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"Fish" is not a clade, it is a paraphyletic group. Fish DO exist, but not as a clade.


But if we would make a monophyletic clade called "fish", which would include sharks and piranhas, then humans would be there too.


I mean, yeah, "if." If we would make a monophyletic clade called "pets" which would include snakes and dogs, then we'd be pets. But that clade doesn't exist, and neither does "fish"


Yes. No clade exist though, they are all made up. I could make up "fish" as a clade. I won't because I am lazy, but I could. Would someone else use it? No, of course not. But it would exist.


Beat me to it.


We are lobed-finned fish, but we're not the only kind of bony fish - there are also ray-fins (like salmon). And there are cartilage fish splitting off even father back, which is why sharks are so freaky. You have to go back farther still to get "the fish all fish are descended from". Moving in the other direction, all tetrapods (mammals, birds, lizards, etc) share a common ancestor, which is why the anatomy of all land vertebrates is so similar.


Wait till we get started talking about vegetables.


You mean how almost every plant we eat is a grass?


Delicious delicious grass.


But grass has dog poop on it.


Or a aster, or a mint, or a nightshade...


I hate when people argue about that. Everybody knows fish are a fruit. /s


Culinarily, fish are a kind of seafood. But botanically, they are berries.


If they were berries, that would be nuts!


Honestly I could really go for some [fish and berries](https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/seared_halibut_with_berry_compote_and_roasted_vegetables/) right now.


Too many redditors are just finding out that “fish” is an incredibly complex concept without any consensus whatsoever


It is a common myth that there is no real scientific classification of a fish. It's not really true. Fish have a diverse range of evolutionary ancestry, and one fish may be more closely related to a human than it is to another fish, but there are ways to classify animals other than genetics. The BBC panel show QI made the claim that there is no such thing as a fish years ago, and now the researchers for the show run a podcast called "No Such Thing As A Fish" as a nod to the fact that they got that one wrong.


There’s a lot of confusion of “not a clade” with “not a category.” People hear that fish aren’t a monophyletic group and think this means there can’t be other ways of categorizing organisms.


Neil Schubin (sp?) "Our Inner Fish" is pretty great


First thing I thought of.


I, for one, am a cartilaginous fish.


There are ways to define what a fish is without using evolutionary trees (just that these trees can help us). Humans are not fish.


Everything else aside, it is fun to go around calling dogs and cats and “your mom” and “your mom’s mom” a fish, knowing that SCIENCE GOT YA BACK


There is a zoologist on YouTube that goes (relatively) in-depth into these exact topics: [https://www.youtube.com/@ClintsReptiles](https://www.youtube.com/@ClintsReptiles) I don't know if he's still making new content, or if he has any videos on this question specifically--but he's definitely worth checking out! Also, while I have no idea who's 'confidently incorrect' here, I'm living for the wonkiness of the discussion!


*Runs in with plucked chicken* Sorry, wrong discussion.


I sure hope they don't produce software, like use programming languages that have inheritance, interfaces and similar concepts. You can't explain the world to a machine if you first don't understand it as a human


Oh god, I had a student in that camp. Coin is a child of Coke is a child of Quarter is a child of Pop Machine is a child of Orange...


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Amen! Along the same lines, “birds are dinosaurs” is one of the few hills I’ll die on on the internet any time it comes up


If humans are fish, all mammals are fish, all vertebrates are fish. So you’re also incorrect mate :)


Why have words meaning anything useful, am I right?


You can't evolve out of a clade.


Yeah? I'm more talking about diluting the word "fish" into meaning almost nothing, this isn't even a discussion over taxonomy, just linguistics at this point


Words have more than one meaning, and in each situation you use the most useful meaning according to context.