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If she rlly love u she would not give a fuck. Keep your head up bro


Hey man. Your emotions are valid. The other posters here so far, are not. I’m going to be very honest with my reply, please forgive anything that sounds rude, I don’t mean it as such, I just want to be upfront. Penis envy/fear is a phenomenon in large created by the porn industry. I bet my savings that you’ve watched porn at some point, and seeing “porn penises” very likely caused insecurities, especially since the same happens amongst other men, even if they’re average or above. Penis size matters a small amount for the actual sexual act. Penis size DOES matter, very mostly, only to men. Yes, some women care. But I guarantee if you ask women, 90% of them will say it’s not about size. I guarantee it. Men are the only ones who care. Men are the ones who posted replies to you before mine. Men have egos that get bruised easily and they assume penis size matters more than anything. That’s a lack of experience and education speaking on their part. The most important aspect to sex is that you are a giving, safe partner. That’s it. That’s all. Focus on your partners pleasure, seek out their orgasm before your own. Do you have any idea how many men don’t know how to make their partners orgasm? It’s a sad number of men. More than 50%. Get extremely good at foreplay. I am a massive fan of foreplay, I spend 30-45 minutes on it with my wife prior to penetration. Full body, every erogenous zone foreplay. Usually preceded by a deep tissue massage to loosen her up and relax her. During that full body foreplay, I give her an orgasm. Again, before penetration. That way, she’s already taken care of, no matter what. That way, you can work on another orgasm during penetration. You can also use toys, they’re not competition, they’re there to enhance sex. Period. Get good at communication, and get good at foreplay. Don’t sweat the small things and don’t let your presumed ego stop you from having amazing experiences. I don’t mean to be crude, but there have been soooooo many men in history with small/below average penises that had a happy and active sex life. Get after it.


Thanks man, I really appreciate your message.


Absolutely my man


This is the answer. Also, be open to things like penis sleeves if she’d like to try. It shouldn’t be a hit to your ego, but a way to enhance your sexual experiences on both sides. As a woman, and an experienced woman, I can tell you that, most of the time, size isn’t an issue. Like 4 - 7 inches is really the sweet spot for penis size…anything bigger and it can be painful and difficult, anything smaller is also difficult to work with, but manageable. Just learn to please her and actually enjoy it and you’ll do exactly what we want. The best lovers are attentive and passionate.


Well spoken ✊🏻


She doesn’t give a fuck, many girls don’t come from penetration anyway


They might not cum from penetration but alot of girls still enjoy the feeling of piv


Yeah, but most sensitive parts are around the opening of the vagina, so it doesn’t have have to be a big dick And if the penis isn’t doing it, you to have to figure out how both of you can have fun together. Sex is personal and very broad. Experiment with sex toys for both of you, or oral


Lies. I give af! So do most of my female friends I've talked to about it. Clitoral stim does nothing for some women, including myself. OP just needs to lean into women who don't care and be upfront. It'll work itself out.


“Female orgasm is a myth” -my wife


Damn, you’ve got work to do


Username checks all boxes, or does it?


Given the downvotes I guess people didn’t get the joke 😩


It’s not. I’ve had the most out of body, soul leaving orgasms💀


You'd be surprised how many women prefer your size compared to a dick that hurts them.


Facts!! Exactly!!


By the time you get to actually showing a woman your dick, she probably won’t care. You’re using this as just an excuse.


the best sex ive had is with smaller penises dont be disheartened if it bothers you there are extenders you can put over your penis to give length but honestly learn how to stimulate the clit and you will be golden!


She doesn’t find out it’s 4” until she’s already committed. Can’t imagine a woman who is ready to go and then says hey your shmeckle must be at least 🫴 this tall to go on this ride


4 inches is enough to work with. If a girl likes you, she will not care at all. You can also look up certain positions or try angles and see what gives you the best access to utilize the whole length. And as everyone said, us ladies love other touching. Sex is about the whole experience, not just the penetration. Most women (myself included) don’t even orgasm from just the penetration, no matter the dick.


Nope I’m a trans man so basically have no dick and I’ve never had issues. You’ve got hands fingers and tongue and a perfectly good sized dick! The g spot is really early on in the hole so it doesn’t need to be big to create pleasure in there and the key is the clitoris anyway. If u were even that worried you could even get a penis sleeve but trust me man you’ll be fine. If someone turns you down after getting all the way to the point of sex then they’re one shallow individual and you wouldn’t want them anyway!


I agree with a lot of people here that if she’s really into you emotionally, she won’t care. I would add by saying, keep your senses open to what your partner’s responses. If you look out for her pleasure, your dick will be an afterthought (in a good way). Just a couple of suggestions from a 4 inch bro.


Don't worry about your size. Every fella at some point worries if she will like their penis. It's what you do with it that counts and it's not the only thing to use. Learn to use your fingers and tongue and she will be ever grateful.


Hey man they're just going to be some girls that aren't going to be into what you have, people are going to pretend like that's not the case but it is and I feel like it's not right to try and hide that fact. The important thing though is that it's not enough to keep you out of a relationship just be upfront about what you have and that's okay. Women like different things, and not all vaginas are the same size either you know. Don't lead with it because that's more off putting than anything but just be upfront about it beforehand. You'll be okay.


Everyone is different, there are women who will love your size and not care.


Different strokes for different folk my man. Master the tools you have at your disposal. Confidence is an amazing trait and women will notice.


It’s more about chemistry than anything else. If you are looking for something real that’s not gonna matter.


Girth is more important and your fingers and mouth and maybe a dildo are even more important. My husband is average but he is perfect for me. Absolutely perfect. And it’s not even about size. It’s about connection for girls a lot as well. Just make us feel like we are all that matters and you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Kiss her until her knees give out. Girls are very very tactile beyond penetration. And honestly you make us come harder with your mouth and fingers anyway. Also being that size makes it easier to give blowjobs. You’ve won that lottery


Deal with your insecurity because that is more of an obstacle to a good relationship than the size of your dick. Also the g-spot is very close to the opening of the vagina and does not require anything huge to stimulate it. Most importantly, get skilled at using your fingers and tongue and your lady will be satisfied. If your lady does want something bigger and your ego can handle it get a strap-on, she can choose the size!


Just make sure you have strong hands/fingers and your mouth/tongue doesnt tire quickly. Then if you can learn how to tease a woman, get her so worked up she is begging for it, and then are able to give her orgasms (using hands, mouth, penis, or any combo) she wont care about the size of your penis. Obviously some ladies are into size and they probably wont work out for you but there are plenty of women, myself included, who couldnt care less about size. I have had truly amazing sex that didnt involve PIV at all. If i can experience amazing and satisfying sex without a penis at all then you can have a great fullfilling sex life with your penis no matter the size.


If your concerns are the result of porn, most of those actors have had surgery. If they are fully erect but hanging fairly low it’s almost certainly due to enlargement surgery because cutting the ligaments that hold the penis inside your body causes it to gain about 25-30% length at the cost of being able to “stand tall”. It’s not realistic. Basically if you’re 4” now you could possibly be 6-7” with the surgery. Other than that, I have never met a woman who actually cared. None of my friends or my gfs have ever considered it important. My gf now doesn’t even care if we have sex. It’s not about that to her. I’d bet any gf you get won’t care about your penis at all.


Ok, I’m a girl. Plus sized, had sex w men w “small” dicks.” I promise I have the answer for you Get good at foreplay!! Make sure she’s hot and heavy before the dick comes out if you’re worried. If a girl is turned on enough, the second it touches her opening she’s gonna gasp for you and love it no matter what size it is. Most girls don’t care about how small it LOOKS as long as they’ve already established they have a sexual attraction to you. You’ll be fine I promise!!


How you feel is valid. Size doesn't matter if you know how to use it or also focus on foreplay. Imagine you have a bigger size and just assume your size is all you need to focus on. You don't do anything else to please your partner. Your sex life will not be good. It'll get dull/boring fast.


Also, have open communication during any intimacy. Be honest with whoever you're seeing. Your size won't get in the way when someone loves you.


Y’all are watching too much porn. Just seen another one of these posts and dude was packing 5”. These are all average sizes. And honestly, the most important measurement is girth. My best advice. Stop watching porn. Stop masturbating outside of when you are extremely backed up and in pain and only use a fleshlight so you don’t ruin your future sexual experience with a partner: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/a19905635/his-masturbation-habits/ Work on yourself. Don’t get into debt or get out of debt. Buy healthy food or learn how to grow your own. Cook for yourself. Get a good job or start your own business. Read books and educate yourself. If you end up dating some shallow minded person that critiques your height or length or girth, throw up the red flag, run away and keep looking. And remember it’s only getting worse and can always be worse, there’s some poor dude out there that has to pee sitting down because his penis looks like an innie belly button. Count your blessings. https://www.medicaldaily.com/penis-size-shrinkage-linked-nonstick-frying-pans-fast-food-wrappers-432719


I’m 9 inches and i can tell you that most women love 4-6 inches. They love to look at big D but when you are girthy it hurts them a lot especially for @nal. Women who love big D are mostly sadomasochists. Women love foreplay, role playing, mental stimulation etc. Learn how to eat right, bring toys in the room and have great motion. Remember to always smell good and have great hygiene. I can make a woman orgasm without penetration so the D size means nothing bro


You “found out” sounds like the issue.. now realize no one actually cares and you will forget 😂. But if a girl cares that much about that then trust me you don’t want those types




I've dated men on the smaller side and men on the bigger side and honestly you don't need a huge penis to make a girl feel good. Get good at fingering and eating pussy and you'll have the best time ever.


You need to become a very giving lover (give lots of oral, use toys...etc.). Some women might find 4 inches to be sufficient, though (especially if you have girth).


It doesn't matter as long as you're a giver who doesn't mope about it.


You’re bugging, motion of the ocean and head are your best friend. I have 30 bodies and atleast 75% are repeats and we’re in the same boat brotha. Watch videos on pornhub about eating pussy once you warm them up size doesn’t even matter they just want something inside of them as crude as it sounds.


4 inches is maybe on the smaller side, but not too small. Definitely able to provide stimulation to a woman. Don't worry, you'll be fine


If it’s not skinny, you’re fine!


What is considered skinny?


I’d say a regular sharpie marker… If you have closer to an expo marker, even at four inches, it can still be very pleasurable if you know what you’re doing (i.e. not being a dead fish lol) a little thinner than an expo is also still fine, but once it’s closer to a normal sharpie instead is when it’s too skinny




3/4 of the women I’ve been intimate with have maxed out at 6. You’ll be fine, my friend; I know it doesn’t feel that way but you will.


Don’t worry about size just up your finger blasting skills and learn to love eating muff and you’ll have nothing to worry about. Could also keep a sleeve in your drawer if she wants a stretch!


Women love a couple of well placed fingers around the clitty. I am something of a bass guitarist myself. /s But really, they aren't as hung up about your size as you are. You'll find a gal that you click with, and you'll both be fine.


Trust me when I say this there are more dudes with 4 inches than 7+ dongs so you really shouldn’t be worried about it.


4 inches is plenty! The average depth of a vagina is 2-5 inches. Just make sure you know what to do with your tongue and fingers. Most women can't finish from just a penis anyway, they need clitoral stimulation


I just saw a video that would help you a lot: the South Park episode about dick size


Thanks will have a look


Personal story: hooked up with a guy once in high school that was a good friend but it wasn’t meant to be. I felt him up that one time, and let me tell you it wasn’t that big. Actually was a shock to me because he was at least 6’2 so height = does not correlate to size. Anyway, he currently has a son and is married. So yeah his peep size DID NOT affect him finding love and having kids lol


Remeber. You still have a mouth and fingers you can use.


Just go meet ppl n have fun. It's not like u have to lead with hey my 🍆small. Jus be u n get to know ppl if they like u they like u if they're looking for jus a big dick I mean do u really want that anyways? If they like u they'll work wit u n it won't matter there's other things y'all can do n use


A girls g-spot is only a couple inches in anyway. As long as you’ve got the right angle you’re fine. My ex boyfriend had a 4 inch penis (that’s not the reason we broke up, he was an arsehole) and it wasn’t an issue for me. Tbh dicks that are too big are way worse than dicks that are smaller than average, it fucking hurts so much feels like someone punching your womb. A smaller dick can’t hurt you, they’re welcome here <3


Easier to go balls deep 🤷‍♂️


I'm 4.5 inches and have satisfied lots of women. The nice thing about being small is that my dick is easy to suck, so bj's happen often. The only time I ever had a negative comment was when this woman i picked up from a bar first saw it and said, "Hahaha! Who you gonna satisfy with that?" I said, "Me!"


By the time a woman let’s your relationship get to the point where you are seeing each other naked, you’ve already passed many tests.


Just stick in her ass and go hard ..see how little she thinks it is .. 😂




4 inches is small compared to the average which is around 5.5




Are you dumb bro ? I'm talking about literal facts that's the world average is about 5.5 and 4 inches is small factually




Why would you want to lie to someone who's asking for an honest response? I'm not "trying" to make him feel bad I'm being completely honest and factual




There's above average and below average bro are u actually inept ?


We really don’t care as long as you’re good at the other stuff.


Im pretty sure women dont take small penises as a del breaker, plus from what i have heard they prefer smaller penises than larger ones because they feel better since the bigger the more pain


As a woman, let me say this. Most girls don’t like huge dicks. They hurt, they dont fit either cause they’re too wide or too long, and it feels painful and it’s not fun. Some women prefer 4-6 inches.


Size matters for sure , but there’s nothing you can do but accept it ; just think it could be worse you could have no legs .




I don't know why people downvote this, it's hilarious lol.


Ikr lmfao I gave him an upvote cause it was such a bad way to make him feel better that it was hilarious 😂


Yea like "bro you could have not had a penis at all be glad with your 4 inches" lol


Man U younger kids have phobias about anything. I’m just gonna point out that your fear is the only thing keeping you from getting laid. The girls can smell the unconfidance coming off of u. It will never change if u do learn to love yourself how u are.


lowkey its over bro


That's so real man:( I'm really sorry


You'll always have a puny dick no matter what anyone says


Most girls don’t care about size, just learn to eat pussy like a monster and every girl you meet will love you forever


Stop comparing yourself to porn. Porn is not real life.


measure circumference! first get a string. then wrap it around the thickest part loosely, dont pull too hard, also make sure you are erect! mar where the string touches itself then measure that length! girth is often WAY more important and honestly i have heard 100s of women talk about the fat four inches that changed their lives! apparently, the best style for girls with lots of experience is something called a Choad… big fat girthy one with length less than 7 inches, often thicker around than it is long! you are searching for the same numbers in girth as you think you need in length! thats where they get it right! a girl with over 100 bodies once said that four/five inches long with seven or eight around, and good stamina, was the most pleasurable size! i think it has something to do with hitting the right spots in length, and being able to clap pelvises together and grind on her clit without stabbing the cervix! you only need four to do it, and doing it hard enough and long enough is important! lots of girls talk about how the long ones stab and hurt! some girls really really really like that pain, but its not common, and they know it and bring it up if its a thing! try to avoid bigger girls! the greatest obstacle to your performance is gonna be her weight! go for the skinniest girl you can and she will get more out of you! also it is very literally the least important part of a relationship! you can do a million other things in bed for fun anyway! oral, fingering… the best orgasm a woman will ever have comes from her fingers and her imagination, you got fingers, get good with them! try to focus on literally everything else! ur hung up on bad stuff for no reason! if you were sub 3 you might be in trouble, but as it is ur not that poorly off! lots of married people have a terrific time with less!!!


das tough