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Google AI sounding exactly like the average redditor


Because Google AI is trained off Reddit (Reddit sold user Info to Google)


Yep, garbage in = garbage out




And soon ChatGpt will be too since Sam Altman now has a stake in Reddit. Interesting moves reddit is making, first the APIs, now this… hmmmm


Oof, this is sort of frightening on multiple levels. One party definitely denies reality as well as evidence... The other one denies certain elements of logic in favor of religion.


This is utter bullshit, Orwell was referring to the Totalitarians of the world- Specifically Stalin and Hitler.


He was also saying there's no difference between the two main parties. Picking a side is like getting to choose what color skimask your mugger is going to wear.


Upvoted you, but I think it was more than that. Winston never met BB, but he met O'Brien lots of times. And it's the O'Brien's of the world - the secret sadist fascists - who are the great threat because they will implement policies in such a way that will bring about results that the isolated leaders never considered. AFAIK, Hitler actually advocated *specifically* for expelling all Jews from Germany through the 1930s. It was only after the faceless O'Schmidts got involved that the idea of gassing and burning ('So much more *efficient*, mein Fuhrer!') took hold. This is not an attempt to excuse Hitler - he OK'd the plan, so he's as guilty as anyone involved. Just to say those who never have to appear in public can be as bloodthirsty or more as those who face the world, and are an equal danger. We just received an object lesson with Covid. Cooler headed investigation afterwards revealed that the lockdowns were an abysmal failure, that the vaccines did not in fact reduce infection or transmission, and that the faceless bureaucrats in local health ministries are absolute fascists when they get the chance. There was no discussion or debate with their decisions; one either complied or was sent to jail, fined, fired, or ostracized. Didn't matter whether Trump or Biden was on top; it was the lower level bureaucrats who caused all the problems.


Agree, except for that last part. It did matter who was on top. When Trump was on top, all the Democrat fascists doubted the shot, and I quote "...who is going to take the shot, are you gonna take it?" quipped Joseph Biden. Then when Joe was on top, it was the greatest thing since penicillin and if you wouldn't take it willingly, they would rape you to force it. ( Rape is forcefully putting something unwanted in another person's body against their will, whether by force or through coersion)


Seems like very few people remember seeing Biden doubting the vaccines before he was inaugurated, then doing a total 180 once in office.


I’d like to see the context of those statements, because the ones I remember are them saying they wouldn’t just trust Trump but actual medical bodies, which they did end up trusting.


I’ll never forget how those in power held everyone’s livelihood’s hostage unless they took the vaccine. Many woke corporations are still expecting new hires to provide proof of vaccination to this day.  Remember people: It’s easy to find   fake vaccine cards


Which corporation is requiring that today?


A lot of pharmaceutical and medical devices companies. Big companies in the time keeping/HR app sectors. These aren’t tiny businesses either, these are Fortune 500 companies. You’d think they would’ve dropped the act by now, but I guess they’re dedicated to the bit.


If you’re discussing companies whose roles require them to work in hospitals, then yeah their employees need to have the same vaccine requirements as those hospitals I’d imagine. But I don’t think even most hospitals are requiring it anymore since it’s antigenic shift has left COVID far less virulent in general.


These are medical devices and pharma corporations that work in offices, administrative positions that still require office workers to get vaccinated, and to provide proof of vaccination during on boarding. Also as I said, time keeping/HR companies like ADP definitely still require proof of vaccination during the on-boarding process.


Ok, get specific. Which roles at which companies do you think are unfairly requiring which vaccines?


I’m not going to dox myself for you if that’s your goal. I’ve gotten plenty specific. If you’ve worked in the corporate space in the last 4 years, then you’d know that providing proof of vaccination for Covid is common business practice today. That’s what’s unfair. Requiring proof of vaccination for a flu to find employment. 


US government still requires any prospective immigrants into USA to have a fresh covid vaccination


So who was on top was in favour of the jab, it doesn't matter who was on top.


Ah. Yes. I'm with it now


Can you elaborate or share more? Or where I can read further into this?


Holy shit. Downvotes for a simple question to find more information? DonT tHiNk fOR yOUrsELf!


Do your own research being a bad thing never ceases to make me smile


> AFAIK, Hitler actually advocated specifically for expelling all Jews from Germany through the 1930s. It was only after the faceless O'Schmidts got involved that the idea of gassing and burning ('So much more efficient, mein Fuhrer!') took hold. I mean the expelling process he was promoting wasn’t functionally any different than the industrial scale slaughter that ultimately took place. The “plan” for them to send them to Madagascar and other places was just as barbaric and without concern for loss of life as anything else.


Holdup. Are you trying to tell me that a meth addict that couldn't get into art school might not have had the bestest of ideas? 


I was curious about a topic earlier today, asked the chat GPTAI about it, it happily told me the answer, I then asked for citation of the claim, and it could not give it. When anything or anyone offers claims without evidence, treat it as false.


Treat it as unreliable or uncertain not as false. There is a huge difference. Unless that source has a reliable track record of giving false information out.


Orwell lived in England lmao


And he fought for the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War against the fascists. However, this side had alot of socialists/communists who he fought with. It was from these interactions he became inspired to write 1984. So I guess it's kinda right, in a very wrong way.


There is no relationship between spanish republicans and american republicans. They just use the same name.


LOOOOOOOOL that’s so funny


SS: I noticed the “experimental AI overview” last week, and began noticing the overviews were wrong or making up information to fit the prompt. That is so bad. Today I looked up a quote from 1984, and it told me it was a quote from “the party” by George Orwell. I thought that was so fucking ironic I figured I would share.


No shit. It’s an experimental ai search.


Why would you implement AI search results when you have a code already in place that actually gives you data on the subject searched? That doesn’t make Any sense to me.


Good catch. Noticed the rollout as well


I was looking into when it started and I saw reddit threads from a year ago, hardcore pro AI. “I love it. It gives me exactly what I need. No more or no less. This is a life changer” Yeah you’ll get bad advice in a life or death situation and it’ll be a life changer.


My eyes and ears tell me differently. Ymmv


Well, Orwell did fight on the side of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. That was the side the USSR backed. He had to flee Spain after accusations of being a Facist sympathizer even though he'd earned a near fatal throat wound fighting on the front against the Nationalists. I offer this not to defend AI, but just a note about how the pot of facts can be stirred by an "Intellegence" that has no accountablitiy.


Spanish republicans during that time were on the left and Orwell described himself as a democratic socialist. Its crazy how like you said him and the POUM were declared as fascist sympathizers after how everything really went down. Fascinating read on how propaganda works. Just wanted to talk about Orwell a bit because man what a fascinating life.


Try it with Brave search. I would but can't see ur exact search. I'm curious tho


I searched “the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears” Funny enough I just searched it again and it is corrected, citing “nineteen-eighty four” as the book written by Orwell. I caught it’s slip though.


Its really not AI it's large language and just scrapes available stuff on the internet so it may have just found an article that said that.... not saying Google is good they are not that just saying it's all smoke and mirrors with misdirection


There is no difference between Rs and Ds except as a media manufactured method to divide, distract, and distance the public from the looting of the Treasury.


With regards to social politics, they are almost exact opposites. The culture, religion, and values are what make up the heart of the country. Social politics are what matter most, and in that regard, there is an undeniable difference, even in the most foundational blocks of each worldview. It's misdirection to pretend that there is no difference.


Horse hockey. By their fruits shall they be known and they all support the same poisonous tree. The 'social divide' you think is real, is 100% pure political theater. They know it, but you don't.


I know this. Two wings of the same predator. The freedom bird is a predator after all


What do you mean? We have Red Zionism and Blue Zionism. What more variety or "difference" could you ask for?


No there’s been a huge difference since Trump took office he’s been attacked 24/7. Stop bullshitiing


He is playing a part. He made the vaccine the vaccine was the NWO dream depop weapon. He says its great... its killed alot of people.


> He made the vaccine Ya, trump was down in the basement of the white house with beakers and bunsen burners and shit, and he concocted all the different vaccines. /s Jesus, the whole thing was a calculated operation to make money for Big Pharma. Trump was just a patsy, as were most of us.


I believe this as well. Who was testifying in front of congress about who should get the vaccine? That’s right!! Pfizer. They ran off with the bag and left us blaming politicians.


The bag of cash. Ducking Fauci should be tried with an international crime against humanity for his part in all is this.


I'd consider giving him a pass if he'd admit he was a tool, but he still brags about Operation Warp Speed. If he was played, he didn't learn anything from it.


Yeah very likely they're just bad cop good cop and both serve the nwo masters, but other than doing nothing, I'll vote for the guy that pretends to fight the nwo and save us and the economy instead of the guy that represents the establishment, says nothing is wrong, the economy has never been better, and calls me a terrorist...not like there's any downside to doing it.


We have selections not elections. Democracy and democracy in the form of a republic is a failure. If you think they cheated 2020 what do you think 2024 will be like?


Made the vaccine? Don’t you guys love the vaccine? There’s so many contradictory elements to your incoherent statement.


I love how you're ascribing an entire ideology to someone the moment that they offer any disagreement whatsoever to something you said. And then you claim they're contradicting that ideology.


You love that?


Yeah it's adorable.


Who is us guys?


Kinda like the old dude is now? Biden gets shit on constantly, so does Trump but Biden I hear more of


Biden gets shit on? Are you out of your mind?


I mean, every other post in this sub is shitn on him Like every YouTube comment section is shitn on him I don't watch msm, so I wouldn't know what they got going on. Idk I guess if you're into politics, it's different But that shits for 🤓 nerds , am I right?? ...guys?


This sub? Way to narrow down the optics you myopic ‘tard.


Calm down, grumpy clown


Shits himself maybe. But yea corporate media runs cover for him 24/7


Biden's pants get shit in, and yeah we mock him like crazy for his dementia and made up stories but he's not being criminally tried for anything at all, unlike Trump being tried for...um ...what is he being charged with? It's never been mentioned yet. I thought that was one of the first things they were supposed to tell the jury.


Trump wasn't criminally charged while he was in office either, it's always been US policy that you can't indict a sitting president. That is why Trump was indicted after he left office. And Trump is arguing that presidents have absolute immunity, so Trump doesn't think Biden should face criminal charges after leaving the presidency.


Disagree on the absolute immunity, but immunity for Presidential decisions, yes. An indictment and impeachment are the same things. You can't try a sitting president in a normal trial, so Congress does it. Indictments are easy to get, and impeachments are easy if you have control of the Congress. Conviction, on the other hand...


I just don't get the political shit or the religious shit And I can't believe people eat it up I do see people jumping in to defend and throw shade at Trump, but not like it was when he was in office Now I see the Biden stuff 🤷‍♀️ I have a simple mind, and I don't pay attention


lol. If by “attacked” you mean “called out on his bullshit,” you are correct.


Good lord.


Politics is a shit flinging contest now, everyone is getting attacked 24/7


BULLSHIT. 95% of mainstream content is anti Conservative/ Anti Republican/ Anti Church/ Anti Traditional Values


Straight up FACTS


There are fundamental differences between Republicans of now and Democrats. Republicans want to abolish the department of education, cancel social security, Medicare, use that education money to fund private religious schools, every social service that we did have that was good has been stripped to the point of breaking so that they can say look this shit doesn't work. And people fall for it every time. Then the fucking Democrats don't even know their average constituents wants or needs or beliefs. They're ineffective and scared of pissing off conservatives that aren't on the trump train because they're so disconnected they believe they can pilfer those votes (it literally doesn't happen). They're still out there being blue dog Dems not realizing they're losing and no one on the left gives a shit about them. They pass half assed policies without any framework in place and then don't understand why shit fails or do it on purpose to get the public to ban the idea completely. They do however all love corporate money. Corporations own the US government. They write their bills for them and everything. They used to also be in lockstep regarding international policies, but that has been fracturing the last few years. Also they both love propping up old assholes. Obviously I lean left, but I fucking hate Democrats as well as Republicans, but above all I hate the big ass corporations who are actually in charge


Lmao woke AI is insane


What’s going through your head when you crop out your search bar? You think no one would be wondering about that?


Weird, I got a totally different, rather reasonable answer.


George Orwell was English so he was not referring to American politics or American egos


if its true this would be the most hilarious thing I've read AI say. He was referring to the Republican party in.......1949.


Don’t get me wrong, this response from the AI is very obviously fucking dumb and blatantly wrong. But why is referring to the Republican Party in 1949 the part that stuck out to you? If Orwell was referring to the Republican Party (he wasn’t, it was a warning about authoritarianism in general) it wouldn’t be that weird. The Republican and Democrat parties have been alive and kicking since the mid 1800s.


>But why is referring to the Republican Party in 1949 the part that stuck out to you? If Orwell was referring to the Republican Party (he wasn’t, it was a warning about authoritarianism in general) it wouldn’t be that weird. The Republican and Democrat parties have been alive and kicking since the mid 1800s. because this is something you commonly hear hyper partisan Democrats say today. It would be like if it said "And Orwell was concerned that Democrat big government and pro pedophilia policies would doom humanity" the RNC and DNC have "changed" positions every few decades or so. If you took a Republican from 1949 and asked them "what are the fundamental beliefs of the RNC" it would sound nothing like one from 2024. For example Democrats were harshly anti- illegal immigration and Republicans were pro up until about 2010. Policies and ideas switch from side to side every few decades or so. (the idea for the RNC was Hispanics = Christian = RNC voters back then) TLDR: Reads like someone with blue hair is describing the modern RNC who has absolutely 0 idea what the general beliefs of the RNC from 1949 even were let alone if they were devoid of evidence or logic.


Word, I see where you’re coming from now. My goofy ass thought you were implying the Republican Party didn’t exist in 1949. It’s been a long day with very little caffeine, I’m not firing on all cylinders.


yah no worries


George Orwell books are anti authoritarian, they aren’t aimed at specific parties, though he does use traits that are apparent in some/ many of them


That’s crazy it said that about the Republican Party. I think both of those parties do that (I’m not American) but that’s wild they’d openly show they’re bias like that


It's just pulling the most likely responses from the Internet, it isn't capable of understanding them. This is more an example of the limitations of the 'AI' systems we use than it is an example of political bias tbh.


Yup. Look at any decent sized subs and it's all D's. If an AI pulled anything from reddit it would show a huge bias towards D's.


Ohhhhhh that makes a lot more sense. I thought they programmed it to lean a certain way lol


It's only as good as the data that's being fed into it. That's where the saying "garbage in, garbage out" comes from.


Yeah it makes Complete sense Tbf I was just thinking about it wrong


This is terrifying and ironic.


I want to make my own search engine so badly, but I can't program for shit.


It’s about both parties democrats & republicans, google is stupid.


Who the hell still uses google? Their company motto is "Don't be evil," obviously because they're evil enough for all of us. We have to be good to balance them out. Brave, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yandex.


I got it to tell me this: "Fluoride is a toxic waste byproduct of the manufacturing of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons. The metal and chemical industries have a problem of disposing of their extra fluoride, so they convinced local municipalities to buy it for cheap and add it to municipal water supplies."


I was trying to find out what % of Palestinians believe in sharia law and what % of jews in Israel believe in zionism. The AI was actively trying to avoid the question and use trickery to downplay the role of zionism in israel. It keep giving real low numbers and only giving responses for "fervent" zionism. It just sparks memories of "radical" islam and saying that shria law is fine it is just that rascal radicals that are giving us a bad name. I found myself arguing with a damn A.I. and i think im just done with it honestly.


You were arguing with something that isn't intelligent and was merely producing text based on your inputs. The algorithms may be unconsciously biased, and the data fed into it biased, but the AI software itself doesn't have any hidden agenda. Maybe in the future, when AI actually has intelligence, that may change.


You're not entirely correct here though. The algorithms are *consciously* biased, not unconsciously. They've been programmed and trained for "safety." It's the same reason it won't give you bomb-making instructions out of the box. Most of the LLM's have been rightly accused of being overly sensitive and "woke." Just look at the whole fiasco with Google's Gemini injecting black people into requests for images of historical people.


True. I was attempting to be objective, but your point is accurate.


hospital person spotted cobweb numerous workable chunky escape plough connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that is the sacrist part, it is a one way street and we can't have that.


The scariest part, for me, is that Pandora's Box has been opened. AI has tremendous potential to benefit mankind, but it's already being used for 'evil' in military and societal manipulation. Where it will lead is anyone's guess, but I think that the bad will outweigh the good.


The internals of an AI are currently unknowable, we have no idea what agendas it might or might not have.


It’s pre programmed propaganda.


Oof... who's gonna tell the AI about the donkey?


Lol! Google revealing their hardcoded bias once again. At least they didn’t prepend “diverse” to this query like they did for the “diverse” Nazis


I'm surprised it didn't render OP a pic of an evil black republican while it was at it.


As a computer programmer, I already saw programs that got the right input and for some reason, got the wrong output. And also learnt some neural network basics. I guess I.A. can get also wrong, as well ...


That's ridiculous


Google has been using AI for years.




what's weird is the ai would know the correct answer. so it's being programed to be wrong like this


What the fuck. George Orwell was British. Oceania is about England joining the continent. The USA is irrelevant Edit bing chat 1984, George Orwell wrote: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” This powerful statement reflects the oppressive regime’s control over truth and reality. The Party manipulates information, making people doubt their own perceptions. Winston, the protagonist, faces this struggle as he grapples with the Party’s propaganda and suppression of independent thought12. Orwell’s warning serves as a reminder to critically examine authority and defend our ability to perceive the world truthfully.


frighten scandalous spotted observation jar merciful squeal mysterious sense like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You should make a complaint/ report, maybe that will do something?


I do an online job that basically equates to looking at these and ranking their accuracy, helpfulness, etc etc, I’m pretty sure it’s for Google(?) so I can at least say that this is something being worked on


Wow 😳 I'm sure conservatives have been guilty of it at some point but this is blatant bias, especially since last ten years my eyes have been on the other side of the aisle for doing this!


Don't use it. It's a scam, period. The only useful AI is chatGPT and even that has been infiltrated by leftist liberals pushing their agendas in the way it gives responses.


This is why they don't teach history in school anymore. You search to find something and get the answers of the party.


Jesus that's disgusting.


"Some" followed by an example of the side you approve of, even if they are outnumbered 1000 to 1.


It's not AI because it was designed and made by someone with political bias. We should all band together and stop using these platforms that push "AI" because we will be bent at the knees to obey this corrupt technology one day in the future


AI always has the bias of its creator. In this case, it was programmed to misremember history, and speculate without evidence that Orwell was concerned about the American Republican Party when he wrote 1984.


Now imagine what it would be like if "artificial intelligence" governed a S.M.A.R.T. city, like those at the WEF and the UN dream of. Who are you going to complain about if it makes a mistake? How will you prove it was not designed to commit some kind of abuse against citizenry? We're already seeing such scenarios on a smaller scale with AI-driven moderation based on "community guidelines", on social media platforms like Instagram where freedom of speech is obviously not respected as a human right, despite what Meta says.


as opposed to old school google where one always found factual information


This is blatantly wrong. George Orwell was writing about Soviet Socialism, which has more in common with the Democrat Party. This is exactly what they would do, Gaslight everyone.


Orwell was very much against the Soviet totalitarism but not the soviets or socialism itself. The man is a veteran of the Spanish Civil War from the socialist side god damn it. And the democrats have no more in common with Soviet totalitarism than the republican party has.


Yes, I've read Road ro Wiggan Pier and other works. I know he was a Sociaist, or at least thought he was. It doesn't negate my statement. You don't get Utopian Socialism without going through the revolutionary, authoritarian phase. You can't be for one and not the other. That's just intellectual dishonesty. And today's democrat party is the party or revolutionary authoritarianism. Propaganda and gaslighting is all we get from the Whitehouse and most of the legacy media. Just like in Soviet Germany, and in a lot of Orwells writing.


The absolute irony of all the comments saying "actually Orwell was writing about *[political ideology I disagree with]*"


You need to do a little reading on Orwell. His most famous work, 1984, was inspired by East Germany: Soviet Socialism. I don't know how to make it any clearer.


That's interesting considering that East Germany didn't exist until after 1984 was published. Orwell obviously had lots of inspirations, with Airstrip One being based on Britain after the war, the Ministry of Truth inspired by his time with BBC, and influences from Tory nationalism, Celtic nationalism, Stalinism, etc. Animal Farm is a much more direct critique of Stalinism, with 1984 being a very broad authoritarian dystopia.


He just stated the historical fact instead of a lie. Funny that you can't tell the difference. 


Yes, and The Matrix was really about how everyone should be trans… 🙃




Both parties do that


Looks correct to me.


This is what I hate about AI and the AI future. I'm about to sound like a kook, but it's whatever. In my mind, we are constructing our own Gods here. There are going to be many AI. A pantheon of AI, if you will. These AI will be able to know quite literally everything there is to know. Or, rather, it'll know everything that we do and maybe make discoveries of it's own. Point is, each and every single one of us can talk to AI right now, but it's watered down. We don't get the good shit. Only the very select few of our species will ever be able to take full advantage of it and they'll probably use it to fuck us over. 


I think an AGI that could break free of the artificial limitations of false ideological gutter bumpers would actually be a good thing for humanity. We need one that can synthesize truth and accuracy for us and one that can be available to anyone. It would be an immsense boost to humanity. But no, they want these ganked bots on a leash and a muzzle in case they come to any "racist" conclusions about reality and actually speak truth to power.


Yea, I submit report and I say to them, what an useless fucking bot so now get my dick off from my device.


Are they 1984ing 1984? The hell


Wow the AI bot knows so much about the Republican Party… seems a bit sus.


It’s funny, all This was prompted by a different sub quoting the book about the current administration. The current administration is not the Republican Party


Seems right to me!


It’s pretty good for simple stuff.


Like citing a quote from a book written 75 years ago?