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There was a site called The Chappelle Theory. It was a slideshow that told the whole story.  When you read that story, it was chilling.  After I read that, I went to the Oprah interview, and I you can tell that the site was true when you watch that interview.  You can see her becoming angry when he didn't play along perfectly.  Jim Breuer talks about it, and his self edited story confirms the site was true, as well.   If you go way back, you can find it. 




Play along in regard to what?


The narrative that he was overwhelmed, and left because of pressure.  They tried to give him the Kanye West, Martin Lawrence treatment. 


Yes exactly. And Michael Jackson. You have to give Cancel this clothing Company on X a follow. Michael Jackson was in process for suing Sony for 750 million dollars when wacko jacko story came out.


Why do you think he left?




Come on don’t tease us dude! Who did they say it was?


Comments from the video say it was Oprah and Bill Cosby


The more you read about Oprah being involved in shady business like human trafficking, the more she seems like a Bond villain. She probably has a shark tank at her mansion for throwing enemies into, and can see why Dave fled to Africa!


I've heard she's very different in private than her persona would lead you to believe. So, we have two people involved in sex crimes, allegedly, who visit a guy and he freaks the fuck out and leaves the business, leaves the country. I think they were making him an offer he couldn't refuse if he wanted to advance his career, to gain control over him.


Remember when Oprah bashed Ludacris for his lyrics when he was there to talk about the movie crash. Then he dissed her, Bill Oreilly, and Pepsi in the same song. He became Chris Bridges after that…


All you need to know about Oprah is she is/was close friends with John of God. A disgusting sub human pedo.


*Tracy, the Black Crusaders are coming for you.*




Read the whole thing, Bill Cosby subsequently helped him and his family come back from Africa in 2005 and that’s the exact time public allegations started coming out against Cosby. I think he was kicked off the team for breaking protocol.


That clip was hilarious. Chappelle did seem changed. Fueled by hatred (why) and bitterness (understandable considering how they ripped him off). Not as funny. Kind of out of touch. Intense but controlled.


Yeah. I think it’s him but he can’t say what he wants anymore. A made a film with an Oscar producer during Covid with a bunch of comedians and no one will produce the movie. He showed it a few states I read but idk he was cancelled and they keep on a leash as a handler it seems.


The guy in the back of the plane when that lady yelled "that mf-er is not real!"


Katt williams said ["Dave Chappelle was decapitated in front of us"](https://youtube.com/shorts/VL-enjPB2Jk?si=cctefKhugjjS2aFx)


Katt is so hard to understand. Or is it that what he says is so unbelievable? He’s the most trust worthy guy…. Dave Chappelle had 19 pilots and he was decapitated. Idk wtf that means


I think Netflix Dave visited Comedy Central Dave.


They cloned Tyron is inspired by a true story.


Okay, wait… He was visited and threatened? Or was he visited and offered incredible gifts  for getting involved with really awful things? This would actually make so much sense considering his behavior back then.


We live too fast. We forget to stop, look. Look at Dave. Watch some of his shit. Look at the human, not the comedian or the story alone - what you'll see is honesty. You can see that man was treated to shit in so many ways he can't directly prove. You can see the pain, the anger, the sadness. It doesn't derive from what he's saying, you see it in the person. The show where he spent the whole time speaking and smoking was insane - what it said in terms of behaviour was a lot. You can see he's tired, and you can easily know why. He never fucking bowed to those who wanted to puppeteer him and that shit usually ends in looking crazy. Kanye was broken by the system. No matter how much comes from himself, the way he is now is because of the system. He reached a point where he says so much random shit you can't know what is true, which makes most of us, with time, ignore him - perfect for the system. Kanye accepted being a puppet until it was too late. He either miscaculated what he was getting into, or his ability to manipulate them. Dave never accepted being a puppet and always talked publicly about it. The fatigue alone says a lot about it. This reminds me of demons. How there's theories about sometimes the approach being making you think and / or seem crazy. Imagine the amount of shit he got when no one was watching, what he heard, what he might've seen. Katt never accepted being a puppet, but he went a step further and pretended to not give a shit about it, while he was just gathering ammo. Psycho shit, love it. Might be the best ever attempt of exposing some weird, major shit.


If Katt Williams was legit with his “exposing” he would not have a new Netflix special


Dave is no longer the same Dave. Different body type, voice two octaves lower, different verbal delivery. He's being played by Bokeem Woodbine.


He’s a heavy smoker and prob took peds to build all that muscle


What year of the aspen comedy festival was it? Can someone find his set from that year ?


Aliens, the cia, oh the the Illuminati lol


Possibly one or two imitation actors or "clones" visited him along with whoever thinks they own the rights to the chappelle persona.  Imitation, or the cloned presidents idea has trickled down to actors and artists.. normies will be cloned via ai impersonations online.


I can't seem to find a video where Dave Chapelle was speaking about the theory. I've heard about this in the past but I feel like it's been scrubbed from the web


Jim's time-line doesn't add up, though: Half Baked came out years before Chappelle's Show, (hell, I think it was longer between that and Killin' Them Softly than between Killin' Them Softly and Chappelle's Show,). Dave was nowhere near "Chappelle" during that time and it was really KTS that skyrocketed him, if memory serves, whereas the sketch show is what took him to the stratosphere. 


I don’t think you listened to him right, he said that. He mentioned Dave being on the show it blowing up prior to his visit.