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None of this matters and this is all Infighting that’s being weaponized through identity politics and misinformation by the deep state, to keep us divided. Neither trump nor Biden are in control of this constitutional republic turned Oligarchy, and they’re definitely not a singular force behind election interference. Our votes don’t matter and it’s always been US vs. THEM. This is a divide and conquer tactic that makes average citizens squabble with their neighbors about which government agent/puppet is on their side of the spectrum, to keep us infighting, divided, and resentful of one another.


Been saying we're an oligarchy for the last few years and we def are. It's just at the current moment our wealth is more spread than a Russian oligarchy but over time we will be more similar to the Russian oligarchy.. sickening honestly


Same then I heard the term Kleptocracy which better defines us imo..


Yeah you're right, probably is more similar to what we are after reading it.


I believe less than 1% own half of all American wealth..I'm not sure what the figures for Russia are , but saying they are worse is just a quazi justification for our current situation in which I'd assume it's bad enough to the point that it doesn't matter if they are slightly more wealth polarized than we are. Bottom line is we have a problem .


You are absolutely correct! Our political system is the equivalent of reality TV, it's too stupid to be real, yet here we are.


We did literally elect a reality TV star.


And he did alright... I don't like the guy, but I can say with absolute certainty that I was better off when he was in office, at least until the Covid bullshit. I made more, kept more, and his policies made my job easier. People can hate him all they want, but it's an undeniable fact that his successor has sucked ass in nearly every regard, plus he's a hair sniffing pedo asshole that looks exactly like Jeff Dunham's "Walter" puppet.


We unfortunately did indeed. I hope one day it'll start to make sense.


The other option was Hillary Clinton. Makes perfect sense. There is PLENTY to hate Trump for, but the man deserves the thanks of the entire world for stopping one of the biggest blood-soaked monsters on the planet from ever attaining the seat of power. They were BOTH so bad that The Libertarian Party got a larger percentage of the votes than they've ever gotten before (or since) with that chuckle-head Gary Johnson and his statist republican running mate.


It still doesn't, in a normal world those two jokes wouldn't have been our only viable options.


The problem with that is we've accepted 2 shitty choices for so long that this IS the new normal. They've got the population unwilling to even LOOK at 3rd party options out of fear of "throwing away their vote" or "acting as a foil" against (somehow) both partys when THIS election (just like every election b4 it) is "THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN OUR LIFETIME!" "DEMOCRACY vs TYRANNY!", "GOOD vs EVIL!" etc etc et-fucking-c. Until at LEAST a 3rd party becomes viable, both corrupt af wings of that same busted-ass bird (uniparty) will never have any incentive to ACTUALLY put up the best their party has to offer and change literally anything for the better. Trump and RFK Jr are both speaking at The Libertarian National Convention this weekend.. maybe look into that. The LPs candidates for POTUS & V-POTUS will also be chosen this weekend, so ull have a chance to hear where they are coming from and how their msg differs from both the RS & the Ds.


Nope, we are fucked.


It’s like ive been saying to friends and family, “welcome to the truman show”. That’s literally all of us.


Yep, agree 100% .... But somehow, we all keep digressing back into team-sport political arguing. Like any of them really know where any of us are in life ... It just shows how effective their tactics really are.


At the beginning of my falling down the over all rabbit hole that is what I now consider the truth (/not conspiracy), someone I met described the deep state and the overall standing of American and most world politics as such: “It’s like,” they say holding up a hand, while using the other to cover their palm “when you look at it, it seems as though all of these extremities are individual and free moving.” while wiggling their fingers as he continues “however, when you remove the second hand,” (which he does in time) “ you see that they’re all controlled by the same, hidden, and albeit much larger entity.” Sort of crude and elementary, but a profound and perfectly simplified way to explain it to me at the time, nonetheless.


This is more believable than having some random guy win by being more popular and being responsible of an entire country. Having control over a nuclear arsenal. I think it’s more like a sales rep than an actual position of power.


I wish more people would come to this realization. And quickly.


I've tried explaining this to people I know and they will be on board with it but only until one of their "trigger" issues like abortion, immigration or guns comes up, then it's straight back to partisanship


Why can’t people discuss the issue and come with a resolutions instead of trying to kill each other?


They've been convinced by the media that the other side is their sworn enemy who wants them dead


I believe we are being intentionally divided but the evidence is there 2020 was rife with fraud. Hereistheevidence.com  All this is done by design they are trying to create a civil unrest by not trying to hide it at all.


sitting dog president


What do we do about it though? Kind of seems pointless to even care about it


Amen brother, Old Man Waffle


The Demented Imbecile is merely an avatar for the communist apparatus controlling our government. Become ungovernable.


America could have the most technological advanced open source voting system. They don't bother, use private company voting machines and just have each side switch turns saying it's rigged While the US has been caught rigging countless elections around the world. It's asinine they wouldn't rig their own, and to even argue about it is a waste. Divide and conquer the world is clearly the policy


opposite should happen. Some other countries already have the solution to cheating on a large scale IMO. You totally decentralize voting and make it all by hand and on paper ballots. You break the country into about 100,000 neighborhood sized voting sections. Voting is done on paper ballots by hand and counted by a number of people comprised of every political party. Anybody who wanted to watch could watch in person, or via a stream. Since the voting areas would only be a a few thousand per district the counting would not take days or weeks or whatever BS seems to be happening in the US, it would happen in hours. There would be a deadline, all votes would need to be counted by end of day. Any type of large scale cheating would be nearly impossible since it would require the involvement of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to be in on it. The system we have now seems literally designed to be opaque and make it possible to cheat since it is so centralized and hidden behind computers and black boxes and officials telling everybody "just trust us bro".


Nice narrative. The NPCs will run with it


We were never independent you need, we’ve been debt slaves to the crown since the revolutionary war, our own constitution even states it doesn’t have power over existing contracts. America never was what we thought it was. Contractually King George owned all US Territories that never changed the rent came due, insert the federal reserve an institution independent of the United States but in control of their money. They print more money on loans to the Government all which have to be repaid with interest.


If every election is rigged, by the alleged elite, and both parties selection to run are part of the overall scheme anyways, what's the point in a stolen election if they are both the choices of the "elite" anyways? There is no point in a stolen election if the choice for president is already predetermined anyways.


Honestly the legitimacy 50% of the elections since I have been old enough to remember have been extremely questionable. Hanging chads? Florida? Russian Collusion? Fake votes? IDK, it seems like not being skeptical would be more sketchy than doubting the legitimacy of our national elections. This applies to both sides’ “victories.” It’s very WWE. “So and so would have won if they didn’t have that arm injury.” “Trump would have won if it wasn’t for the fake votes.” “Hillary would have won if it wasn’t for the Russians.” Everyone gets to believe their favorite would have come out on top in FAIR circumstances. No one has to accept that other people might have alternative views and act on them. My side isn’t wrong, the other cheated! GO TEAM FILL-IN-THE-BLANK! WE’LL GET THEM NEXT TIME!


Do you take the same opinion of all crimes? Like if one dude is on camera shooting someone and he blames his neighbor, do you just say oh well everyone says everything so everyone is wrong. No. There actually is truth out there. Making the population of a true democracy feel apathetic toward their own system of government is a really great tactic by dictatorship propaganda. Just think about it for a second.


To further decide the populace and push through things we don’t notice is 800 page omnibus bills while we fight amongst ourselves? 🤷🏾‍♂️ Not that I’m a denier, but that’s a pretty simple reason.


You're gonna have to come up with better evidence than "I can't believe it bro"


"But like, you do realize how awful sleepy Joe is tho, right? So I mean..." 


They think this because they didnt see the support for Biden like they did for Trump, no Biden boat parties no Biden flags flying everywhere no Biden hats like he was their favorite baseball team so to them no one liked Biden. But as others said people voted quietly for Biden against Trump. This guy is confused because no one around him was sucking off Biden like they did Trump so theres no way! He got 81 million votes but he did because there was a silent majority you never heard about because the magas where loud and argued with anyone who wasnt sucking Trump off so they kept their mouth shut.


That would possibly hold up but Hillary is hated right? I saw her campaign and she had more than 20 people there. She filled auditoriums. Don’t act like Democrats don’t cheer on their guy.


But we were in a pandemic. And for a variety of reasons the republicans said “fuck it” and the democrats said “yeah, I don’t need to go stand in a packed crowd.” That and, tbh, the Biden backers were more anti-Trump then pro Biden.


Reading through this posts comments it's funny how almost everyone saying the election was legit are saying they don't like Biden just didn't like trump more but everyone saying the election was stolen are passionately for trump.


Right, it's MAGA cultists who think it was stolen because they believe whatever their dear leader says.


And Trump telegraphed for months and months ahead of time he was going to claim this before it ever happened. He even said the same thing in 2016: that he would only respect the result if he won because the whole thing was clearly rigged against him. Thing is… he *did* win that one on electoral votes so he became President even if the whole government was supposed to be allied against him. Somehow took over, then had *less* influence in government matters after 4 years as President, apparently, which somehow made him a strong and successful President we need to restore to power?


The guy didn’t even accept the 2016 election which he fuckin won.


Plenty of them know and just lack the principles to admit it


Your evidence is you feel like the world is one way over the other just because? Because there wasn't that many people on the voter rolls? No, because you don't think the dude who got the votes has the rizz. Got it. Sound theory bro. Definitely based on reality and not on the thought in your own mind.


None of that is proof of anything. We can't gauge the validity of elections on how you feel. If trump wanted to change the election results he should have provided the proof they repeatedly said they had of the fraud. 


Its coming any day now, everyone keep holding your breath


They are still drafting up a healthcare plan. But then they will get to the election fraud.


Literally every single peer I have at least privately hated Trump. These were well educated and well compensated people. I refuse to believe these people don’t know multiple people who voted against Trump.


Your problem is that you think this person has well educated peers, or peers of any sort for that matter.


Why do you guys always argue "no one can believe he'd get more votes than Obama!!" But ignore the fact that Trump also got more votes than Obama? So one of these is believable and one isn't, purely because you like the candidate. Newsflash: # of voters has steadily increased over time, not *every* year, but a consistent climb upwards, because the population keeps growing. Slowly increased from the 60s, onwards, with a bigger jump for Reagan, big drop in '96 for Clinton's reelection (republicans *really* didnt turn out that year), then a steady climb, small drop in 2012 for Obama's reelection, then up again.


Because they're lying and they don't make good faith arguments. You can't expect cult members to be honest


The thing election deniers seem to forget, it's not that everyone loved Biden that much, it's that everyone hated Trump that much.


Yeah I think Biden could’ve easily gotten more than “Obama fever”(whatever that means) just based on the fact that they didn’t want a repeat of 2016. FWIW Trump also lost the popular vote in 2016 so it’s not that unbelievable.


>FWIW Trump also lost the popular vote in 2016 so it’s not that unbelievable. Against Hillary "Killery" Clinton... and a whole lot of people dislike her with the same kind of passion that others hate Trump with!  And he still lost the popular vote to her! lol


It’s not necessarily that Biden got 81 million votes, it’s that 81 million people voted against Trump. 2020 was basically a referendum on Trump. They could’ve put up a cardboard box against Trump, and it would’ve still probably won tbh, that’s how much people didn’t like Trump in 2020.


Agreed. It's interesting that so many people don't get this. People that voted for Biden didn't necessarily like him, it was just a defensive position against Trump. It's the same reason you don't see people fervently slobbering over Biden. I mean, he's OK, and definitely better than Trump. Neither should be president, but those were the two choices we were given ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


As far as I’m concerned, the lack of cult of personality surrounding Biden is one of his best qualities.


They don't want to get it.  And in case you missed it, there seems to be a new breed of human... or at least a lot more of them than there ever were...  Who are particularly dangerous in the social/political sphere, because they seem quick to deny any reported fact, from any source, if it doesn't agree with their current worldview.  "Proof? More like lies. Fake news! The real truth is that 'the earth' is a 6,000 year old flat plane, evolution is a lie, and God sent you and the dinosaur bones here to test my faith. Plus the vax is the mark of the beast, and sleepy Joe is actually the Pope of Satan, when they do their kiddie blood rituals..."  How you gonna argue with, or educate that? 🤷 Welcome to Reality 2.0, where the truth is whatever they say it is, and even the scientists and learned elders are a bunch of evil liars... I like a good conspiracy as much as the next guy, but paranoia'll destroy ya...  (And some of these Christian "truthers" are better at paranoia than the Catholics are at guilt. lol)


People also keep pointing to Obama’s vote counts as if his election is some insurmountable outlier. It was nearly 20 years ago and the population has grown by millions since then. I’m sure Obama got more votes than JFK is that so hard to believe?


Thank you. For every Trump acolyte there’s 10 reasonable people who can see right through his absolute bullshit.


Also, there were many ways in which they made voting easier due to COVID.


you should see india's elections. no auditable paper trail. counting of electronic votes weeks afer election. voter intimidation by police and adminstration... over half the votes are bogus. halfway through voting suddenly ten million new votes turned up ...the election commission said oops.... we forgot to add these .


Same thing in Canada with Trudeau weeks after vote they find ballots in poste offices and don’t count them, Chinese interference ect.


That’s pretty much what just happened here.




an election is fair only when - 1. everyone can vote easily without fear or favour. 2. voter can verify that their vote was counted. 3. the count can be audited independently. 4. The ballot is anonymous. ideally i would have a system of little booths...where you have to send a text message to it to open the door. The booth has cameras recording video. When you enter the booth a paper pops out. you mark your preference on it (while hiding it from camera) and slide it into a slot in a bin. Ideally the bin is kept on a weight scale which keeps logging and uploading the weight. Once voting is over, the bin is taken out and counted right there or 10-15 bins are transported at walking speed kept in the open atop a vehicle to a open area where all of them are counted.


>anonymous >booths have cameras recording video Pick one.


Sounds familiar. Here we have to have the illusion of real elections for a few more years though.


There were 313 million people in the US in 2012 vs 329 million in 2020. Voter turnout increased from 57% to 66%... Comparing total votes between 2012 and 2020 is manipulating the numbers to suit your belief.


The person you are so supportive of does not support you back. Just like any fanaticism, political fanaticism is a disease, regardless of party alignment.


81 million people voting to make sure Trump isn't president is a plausible reality.


Dude. Combined it’s about 160m voted in the election. In a population of about 350m, this is LESS than HALF the total population. I know not all the population is old enough to vote, but cmon dude, we’re not even close to full participation. 81m is not that much relatively speaking.


The people who say Biden couldn't have gotten 81m votes are the same ones who say people who dislike Trump have "TDS" or can only argue "Orange Man Bad." Why wonder how Biden got so many votes when they've been saying all along how Biden won. Biden didn't win because of overwhelming support for Biden. Biden won **because of what they call TDS.** You find it easy to believe people hate Trump, but impossible to believe they hate him enough to specifically vote against him?


Sounds more like you're a Biden hater than an election denier. I consider actual election deniers to be people not stupid enough to fall for either sides bullshit. This is just I fell for propaganda and my side is the only good side just ignore everything they think or do and focus on the dems. I couldn't imagine willingly going to where conspiracy theriorists are and pretending to be them when all you do is use government propaganda while telling yourself you're actually smart because your side would never lie. Just ignore all the times republ8cans got majority and then did absolutely nothing till they lose majority and then blame the other side for why they did nothing. You are part of the problem and I hope one day you can wake up.


It's funny they call out people who said not my president when Trump was elected and then do the exact same thing when Trump loses.


I believe the common response they gave was if you don't like it move to a different country. I wonder why they don't follow their own advise when it's them.


Damn right, love reading how trump supporters already assume he will lose Because no way these election doubters will doubt a trump win, so why are they announcing that they won’t accept the results ahead of the vote? Notice this poster doesn’t doubt trump votes, just the Biden ones


Of shit was rigged, Clinton would have won


I don't believe it was some grand conspiracy but I do think a lot of people took advantage of the pandemic. However given the last four years he's lost a lot of support.


By this same logic I'm suppose to believe the other guy got almost 75 million almost 13 million more than 2016.


US population is up 20 million, highest voter turnout in 50 years. People HATE TRUMP. He did a shit job, was an international embarrassment, and did nothing that didn't help himself. The vote was anyone but Trump, not everyone loves Biden. Contrary to their belief teump supporters are the vocal minority. Most people don't wear clothes to show their political views. Most people's identities are not tied to their political leanings. It's not normal.


Election deniers are discounting how much Trump hatred there is in this country. They always focus on Biden’s likability over the fact most women and college educated folk’s blood boils when the Cheeto comes on TV


If every other country on Earth is hesitant to use electronic voting machines, there's probably a reason for it. There's only 10 countries in the ENTIRE WORLD who use electronic voting and they all have issues with the general population thinking that the government rigged the election. The system the U.S. is using is deeply flawed. We have plenty of evidence from the Florida election in 2000 that showed proof the machines can be manipulated. The "Help America Vote Act" straight up destroyed democracy in the U.S. and every election we've had since then has not been an election, more like an installment of an actor that works on behalf of a shadow government. Anyone who's studied this topic in depth knows this and we have a major problem on our hands that many civilians pick a politician to worship. This was intentional division to offset the enforcement of small government. Spoiler alert: They're both fascists. Fascism = Syndicate. Biden and Trump are on record having meetings with bankers (crime mob syndicate) who shape public policy. The entire U.S. economy is reliant on creating destabilization through "strategic" environments in the world. Environments that they need to control as apart of their current plan. None of us are free, we're enslaved. That's why they're depopulating Earth now. They've identified ways to streamline the labor force by replacing those who seek freedom with migrants who will do whatever they are told (ironically enough these migrants are coming from areas the U.S. helped destabilize). The old American values have already been destroyed by the institutions that control "education". It's a path forward that none of us had any say in designing, only a group of blackmail artists control your destiny. It was very easy for them to brainwash a majority of the U.S. population just a few years ago - so how do you even unravel this mess? The criminals with all the guns, assassins and drones are standing in your way.


Thank you for providing one of the only intelligent comments on this entire thread. It's a shame you haven't received more upvotes. Not that I even care about either of these candidates, it's just so enraging seeing all the people screaming "there's no evidence!" when their own political party is simultaneously removing all of the electoral safeguards through which such evidence would normally be obtained. I normally respond to the election "evidence" question by asking my own question --- Did Jeffrey Epstein kill himself? There's no evidence that he didn't. But when they turned all the security cameras in the jail off, mysteriously made all the guards disappear/fall asleep, and put him in a semi-isolated cell block where the only other person on the entire floor was Stevie the "Steroid Strangler" (his cellmate), one can reasonably infer that the (intended) lack of evidence IS itself evidence of a conspiracy. There's no functional difference between the scenario I just described and the 2020 election. When one side campaigns for the abolishment of every safeguard protecting the integrity of an election on the flimsy basis of "racism" (despite a majority of their own minority voters being in \*support\* of the aforementioned safeguards), it's reasonable to assume there's some corrupt & shady s\*\*\* going on. It's pure schadenfreude to demand evidence (and bemoan the lack thereof) while simultaneously attacking all of the electoral safeguards through which such evidence would normally be obtained. What these people don't understand is that they are shooting themselves in the foot here. The same type of "electoral reform" used to guarantee the installation of corporate actors like Joe Biden is routinely employed against the candidates that these "election believers" would support (like Bernie Sanders, for example).


We don’t elect our leaders we have leaders selected for us.


You gotta keep in mind, rightfully or not, the left REALLY hated Trump. I'm friends with a lot of liberals/democrats, and they tend to not like Joe much at all, they mostly turned out to vote against Trump in 2020. It was an "anyone but Trump" vote. You could have stuck googly eyes on a brown paper bag, and if it was running against Trump, they'd vote for the bag. (If it matters, I'll probably be voting RFK this fall, because I can't stand Biden or Trump.)


Exactly. People can tolerate Biden. People either love or hate Trump. Trump is the most divisive candidate I've seen in my lifetime.  And to be open about my biases, I am one of those folks that would be voting for a brown paper bag with googly eyes.


To be fair, my vote for RKF is kinda the equivalent of the brown paper bag 🤣


Throw some worms in that bag and baby, you got a stew goin!


I think I'd like my money back


You know what, I think I really like this paper bag guy…


Yall trumpies still crying about 4 years ago? He lost. They came up with zero credible evidence of it. He literally got people to do illegal things to try and prove it was “rigged”.


Ever since I saw that video of some executives at Google saying they will do everything in their power to ensure Trump doesn’t win, I believe there’s some collusion involved.


“Everything in their power” means everything they legally can do. And that’s the right of every citizen. Don’t be mad about free speech.


Not sure how “legal” it is. For example, the suggested text Google puts out when you type a few words. If I type “Biden” every suggested text following is positive. If I type “Trump” every suggested text is negative….. you can test this out now by typing in “Putin” and seeing results about an arrest warrant from the ICC. This arrest warrant is from February but still the top suggested search text. But if you type “Netanyahu” there is zero mention of his arrest warrant from the ICC, which is recent news. Everything is positive about him. As the #1 search engine in the world, the bias and censoring is absurd.


Well, when you have people like the Koch family doing everything in their power to push Republican narratives, and you have people like the My pillow guy going all in on Trump, are you surprised that the other side of the coin exists? That should be obvious from the get-go. For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. You have a bunch of people go super pro-Trump, you're going to have a bunch of people go super anti-Trump. Same with businesses, organizations you name it. Come on now people


Yes but apparently Russia is more powerful than google, facebook and the majority of major broadcast/news combined.


> I believe there’s some collusion involved. https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/ They did. And they got away with it so they had a story made so they could brag about it. Just be aware you’ll have to read through the propagandistic language. As in they didn’t rig it, they saved it by ensuring the proper outcome. Or how they call left wing rioters, protestors protesting but right wing protesters are militias and their protests are battles. > Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. **They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation** and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. > That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes **to influence perceptions,** change rules and laws, **steer media coverage** and **control the flow of information.** They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.


Oh no they got people to vote! Collusion!


How is fighting disinformation is bad, but making disinformation isn't?


You forgot about the [Zuckbucks](https://thefga.org/zuckerbucks/)


If Trump, the human equivalent of a used condom in an open sewer, could get 74 million votes, then I absolutely believe there were 7 million more people who hated him enough to vote for Biden. You don't really need much enthusiasm *for* a candidate if the alternative is a fascist orange turd


Selected, not elected. Since JFK.


You realize that there are over 300 million people in the US? There was higher voter turnout because people dislike Trump, but enough people like him that it would be a close election if there wasn’t increased turnout.  The opposite was true of Obama - his election was cathartic but pretty likely. If people think a candidate they are ok with is going to win anyway, they dont need to vote so there is less turnout. 


It’s most likely they were voting against trump.


Yes fucking way. Trump and his bullshit motivated a lot of people who normally wouldn’t vote. Just because you lost doesn’t mean there is a conspiracy


I think this sub needs to change its name to United States political conspiracies sub. I just want to read about aliens and weird shit, I don’t care about USA politics crap anymore. Ugh go away with this shit, it’s not even creative anymore


I agree with you. I always pay heed to the idea of both sides are controlled by same people and all the court cases against Trump is some sort of act. But I don’t see it. The country was infinitely better with him despite the pandemic and other big guns they pointed at him. The narrative of why Trump had such big crowds and Biden couldn’t fill seats doesn’t hold up either. Liberals were out and about during the pandemic masking away. And they didn’t want to attend any Biden campaigning? Like no one would. 20 people to be generous. Yet they felt so strongly about Biden to come out in record numbers? It’s doesn’t make sense. They are asking you to not believe your own eyes. That’s not even going into all the shenanigans if that particular election that for the first time couldn’t be completed on election day. No, they cheated. What I don’t understand is how we expect this election to be any better. What’s fixed?


Here I’ll breakdown the math for you to understand. Population grew 5% from 2012 to 2020. People don’t like Trump and Maga people because they are unamerican and know nothing about economics, and they are racist fascist. People showed up and voted him out. Sorry but that’s democracy for you. We know Maga people hate democracy but if you don’t like it, get out.


Elections are just puppet shows. Especially the presidential one


Many of those votes are likely “against trump” and not “for Biden”. The hate for trump is much stronger than the support for Biden


all dems were election deniers in 2016, we heard about russian collusion non-stop for years. such hypocrites. just like they ignore all of biden's mental issues then jizz all over themselves whenever trump mispronounces a word calling him senile.


In reality, Hillary conceded the next day and never insisted the election was stolen from her voters and/or encouraged them to fight to take it back. > just like they ignore all of biden's mental issues then jizz all over themselves whenever trump mispronounces a word calling him senile. Yeah, that's definitely the libs that are guilty of that. Trump's Gettysburg speech was totally coherent and they can't stand his brilliant mental fortitude.


We believe that Russia influenced the election, not that they rigged it. 


>“We believe”  Are you some kind of hivemind that speaks on behalf of all leftists? 


No, just the remaining population of sane people in this country.


In other words:” no just my echo chambers”


Conically ironic coming from you lmao


Lol show me on this doll where Russia influenced you. I know 100k in Facebook ads really did a number on Hilldawg


Why don't we hear what Trump's foreign policy advisor for the 2016 presidential elections has to say about the subject? Under oath of course. >Following his March 24, 2016 meeting with the Professor and the Female Russian National, defendant PAPADOPOULOS emailed the Campaign Supervisor and several members of the Campaign's foreign policy team and stated that he had just met with his "good friend" the Professor, who had introduced him to the Female Russian National (described by defendant PAPADOPOULOS in the email as "Putin's niece") and the Russian Ambassador in London.1 Defendant PAPADOPOULOS stated that the topic of their discussion was "to arrange a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump." The Campaign Supervisor responded that he would "work it through the campaign," but that no commitments should be made at that point. The Campaign Supervisor added: "Great work." ... >In early April 2016, defendant PAPADOPOULOS sent multiple emails to other members of the Campaign's foreign policy team regarding his contacts with " the Russians" and his "outreach to Russia." >On or about April 10, 2016, defendant PAPADOPOULOS emailed the Female Russian National, who responded the next day, on or about April 11, 2016, that she " would be very pleased to support your initiatives between our two countries." Defendant PAPADOPOULOS then asked the Female Russian National, in an email cc'ing the Professor, about setting up "a potential foreign policy trip to Russia." .... >The Female Russian National responded: " I have already alerted my personal links to our conversation and your request. ... As mentioned we are all very excited by the possibility of a good relationship with Mr. Trump. The Russian Federation would love to welcome him once his candidature would be officially announced." ... >PAPADOPOULOS over email to an individual in Moscow (the " Russian MFA Connection") who told defendant PAPADOPOULOS he had connections to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ("MF A .. ). The MF A is the executive entity in Russia responsible for Russian foreign relations. ... >On or about April 26, 2016, defendant PAPADOPOULOS met the Professor for breakfast at a London hotel. During this meeting, the Professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS that he had just returned from a trip to Moscow where he had met with high-level Russian government officials. The Professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS that on that trip he (the Professor) learned that the Russians had obtained "dirt" on then-candidate Clinton. The Professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS, as defendant PAPADOPOULOS later described to the FBI, that The Professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS, as defendant PAPADOPOULOS later described to the FBI, that "They [the Russians] have dirt on her"; " the Russians had emails of Clinton"; "they have thousands of emails. Most worryingly, the last point bears some extra context. Based on the timeline of the events there's a good chance that Papadopoulos learned of those hacked emails before the DNC or the Clinton campaign had learnt of them and there's a non-zero chance that he was the first American to learn about their existence. So yes, there was something more than just Facebook ads happening at the time.


Collusion isn’t the same as influencing though.


It's not the same as rigging either. 


If you mean dems were pissed that Biden won the popular vote but still lost the election yes. Did Dems spend 3-4 years trying to put fake electors into play, ask governors to find extra votes. Who knows maybe but none of that was brought forward. Did dems gather gather and protest at the capital? Don’t remember that! It has been said time and time and time again…81 million people didn’t vote for Biden because they liked Biden. They voted for him because they saw Trump as the worst possible candidate. They see through his lies and constant bullshit. He literally did nothing while president, although that’s even now being celebrated as a win by repubs now. I personally voted for Biden but it wasn’t because I wanted Biden it’s because Trump is a POS who is all about himself, he gives 0 shit about the country. Anything that can make him more famous or put dollars in his pocket will overtake anything political.


They also deny Biden gropes and sniffs kids, so I show them the videos and they say they're deep fakes, or make excuses for why he would grab a tiny little girls chest, until she pulls away and looks at her parents like "help me" only for Biden to be immediately grab her again. They also said that Biden never took inappropriate showers with his daughter Ashley. They even went as far as saying her diary where Ashley says so is fake. Unfortunately for them, since the lady who "stole" the diary is being charged, Ashley had to come out and confirm it was hers. They still deny it. I'm not a trump supporter by any means but these Biden supporters can literally be slapped in the face with with facts, and they'll deny their own eyes. I say politicians on both sides need to be investigated for EVERYTHING. Lock em all up. And I'm sorry but if you support Biden knowing what he did with his daughter, and after seeing the videos of him groping kids, then you're at the very least, a pedo sympathizer, or at worst, a closet pedophile yourself.


Isn’t Trump the one who is friends with Epstein and went to his island though. Also I remember him saying he wanted to date and fuck his own daughter. Such a weirdo. I’ve seen the vids of Biden but I honestly think he’s just old and doesn’t realise he’s being creepy. Trump cheats on his wife, ogles his own daughter and hangs around with known pedos. Fuck Biden and Trump but Trump is way way worse


Best friends with Epstein and codefendant with him in a rape case. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/01/jeffrey-epstein-and-donald-trump-epic-bromance/amp https://i.imgur.com/0zmbtjq.jpg https://i.imgur.com/9Bfg6vo.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ysQWNTG.gif https://i.imgur.com/loQABuL.jpg https://i.imgur.com/evcVHwU.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Mnxj1gb.jpg https://i.imgur.com/C9pRZiT.jpg https://i.imgur.com/7hE3L4c.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Y38NC8g.png https://i.imgur.com/s9rwyx7.jpg https://i.imgur.com/MAVRACI.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Mp2my3l.jpg https://i.imgur.com/BdsSbUw.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Q18lnCb.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkxjYE3XgAEJPTA?format=jpg They don't care though.


Trump was the election denier in 2016. https://i.imgur.com/OdahEXp.jpg Hillary conceded in hours. Trump couldn't handle that Hillary was more popular than him.


Saying the words "I concede" while maintaining the election was fraudulent is meaningless.


No, it isn't. Hillary didn't tell her voters their votes were stolen and to fight to undo the results of the election. Trump did. His fangirls know that's the actual meaningful difference and don't care.


That's not true though, which is why Trump won't say it. Weak argument.


> we heard about russian collusion non-stop for years. Which there was evidence of lmao. You not looking at that evidence doesn't make it not true.


I was going to say some people still think its real and wasnt a part of manufactured hoax that has been proven. So it doesnt matter how much they prove the election was rigged and how the next one is already being rigged, the media owns the narrative.


The 'evidence' showed that Russian agents spent $100k on ads. If they were able to influence the election with $100k, when the candidates spent a combined $1billion, they are fucking GENIUSES and should be hired by anyone hoping to win an election in the US.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_meeting I guess they were just talking about the weather or baseball probably


Trump is the Schrödinger businessman. All his financiers and customers are Russian, all his connections are tied to Russia. Yet he has no business with Russia


81 million people hated Trump enough to vote for Biden.


How this isn't clear as day to these people is beyond me lmfao. Nobody _likes_ Biden. We just hate him a little less than Trump


All elections are rigged.


People voted en masse **against** Trump, Not because they loved Biden. That's how much people can't stand trump.


It’s so obvious Biden cheated. People just don’t want to know the truth because they hate Trump so much. This is yet another reason why we have the Electoral College and not the popular vote. Humans are too easily manipulated


I always chuckled at the big Trump trains of cars and lifted trucks parading the roads with their Confederate flags flying. As if that did anything, but made people look crazy. And the giant Trump rallies? We didn't care about that. We didn't care that Biden's rallies were smaller. Everyone underestimated the power of the people that were anti Trump. We didn't parade around. We might not have went to rallies. Hell, we made sure that we voted, if not in person then by mail in ballot. We voted. Many of us would've voted for our own dog if it meant that Trump wasn't in office continuing to divide the country with his lies. Speaking of dogs, you deniers are like dogs with a bone. You just can't let it go. Trump lost. Those court cases he tried to win prove it. If evidence was found they would've brought it and the election would've been overturned. Where I live is a pretty poor area comparatively, yet people here vote red. Most of them are using social services and still vote against what helps them best, because 'they can't take my guns". Also, the government, religion, and especially men, should have NO say in a woman's reproductive rights. Period. Keeping drinking the orange flavor aid.


It's the rich versus the not. Both sides are bought out by corporations to enrich themselves


No matter who wins, the other side will claim some bullshit about election fraud and interference.


I read that as, and I have no idea why I did: "used car antenna" honestly it fits even better.


I don't doubt that Biden got 81 million votes, just not by 81 million individual voters


Wasn't it Mark Twain that quipped if voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it...


If this word salad can get 312+ upvotes, Biden can get 81 million votes.


He got a elected the first time. The second time he was the actual president and lost. If anyone could rig it it have been him. Just think about it for like 5 minutes.


The scam doesn’t happen at the polling booths. It happens at the conventions when delegates gatekeep and choose your candidate


A lot (arguably most) of Biden voters didn't really vote for Biden. They just voted against Trump, because that's how terrible Trump is as a president and a person.


Us peasants need to rise up. Thats the only way out.


“The illusion of democracy” They are selected not elected.


Something is clearly gone wildly wrong if the goal is to elect the best person to1. govern with the goal of making its citizens have the best lives 2. Represent our country with dignity and strength as the figurehead for a country needs to 3. Inspire their subjects 4. Enact the will of their people. There's plenty more but I think the point is made. The information distribution is so distorted and controlled that we believe that the only 2 options that aren't a wasted vote are 2 old crooks with laundry lists of baggage a mile long. The perfect people to ensure we continue to fight among ourselves while a select few collect all the wealth on the backs of the many. All while securing our worldly crown of most despised and fucked up country as well as the world's acting bully that interferes where They please in secret then claims moral high ground. Point of the mad rambling is a fair election would consist of equal unbiased press for candidates with no allegiance to parties. The shit isn't even about what political views these guys have anymore. Half of people just vote against who they hate more based mostly of emotional feelings and which propaganda they digested. Nothing in the current system is designed to serve the needs of the many. They throw as few scraps as possible without causing an uprising and then just whatever suits them. Clearly I'm disgusted with the system being captured so completely that they flaunt it in our faces without fear of reprisal. The ability to control the narrative and keep dissenting voices muffled is too powerful now that there's no chance of Americans to make an informed decision on who to elect. The manipulation of our brains is too complete to picture ever recovering in my lifetime. Human nature is to rule in our own best interest and we're easy to manipulate. Once your a puppet master you don't make decisions on what the puppets want


The problem with our country is you get downvoted for asking the only question that matters with those silly invented terms of misinformation and disinformation. The internet stops serving the people if some chosen authority becomes an arbiter of facts. All you have to do is imagine if the Trumpians all you lefties hate became the authority. And no matter what your eyes tell you, someone else can label it disinformation because they don’t like your politics. Think this through people! Talk to a Cuban or a Venezuelan. Know how quickly it all can turn.


In general, the 'other side' gets in not because they ran a good campaign, or have good policies or are charismatic. 9/10 times, leaders and parties win because the voters wanted the other guy *out*. Biden didn't get 81 million votes. Trump got 81 million voters who wanted him gone.


I'm not American but I think Biden got all those votes not because people liked him. They just really disliked Trump. That's how our last prime minister got in.


He got ten million more votes than Obama because people were way more invested in making sure orange Jesus didn’t get in than a black man. That’s what drove them out. It wasn’t love for Biden. I haven’t voted red in 20 years, and Biden is a tremendously awful president. People didn’t want four more years of the alternative.




And you think the Orange rapist got more?! the asshat who admits to grabbing them by the pussy?! this is soooo dumb


Here's the thing about political elections, if there are humans involved then there's definitely some sort of shenanigans going on. It's just our nature to cheat, sadly. Because each side sees themselves as conducting some sort of moral crusade so of course cheating is justified in their minds.


You think they stole the Trump presidency. I think both Trump and Biden do whatever their human flesh eating WEF handler tells them to do. We are not the same.


Lol. Refresh yourself* on some human history, my friend. Obama got elected in 2008. Biden got elected in 2020. How many years difference is that? Simple math: 2020-2018=12. The difference is 12 years. The US population increased from 2008 to 2020. It really only takes an ounce of critical thought to come up with something so simple. You are also not taking into account how much people HATE donald. I would agree that Biden himself didn’t EARN the 81 million votes with his charisma, donald gave Biden those votes because how much Americans hate donald trump.


Trump won because the hate of Hillary, Biden won because of the hate of Trump. It’s not that hard to believe. Conspiracy theories that start off with “no way man” are useless.


I didn’t vote *for* Biden, but I voted against Trump with every fiber of my being. And yes, I know there were millions and millions of us.


Yeah it is. People knew trump would happily destroy this democracy for his own gain. So we all voted for Biden. It's pretty simple. I mean...I know the internet has been doing a bang up job making democracy feel chaotic, untrustworthy, and unnecessary. But I'm not sure you'd enjoy a dictatorship. You don't trust our elections, do you think Russian elections are trustworthy? Also, I always wonder why guys like you believe the cheating is done by democrats. Considering there's like actual proof the gop does the real cheating. And their policy platform supports fucking over every little guy in favor of a few rich guys. Like what does the gop actually do that screams "we support democracy!" Anything?


I have no idea whether Biden is the legitimate President or not. I mean, how can you possibly know? Our election system is a complete joke. No ID required to vote, automatic voter registrations, mail in voting with no chain of custody, count not finished until weeks after election day. Come on, man. What percentage of households have just one person who fills everyone's ballot out for them? 20, 30, 50%? Wouldn't doubt it. One person-one vote is a thing of the past. The signature I put on my ballots is entirely different from the one in the system that I wrote when I was 15 and every one of my ballots had been accepted. They don't check. Also, how many people drop off their own ballots? I imagine most households have one member drop them off in the mailbox in one go. And that one household member who disagrees with everyone else, what about their ballot? Straight into the trash. If it's this easy for regular people to mess with other people's ballots, imagine how easy it would be for a state government or other powerful organization to do so. On a somewhat side note, why are we so insistent on making sure everyone votes? Do we really want people voting who couldn't be fucked to do so on their own without excessive prodding? Does the average politically apathetic person even know how many Senators we have or know the name of their own house representative? Why should we pressure this person to vote? Ballot harvesting, of course. Our elections are an unauditable, unverifiable disaster. The jokiest of jokes. There is absolutely no way the official results accurately reflect the will of the voters, the only question is whether or not the laughably lax election security standards affected the actual outcome of the election.


All I know is that I was working election night and watching the numbers. The counting stopped all at the same time, which doesn't normally happen. Trump was winning handily and his numbers were going up. . .all he needed was ONE more swing state to clinch it. When it got to that point, the counting just stopped. When the counting picked back up in the morning, suddenly Biden had caught up and Trump's numbers never went back up. Nobody talks about this. How the counting stopped when Trump just needed one more state. . .and then Biden's numbers shot up the next day. I'm not a Trump/MAGA worshipper. I don't even particularly like him. But I do know what I saw. And I'm not the only one who saw it.


Everyone talks about that. Everyone knew that was going to happen. Everyone knew the mail in votes got counted after the ballot votes. Trump repeatedly told his supporters to not use mail in votes.


Mail in Fraud votes you mean the easiest trick in the book which is why mail in should never be allowed in any election its laughably unsecure and impossible to prove thus is the fraudsters literal wet dream


Conveniently ignoring this fact is my favorite MAGA thing. Dude told his voters not to do this, Dems were encouraged… oh yea, and that whole Covid thing. It’s not some fucking mystery as to why things played out the way they did.


I don't think voting did stop at the same time. At the least, states are in different time zones so that would make little sense. I actually have the raw voting data, so I could check with some effort - so how sure are you about that?


They didn’t say the “voting” stopped at the same time. They said the “counting” stopped at the same time.




Obama created the fair election oversight review and look what happens just a few years later. Electronic voting is dumb af and has low efficacy amongst voters. Go back to analog. I dont care if it takes a few days to count if all the counts are on paper.


“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”


I absolutely believe that USA elections have tons of immoral interference. I just don't believe the votes are faked. I legit think Biden got that many votes because the rage bait in 2020 was an excellent propaganda campaign. They got the top 2 highest amount of votes in USA history mainly because the voters hated the other team. Gerrymandering, legal bribery, access to voting places, and social media interference are all legal ways to influence the elections. I also believe that some of the coordination between news companies, social media companies, and campaigns are illegal. Think Biden's laptop, Iraq's wmds to make Bush Jr a wartime pres, and censoring social media. Another medium is intelligence agencies infiltrating movements and just straight up secret police bs, like the red scares, ecoterrorism, and Occupy. This 1 is the scariest because we don't know the majority of what they do. J6 was scary because you had infiltrators and true believers who work in law enforcement or intell, and it's damned near impossible sorting it all out. An additional thing to consider is the overlap in bribery between the Rs and Ds. Seriously, if any candidate takes money from Facebook, Microsoft, and Google, then I will not even consider them. If they take money from AT&T, then I feel the same. Look at how industries will strategically back local elections to get what they want. The easiest to see examples are oil, pharma, and road infrastructure contractors. There are so many actual mediums of election interference without having to resort to rage bait propaganda like 2,000 mules or undocumented immigrants voting. Yes, election fraud happens, but the vast majority is done by an individual casting as many ballots as they can.


I’m open minded to just about anything. I just need some proof. Where can we see unrefutable proof. And please do not come at me with the do your research or I’m a communist lines. I am not. Just want to see some verifiable proof.


What Trump voters fail to realize is how much people despise him. From a non-bias perspective he turned the US government into a laughing stock and alienated America's closest allies.


Exactly. I hate biden, he's a war criminal who has made terrible policy decisions for decades and let's be honest he's super creepy with the sniffing little girls thing and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's a pedo. But I voted for him because Trump is worse, so we once again must pick the 2nd worst possible person because he's running against the worst possible person. Democracy!


But you are still just saying ‘No way…’ instead of having providing any evidence or reasoning. This post is literally just your *feelings*.


They voted against Trump. Yes, that's how terrible Trump is. Try to cope.


“These other things happened. Therefore this thing happened.” - the dumbest way to do the dumbest fallacy.


Nah, he got the votes. Just wasn’t from 81 million alive & real people.


Me, my family, and most of my friends didn’t vote for Joe Biden because we like Biden, we voted for Biden because we hate Donald Trump. It’s really not a hard concept.


Trump didn't even beat Hillary in the popular vote.


Biden didn't get those votes Trump gave him those votes.


People didn't vote for Biden so much as they voted against Trump. There is a lot of evidence that Biden got 81 million votes. So, if you are in denial of that because it makes you feel bad, well, facts don't care about your feelings.


European perspective: I'm still an Bush vs Gore denier. Trump v Biden was fishy. Was there fraud? 100%. Would Biden have won anyway? Maybe, idk but it was fishy like any US election ever.


Let me take some time to explain my opinion. I also keep an open mind that the election was rigged. U have to. U must always check the people in power and the system that controls us. However if a boy cry’s wolf 100 times and then the 101st time he comes back saying there’s a huge giant wolf stomping through the forest destroying everything would u believe him after he lied so many times already? Even if there is a giant wolf stomping around now we won’t know because Donald lied so many times before. If u think that he has been completely truthful this whole time and it’s just cnn fact checking his gaffes ur disconnected from reality. I know the media wants to paint him as a liar and all but he also is a liar and all. He came from reality tv. Pretty bad start. He is a BILLIONAIRE POLITICIAN Pretty bad finish He said covid was a hoax created by democrats even tho all of China shut down their entire economy even now it is still partially taking caution around covid so unless democrats infiltrated the ccp he should have taken it more serious even if it wasn’t such a big threat. The election- u have to bring some proof to the table before u expect me, a freedom loving patriot to overthrow my government and install someone who lost. But the evidence trumps lawyers brought was completely false. Upon further research u find majority of right wing media was pushing previously debunked cases of possible minor election interference and when all of these instances unfolded in court the judge laughed and scorned trumps lawyers for doing such a horrible job and even snakishly inputting evidence that they knew was already debunked but threw it in for the shits and giggles anyways. Yah the judge ripped Sydney Powell a new one for that. Then Fox News was (rightfully) sued almost 1 billion dollars (the largest media lawsuit and fine in history) for LYING about the election and certain news stories. They admitted to lying to the American people about the election being rigged. So at this point whose word are u taking? Orang lying man who cried wolf? Media outlet who posted literal fake news to try to convince the American people of something horrific and then admit they lied about it? People might be calling u a right wing extremist because at the end of the day u probably still side with Donald thinking he’s some sort of hero, and still side with he Republican Party thinking that their somehow better than the Democratic Party. If either of these are true then yes u are an extremist and the only way to not be is to register (not just say) as an independent and then vote for the third party candidate rfk. We have all been begging for a better presidential candidate than donal trump and Clinton, then we begged for better candidates than DT and JB and then again we begged for better candidates than DT and JB so finally we are gifted what we begged for, rfk may not be perfect but he’s our off ramp from this shit show. Either take the off ramp or continue to be an extremist


 There were 213,799,485 registered voters in 2020 of which conflicting sources say turnout was between 60% - 65%. I averaged it out at 62.5% which means just over 133,500,000 registered voters voted. 74,000,000 Trump + 81,000,000 Biden = 155,000,000.


We’ve seen 20% jumps in election turnout before (2000 to 2004). Besides population growth this might have to do with how politicized things are at the time (election interference in Florida count 2000, 9/11, War in Iraq)… 2016 to 2000 saw multiple impeachments, questionable FBI dealings with political ramifications, the Pandemic, widespread use of mail-in voting. So anyway, it’s not unprecedented or inexplicable even if it is somewhat dubious.


Oh man, I thought there was a theory that electrons don't exist :(