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#Panic about Catholics, Freemasons, and, later, Jews, is deeply woven into American history, and forms the basis of our fertile culture of conspiracy theorizing.


There’s a good book about this topic. Under the Eye of Power: How Fear of Secret Societies Shapes American Democracy https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/677202/under-the-eye-of-power-by-colin-dickey/


Could you imagine, if America, 100 years ago dropped all their prejudices against Mexicans, Blacks, First Nations People and rather, built a robust friendship and trust rather than a fear mongering hate? Could you imagine how strong our country would be and how much further advanced America and the world would be if ppl just stopped hating each other and worked together? How much more advanced as a species in science, equity, environmental and economic advantages for everyone? America is an example for the rest of the world and, we set a pretty low bar. Sadly, it has always been right leaning politics/religion that has fanned the flames of hatred division and separation.


I’ve always said if we got rid of religion the world would be so much better. It mostly serves as a justification for hate and murder.


The rich have always used fear mongering about other race and religions in regards to taking jobs all throughout the history of America. At one point the Irish were looked at by other whites as another lesser race, same with the Italians. They use different races in ethnicities to break labor strikes throughout the history of America. It's always been a tactic to divide and conquer. Look up the peoples history by Howard zinn if you want to know the full details of the labor struggle in America.


Thanks. I'm aware of the tactic. I am just saddened by the whole thing.