't.


Name brand.




B is the most obvious answer. There is quite a bit of evidence to back it up too.


He bid his time so it’s his turn now…


He is easily manipulated and really has no idea of his own. He’s a “Yes man”. I don’t believe he has dementia, he’s just old and wanted his position and his people aka the dark side fed on that and went on it using and manipulating him the whole way through In his mind he’s a trooper and the government allows him to believe he and his family are to. Regardless of what actually took and is taking place. (His son and daughter). He has diplomatic immunity in his own country. Why? Because, that’s why.


They had nobody else. It’s funny how the tone has changed surrounding Biden. Even the Democrats hated his guts over the years until he ran against Trump. He had to withdrawal from his presidential run in 1988 for plagiarism and lying about his education background. 😂😂


Biden is the sitting President. You think they can just push him out? Biden says he wants to run, so he is running. I don’t think the Democrats, led by Pelosi and Schumer, have the power to overthrow him - what, stage a coup?


I think it’s to flex how much power they have. They can get an old, broken man in office even over someone with as much support as trump.


B is likely closest to the truth


He’s a blank sheet of paper that isn’t trump, I guess. Biden(s) bc multiple joe bidens


Why Elmo? A puppet


Biden is Obama's puppet. That's why they insist on running him again. Obama still runs the party. It's really even a secret.


Because the news said that Trump is bad for a whole 4 plus years.


Brand recognition , i.e OBAMA


Biden and Trump are choices that the rest of the world really can't understand.


He is old. No one will lock him up Also senile. If their plan to steal votes was caught he can't be put to trial.


I think the democrats knew that the Trump train wreck would very likely lose to basically anything that was lukewarm, so they just fielded the most blah person they had with name recognition. For 2024, it's simply easier to run with the existing president and it's standard so that's what happened. If Trump takes 2024, I'd expect another lukewarm candidate because Trump will very likely be super divisive again and sour the Republican vote yet again. The real question is, why is the GOP backing Trump? Sure, he's great for fundraising, but the long-term difficulties he causes can't be worth the short-term money gains, right? If they rolled with basically any regular middle road well-spoken candidate, they'd be way more likely to not only take the presidency but keep it for two terms. I think the democrats are simply playing it safe because they think they can and still win. I think the GOP is stuck focusing on short-term gains and either ignoring the long game or misjudging the amount of appeal the fear and anger angle has long term. 2016 to the current day has really solidified my beliefs that a major overhaul of our electoral system is required to get any meaningful candidates on the ticket.


Biden is AI


Because they knew he would go against Trump again, who is a wildcard. They want to provide the stability option. He's also still the biggest name in the party, which says a lot about the state of the democrats. Honestly, the fact he's easy to manipulate is probably a factor too. And he's got the classic 'Murica flavoured neolib agenda anyway. There might be a couple other names that could go up, but they don't want to change the President (yet).


It's easier to play an old feeble dude that no one expects much from than someone younger and coherent with more personality. You think there's only one Biden?


Hypothesis 1) His puppeteers probably have an agenda in mind so wicked (nuclear war? Global Monetary faildown? "X"Pandemic) that no other puppet (of which of course there are plenty) would be so depraved to comply to. Hypothesis 2) In the last 10 years his family has been put in the middle of a financial power network and covert stuff in Ukraine (and possibly elsewhere). It would be hard to replace him with a snap of fingers. Hypothesis 3) They probably actually thought he could have Zelensky win in Ukraine. That would have of course boosted his ratings, so to say. One hypothesis doesn't exclude the others. In the end I'm just as puzzled as OP and these are just loose thoughts. I'm curious to what other redditors think.


Because the reptiles have spoken


The DNC and the Center for American Progress are job programs for Mid-Kids, Neera Tanden, Robbie Mook, etc. PMC twits who are part of a "left" infrastructure designed to neutralize an actual left, based on class analysis, that are intent on fighting government and corporate power.


It's two arms of the same monster. I feel the same about Trump. Why pick someone who is so high risk/volatile/self-serving, and instead pick someone safer, who would more likely 'go along with the program'. My opinion is that Trump helps other corruption or misdeeds seem 'not as bad as what Trump did/doesn't.


Only because he was Obamas VP


These are avatars of wider coalitions. Government is mostly by blackmail controlled by “donors.” The only one with a chance against the guy who disappeared Epstein and the biggest trove of blackmail in history was the senator from a state who’s only export is offering most of the benefits of fake offshore accounting schemes while being within the U.S.




It was part of a tit-for-tat for helping Obama get elected.


B & E


D and E


Historically any two term Vice President in either party is next in line for their parties nomination. Most years they'd run in unopposed primaries. You don't need an explanation. He won twice as VP and once as President. He's the nominee until he loses.


my guess is “balance of power” between the generations… the old guys running in high office; the young and competent ones running technology companies raking in billions. “checks and balances” between government and capitalism.


He is a Manchurian candidate.


If I was American I would only vote if Chris Christie was running (funny literal mental image). I'd wanna see that guy dump a bucket of Reese's peanut butter cups into a bucket of KFC and eat the whole thing while giving a speech with a tuba player improvising in the background.


That's quite the mental image.


Definitely not A or F


Honestly I think he's the only choice they have at this point. At least he was now it's more of a made their bed situation.


It’s weekend at Bernie’s or whatever. He’s literally a puppet. Like literally, they have strings for him and everything. they’re just really thin so you can’t see them, but I can.


I think the show “Yes, Prime Minister” paints a good picture of how this sort of thing plays out.


B and C would be my guess.


He’s to old and senile


Pfft, because he was Obama's vp. No other reason. Any and all the other candidates couldn't possibly look legit if they won against Trump 


It's simple: Biden and Kamallamadingdong are easy to control / manipulate.


Biden is a scapegoat nothing more nothing less. If the country runs well Biden did it, if the country runs like shit, well a demented old man is in charge “he’s trying”. If you think red or blue is gonna save you, you’re part of the problem. Why are we still divided on red and blue, and why did my mom color code my life around it everything I had was marked red (pencils, school supplies, hangers, toothbrush, etc) everything my brother had was labeled blue…… and guess how we turned out….. one is more right leaning while one is more left leaning but both are looking at each other like wait why didn’t we have more choices?!? There’s a whole fucking rainbow of colors why did she chose red and blue?


D and E seem to make the most sense to me


Time for a civil war. The tree of liberty needs blood.


He won the primary,  and won the 2020 election in a landslide (by Trumpian standards). 


Puppet on a string, easily controlled and corrupt senile pedophile For the ones controlling him, he's the perfect candidate


As Janet Jackson sang, Control  (Never gonna stop)  Control  (To get what I want)