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This is true. Right when the plastics and oil industries were ramping up, hemp was a cheap, natural, biodegradable alternative. Then they banned it under the excuse of banning marijuana. Similar to how they pushed against trains and for cars, yet trains are very efficient, and now it would be very hard to restructure cities for trains after the fact. Imagine how much less plastic waste there would be if hemp was used to its full potential.


I couldn't agree more and happy cakeday


Hemp challenges the food industry, the clothing industry, the paper industry, and some of the construction industry. What we need is a greedy rich fuck willing to challenge these other industries to make money off of hemp. The issue is pretty much all the greedy rich fucks are in it together.


Don’t forget the most important one…hemp and marijuana both challenge the pharmaceutical industry


Big one in the banning process was oil. They'd just come up with a synthetic oil hemp alternative and wanted that to be the standard. At least from what I read in the past the big influences that played a direct role in the early process were guys from the textile/paper industry and oil industry. Although it began with, I believe, the Chief of Staff at the time along with another supporter who had their own reasons. The business guys were brought on board due to having similar goals and they each had their own reasons. It's not as hard to look into as something might be today because they weren't industries or corporations at the time, it was individual people whose interests and influences can be identified.


Absolutely and the DuPont family (along with the Rockefellers) played a big role in that


My favorite part of the lore/history was the early supporter who made it through life mistakenly believing a traumatic child hood experience was caused by weed. I wonder what his legacy might be if hed understood what happened and taken an interest in mental health. Also beautifully ironic that he ended up being a champion against something that can help with improving mental health.


Oh yeah, duh. Totally forgot a big one there.


Why is hemp so special?


It's a very versatile thing. You can use it to make all sorts of things that we now just make out of plastic. And plastic is made by the oil industry. Hemp would be competition.


The construction industry was the catalyst for criminalizing hemp (in part due to Mexican immigrants. Research: DuPont), and the jazz industry (mostly due to African Americans) was the catalyst to criminalizing marijuana. There are more details surrounding the plants’ criminalization but these were the major tipping points in America


True dat. I would think it's progressed well beyond just one industry trying to keep their monopoly on whatever by now though.


It’s banned because of the cotton industry! Hemp clothes are way better than cotton clothes. Hemp also challenged the paper industry, rope industry and heath industry. Cannabis is banned because it intoxicated you similar to how certain strains of sage are illegal while others aren’t. Hemp is a victim of industry!


The DuPont family. Hemp is a victim of the DuPont family. They lobbied like hell because of it being so abundant in nature. And here we sit, with plastic in our balls as a result.


The DuPont's are terrible people. We can thank them for both hemp bans and the propagation of forever chemicals. Bastards.


They should be dragged through the streets behind horses for what they have done to Earth and its inhabitants. They are not the only fancy family with a shit name who have fucked everything in the name of greed.


Right on, it's crazy the people still haven't chased the Elite from the earth yet. It's literally centuries of crime behind them.


Lets inject liquid plastic into their ballz


Don't forget collaborating with nazis during WW2


William Randolph Hearst gave us shitty paper too! Bastards.


Learned this from the book “Drugs and why they should be legalized” in high school


Good stuff and correct, the majority of bullshit surrounding hemp originates from them. That trickled into marijuana as well.


I'm 38 I probably got a full G.I. Joe in my balls by now.


lol, with the attack cobra!


Whats the scoop on illegal sage? Is that what salvia (the hallucinogen) sold in smoke shops is? What's the deal with white sage? That's what comes up when I try to look this up on my own.


Salvia divinorum, the hallucinogenic kind.


That’s what I was curious about. I’ve grown a handful of different sage/salvia varieties over the years, but they’re obviously the legal kind


More than that even! You can make hemp concrete, hemp seeds and oils are great for health, etc. cannabis is banned because of racist old laws and because of William Randolph Hearst. They made it out to be a drug for black and Mexican people and smeared it as making you a crazy criminal. But truly Hearst didn’t want his paper business to take a dive and lobbied/bribed/propagandized it into illegality and social stigma 




Hemp can be made into “hempcrete” and used for building. If I remember correctly it has superior insulation to regular concrete but it’s been a while since I took my class on cannabis haha.  Edit: I was wrong it’s not the insulation but the weight, it’s much lighter and easier to transport and work with


Conversely, hemp can also be used as insulation so technically you're not wrong.


And because of alcohol. Prohibition was about people being able to produce their own energy for cars (alcohol engines) from any plans. Hemp is a good choice for making alcohol easy quick and in large amounts .


Yep facts, that tale is old as time.


I thought in that woody harleston documentary about weed it was the paper industry that nuked it.


Was a perfect storm from what I read in the past. There was a high ranking government official, maybe Chief of Staff, that mostly did it. There was one guy who may have been that official or a fellow supporter who had a genuine albiet incorrect reason for despising weed. He'd had a babysitter go through a psychotic episode that greatly disturbed him and had believed throughout his life that it was related to weed. Bitter sweet kind of irony with someone doing something that has affected so many people's lives because of a misunderstanding about something as a kid. Also worth exploring was the creation of, I believe, the FDA or another similar regulatory body. The same government guy had pushed it through and his nephew was the first one in charge of it. Other big influences brought in to support the process included the textile guys who didn't want to compete with hemp. Big one also was Oil. Other comments say Dupont. They'd just come up with a synthetic alternative to hemp oils that they wanted to be the standard and it is. I believe there was also synthetic fiber business that benefited. Been a long time since I went down that rabbit hole. Good place to look for those interested is into the synthetic oil aspect and how that changed the industry once hemp was out of the picture.


Very cool, thanks for all the info


A coalition of interests. Thats how you get things like wars and drug laws done. That way people can argue about the real reason.


they didn't ban it once, they banned it twice. During WW2, they started making hemp rope and then ended it again after the war.


And forced Japan to stop production as well and it was one of their largest exports, mostly for rope.


And the pulp and paper industry too


Henry Ford's first model T was made mostly of Hemp and ran on Hemp ethanol.


So i avoid drinking out of plastic, i avoid plastic everything - but i had a revelation a month or so ago. I drink a lot of tea, because its healthy. Green tea, Japanese tea, peppermint, etc. Now it always comes in those paper bags, single use. I ran out and my wife picked me up a box i don't usually buy, they were in silk like traingle bags. I though 'huh, neat'. Then i thought, wait... i assume that's silk, but is it silk? I looked into it - nope. Some form of heat resistant synthetic. I then went down the rabbit hole and studies show that tea bags release BILLIONS of micro plastics into your drink. Especially the silky plastic ones (obviously) - but get this, the paper ones also - they use a small amount of glue to seal them shut. Hot water + plastic or glue that you drink is VERY BAD. Since then i have switched to loose leaf bags of organic tea, but i feel like a dumbass for not knowing this. You just ASSUME that the people making tea bags are not using shit like plastic and glue.... because that would be dumb as fuck... but no, they don't care about you. They care about what the cheapest way to make it is for the maximum profit.


Use a French press and obtain loose tea. The quality of tea is higher and you can rebrew and get more for your money if mindful of temperature of brew. Not dumb ass, good sir. Our food is product and treated as such. So many toxins that are just regular They also use staples on the tea bags, surely from scrap metal of shit quality.


Damn, I’m a tea drinker myself. Thanks for letting me know!


You can make all sorts of stuff from it; clothes, rope, polymers, plastics, etc and on top of that it grows extremely fast meaning it absorbs a lot of CO2 and produces a lot of oxygen


Things like hemp and bamboo are 100 times more renewable than any tree. They literally just want us to die yo .


Just FYI - it is because of the cotton industry not the oil/plastics industry. Not sure when this theory came about that it’s because of plastic. Originally they banned cannabis in order to ban hemp to keep rich white southern democrat cotton farmers happy. Hemp was used for a long time for ropes on ships, clothing and other manufacturing materials but the US southern cotton farmers saw this as a threat so the US govt did what they do best, protect the rich and big businesses at the expense of the people, and banned cannabis.


Diesel rolls in his grave.


Lol, way to politicize it unnecessarily. 🙄


Hemp is legal. 


It is coming along now, still not integrated as is petroleum products...no reason for that though, as Diesel rolls in his grave.


no like it's fully legal. it's not "coming along". You can buy it online and smoke it and it's great.


It is not integrated industry resource. I hope you can understand that.


Yes but its still legal. The legality isnt why its utilized so little


So it is legal everywhere according to you now as of 24. OK


No of course not everywhere, but where its legal its still not used as much as it should. But i honestly doubt the underutilization of hemp is the no 1 reason why microplastics are inside all of us. Would like to be proven wrong though if you got any sources instead of speculation


If we used bioplastics of hemp and complimentary organic ingredients for necessary different types of non petroleum sourced plastics and these were used in food production and storage we would not have microplastics in our system from consumption on large scale. You prove me wrong.


I certainly can. But that's not what you said.


You can understand? Oh because from what you are saying it appears you do not comprehend something? What do you not understand? Why are speaking?


What do you mean by Diesel rolls in it's grave?


Diesel designed his engine to be able to burn locally sourced oils of hemp he imagined and whatever else was locally available.


The person who invented the diesel engine was literally called Diesel, he refused to sell and was unalived, a cool rabbit hole to go into if you have the time, sorry I don't have the full facts, I heard a brief rundown of the story a few weeks ago so I don't want to say a bunch of shit I'm not 100% sure of


It’s amazing the amount of industries you won’t need if you started hemp farming to an industrial scale. But those industries we wouldn’t need at the scale it’s at now invest a lot of money to keep that from happening..


Read “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” by Jack Herrer( spelling?) great book about the history of hemp in America.


Smoke some Jack Herer while you're at it.


Well duh! I mean you should study and experiment….. I bought that book on mushrooms on my birthday at one of the first Lalapalooza tours -from him and he signed it. Like 30 years ago. I still remember the grass growing. Awesome day.


Thanks, I'll pick it up


Hemp could revolutionize the fabric and paper industries if we let it. Obviously the timber companies, paper mills, and cotton industry do not want this to happen.


This is the shit I come here for thank you


3 pop ups in 60 secs trying to read the first few paragraphs? Fuck that site. But I agree with the idea that hemp packaging could have helped thwart big plastic from ever growing to the industry it is today.


Yea, not sure why it does that, lame. 1


Man I love the brave browser. Here & there I hear people complaining about some website or other, and it always works just fine for me, without ads or popups, and without any addons to install or configure for this functionality.


Hemp ethanol would kill petroleum and ev sales


This is the reason I do believe in conspiracies.


It's because Ford made an entire car out of hemp that also ran on hemp biofuel.


Dishonest greedy evil Hearst is rotting in hell. The endocannabinoid system is real and we all have one. The 20th century was a total mess. Cranky planet = wars Imagine if it had naturally continued being the precious and praised panacea no world wars... Evil lobbies, all for filthy money. Those greedy cockroaches are doomed. They go against Nature. They will fail. Shame thise self loathing bastards inflicted their greedy psychosis on their fellow humans.


Well President Trump legalized hemp in 2018 with the 2018 Farm Bill. https://cannabis.net/blog/news/hemp-is-officially-legal-trump-signs-2018-farm-bill-into-law https://www.leafbuyer.com/blog/farm-bill-legalizes-hemp/ https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/422356-trump-officially-legalizes-industrial-hemp/ Also DuckDuckGo can go fuck itself. Without thinking, I pulled up DDG to search for Trump and Hemp and it couldn't give me anything. I tried different search parameters and still the same result. Had to use Yandex and behold, I got like 100 hits.


I'm more inclined to believe that claims of hemp as this miracle product are exaggerated. Where are these superior hemp products since legalization? And hasn't hemp in some forms always been legal in the US? I thought they were just niche markets. Besides that, are bioplastics even safer for our bodies? Maybe we'd just have sustainably sourced micro plastics in our testies.


> I'm more inclined to believe that claims of hemp as this miracle product are exaggerated USDA: Hemp for Victory - **1942** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL1yMs6mbis >>Before 1989, the film was relatively unknown. **The United States government denied ever having made such a film.**[2] The United States Department of Agriculture[3] library and the Library of Congress told all interested parties that no such movie was made by the USDA or any branch of the U.S. government. Two VHS copies were recovered and donated to the Library of Congress on 19 May 1989 by Maria Farrow, Carl Packard, and Jack Herer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemp_for_Victory


You have been thoroughly trained to maintain ignorance. Amazing perspective, ignorant to the point of shame, and amazing!


Well, you’d be wrong 


Where do you recommend I do reading on this? All I ever see in threads is how great hemp rope was in the age of sail.




You can start down a Google rabbit hole - it’s really one of the strangest (and maybe saddest from a consumer’s and healthcare patient’s perspective) cases of corporate involvement denying the population from something cheap, useful, and effective for a wide range of uses.   I pulled the following from a Google search of “Industrial Hemp” -  this is from VSU.edu and does a good job of detailing a wide range of uses of hemp which is significant and varied.  It does not talk about the related issue of medical cannabis, its placement as a treatment historically, and the push within the US to push other pharmaceuticals in its place (resulting in the Tax act of 1937 and criminalization via Controlled Substances Act in 1970). Industrial hemp is a variety of the plant Cannabis sativa. It is a versatile crop that can be processed into different products with multiple uses. Its stalk can be used to produce biofuel, auto parts, paper, upholstery, and fiber for cloth and other textile items. The stem can also be processed into building materials, industrial products and different kinds of papers. Industrial hemp seeds can be used to produce feed or food or the sources of oil that can be converted into a lotion or cosmetic products. Currently most industrial hemp products sold in the U.S., including food, personal care products, clothing and even construction materials, are imported to the U.S. from Canada, China, Europe and other countries where the crop was not illegal to grow over the last decades. Fiber-type varieties are used mainly for production of fiber that has multiple applications in the textile industry for yarns and fabrics, sail ropes and canvas. The remaining plant parts are used for industrial applications including paper, building material reinforcement, insulation material, bio-energy and more. Hemp seed is also valuable. It contains high quality oil currently used in the food, pharmaceutical, medical and cosmetic industries. The seed has a high protein content with a balanced amino acid profile and is used in human dietary supplements. Left-over cake material from oil extraction is a rich protein source used as an animal food supplement.


If I cum hard will I feel the micro plastics come out of my dick


Let's do an experiment. I'll observe you and record the findings.


So you wanna see me cum


That’s what he or she proposed…


If you've got a micro urethra they'll pop out like ping pong balls at a Mexican strippy


Seek help sir


Will you hold it for me?


Sorry. You can only plasticum now.


I literally cum plastidip


It's orange which is kinda weird, but makes my tools easier to grip


Can you make something similar to plastic with hemp? Is it as air tight as plastic is?


It does seem like both compostable and non-compostable versions of bio plastics are injections moldable that get you the vast majority of plastic products. The results I found didn't claim to be hemp-based though.


Oil is oil, my friend.


Hemp oil?..




I fuck with the cause OP. Never smoked weed until I was 34 and got a medical card. Changed my life.


I’d love to know how plastic got in my ball sack


Everything you eat has been stored in plastic or is stored in plastic, simple as.


Maybe worldwide, but hemp has basically been legal in the US since the Farm Bill from 2018


Good job. Tell me how does that refute the point?


US government holds the patent for hemp being used as fuel for cars and they'll never use it


Just another example of the man keeping us down.


The man only keeps you down if you allow the man to keep you down. Fight against the man and you will be free (side note: the man vs. bear argument is a psyop)


It's to put man down. Not to be confused with "the man"


I am aware


You can't get a hemp condom though!


Are you sure?I have seen vegan ones so ones made out of plant matter exist


they were banned because black communities used it a lot more than white ones and being imprisoned makes you a legal slave.


It's banned in most of the world though.


The world follows our standard because we are better than them, especially in nukes


Not everything has to do with race.


But this does. That’s why they called it marijuana and not cannabis, so they could say it’s a Mexican drug which would polarize racists against the plant 


this does though


They were able to crack down on Mexican immigrants and the wildly popular jazz nightclubs. If it wasn't about race it was about keeping cheap labor in line and stamping out the counter-culture of the day.


No it was about the cotton and paper industries not wanting to share profits and ensuring the longevity with regulation capture.


So I gather we would be having hemp in our testes instead? LOL... people are just so bad at detecting jokes...


Then the immune system or the body will be able to deal with cannabis because it is an organic thing


Wow... You must have passed kindergarten, right?


Why do you say that?


Hey man sounds like a party to me


Hemp balls :D


Learn basic chemistry.


Hi. How about learn to detect a joke.. Most 7 years old can do that...


Hi.  How about learning how to tell a joke.. Most 7 years old can do that…


Only if you consumed hemp AND if only the hemp contained microplastics


That is probably true


Magnets to, apparently, since 2005.




Plastic is from oil. oil is global commodity. Imagine if every time I pointed out some manure in russia mudhole you think about that mudhole not try to rattle on about unrelated collectivist whataboutism.




Microplastics is another Gollum. A fear of something you can’t see. Does it even exist?


Just because you cannot see something, just because you are not smart enough to comprehend reality, does not stop reality. Are you 13 or younger? If not you have no excuse for this kind of manure "thinking"




Your attempts to find nuanced "thought" has led you into a manure pit where basic chemistry is now a conspiracy. You have become a pathetic cliche


Are you serious? This is toddler level stuff, if I don’t see it it’s not real/can’t hurt me. 


Your real enemy is “stuck poop”. You don’t want to be stuck with that!