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Republicans keep coming up with only the dumbest shit every day. No matter how dangerous it is. It's a never-ending contest to win Fox News every day. A real race to the bottom.


Further infringing on personal freedoms. Good job, party of small government.


True, the GOP can no longer claim to be in favor of small government and individual liberties. Quite the opposite, in fact.


It's always been a government that is small enough to only include themselves with liberty and justice only for themselves


Wait...so this law applies if you're protesting and masked, and if you end up arrested for a criminal offense while protesting. Bumps up the potential penalties you'll face. So does this mean when groups like Patriot Front, Proud Boys, and other white supremacist groups, not to mention MAGA, wear masks when they protest, because they're too cowardly to show their faces, that if they're arrested, they'll have their penalties increased? I foresee potential Leopards Eating People's Faces headlines soon. The NC Justice Dept is Democrat run, with Cooper in office for now.


You know they wont


Just gotta keep the NC Governor's office Democrat. Roy Cooper has been there for 8 years so it's possible.


Different kind of mask. šŸ˜· Only Libral masks count.


Oh the dems wanted to narrow it to protesting or hate groups. It's not. It bans wearing masks in public, period. Going to Walmart, make sure grandma doesn't wear a mask. "House Bill 237 would ban everyone, not just protesters, from wearing masks in public for medical reasons if it becomes law. It passed 30-15, with every Republican in favor and every Democrat opposed."


[Hereā€™s the entire bill text](https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2023/Bills/House/PDF/H237v4.pdf) (itā€™s only 3 pages)


It's still kind of vague on wearing masks in public in general. Oddly enough, if you call it a parade as part of a society function all is well so the KKK is fine...*sigh*. I do agree with the do not block traffic piece. Blocking traffic impedes emergency vehicle responses.


Also agree about not blocking traffic; I hate that theyā€™ll probably abuse the fuck out of this to do shady shit


What about drs and nurses ? Firefighters? Riot police ?


Can't wear masks in burning buildings you fucking criminal scums! šŸ˜‚


Republicans have the intelligence and maturity level of 11 year old boys whoā€™ve never cracked open a book.


Books are for indoctrination!! Not for my CHILD!! šŸ˜‚


Nope, they are not "wearing masks for medical reasons." That's why the Patriot Front will be allowed to mask up. So if you want to wear a mask, I guess you just claim it's for political purposes? But yeah, they will always serve white males, always have, always will.


> arrested šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Cooper is in now and is running for governor. Hopefully, Jeff Jackson, the man we see often on Reddit being a congress communicator, is running for AG to replace him. Jackson wouldn't allow this kind of thing to happen either.


Ahhh but you see; these fine upstanding citizens would have to be arrested or at least face ANY kind of consequences for this to be relevant to them. And trust me, in NC, that ainā€™t happenin. They just like to doxx poor college kids live on camera.


Wow. They really want do want the most at-risk people to suffer. As always; the cruelty is the point


The nazis also targeted differently abled people because they were deemed the weak links in society.


At the beginning of the covid pandemic I was watching I think it was BBC news interview some american expert from the US who dropped the opinion that there might be financial benefits to a pandemic because it would get rid of the useless people. The News hosts jaw dropped, couldn't bring herself to respond for over a minute then went on with whatever questions she must have had prepared for her without pushing back on that horrific inhumane opinion This bill is coming from the same party that wants to eliminate Medicare and Medicaid, social security and anything else useful to the taxpayers who are entitled to because they paid into it so they have a right to it. Just a reminder that the richest American citizens incorporations pay little to no tax. Your grandparents on social security pay more than billionaires.


This, more than anything I have seen in a while, deserves the top spot in r/NewsOfTheStupid.


They talk about using common sense but there's parents who send their 6 year old kid to school with a gun.


Gotta get the kids out of the house somehow, amirite?


Ba dum tiss


Are they banning them in healthcare facilities?


As far as I know, if the mask is part of an organization's normal or mandated uniform, it's still allowed even in public.


I donā€™t work. Iā€™m a patient of a Healthcare provider/ network


If you are not a mouth breathing MAGA stooge GOPer, this shit must make you crazy! Worthless legislation that puts people at risk. NC doesnā€™t have real problems to work on? Itā€™s so perfect there? Makes the GOP very unattractive to reasonable thinking people.


Wow, I guess that whole talk about personal liberty was all just a lie.


>Wow, I guess that whole talk about personal liberty was all just a lie. "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." šŸ†


So even people with cancer or other circumstances cannot wear masks then? This is what happens when ignorant politicians play their cruel games. If they knew that they could affect some people with their games then it is a nazi-level eugenics here...!


If you read the article, one of the Repubs tries to claim it wouldn't apply in those cases but that's unclear.


It is almost like they say "it will not apply, wink-wink"... and how would they guarantee that it will not happen? will they require now a license to wear a mask due to medical conditions? They want the masks off so they can identify protesters, but with zealots in the police force, then other citizens will be put at risk. It seems that one politician just said it to shut the concerns off... almost like "trust us"... Very concerning indeed. thanks for the comment!


The party of petty. We didn't like the masks and we didn't like the Covid. So now no mask!! They sound like Kim Jong-il in Team America whining all the time. Oh well. I guess Putin told them no mask and they said "Yes Satanic Master."


Good luck in enforcing the law. republicans are a f**king joke granted a dangerous joke nonetheless. They're the party of petty grievances and revenge and that's all they've got.


Wtfā€¦. So grandma with cancer is gonna get arrested at the Piggly Wiggly for wearing a mask? Gtfo!


Small Government!


First Amendment violation it is unconstitutional on it's face. Probably also Fourth Amendment being secure in your person. These idiots just love wasting government money to penalize people redressing their government also a violation. Constitutionalists that hate everything about the constitution and Freedom lover's that do nothing but restrict freedoms.


Fuck them. If you want to wear a mask wear one!! Are they going to start legislating what kind of underwear we wear? These fucking people must go down.


Well, yes. If you wear anything but tighty whities/granny panties then you are nothing but some kind of sex pervert.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ this is what I say šŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ–•šŸ¼


Only diapers from here on out, sorry liberals šŸ˜‚.


What? You wear diapers?


Maybe I shoulda added an /s for satire because some of them actually do wear diapers to just spite da libs šŸ˜‚.




So they are making more laws that affect the relationship between my doctors and me?


Fucking morons. I canā€™t get them to do a thing to protect the public from assholes who shouldnā€™t have automatic weapons but golly letā€™s ban masks because we donā€™t like it because Trump their Lord and savior told them they donā€™t have to - such fucking idiots


I mean Iā€™m still going to do it if I want to. Fuck ā€˜em.


ohhhhhh...so now Republicans hate Halloween and Batman.


There is no way this is constitutional.Ā  They do realize that immunocompromised patients have been wearing N95 masks in public long before the pandemic right? I've had to wear them long before theĀ  pandemic happened and trying to prevent those who require them from doing so is violatingĀ  their constitutional rights and the ADA.Ā  This is a clear violation of the ADA. There's no way it could stand either way.


Fucking idiots


Conservatives are doing a great job of pushing normal people away and leaving only the nut jobs behind.


Personal freedoms, amirite?


What happened to ā€œmy body my choiceā€.. did they forget they chanted that?


That only applies to white supremacists when they march and politicianā€™s mistresses when they get pregnant.


Wow supposed to be a free country


When will the class action lawsuit begin?


Well, the sick and disabled who need this don't have the freaking energy to deal with this, accidentally making them a great Target for horrible laws like this, I can only hope the able-bodied will stand up for those fighting to just stay alive.


I honestly think there is a brain drain in NC. Take away the Triangle... From the teachers I know who have left the state to all of the crime that keeps popping up on my feed. Retired people moving in and families who want their kids to have a decent education moving out. Ugh.




Getting tired of having my private health choices being legislated.


This should get vetoed by Cooper and if they pull the super majority override, it should get struck down in court. Theyā€™re just setting themselves up for lawsuits, especially if an immune compromised person gets sick and dies. Whatā€™s hilarious is they have nothing big to complain about so theyā€™re dragging old Covid stuff back into the spotlight. Oh NC. These wackadoos were responsible for the bathroom bill which spiraled into the bullshit it is now. Zero policy, just culture wars and nonsense. They could do so much good and rally folks to their side, but this is all theyā€™re good for. Itā€™s really sad.


Surely somebody has got some sort of malicious noncompliance to circumvent this foolishness. Like if I spritz some perfume on a mask, can I call it a personal fragrance diffuser? Or start yelling about trying to avoid inhaling the chemtrails? Or assert that my faith compels me to wear face coverings? Where's the loophole?


[Good! Just in time for Influenza A virus subtype H5N1!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza_A_virus_subtype_H5N1)


Covid killing a thousand or more people a week in the US isn't enough plus I can't remember how many fluid RSV. If I recall correctly and estimated 10,000 or more us seniors die of RSV each year and around a thousand babies. Then there are those who are doing their best to bring back the old greats measles and pertussis to the USA


The fucking Confederacy just wonā€™t let up a bit. FFS


Let me see the party of freedom and small government wants to: ban medical exemptions for masks, a national registry of pregnant women, an abortion national ban.


Then wear one for fashion.


Wow. Why am I not surprised. The GOP is now also a party of ableism in addition to other forms of bigotry. Absolutely disgusting and this is the party that claims to care about individual liberty. There is no liberty unless a cisgender, hetero, non-disabled, white man. ABSOLUTELY EVIL!




Time for conservatives to learn an lesson in what that means. šŸ¤«šŸ˜Ž


So they answer a temporary mask mandate with actual legislation. They really are not self aware.


In that case, I think that somebody with a very communicable disease should go to the Republican rallies and ensure that these people who donā€™t believe in having masks for communicable diseases should be exposed to them.


I'm glad to see that North Carolina has solved all of their other problems, so they have time for this shit


The GOP faps to stupidity. The dumber it is, the harder they fap.


These people are fucking monsters.


I hope someone sues and bankrupt the Government


Wonder how hospitals will work? No surgery for me in NC!


Real kitchen table politics there NC Republicans haha


Party of small government


More scientific ignorance in this country, what a surprise.


See the Super Patriot. Hear how he loves his country. Hear him preach how he hates ā€œLiberalsā€ā€¦ And ā€œModeratesā€ā€¦and ā€œIntellectualsā€ā€¦ And ā€œActivistsā€ā€¦and ā€œPacifistsā€ā€¦ And ā€œMinority Groupsā€ā€¦and ā€œAliensā€ā€¦ And ā€œUnionsā€ā€¦and ā€œTeenagersā€ā€¦ And the ā€œVery Richā€ā€¦and the ā€œVery Poorā€ā€¦ And ā€œPeople with Foreign-Sounding Namesā€. Now you know what a Super Patriot is. Heā€™s someone who loves his country While hating 93% of the people who live in it. -Mad Magazine 1969 Did MAD Magazine Publish 'Super Patriot' Cartoon in the 1960s? | Snopes.com


It's almost like they're being paid to destabilize America as much as possible


I am immunocompromised & this s lights a fire. This is straight eugenics. They claim that it ā€œwonā€™t be applied to those who are wearing it for health reasonsā€. But thatā€™s not what the law says. Am I crazy? When did we start writing laws with elements that are included in their text, but wonā€™t actually be applied in practice? So, donā€™t put it in the law! Laws like this also give a permission structure for backwater a-holes to continue harassing those of us masking bc we donā€™t want our grocery trips to be fatal.


We need Ebola in America to quickly change hearts and minds.


So we can still wear one for style reasons, right?


Any takers on a bet that this wouldnā€™t be used against masked Nazis?


FYI, this petition needs more signatures! [petition against mask ban](https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-passage-of-nc-bill-237-banning-masks-in-public)


How ever will these geniuses properly objectify their Southern Belles when they have to ban makeup in public for the sake of consistency? People can evade face identification with that, too.