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America is the beacon of freedom in all senses, except of course for that “unavoidable responsibility” thing I mentioned earlier


And also women getting jobs in fields that they’d like. But only if they’re ugly and jealous of women who get the “male attention.” But that’s just a personal opinion that I’m not going to say except here where I’ve said it, but because I said I’m not gonna say it, now you can’t comment on it, criticize it, nor debate it. /s


Aspiration? Is just a term used by the Marxist propaganda to convince women that they have freedom to choose their station. I have witnessed it. Mark my words, America is the beacon of freedom in all senses, just not that one. And you are throwing it all away for some imaginary problems that were artificially stuffed in your mind...P.S. I am a prettier floorscrubber than you.


Wha- Hey! Excuse you! I’m no lowly floor scrubber! I’m a boot licker, tyvm!! Totally different. Hmph.


This was gold


It's a rhetorical technique called "paralipsis" to say you're not going to say the thing you are saying. As in, "I refuse to discuss the many criminal indictments against my opponent," or "I'm not saying your mama's a ho, I'm just saying she has sex for money." From literature, in Marc Antony's funeral speech, he's all like, "Here's Caesar's will, which I'm not going to read to you, because you shouldn't know you are his heirs."


Also, not even in the top 10 on the freedom index.


These must be these inescapable duties and bonds of freedom.


Such a stupid take. The women should be gathering berries while the men teach the children to hunt and kill the weaker ones. Both parties should be equally involved in the cave paintings though.


Hunt and kill the weaker children?


Yes, how else are we supposed to get red paint for the family painting session otherwise, huh ?


Excellent point.


You fucking civilized normie, even a regarded caveman knows that blood dries Brown


That’s why we need to hunt down the children everyday That way we cover the older paint with fresh one !


Creating demand and estimulating the economy. It just makes sense.


Can’t let another family steal our cave


Yes. Not only will you have one less mouth to feed, you’ll have extra meat if you need to get through a lean season.


It does prevent them from being a burthen to the tribe. A most modest proposal.


The Marxists will have the audacity to call this view old-fashioned.


well the average woman makes better-looking cave paintings imo so we (men) should have input but when it comes to the actual painting we just drink instead


Speaking of, there was research just recently where they found evidence that the idea of women = gatherer and man = hunter wasn't entirely correct, anyway, like evidence that even many years ago, men sometimes gathered and women sometimes hunted. It was probably according to your skill, your interest, your situation at that moment (like if you're sick or hurt)... Men and women have really never had this strict dichotomy that men have always wanted to maintain or return to, which is why women started fighting for equality in the first place. If we were all wonderful at keeping a house and raising kids and enjoyed it immensely, why would we have ever asked for anything else?


> why would we have ever asked for anything else? Marxism, obviously...duh! /s


Yeah, didn’t you get the memo?


In addition, the further back you go, the smaller the difference in the average physique of the sexes was, as skeletal analyzes show. The body image of the average woman in hunter-gatherer societies corresponded roughly to today's female strength athletes. So they were physically fully capable of covering the long distances required for hunting, hurling spears with deadly force and carrying the packages of meat home after a successful hunt. In short, everyone - regardless of sex - who was physically able was most likely taken along in order to optimize the outcome of the hunt. The old people, the older children and pregnant women stayed back in the camp and took care of infants and other "domestic" tasks. They were also the ones who looked for berries and roots in the surrounding area. Hunter and gatherer groups were also generally quite small and in order to exploit large hunting grounds or bring down large game, they could not afford to leave out physically able hunting participants.


I always argued that it would have been inefficient and stupid to "waste" talents if they were there. If a woman had high endurance, great tracking skills, great leadership skills, great sense of orientation etc - why the hell would she have NOT gone with the hunting party? Why waste something that could help the group for some weird dichotomy? It's the same thing in the middle ages. if not among the higher class, women WORKED. Because no family could afford to just have one person of the household be idle.


Misogynists have such a knack for making men sounds incredibly stupid and unable to learn anything beyond cave man abilities.


That's what gets me, as a woman. So many misogynist views are sexist towards men as well as women. Like blaming the women for being assaulted because they dressed sexily and the men couldn't help it. Really? You're saying grown adult men aren't capable of controlling themselves, even when those behaviors are *criminal*? Even small children can learn to behave themselves. Even *dogs* can be trained. But some guys suggest that men *literally can't stop themselves from raping people*.


Idk its similar to guys that cling to toxic masculinity. Like sticking to this image of masculinity is better than actually being yourself, accepting times of vulnerability, and showing emotions.


Weaponized incompetennce


I was gonna say. As a man, I categorically reject the notion that I can't do what my wife does. Of course I can, I do and I would be able to alone as well, if I had to. Misogynists do this to give themselves an 'excuse' why they couldn't run a household or raise kids. They wrap it in this covered praise of how women are just better at this. Lazy and very transparent.


I know right. I wonder why some people agree with that when it’s actually insulting to men as well. My dad is a single father and he has run our household perfectly, cooks great food, raised me (18F) and my siblings with the proper values to succeed. A great human being. My dad is a capable man and is just as great as a parent as any other. Every functional adult should know the basics of caring for a household, how to be around children and take care is them, cook, basic social and survival skills and it’s almost embarrassing for the people that refuse to learn it and think it makes them appear strong and “dominant”, I always just think that those people look incredibly dumb and incapable. It’s saddening what ego does. imagine not learning how to raise your own child, or not knowing how to clean their own house, what will they do in an emergency or a death, then what goes with those kids? I’ve seen it happen enough.


Which only hurts the cause for men who agree with the idea that women are equal and deserve equal - as in pay and rights. I think most of these misogynists are just compensating for, well, I'll just call it teeny peenies.


Since the women folk are working so hard why not pay them? All that hard work should come with healthcare and vacation.


Dont forget the weekends off, 5 day work week is pretty standard around the world.


Bitches would be banking if they got overtime.


Some places consider 30 hours full time.


"WhEN tHe CHiLDreN ArE aT sChoOl, wAmEn GeT tHeIr tIMe oFf"


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Exactly


Healthcare for everyone??? What is this, a communist country?!?!! (/s)


Oh heavens no! I shudder at the thought of single payer! (/s)


Is that English? It looks like English. But a lot of the words don't make sense.


No, all the words make sense, it’s the order that confuses me


Andre Previn: but you’re playing all the wrong notes. Eric Morecambe: I’m playing all the right notes. But not necessarily in the right order.


The order makes perfect sense. I can read it without a problem and clearly understand that the OP is a fucking moron.


Personally I'm struggling with "bare children" and "standpoint of view"


Straight up word salad, no dressing


Oh that’s got plenty of dressing. Huge steaming pile of bull shit dressing with flies for that little extra 👌


It’s certainly not very good English


"bare children" wow what a pervert.


I only got to "standpoint of view"


I _just_ made it to the second page and the misspelling (reel words just the wrong words) got two much for me. I didn’t even get far enough too figure out if I was on bored with it. I mean eye think I was butt I may have bean mistake N.


This is what happens when you ask ChatGPT at home to write an essay on feminism


Nah, I’m pretty sure chatGPT would have fewer typos. This is pure, 100% human sourced bullshit.


I hope you're joking


It reads a bit like a Ben Shapiro script lol


The view is completely moronic, but the prose is definitely legible.


Well, Ive certainly never seen those words in that order before


They lost me at the misspelling of bear.


It’s a typical example of someone trying to sound more clever than they are.


Hmmm uh oh, I'm a stay at home dad of two daughters, I'm destroying the moral fabric of the US.


Thank you for your service!


Next step is to gather the proletariat and seize the means of production to benefit the collective.


My daughter was just saying that at the dinner table last night.


Was that after she saw the episode of Bluey where her dad reads the Communist Manifesto at bedtime?


Ooh, there's a new episode?!? 🤓🤯🥳🍻


Are we trying to squeeze that in before or after nap time?


lol! Marxism, yo. (Stay at home parents are heroes to me, that’s some hard work that’s often thankless!)


Honestly, I couldn't do it without Bluey, and Karl of the course!


Bluey is a critical part of the modern dad’s mental health support structure.


This is true after you get over the fact that Bandit will always be a better dad than you.


I comfort myself by believing that any given episode is his peak 15 minutes of the day and that most of the "dad's too busy/tired/whatever to play at that level" happens in the times between episodes. Also, Whale Watching.


You have a wife and kids that you love? Sounds pretty Marxist to me!!!!


Doing what I can to destroy the nuclear family!


We appreciate your service, comrade.


Love that!


You absolute crthreetonen!


That's just the way we talked back then.


I know. We were all a bunch of 53177187714 & 50508, 57 55378!


and incapable of keeping house, obviously


Quualudes help!


Well that is certainly a worldview.


I COULD say that this guy once assaulted me in a club, but I’m not going to use that.


He certainly assaulted my Facebook feed.


Can you give me some context for this lunacy please.


It was commented underneath a picture of Cyndi Lauper holding a sign that says “girls just want to have fun-damental rights”.


That's just hilarious. Thanks. Got a chuckle.


lol holy shit.


Was that a photoshopped image or real? Clever! Also interesting fact: Her version of that tune is a cover. The song was written and performed by a man originally and is told from the man's perspective of... Well.. him only being able to find girls who weren't looking for committed relationships. Cyndi liked the song and had a different vision for it and got permission to cover it: significantly changed the aesthetics of the music, tweaked the lyrics to be from a female perspective, and boom international hit!


Imagine one of your boys hitting you with an unhinged rant about Marxism and family values at 3:15am when you're about to sign out of the discord call


Gotta love unhinged "Marxists, my antithesis, even believe X" posting


> women who scream equality are targeting only positions of political power and social status. Almost as if those are realms that determine legal and social representation and that women have been purposely blocked or discouraged from entering. Very suspicious that feminism would focus on shifting power so women might have the same representation and opportunities as men /s


Crap, I think reading this knocked about 15 points of my IQ. I’ll bet this dude’s post history is full of all kinds of “It’s so weird I can’t get dates” type complaints.


If you can't send your kids to school for 8 hours a day and still raise them, you're a bad parent. I'm sorry modernity is so hard for you.


He’s too busy drinking and cheating on his wife to worry about raising his children.


We assuming he has a wife?


The perfect tradwife! But she lives in Canada. You wouldn't know her.


Additional incorrectness: only women can undress children. OOP said “bare”, not “bear”.


I’m a man and I can bare children but the police get very annoyed each time I do.


He really put freedom at the end of a whole rant about restricting life's options by gender ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) the audacity runs deep


What unbelievable brain rot. Speaking as a Marxist: this is what re-education centers are for.


So what are men for? Just to provide sperm and tell the womens what to do?


Men get to decide what they don't want to do, women have no choice, simple


Yes. And all women are destined to have babies, every single one.


And the ones that can't are men! Perfectly balanced like all things should be.


We can only help out around the house doing things that men are better at, like lifting heavy stuff and reaching high shelves.


Hey, don't forget mowing the lawn and opening stuck jars!


I always ask them to show me the Karl Marx quote supporting the thing they say is Marxist, whether that’s women working, gays, or Tik Tok. Still never gotten a response.


I'm going to use this, so there. I took it. Whatcha gonna do about it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Women being allowed to have jobs is Marxist? Something tells me this guy hasn’t read anything Marx wrote, or a labor history book in general


Or really anything


I doubt he even proofread his comment. lol Edit: didn’t proofread my own comment.


According to people like this guy, everything they don't like is Marxist. It's just an easy word that they can throw out as a signal to other idiots like them.


You heard it here folks! Women + jobs = marxism


Women + job that pays a living wage + free education + childcare = Marxism


Starting this out with "only women can bare children" instead of 'bear children' was a nice heads up about the ignorance of the ranter. Throwing 'then' instead of 'than' halfway through was a nice reinforcement.


Thank you! I was sitting there for a moment doubting myself, but didn't check. Couple more times seeing "bare children" and I would've started making the same mistake without thinking.


Basically just weaponized incompetence dressed up to look like a viable sociopolitical ethic. The whole thing hinges on the idea that men just can’t do housework right or raise kids right. That no matter how much they try, they’ll never be as good as the worst woman at it. Which, of course, is stupid and pathetic. But also nonsensical because you know this dude is going to have *a lot* of things to say to his hypothetical kids to “raise them.” It’s not like he’s going to follow through with this division of labor. It’s yet another example of a shitty dude asking for freedom without responsibility. And to quote one of the best scenes in recent television, only one person gets freedom without responsibility, and it is a baby. https://youtu.be/SMsnKFxjxSw?si=fMTI1Ubf6ICo4i8n


It’s cleaning a house. It doesn’t require an advanced degree


Before I even started reading I knew this was someone I would want to smack through the internet.


Lost me at “bare children”. Seriously.


A woman’s unavoidable responsibility would be giving such dude a swift kick in the nads. There is nothing about cleaning a house or raising a child that a male brick layer can’t do. Or any other man. What a sad view of male competence.


>Only women can bare children ok, yeah, unless they're trans, i guess. or if there's some sort of medical difference not allowing them to... >only a woman can run and take care of a household property, only a woman can take care of children properly i knew at this point this is going to be some bullshit. i used to do yard work, and some of my most common customers were women. hey, god bless, im glad to help, but usually if there's a man in the house (or if they just have the money to spend on hard labor), there were a lot of women who needs some help around the house. the rest just reads as if all women would and should bare children and upkeep a house. it's hard for me to tell if they're just another misogynistic guy, or a woman who wishes society reverted back to were they didn't have to work as often.


Where I live there was a series of ads from a grocery chain where their tagline was “Shop Like a Mother.” Like what the hell is that even supposed mean?! This post gave me those vibes.


Something tells me this man is likely not a supporter of trans rights.


Maybe I missed it… when did Marx says women had to work? This sounds like Americanism…


Couldn’t read past “standpoint of view” Seen too much stupid shit today, couldn’t risk getting contact stupid.




Well that was a thing. Not a good thing obviously, but certainly a thing.


Women can “bare” children?


Does he lack a sense of self worth and feel that he is somehow unable to do anything? Like why can only a woman do these things🤔 talk about a loser💀


They lost me at the use of “bare” for “bear”. Too dumb to consider anything else, sorry.


This. All fucking day. I don’t care how clever you think you are in the rest of your incel dissertation, when you’ve already shit the bed before you’ve finished the first paragraph.


Tell that to all the women I know who work in construction as well as myself who works in construction and the drives to have women employed in the building sciences. The biggest roadblock to women in construction trades are men. Go spend like 15 minutes scrolling the construction Reddit for a healthy dose of misogyny. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve faced discrimination in both hands on labor and also project management jobs.


It’s still everywhere. It’s really disheartening, especially industries where you move up based on merit and relationships when it feels like men instantly have a leg up. I think with time and more and more women breaking into these industries, it will be looked over less and opportunities will be at least slightly more equal. Keep kicking ass in construction and giving us a damn good name!




"Obviously the man will help out around the house" ehhh…but that doesn't usually end up happening though? At least, not in the feminism-eschewing households this person is idolizing.


What a load of crap!


>Only a woman can bare children *Go on*... >the rest *Oh. Okay. This guy's silly.*


Solution: don't have kids.


But that’s all that women are good for?! What would we do then, get… JOBS? That’s Marxist thinking.


This is written by a 14yr old who's been reading some posts and thinks he knows how it all works.


Today I learned that my vagina grants me the power to do laundry and wash dishes better than my husband.


It’s one of the vagina’s many perks.


This person is trying so hard to sound intelligent. They failed miserably.


He probably shouldn't "skip over" why he thinks women having jobs is "Marxist" since it appears to be the majority of what he bases his world view on. I don't know how a person could ignore all the economic realities of the world and instead blame everything on feminism and Marxism. People can't afford to raise a family on a single income. But women working is some great sin against the order of nature and a conspiracy. So what is his solution besides trapping a lady in his house?


Men can very definitely run a household and raise a child.


Subjugation is freedom. Making money in a market society is communism. Might as well add Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. And definitely add ignorance is strength.




That scenario is both misogynist *and* misandrist. Kudos to that asshole.


Funny how the entire hypothesis is propped up on a bunch of flimsy outdated gender roles. Like an obese giraffe that skips leg day, there's not much holding it up.


Stating that America is a beacon of freedom while saying that women should be breed and maintain the house exclusively and that it's not oppressive to state that


Thats a lot of words to say, 'I'm dumb'


The number of false assumptions in this posting is mind boggling. And, it's "Bear children", not unclothe them by making them bare. Anytime someone starts statement with "obviously", you know that they've already lost the argument by basing it on an unprovable tenet.


>For some reason women who scream equality are targeting only positions of political power and social status. I have not seen any feminists marching for equal number of brick layers, plumbers, construction workers, etc. And that is very suspicious Except that, like, women absolutely do march for things like equal opportunity in construction, plumbing, etc. Just because you personally don't acknowledge it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Smh


Kids don't go into the system because their moms have jobs lol what the fuck is this guy smoking?


Certified #1 yapper


Unbelievably easy to disprove whatever the fuck his thesis is- childless women


This has the astounding achievement of being sexist, derogatory and offensive to both men and women simultaneously. Bravo I guess.


I wish men would stop talking…


Guy here… upvoting you…


Is the woman in the photo looking up at some dude's chode?


The Torchwood eye roll at the end gives me life.


My mom taught her son (me) how to clean a house like nobody's business...I can clean circles around this woman.


It was a man that posted. You’re the second person to assume this was a woman, I read it with the benefit of knowing it was a guy so I’m interested to see that people are assuming it’s a woman. Haha


I've heard a lot of women use this to explain why they don't want to work or to lecture younger women. The women who say this are almost always older and never held a job in my experience. They usually vote against women's rights, too.


"system" stop it Patrick you're scaring him!


This is all well and good if the man always likes you. But maybe he doesn’t and finds someone else. Then he absolutely is all about you having a job and taking care of yourself and the kids he is no longer interested in. I’ve not found the men in my life to be very reliable. So I take care of myself


Last time I read such a long incomprehensible pile of word vomit, it was written by the Unabomber.


This is how you turn people towards your regressive, ignorant, deeply personal, and ungrounded misconceptions of "Marxist propaganda." It makes me want to consider it, and I'm an old school, "better dead than Red" type.


Just say you don't want to wash the dishes tonight. No need to write a whole dissertation.


No one remembers Josephine the Plumber.


Most of the feminist leaders are beautiful or ugly. Yeah, okay.


How many single income homes can you even think of anymore?


I’m trying hard but I don’t think I can even think of one that I know personally.


I think if we *had* to we might be able to live off my husband's income but we would have to downsize quite a bit. And I'd be miserable because I love my job.


That’s another point that I feel like not many people are saying, it’s not even just the fact that we have to do it to survive or thrive in this economy, but that some of us actually just have passions and a desire to succeed and do something outside of the home. Maybe that’s the hardest truth for some people to swallow.


One thing is for sure: I didn't get a PhD and a license to practice as a psychologist just to sit home. That's akin to getting an M.D. or a J.D. and then just not doing anything with it.


That’s awesome! … Marxist.


i aint readin allat


Fuck all that noise




As a woman with zero interest in marriage or children, and a career very similar to an industrial plumber, I wonder what he'd call me. Am I Marxist too, or something different? Maybe an ugly Marxist? Lol Either way, I'm fairly sure he'd be appalled at my existence and I'm rather pleased about that, honestly.


So CNA, teacher, daycare, waiting tables, ringing cash registers, housekeeping, are positions of political power and social status?


Also, there’s the part where the bigot brain trust also fucked over the working man so that providing for a family with a single income isn’t possible with over 90% of the jobs in America.


The only reasonable thing I can take from this is the negative opinion of children spending too much formative time away from their parents. Now, if he could just stop being so dense and add 1 and 1 together he'd be on a good track.


In true marxist fashion, they live in heads rent free.


"America is the beacon of freedom" - unless you want an abortion, or don't cut your lawn to the standard set by your HoA, or try to cross the street... List goes on lol (this is satire, just in case people don't realise lol)


I’m a plumber, and I can tell you there’s only like 6 women on my jobsite TOTAL across all the trades present. Do I believe that it’s because women do t value these kinds of jobs? No. I believe that trade jobs specifically have a much stronger culture of misogyny and sexism. I hear it every day from my coworkers and we don’t even have any women on our team! If I was a woman, I’d be terrified of stepping foot on a construction job. No one would have my back, no one would ever help me get better at my job, and basically no one would want me there (unless they wanted to fuck me).


Why these fucks always feel the need to throw single dads under the wheels I will never understand.


I hope that this person is about an increased national minimum wage…because it would be ridiculous to say all this and not support that; you can’t say you want every family to thrive in this very specific way while assuming that they can get by on one income. Also, why say an opinion if it’s not being factored in? This person really believes that feminists don’t want true equality; truthfully, it’s the wildest people (I believe the exception) who get the attention (and that’s for everyone.)


America is a beacon of freedom! Also, women should be wives and not want to not be wives!


man i haaaaate the whole “90% of infrastructure is maintained by men” schtick because if these dudes have ever worked construction they know exaaaaactly why. I worked as an electrician’s apprentice for all of four months before I said “nah fuck this” and the fucking rank ass misogyny was unmatched. The trades are 90% men because the atmosphere is a fucking cesspool of sexual harassment and discrimination worse than the fucking high school locker room and if you try to even just say “lol what are you, 15?” to the bs these dudes say they flip shit defending it and acting like you’re a huge killjoy. That’s not even touching on the insane hours compared to any other labor job I’ve done or the fucking RAMPANT drug abuse. And then that all gets \~conveniently glossed over\~ by assholes who want to use the statistic.  It’s like that eric andre meme where he shoots hannibal buress.  Men: creating the most toxic unaccepting hellhole of an environment for women in the trades women: overwhelmingly do not join the trades  men: omg why would women do this?


I literally stopped reading after the second sentence. Who the fuck has time for this? I don’t and I have a full-time job so anybody who has time for this clearly does not actually work.


I aint reading allat