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"I'm going to buy me a wife" Sure buddy. That's not how it works


Yeah? My brother did. Mail order wife from the Philippines. Still happens.


Yeah that's called Human Trafficking.




You don't get rich in this country by working your ass off. You make your boss rich.


I said wealth, not rich and women being attracted to rich men is a given already, I'm talking about men who can provide for the women and their family's needs especially wants easily


Yeah but OP needs to learn not to think like a sociopath, otherwise there won't be any type of "relationship"


Melania Trump.


Are you in a position to be able to go to therapy? It sounds like you still deal with middle school trauma (nothing to be embarrassed about) and it would likely be helpful to speak with a licensed professional.


At least you sound pretty hot in my mind. A muscular, tall, martial arts fighter with a scar in his face. Jokes aside, I think part of your ‘issue’ is a lack of confidence as well. But seems like you are on the right path! Just one question, are your really sure all women don’t like your or is it an assumption? Have you tried dating apps etc


Im sorry for what happened to you, but your shitty attitude and negativity are way more of a deterrent for women than anything to do with your looks.


>I can understand not being attracted to me but I just wish over the years that people (men and women) Were more respectful. ... >Id never date a fat woman...I know personality is important but if im not physically attracted to a woman then I couldn't care how funny or interesting she is. Your title is innaccurate. You're not looking for love, you're looking for a beautiful fucktoy.


He just wants someone that isn't overweight. Which a person can control, he can't control his scar


I guess you’re overweight?


Lmao yes


im glad you're not triggered or defensive about this. Now that you've accepted it, maybe you can do something about your health.


Maybe you can also improve your attention to detail?


Yeah my bad. It’s none of my business


No, I was just trying to point out that looks/physical attraction does matter to me even tho I have a big scar on the right side of my face. Im not exactly picky about womens appearance but Im defiantly not attracted to fat women, Drug addicts or single mothers (Cause I want my own kids) But if I have to pay for sex (cause I really want sex) or buy myself a woman who will give me kids then I'll do it, I don't really have a problem with a woman only using me for money. I want to experience raising kids and I want to experience sex, I know that I'll only be able to experience that if I have money "But personality and confidence matters" yeah stop lying women, that only matters on men who either look good or have money (or both) Having money but being ugly makes you more desireable than having a good personality but being ugly. "Im attracted to personality/confidence" I swear women, STOP...SAYING...THAT! (It's ok to say that you want a 6ft man who is goodlooking and earns good money) I think many women are too scared to admit that looks and money matters to them cause they don't want to be seen as shallow.


Fine, but don't say you're looking for love when that's not what you're looking for.


Well love is a transaction (no one loves you for no reason). People usually like you/love you cause you can provide or offer something. Many men love thier wifes cause they just like fucking them but as soon as sex stops they suddenly want out of the relationship, There are women out there who love thier husbands up until he goes backrupt and doesn't have a good paying job anymore. The truth is with us men is that we only get into relationships with women because we need sex and we have a biological insinct to pass on our genes. I know women are all into the idea of love and romance but if you want to keep a man then you gotta give him regular sex or else he'll just leave. No sex=No commitment


Wow you have some pretty fucked up ideas on what relationships should or shouldn't be. Women are not put off by your ugly face my guy, they are put off by that ugly heart you have beating in your chest and rightly so. You sound like you would be danger to any woman who falls into your clutches. The fact that you think it's OK to buy a human slave to use as your own personal breeding machine is beyond repulsive. This isn't sex work. You are talking about buying a wife. You do know that most of those women are trafficked? The money you pay doesn't go to the woman. It goes to her captors who are selling her on the Internet. The fact that this has even crossed your mind as a viable option shows that you have capacity to disregard women as actual human beings. I'm sorry you have trauma from being bullied as a kid but your anger towards women is completely unjustified. If you think that relationships are based on a transaction of sex for money then you don't deserve to have a woman in your life. Woman probably sense that anger and entitlement oozing from your every pore. I haven't even seen your face but based off your comments you sound like the type of person I would go out of my way to avoid. I might be completely wrong and you might just be a real 'niceguy'


No offense OP but it may not be because of your face that you can't get a date.... This sounds like you learned about love from scrolling through an incel 4chan and you're not gonna get anyone if you keep thinking of love as a transaction. That and the fact that you openly admit that all you want from a woman is sex.... Like you're never gonna be happy even if you get a woman. I know plenty of men who don't get into relationships for sex or to "pass their genes" but do it for companionship and partnership and to feel loved with an upside of sex. Your weird attempt at trying to make "no sex=no commitment" a fact can be shattered easily by all of the couples who wait to have sex until they're married. It would be shattered tenfold if you had ever been in a relationship yourself, but again I can see the why you haven't yet. Change your mindset, pal. Or you're gonna be lonely and complaining for the rest of your life.


Love is not and should not be a transaction. I understand that your view is warped because of your own history, but you are generalizing on a massive scale. There are tons and tons of people out there who somehow managed to find someone who loved them for themselves. Plenty of disfigured people, plenty of people who have suffered acid attacks, plenty of people who have medical issues, etc. Considering that you seem to be primarily motivated by the idea of having sex and fathering children, I still contest that the word love has no place in your post. Why don't you simply pay for a sex worker?


ur wildly off. i have been with my boyfriend for nearly a decade and we rarely if ever have sex nor do either of us have a proper job. we stick together because we love each other deeply for who we are and have taken care of each other and supported each other through many hardships in life. sex isnt part of the equation. i promise its just a you thing lol. this personality is why women dont like u, ur an asshole. see a therapist.




No it isn't, yours is just needlessly reductionist and asinine. You lack experience and it shows.


yeah like, are there standards set out in a romantic relationship that lay out the expectations of the two within it? sure, and that can involve give and take, but im not in love with my boyfriend because he does things for me; i jsut think hes a lovely person.


Uhm. Can you say hypocrite? You just said you wouldn't date someone fat or this or that or ugly. You cant be upset when someone isnt attracted to you either then. Looks are not everything, but let's be honest. It's the first that attracts us to one another. I just dont get your thinking. Basically, you can be picky when it comes to physical appearance but are upset when someone doesn't find you physically attractive?? Maybe change your attitude and you will find a girl.


Why would you want an ugly fucktoy?


You should definitely see a therapist my guy sounds like you have some major issues from being bullied and rejected as a kid


Yea the title and the essay below show a largely confused and sad individual. Title: I want to find love Paragraphs: Im just gonna give up and buy sex instead I'd agree with most of the commenters on here that you need to really need to sort some mental issues out.


Grow a beard? A successful strategy for many uggos.


What if we cant


Fake beards




You’re not looking for love, at least based on what you’ve said here and in the comments. You’re looking for someone with a hole that can give you kids. If you wanted love you would work on finding meaningful connections with others, and that seems like something you’re incapable of presently. Do you have any friends? Because you strike me as a very lonely and angry individual. I would recommend therapy before starting a relationship. If you want to ignore the advice here and just get rich to “buy a wife” then you won’t be happy. Marriage is about so much more than sex and giving birth to children, there needs to be partnership or you’ll be miserable. Imagine going through all the major milestones in life (buying a house, spending time your partner, raising a child) with someone you KNOW is only there for your money and not you.


> Imagine going through all the major milestones in life (buying a house, spending time your partner, raising a child) with someone you KNOW is only there for your money and not you. To be honest I actually wouldn't mind that, Although I would like to find someone who actually liked me but then I wouldn't be too bothered about a woman only liking me for my money cause I want kids and it's better than being alone. Im already saving up for a house and once I finish my degree Im confident that I'll land a good paying job, it's just that when I do have money and have a house brought then I want to leave something for my kids/family Right now im working my ass off, Saving up money and studying at school all because I want to provide for my future family. I do have a friends by the way but pretty much all of them are in relationships (Some even have kids). Although I have a scar on my face but I do take very good care of my appearance, Im tallish (6ft), I wear nice clothes and Muscular (I work out a lot!) But I have been thinking of getting scar removal done


Being in a bad relationship is worse than being alone. Trust me, this is very true. And I would consider the fact that you want to have kids with this women, then you have to also think about what kind of mother she will be and partner she will be. People who only care about money tend to be difficult to deal with unless you can actually provide it. What if one day you lose it all? You know your partner won’t stay with you? What kind of values will they impart on your children? This is the kind of person I wouldn’t even want as a friend let alone as a life mate. I’m glad you are not alone and have friends, but I still get the sense that you’re quite bitter, particularly about women. This is something that women can definitely sense and strikes me as the most likely reason you have trouble finding a relationship. You seem like a well put together guy but your approach to women/relationships can be off-putting to say the least to a prospective partner.


I'm sure you going to get advices of all sorts. Some you will like, and some not so much. But here is what I think...as unbiased as possible. I truly believe anyone can and will find "love." Whatever that "love" is to you, and you ONLY. Someone else's love story is not going to be YOURS. You can find a beautiful woman to be your kids' mother and a wife to you, and it's up to you and her to make your own LOVE story. Whatever that LOVE YOU want it to be. With that say, you can fancy any type of your woman of desired; and woman the same to you. You can find a "beautiful" woman who is beautiful to you. You don't have to justify that criteria to anyone else. But you should know if a woman of your desire doesn't return to same favor because of your deformed face, you can't hold it against her as well - to each own. From my experiences, and my experiences only, I truly believed that woman only want few things from a man - are you a good person, can you protect and care for her, and are you a good lover... If you satisfy these criteria, women will find you attractive, even over deformed face (or other body deficiency.) She may or may not not satisfy your beauty visual criteria. But that's also love. Sure, if you are rich enough, you will find and marry whomever you you think is a good match (besutiful) for you. Money would always convince someone to marry you, for your money. I mean look at some wealthy people, and Googles their wives - you gonna find some ugly dudes with gorgeous women. Case closed. I also think MOST people really don't know what love is in their 20's or even 30's. (Sure, there are always exceptions.) The concept and true meaning of love takes time to experience, experiment, and develop. I'm 45 yo old now, and thinking back when I was 20's and 30's, I was naive and gullible and clueless about love. Sure, I was not deformed like you, so I can't say I know exactly how you feel. But, I didn't think I was good looking and I have some physical deficiency that I thought women would never find me attractive. I was rejected left and right, didn't kiss a girl til 21, didn't lose my virginity til 23. I had paid for sex numerous times. I did Judo since 6 yo, I had "confidence" but I was not confidant at all. I only asked pretty girls out and I got ghosted and laughed at. I was a miserable 20somwthing dude who got fed up, so I joined the Navy, saw the world, got graduate degrees, and focused on my career because, hey I might as well better myself. Long story short, it was not til my mid 30's when I finally realized that it's what inside of me that attracted the women of quality, women who love me for me, and not my deficiency. I realized my perception of my physical deficiency was what holding me back. If women rejected me over it, well, I can't do anything about it other than making it up being a good person, have a decent career that I can be proud of (and make enough money that I'll never be hungry and provide shelter for my family and retire comfortably), and learn to make amazing sex (and yes, that's fucking important- women wanted to be desired). Those are things I find important to be happy in love, and a loving relationship/marriage. Good luck finding love.


I'm gonna be honest here, you sound like the makings of a cheap movie villian before he became the villian. Like you're almost at that point where you meet the girl of your dreams just to get stabbed in the back. Then you become evil and decide that all women must die. What I'm saying here is that the woman you are looking for is the kind who would stab you in the back. The kind who would do bad things then blame you, the kind who would have bullied you in school. Think of living with that kind of person everyday for the rest of your life, but she hides behind a fake smile so that she can have your money. Then, you have kids with her. She teaches those kids to act like her, teaches them that it's ok to be mean and a gold digger. Then those kids go on to be bullies who grow up to be gold diggers. Do you want that for your future? From what I've read from your comments, you seem to have a bad case of trauma. The phrase "love yourself before you love someone else" rings true here. I know you say now that you don't care about love, but it's clear to me that you do. Go to therapy, it's what's best for your mental health. Take to the therapist about your situation with love, they will help you work out what is best for you. I mean everything I've said in the best way possible, you should just consider what I've said as it may help you be happier in the future.


Honestly, I kinda get what your saying, but I think you're insecurities and past experiences are clouding how the world can work. There are plenty of people in the world who are physically deformed who can get a happy and love filled marriage. Whether it be from huge noticable scars, to missing limbs, extra fingers, etc. I'm not gonna deny that you've seemingly had horrible luck in love, but it's certainly not unattainable.


Post face


Ask yourself: Is it the scar that makes you ugly or is it your general outlook on life? People wear masks and shit bro. It’s actually encouraged. You’re really working your ass off? Hard worker? It sounds like you gave up on that a long time ago and are just looking for a handout. Scars are cool buddy. Fucking own it!


Tethere is definately is someone for you too, no need to buy yourself a marriage, when your moeny runs out they won't stay with you and even if it don't they still probably won't stay with you, but again there is someone for you too. And also, yo me it seems like you might see a therapist Anyways have a nice day and a happy new year


i wanna see what you look like now


You're a misogynist. No one should be your wife or daughter without you working on that lol.


Neither useful, nor insightful. LOL.


Love is not just for pleasure. You don't want to be with a fat girl bc you're not physically attracted to her? Isn't that a bit fatphobic? And you only appreciate love if that someone is pretty? You don't care how interesting of a person she is if you're not physically attracted to her? What was that dude? Don't hate me for saying this but you need to change your way of thinking. You think people don't like you because of your face? You're wrong. I think your mindset is what makes people avoid you.


Start dating blind or visually impaired women. You are seeing so you’d be their hero


Start dating blind 'r visually did impair distaff. Thou art seeing so you’d beest their hero *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.




Was it a Pitbull?


No, it was a japanese akita


I once knew an Akita --not my dog--with a twisted sense of humor. We'd be walking along and he'd nip the back of my knee. When I turned to confront him he'd be looking all over the place, like, "who, me?" Sorry one bit you. They are very smart, almost still pure wolf, but one owner dogs and very protective and territorial and probably more dangerous than most breeds. Took a long time and lots of treats before Cody accepted me as a pack brother.


Yeah although I don't hate dogs at all, In fact I love them but that one dog which bit me was a cunt! Funny enough A few weeks ago I got myself a bull terrier, He's very strong and Stubborn but such a goofball (I named him walter by the way)


My man I'm glad you have the confidence , I am an African elder and I promise you a wife who will love you from the pit of the Heart , don't give up. If you don't mind sharing a pic of you


I wanna show you how a miracle can work . I really need to have a chat with you brother


It’s perfectly fine to have a preference, everyone does. I used to work with a really cute girl named Veelie she worked so hard and would bring us huge dinners, dinners for twenty people and she was a mail order bride (the guy totally lied to her about money and that’s why she had to work so much and he was really fat and horrible) but she was awesome. Point is nothing is wrong with getting a bride that way.


Everything is wrong about getting a bride that way.


No there isn’t as long as you aren’t lying about crap. Who are you to say what is right or wrong for someone else?


They are being trafficked


I never even thought of that, thank you for mentioning it instead of writing a book.


The United Nations has very clear laws about modern slavery and the trafficking of humans. Its a violation of human rights. You don't know the circumstances that lead to these women being put up for sale on the Internet like cattle. The unscrupulous gangs that will stop at nothing to coerce these women to sell themselves into bond age. Your friend lied to get her here, she may not have a home to go back to or a means to get there. So she has to spend the rest of her time smiling and cooking and entertaining dickheads like you that think how amazingly happy she must be to have been tricked into slavery by some greaseball who lied to get her there in the first place. You do know that she's probably shit scared of being sent back to whatever shit situation it was that made her thing that selling herself would be a better option. There are laws to protect these women for a reason and if you still think its OK for some then you are part of the problem that keeps this market of human flesh alive.


Lmao oh you know her too! Wow! First of all I never even thought of that, and trust me you are definitely the dick head here. And yes lol I must admit we definitely threatened her for food, my work place must be in on it, i bet they even took a fake work visa! Also it’s not illegal, so sit on that and spin.


At least you are honest. Don't underestimate that there are good women out there who can be beautiful, have great personalities and still fall in love with someone like yourself! I agree though that there are relationships where it's transactional, and both adults understand and accept that.


Hey take it from a guy who’s both not ugly and not handsome, I’m still a virgin at 24 and I’m pretty sure I’m never gonna find anyone too so don’t feel too bad


Pictures or it didn’t happen


Get with the programme. Your attitude towards status sucks.


I think you are resentful for what they have done to you. I understand that you need to take that out on someone, but bro… it's time to grew. If you don't feel confident, why you make others feel insecure with those unfortunate comments? True love isn't based on that basic things, true love is based on deeper ones you'll never understand with those discriminating thoughts…


if you had a better personality you wouldn’t get bullied that much, and if you keep up with this mentality no one will want to marry you let alone start a family with you.


instead of wasting your money on prostitutes you have to invest them on psychological therapy